33 research outputs found

    Psychophysiological Status and Life Quality in Individuals with Metabolic Syndrome Living in Central Kazakhstan

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    BACKGROUND: Morbidity rate of circulatory system diseases (CSD) in Kazakhstan continues to grow and the metabolic syndrome (MetS) contributes significantly to cardiovascular risk development. It was known that MetS altered autonomic nervous system (ANS) by decreasing parasympathetic activity and global heart rate variability (HRV), at the same time, the decrease in sympathetic modulation is unclear. Studies investigated associations between anxiety and MetS disorders are rather controversial. Research findings of the MetS influence on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) were also contradictory. The above-mentioned justifies the necessity of research to clarify and deepen the MetS etiology and pathogenesis, as well as to improve its diagnostics efficiency and treatment. AIM: The research goals were to study psychophysiological status and HRQoL in individuals with MetS living in Central Kazakhstan. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three hundred MetS patients were examined in Karaganda city clinical hospital. Statistical methods and spectral analysis of HRV, simple visual-motor reaction (SVMR), the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and the Lüscher color test were used. SF-36 questionnaire was used for HRQoL assessment. RESULTS: General decrease in the activity of both sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of ANS was observed in MetS patients. More than half of the examined MetS patients have had a high level of trait anxiety. Most MetS patients have had a low level of the central nervous system (CNS) functional activity. MetS patients are active both in physical and social spheres. Bodily pain syndrome greatly influences MetS patients’ life quality. The patients evaluate their health level as being low. CONCLUSION: Individuals with MetS living in Central Kazakhstan had decreased activity of ANS, prevalence of inhibition processes in CNS, high level of trait anxiety, and bodily pain syndrome affecting life quality

    Timetracker capabilities in student project activities

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    The purpose of the work is to consider the possibilities of time trackers in the design activities of students. The article presents an analysis of modern time trackers that contribute to the self-organization of students to achieve educational goals. In the context of an increase in the share of independent training in universities and the expansion of distance learning, there is a need for students to master time management, which allows them to conduct activities most productively. Time management involves the use of electronic tools that promote the development of the discipline, self-organization and student planning for the rapid achievement of goals. The article discusses both trackers for large-scale professional activities, control and accounting of working hours, as well as simpler versions of trackers suitable for personal use by students. Time management ensures timely implementation of the project, allows you to evaluate the contribution of each student to the work, and adjust the activities of students. The use of time trackers in performing various tasks, including the implementation of projects, contributes to high-quality visualization of the number of hours spent on the task and, as a result, the development of discipline and self-organization of students

    New supplementary feeds for sterlet in industrial cultivation

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    An increasingly significant deficit of fish meal necessary for the production of quality fish feed requires the use of new components characterised by high levels of protein and fat. This article presents the results of a feed supplements study with a protein component based on soldier fly and probiotics. The study of fish-biological parameters of fish revealed that the absolute and average daily gain in the variant with feed KV54 + soldier fly is higher by 40.9 %, the mass accumulation ratio by 33.3 %, compared with the control variant, with survival rate of 100 %. Feeding coefficient in the experiment variant KV54+soldier fly is lower compared to the control by 1.3 units, i.e. by 34 %. The physiological and biochemical parameters of fish blood were within the normal range for fish from a natural reservoir

    Prospects for the development of commercial fish farming in the South of Russia

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    The article presents the analysis and prospects of commercial aquaculture in the southern regions of Russia. Rostov and Astrakhan region and Krasnodar Krai are the leaders in commercial fish production. Rostov region annually grows 23-24 thousand tons. In Krasnodar region in the period from 2018 to 2022 there was a 15% growth of avcaculture production and in 2022 it was 23,3 thousand tons. In the Astrakhan region from 2018 to 2021 there was a decrease in this indicator by 13%, but in 2022 the volume of production in the region increased to 20.5 thousand tons. Absolute parameters in Stavropol Krai (11.8-12.3 thousand tons) Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (2.5-3.3 thousand tons) and Volgograd Oblast (2.3-2.5 thousand tons) remained almost unchanged. Significant growth of relative production parameters was noted in the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and the Republic of Crimea. The main objects of cultivation in the South of Russia are carp fish. A substantiation of creating a state-owned structure ensuring practical interaction between economic entities, executive bodies of state power, scientific and educational institutions is offered

    Use of compound feed with the probiotic feed supplement based on Bacillus bacteria for sterlet producers

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    The effect of feed with probiotics B-1895 and Subtilis-C on the growth and physiological condition of sterlet producers in the RCD was studied. It was found that the weight gain in the first experimental group was higher by 13.3 % and in the second group by 53.3 % in comparison with the control. A positive effect of the probiotics studied on the stabilization of the physiological state of the fish that experienced little stress at the beginning of the experiment has been revealed. As a result, the normalization of physiological and biochemical parameters with a decrease in blood levels of haemoglobin, cholesterol, triglycerides and beta-lipoproteids is noted. No significant effect of the probiotics studied on the generative function was found. Besides a positive effect of the probiotic «Subtilis-C» on the prevention of oocyte resorption was shown

    Level of FABP3, FABP4, Nt-proBNP and Total Cardiovascular Risk in the Population of Central Kazakhstan

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    AIM: The study analyzed the level of cytokines playing the significant role in the diagnosis of circulatory system diseases and total cardiovascular risk.MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study involved 1,244 residents of Karaganda region. We had studied baseline participant characteristics, in addition to calculating the total cardiovascular risk and assessment of Fatty Acid Binding Proteins 3 (FABP3), Fatty Acid Binding Proteins 4 (FABP4) and N-Terminal Prohormone of Brain Natriuretic Peptide (NT-proBNP) level.RESULTS: The results showed the combination of high cardiovascular risk (CVR) with increased titers of cardiac markers, reflecting common pathogenic mechanisms in its development, among residents of Karaganda region.CONCLUSION: The combination of high CVR with the increased titers of cardiac markers showed common pathogenic mechanisms in its development, and support the diagnostic and prognostic value of these parameters among residents of Karaganda region, and also reflects the possibility to include these cardiac markers in the program of screening survey of population for early prevention of cardiovascular disease and its complications

    Mythes et archives. La France et les savants français dans la vie et l’œuvre scientifique de l’académicien Vladimir Vernadsky

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    L’académicien V.I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) est l’une des figures clé de l’histoire des sciences russes du XIXe et du XXe siècles. Durant la période soviétique, sa biographie, scientifique et sociale, ne fut pas étudiée sous tous ses aspects, pour des raisons complexes liés à ses engagements dans la vie sociale de son pays. Ses idées visaient en effet une reformation interne du système. Aujourd’hui, l’œuvre et la vie de Vernadsky sont envisagés dans un contexte historique plus large, avec une reprise en considération de son apport dans les sciences et les idées de son temps (en particulier à travers les notions de biosphère et de noosphère), mais aussi pour ses engagements citoyens. Dans ce chapitre sont présentés, en s’appuyant sur les archives, les liens que l’académicien russe a entretenus avec la communauté scientifique française en général et en particulier au cours de son séjour à Paris de 1922 à 1925.Академик В.И. Вернадский (1863-1945) – одна из кᴧючевых ɸигур в истории российской науки XIX-XX в. В советский период истории России его научная и общественная биограɸии не могᴧи изучаться поᴧноценно ввиду их сᴧожности и социаᴧьной ангажированности («внутрисистемный реɸорматор»). Сегодня значение ᴧичности и деятеᴧьности Вернадского рассматриваются в значитеᴧьно боᴧее широком контексте социаᴧьной истории, ɸиᴧосоɸии науки и цивиᴧизационного процесса прежде всего как одного из основопоᴧожников учения о биосɸере и концепции нoocɸеры, с одной стороны, и активного участника общественно-поᴧитической жизни российского общества второй поᴧовины XIX — первой поᴧовины ХХ века, с другой. В гᴧаве рассматриваются связи академика с ɸранцузским научным сообществом в контексте архивного насᴧедия ученого и пpeдᴧaгается новое видение основных пробᴧем, обсуждавшихся Вернадским с ɸранцузскими учеными во время его пребывания в Париже (1922-1925).Academician Vladimir Vernadsky (1863-1945) is one of the key figures of the Russian science of the XIX-XXth centuries. Vernadsky biography, because of its complexity and social engagement (“Within-System Reformer”), could not be studied in a proper manner in the Soviet background. Nowadays Vernadsky accomplishments are seen in much wider context of social history and philosophy of science, including his conceptions of biosphere and noosphere, on the one hand, and his involvement into political life of his country, on the other. The paper focuses on the archival legacy of the academician Vernadsky in regard to his links to the French scientific community and suggests a new view on the key problems discussed by the academician during his stay in Paris (1922-1925)

    Review of the All-Russian Scientific Conference “Tendencies of Development of Law in Sociocultural Space: Zhidkov Readings - 2017” (Moscow, 24-25 March, 2017)

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    On 24-25th of March 2017 the All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference “Tendencies of development of law in sociocultural space: Zhidkov readings - 2017” took place in People’s Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University). The conference is traditionally devoted to the memory of the famous scientist, Professor O.A. Zhidkov. It was co-organized by Institute of State and Law of the of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia , Association of Law Schools of Russia. The conference featured the plenary meeting, four panel sessions, two round tables and school of young scientists. During the conference different aspects of legal issues were discussed, including its methodological, theoretical and application nature. In their reports, the participants, inter alia, devoted attention to discussion trends of the development of law and legal science from the perspective of historical development, the current and future prospects. Present review includes general conception of the conference, participants’ main ideas and fragments of their speeches mirrored to certain extent the level of comprehending the conference’ main problem by scientific society