41 research outputs found


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    Abstract. The article deals with the characteristics of self-image of a person as the central organizing,integrating and regulatory authority of the psyche, and the main result of ontogenetic human mental development. The authors of the article consider the individual’s image “I am a professional” as an objective indicator of the dynamics of the professional consciousness of an individual. The changes in the person’s content and structure, thoroughly characterize the changes in the attitude of the person to him or herself as the subject of professional activity at all psychological levels. The definitions of self-awareness, self-concept self-evaluation and self-image in professional development are considered. Modern research on the person professional development are made on the basis of the person-activity approach which takes into account the unity of both the operational sphere and the sphere of motives and needs of the educational and professional activity. All the students of the Romano-Germanic Philology Faculty andthe Faculty of Math’s and Physics beginning with the freshmen and ending up with the undergraduate students, took part in the research the article describes. The content features of the changes of the self-image ‘I am a professional’ according to the stage of learning were analyzed.Keywords: Professional self-awareness, self-concept, professional, beginner expert, professionalization,student, subject, personality

    Tunable exciton interactions in optical lattices with polar molecules

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    Rotational excitation of polar molecules trapped in an optical lattice gives rise to rotational excitons. Here we show that non-linear interactions of such excitons can be controlled by an electric field. The exciton--exciton interactions can be tuned to induce exciton pairing, leading to the formation of biexcitons. Tunable non-linear interactions between excitons can be used for many applications ranging from the controlled preparation of entangled quasiparticles to the study of polaron interactions and the effects of non-linear interactions on quantum energy transport in molecular aggregates.Comment: Some typos have been corrected in this versio


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    The purpose of the article: The article is aimed at studying of key issues of the set of methods and methodology of teaching history to students of the direction "Economics"; identifying of key aspects of the history course, competent understanding whereof is important for development of professional competencies of future economists, is of special attention.Materials and methods: The leading approach to the study of this problem is the analysis of key problem issues of the history course, a competent understanding of which is important for the formation of professional competencies of economists.Results of the research: The article shows that in the history of economics there are a lot of controversial, controversial issues on which quite superficial, subjective judgments and conclusions can occur in the journalistic, and sometimes academic literature. A number of similar questions are considered, the features of their study with students are revealed. The work identifies key aspects of the course of history, a competent understanding of which is important for the formation of professional competencies of future economists. The recommendations of the methodological and methodological plan for their study are proposed to increase the effectiveness of training future economists. Applications: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of peculiar features of teaching history to economist students in Russian universities is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner


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    For the first time, a monitoring base has been created for the Bryansk region (Non-Black Earth Region of the Russian Federation) on the ecological, chemical and algological indicators of soils in small cities, which differ in population and the development of industrial production. Routing methods, methods of chemical and algological soil research were used. The general condition of urban soils was evaluated by the Zс index.In the soils of small towns of the old-developed region – the cities of Karachev, Novozybkov, Unecha, Fokino – the maximum gross content is recorded for lead, copper and zinc. The values of the Zc index vary from 10 to 56, which indicates the presence of zones with an acceptable level of chemical pollution, moderately – dangerous, highly dangerous pollution. In the studied soil samples, the content of heavy metals reveals the predominance of an acceptable and moderately hazardous level of pollution. In the city of Fokino, zones with high hazard and moderate pollution by the Zc index prevail, which indicates a significant effect of large chemical production on soils in a small industrial city.For small towns of the Bryansk region, a soil-algological base was compiled for the first time, as a reflection of the conditions existing in the upper soil horizons. For four small towns, 29 species of soil algae from five departments were found. In anthropogenic habitats, the Cyanophyta divisions (order of Nostocales, Oscillatoriales), the Chlorophyta division (order of Chlorococcales), and the low species representation of the divisions of Xantophyta, Bacillariophyta are especially diverse. As bioindicators, dominants in the soils of the first and second groups (Zc less than 16, from 16 to 32) Cylindrospermum muscicola, Nostoc commune, Phormidium autumnale can be considered. In the most polluted soils (Zc from 32 to 128), the species Chlorococcum sp., Microcoleus vaginatus, Euglena viridis, Nostoc commune predominate. The results obtained are the basis of biomonitoring and eco-analytical studies of urban soils of small towns.Впервые для Брянской области (Нечерноземье РФ) создана мониторинговая база по эколого-химическим и альгологическим показателям почв малых городов, различающихся численностью населения и развитием промышленного производства. Использовались маршрутные методы, методы химического и альгологического исследования почв. Общее состояние урбанозёмов оценивали по индексу Zс.В почвах малых городов староосвоенного региона – городе Карачеве, Новозыбкове, Унече, Фокино – максимальное валовое содержание зарегистрировано для свинца, меди и цинка. Значения индекса Zс изменяется от 10 до 56, что свидетельствует о наличии зон с допустимым уровнем химического загрязнения, умеренно – опасным, высоко опасным загрязнением. В исследуемых пробах почв содержание тяжёлых металлов выявляет преобладание допустимого и умеренно-опасного уровня загрязнения. В городе Фокино преобладают зоны с высоко-опасным и умеренным загрязнением по индексу Zс, что свидетельствует о значительном влиянии крупного химического производства на почвы в малом промышленном городе.Для малых городов Брянской области впервые составлена почвенно-­альгологическая база, как отражение условий, имеющихся в верхних почвенных горизонтах. Для четырёх малых городов обнаружены 29 видов почвенных водорослей из пяти отделов. В антропогенных местообитаний особым разнообразием отличаются отделы Cyanophyta (порядок Nostocales, Oscillatoriales), отдел Chlorophyta (порядок Chlorococcales), малой видовой представленностью отделов Xantophyta, Bacillariophyta. В качестве биоиндикаторов могут рассматриваться доминанты в почвах первой и второй группы (Zc менее 16, от 16 до 32) Cylindrospermum muscicola, Nostoc commune, Phormidium autumnale . В наиболее загрязненных почвах (Zc от 32 до 128) преобладают виды Chlorococcum sp., Microcoleus vaginatus, Euglena viridis, Nostoc commune. Полученные результаты – основа биомониторинговых и экоаналитических исследований урбанозёмов малых городов

    Intranasally administered S100A9 amyloids induced cellular stress, amyloid seeding and behavioral impairment in aged mice

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    Amyloid formation and neuroinflammation are major features of Alzheimer’s disease pathology. Proinflammatory mediator S100A9 was shown to act as a link between the amyloid and neuroinflammatory cascades in Alzheimer’s disease, leading together with Aβ to plaque formation, neuronal loss and memory impairment. In order to examine if S100A9 alone in its native and amyloid states can induce neuronal stress and memory impairment, we have administered S100A9 species intranasally to aged mice. Single and sequential immunohistochemistry and passive avoidance behavioral test were conducted to evaluate the consequences. Administered S100A9 species induced widespread cellular stress responses in cerebral structures, including frontal lobe, hippocampus and cerebellum. These were manifested by increased levels of S100A9, Bax, and to a lesser extent activated caspase-3 immunopositive cells. Upon administration of S100A9 fibrils, the amyloid oligomerization was observed in the brain tissues, which can further exacerbate cellular stress. The cellular stress responses correlated with significantly increased training and decreased retention latencies measured in the passive avoidance test for the S100A9 treated animal groups. Remarkably, the effect size in the behavioral tests was moderate already in the group treated with native S100A9, while the effect sizes were large in the groups administered S100A9 amyloid oligomers or fibrils. The findings demonstrate the brain susceptibility to neurotoxic damage of S100A9 species leading to behavioral and memory impairments. Intranasal administration of S100A9 species proved to be an effective method to study amyloid induced brain dysfunctions, and S100A9 itself may be postulated as a target to allay early stage neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory processe

    Spatial patterns of arctic tundra vegetation properties on different soils along the Eurasia Arctic Transect, and insights for a changing Arctic

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    Vegetation properties of arctic tundra vary dramatically across its full latitudinal extent, yet few studies have quantified tundra ecosystem properties across latitudinal gradients with field-based observations that can be related to remotely sensed proxies. Here we present data from field sampling of six locations along the Eurasia Arctic Transect in northwestern Siberia. We collected data on the aboveground vegetation biomass, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and the leaf area index (LAI) for both sandy and loamy soil types, and analyzed their spatial patterns. Aboveground biomass, NDVI, and LAI all increased with increasing summer warmth index (SWI—sum of monthly mean temperatures > 0 °C), although functions differed, as did sandy vs. loamy sites. Shrub biomass increased non-linearly with SWI, although shrub type biomass diverged with soil texture in the southernmost locations, with greater evergreen shrub biomass on sandy sites, and greater deciduous shrub biomass on loamy sites. Moss biomass peaked in the center of the gradient, whereas lichen biomass generally increased with SWI. Total aboveground biomass varied by two orders of magnitude, and shrubs increased from 0 g m−2 at the northernmost sites to >500 g m−2 at the forest-tundra ecotone. Current observations and estimates of increases in total aboveground and shrub biomass with climate warming in the Arctic fall short of what would represent a 'subzonal shift' based on our spatial data. Non-vascular (moss and lichen) biomass is a dominant component (>90% of the photosynthetic biomass) of the vegetation across the full extent of arctic tundra, and should continue to be recognized as crucial for Earth system modeling. This study is one of only a few that present data on tundra vegetation across the temperature extent of the biome, providing (a) key links to satellite-based vegetation indices, (b) baseline field-data for ecosystem change studies, and (c) context for the ongoing changes in arctic tundra vegetation.Non peer reviewe

    Fiducial Markers Allow Accurate and Reproducible Delivery of Liver Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy

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    Fiducial markers are utilized for image guided radiotherapy (IGRT) alignment during the delivery of liver stereotactic body radiosurgery (SBRT). There are limited data demonstrating the impact of matching fiducials on the accuracy of liver SBRT. This study quantifies the benefit of fiducial-based alignment and improvements in inter-observer reliability. Nineteen patients with 24 liver lesions were treated with SBRT. Target localization was performed using fiducial markers on cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Each CBCT procedure was retrospectively realigned to match both the liver edge and fiducial markers. The shifts were recorded by seven independent observers. Inter-observer variability was analyzed by calculating the mean error and uncertainty for the set-up. The mean absolute Cartesian error observed from fiducial and liver edge-based alignment was 1.5 mm and 5.3 mm, respectively. The mean uncertainty from fiducial and liver edge-based alignment was 1.8 mm and 4.5 mm, respectively. An error of 5 mm or greater was observed 50% of the time when aligning to the liver surface versus 5% of the time when aligning to fiducial markers. Aligning to the liver edge significantly increased the error, resulting in increased shifts when compared to alignment to fiducials. Tumors of 3 cm or farther from the liver dome had higher mean errors when aligned without fiducials (4.8 cm vs. 4.4 cm, p = 0.003). Our data support the use of fiducial markers for safer and more accurate liver SBRT

    Formation of Organizational-Methodical Providing of Restructuring of Machine-Building Enterprises Формирование организационно-методического обеспечения реструктуризации машиностроительного предприятия

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    Generalized the existing organizational-methodical maintenance of enterprise restructuring, defined doctrine and methodical recommendations on its formation in the enterprise.Обобщенно существующее организационно-методическое обеспечение реструктуризации предприятий, определены теоретические положения и методические рекомендации относительно его формирования на предприятии

    Peculiarities of teaching history in a vocational-pedagogical university

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    This study is performed to improve the methodology of teaching history in a vocational-pedagogical university. In order to enhance the quality of graduate’s training, as the level of knowing history influences the formation of professional competence in students with specialties related to social activities such as pedagogy, management, economics, and several other lines. The article is aimed at examining critical issues of methodism and methodology of teaching history.Este estudio se realiza para mejorar la metodología de enseñanza de la historia en la universidad vocacional-pedagógica. Con el fin de mejorar la calidad de la formación de los graduados, se influye en el nivel de conocimiento de la historia y en la formación de la competencia profesional en los estudiantes con especialidades relacionadas con actividades sociales como la pedagogía, la gestión, la economía y varias otras líneas. El artículo está dirigido a examinar cuestiones críticas metodicas y metodologica de la enseñanza de la historia

    Intercultural adaptation of students in a foreign language and multicultural society of a metropolis

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    Theoretical and practical development of the problem of students’ adaptation in a foreign language and multicultural society is one of the key problems of the academic mobility development of the individual throughout life. The need to solve this problem is determined by the socio-cultural dynamics of education development in the context of its global shifts, transformations, and systemic changes. The purpose of the article is to conduct a theoretical analysis of the problem of students' adaptation in the foreign language and multicultural society of the metropolis. The article deals with the problem of cross-cultural adaptation of foreign students in Russian universities to the foreign language and multicultural social medium of the metropolis. The phenomenon of cross-cultural adaptation is studied on an interdisciplinary basis. The authors consider the theoretical approaches to the study of various aspects of cross-cultural adaptation of a person to a foreign language and multicultural society, as well as analyze the educational opportunities and potential of intercultural interaction based on the dialogue of cultures as a mechanism underlying the process of adaptation of students in the foreign language and multicultural society of the metropolis. According to the authors, the success of foreign students’ education is also determined by their readiness to accept the entire cultural diversity of the foreign-speaking world and foreign language culture, as well as their tolerant attitude toward them. The article highlights and characterizes the main directions and specific content of students’ adaptation to foreign language and multicultural society. The authors conclude that cross-cultural adaptation can be an effective way for foreign students to enter the new socio-cultural conditions of the foreign language and multicultural society of the metropolis