311 research outputs found

    Perfil do corpo docente das Instituições de Ensino Superior em contabilidade nas regiões Sul e Sudeste

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio Econômico, Curso de Ciências Contábeis.Esse trabalho se propõe a verificar o perfil do corpo docente das Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) em contabilidade nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil. Para tanto, determinam-se cinco objetivos: (i) identificar a formação/titulação do corpo docente; (ii) analisar o tempo de formação dos docentes; (iii) comparar a titulação do corpo docente da IES com a titulação solicitada pela Lei de Diretrizes e Bases (LDB); (iv) investigar o percentual de professores titulados que respondem pelas disciplinas específicas de contabilidade; e (v) comparar o percentual do corpo docente entre as regiões Sul e Sudeste. A amostra deste estudo é composta por 174 IES que apresentaram o corpo docente em seu site. Na análise dos sites das instituições, identificou-se um total de 3.776 professores do curso de Ciências Contábeis. A titulação do corpo docente foi coletada no currículo Lattes. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, abordado de maneira puramente qualitativa, que utilizou o procedimento da pesquisa documental para a coleta de dados, sendo esta de origem secundária. Os resultados evidenciam que 4% dos docentes possuem Graduação como titulação máxima, 28% possuem titulação máxima de Especialista, 48% possuem titulação máxima de Mestre, 10% são Doutores e apenas 1% possui Pós-doutorado, dos docentes que fazem parte dessa pesquisa, 9% não possuem Lattes e 1% não informou sua titulação em seu currículo; foi verificado que a maioria das IES estão de acordo com a LDB, porém 9,77% delas não tiveram 1/3 do seu corpo docente com titulação igual ou superior a Mestre; a maior parte dos docentes que fazem parte da pesquisa que possuem titulação de Mestre, Doutor e Pós-doutor possui formação entre os anos de 2001 e 2005, totalizando em 43%; e, dos docentes mestres, Doutores e Pós-doutores 20% ministram disciplinas específicas em Contabilidade

    LTE in Unlicensed Bands is neither Friend nor Foe to Wi-Fi

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    Proponents of deploying LTE in the 5 GHz band for providing additional cellular network capacity have claimed that LTE would be a better neighbour to Wi-Fi in the unlicensed band, than Wi-Fi is to itself. On the other side of the debate, the Wi-Fi community has objected that LTE would be highly detrimental to Wi-Fi network performance. However, there is a lack of transparent and systematic engineering evidence supporting the contradicting claims of the two camps, which is essential for ascertaining whether regulatory intervention is in fact required to protect the Wi-Fi incumbent from the new LTE entrant. To this end, we present a comprehensive coexistence study of Wi-Fi and LTE-in-unlicensed, surveying a large parameter space of coexistence mechanisms and a range of representative network densities and deployment scenarios. Our results show that, typically, harmonious coexistence between Wi-Fi and LTE is ensured by the large number of 5 GHz channels. For the worst-case scenario of forced co-channel operation, LTE is sometimes a better neighbour to Wi-Fi - when effective node density is low - but sometimes worse - when density is high. We find that distributed interference coordination is only necessary to prevent a "tragedy of the commons" in regimes where interference is very likely. We also show that in practice it does not make a difference to the incumbent what kind of coexistence mechanism is added to LTE-in-unlicensed, as long as one is in place. We therefore conclude that LTE is neither friend nor foe to Wi-Fi in the unlicensed bands in general. We submit that the systematic engineering analysis exemplified by our case study is a best-practice approach for supporting evidence-based rulemaking by the regulator.Comment: accepted for publication in IEEE Acces

    Risk-Informed Interference Assessment for Shared Spectrum Bands: A Wi-Fi/LTE Coexistence Case Study

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    Interference evaluation is crucial when deciding whether and how wireless technologies should operate. In this paper we demonstrate the benefit of risk-informed interference assessment to aid spectrum regulators in making decisions, and to readily convey engineering insight. Our contributions are: we apply, for the first time, risk assessment to a problem of inter-technology spectrum sharing, i.e. Wi-Fi/LTE in the 5 GHz unlicensed band, and we demonstrate that this method comprehensively quantifies the interference impact. We perform simulations with our newly publicly-available tool and we consider throughput degradation and fairness metrics to assess the risk for different network densities, numbers of channels, and deployment scenarios. Our results show that no regulatory intervention is needed to ensure harmonious technical Wi-Fi/LTE coexistence: for the typically large number of channels available in the 5 GHz band, the risk for Wi-Fi from LTE is negligible, rendering policy and engineering concerns largely moot. As an engineering insight, Wi-Fi coexists better with itself in dense, but better with LTE, in sparse deployments. Also, both main LTE-in-unlicensed variants coexist well with Wi-Fi in general. For LTE intra-technology inter-operator coexistence, both variants typically coexist well in the 5 GHz band, but for dense deployments, implementing listen-before-talk causes less interference

    Влияние технологических факторов на прочность торфяных термобрикетов

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    На основании изложенного ранее представления о сущности процессов, протекающих при термобрикетировании торфа дано объяснение влияния на прочностные свойства термобрикетов следующих технологических факторов: температуры нагрева торфа перед наложением давления, времени выдержки нагретого торфа перед наложением давления, давления брикетирования, времени выдержки под давлением, степени измельчения торфа

    Схема управления независимым инвертором

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    Integral descriptors of the vertical structure of the ocean

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    12 pages, 12 figuresWe propose a simple polynomial expression for neutral density and nutrients as a function of potential temperature, pressure and salinity. The expression is applied to the 1988 North Atlantic A16N WOCE meridional section and the polynomial coefficients are calculated using an inverse technique. The resulting polynomials show good skill in reproducing the nutrients and density structure, as verified through an analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. The large-scale changes in the polynomial coefficients occur between equatorial (E), tropical (T), subtropical (ST), and subpolar (SP) waters. The temperature and pressure coefficients experience substantial changes at all transitions (E-T, T-ST, and ST-SP), while the salinity ones only have major variations at the T-ST transition. Mesoscale-like oscillations occur all along the section but are relatively small, except between about 40 and 50°N, in a region of rough bottom topography. The density field is reconstructed using individual and group coefficients, and the contribution of each coefficient is identified. The method is also applied to analyze the neutral density distribution in a nearly identical 2003 section, removing near-surface density values that may be related to different warming/cooling of the surface layer. The results show close resemblances but also some significant variations, which are discussed in terms of interdecadal variability. Hence, we argue that the set of calculated coefficients provides good integral descriptors for the vertical structure of the oceanThis work has been carried out with support from the CANOA Project (CTM2005-00444/MAR), funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. The first author wishes to acknowledge funding through the Juan de la Cierva ProgrammePeer reviewe

    Evolution of structure and shapes in 158Er to ultrahigh spin

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