102 research outputs found

    Cambiamenti climatici ed economia circolare: tecnologie abilitanti e life-cycle thinking per lo sviluppo sostenibile

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    We propose an opening reflection on the authorial texts that contribute to session III: "from the mitigation of risks to the management of natural and material resources under changes and impacts", with reference to the role played by the enabling technologies and the LCA method / process for sustainable development, on climate change scenarios and circular economy. The evaluation of the integrated effects of planning and planning choices aimed at reducing climate-changing emissions, which is a priority theme in Agenda 2030, requires an effective methodological approach in defining sustainability objectives and innovative strategies.The strategy of the 2030 Agenda, at all geographical levels, can be said to be widely spread in its mission, when along with the changing geomorphological, climatic and environmental scenarios, biodiversity can be the guarantee not only of plant and animal species, but also that referred at all levels of organization of the life of the territories and communities. To the world of knowledge, of the academy, the responsibility to rethink the paradigms of these new scenarios, of the need to transfer a new way of designing and intervening, in which the ethical and social data is equally important to the technical and scientific aspect. Cambiamenti climatici ed economia circolare: tecnologie abilitanti e life-cycle thinking per lo sviluppo sostenibile.Si propone una riflessione di apertura ai testi autoriali che contribuiscono alla sessione III: “dalla mitigazione dei rischi alla gestione delle risorse naturali e materiche in regime di cambiamenti e impatti”, con riferimento al ruolo che svolgono le tecnologie abilitanti e il metodo/processo LCA per lo sviluppo sostenibile, su scenari di cambiamenti climatici ed economia circolare. La valutazione degli effetti integrati delle scelte di programmazione e pianificazione orientate alla riduzione delle emissioni climalteranti, che costituisce un tema prioritario nell’Agenda 2030, necessita di un approccio metodologico efficace nella definizione di obiettivi di sostenibilità e strategie innovative. La strategia dell’Agenda 2030, a tutti i livelli geografici, potrà dirsi ampiamente diffusa nella sua mission, quando insieme ai mutevoli scenari geomorfologici, climatici e ambientali, la biodiversità potrà essere la garanzia non solo delle specie vegetali e animali, ma anche quella riferita a tutti i livelli di organizzazione della vita dei territori e delle comunità. Al mondo della conoscenza, dell’accademia, la responsabilità di ripensare i paradigmi di questi nuovi scenari, della necessità di trasferire un nuovo modo di progettare e intervenire, in cui il dato etico e sociale è parimenti importante a quello tecnico e scientifico.Si propone una riflessione di apertura ai testi autoriali che contribuiscono alla sessione III: “dalla mitigazione dei rischi alla gestione delle risorse naturali e materiche in regime di cambiamenti e impatti”, con riferimento al ruolo che svolgono le tecnologie abilitanti e il metodo/processo LCA per lo sviluppo sostenibile, su scenari di cambiamenti climatici ed economia circolare. La valutazione degli effetti integrati delle scelte di programmazione e pianificazione orientate alla riduzione delle emissioni climalteranti, che costituisce un tema prioritario nell’Agenda 2030, necessita di un approccio metodologico efficace nella definizione di obiettivi di sostenibilità e strategie innovative. La strategia dell’Agenda 2030, a tutti i livelli geografici, potrà dirsi ampiamente diffusa nella sua mission, quando insieme ai mutevoli scenari geomorfologici, climatici e ambientali, la biodiversità potrà essere la garanzia non solo delle specie vegetali e animali, ma anche quella riferita a tutti i livelli di organizzazione della vita dei territori e delle comunità. Al mondo della conoscenza, dell’accademia, la responsabilità di ripensare i paradigmi di questi nuovi scenari, della necessità di trasferire un nuovo modo di progettare e intervenire, in cui il dato etico e sociale è parimenti importante a quello tecnico e scientifico.Climate Change and Circular Economy: Enabling Technologies and Life-Cycle Thinking for Sustainable DevelopmentWe propose an opening reflection on the authorial texts that contribute to session III: “from the mitigation of risks to the management of natural and material resources under changes and impacts”, with reference to the role played by the enabling technologies and the LCA method / process for sustainable development, on climate change scenarios and circular economy. The evaluation of the integrated effects of planning and planning choices aimed at reducing climate-changing emissions, which is a priority theme in Agenda 2030, requires an effective methodological approach in defining sustainability objectives and innovative strategies. The strategy of the 2030 Agenda, at all geographical levels, can be said to be widely spread in its mission, when along with the changing geomorphological, climatic and environmental scenarios, biodiversity can be the guarantee not only of plant and animal species, but also that referred at all levels of organization of the life of the territories and communities. To the world of knowledge, of the academy, the responsibility to rethink the paradigms of these new scenarios, of the need to transfer a new way of designing and intervening, in which the ethical and social data is equally important to the technical and scientific aspect


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    Historic buildings are complex systems of cultural, architectural, and identity value, they need particular attention to ensure that they are preserved, used, and managed over time in a sustainable way. This implies a demand for retrofit solutions able to improve indoor thermal conditions while reducing the use of energy sources and preserving the heritage significance. The presented paper proposes a life-cycle approach to assess energy and environmental assessment specifically devoted to historic building energy retrofit. To this purpose, the presented LCA-based method allows to understand whether the achieved energy benefits could be supported in a life cycle perspective or were overcome by the environmental burdens of the actions. This method could be used to support public policies in the preservation of cultural value buildings, allowing for the assessment of the most effective actions to save energy and to minimize environmental impacts along the whole building life-cycle. As main result, the paper aims at supporting decision makers in selecting energy retrofit solutions, tailored to solve the conflict between conservation and energy performance requirement

    La Mediterranea verso l’Agenda 2030

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    With this book, the Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria raises the profile of some of the research undertaken in various Departments in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Agenda 2030. SDGs represent a strategy that requires shared global involvement for its implementation. They are to be implemented through the adoption of national and local initiatives. The SDGs can and should become effective tools for sustainable development though a localization process and an effective involvement of local stakeholders. University, an institution committed to training, research and outreaching activities, is called to play its part in such a difficult and complex challenge; constant integration with the territory and local communities – in the conscious need to be the promoter of a progressive, indispensable cultural change – will support sustainable development not as an impossible “utopia” but an unescapable necessity.La Mediterranea verso l’Agenda 2030L'Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria con questo volume dà visibilità ad alcune delle ricerche intraprese dalla comunità scientifica dei suoi Dipartimenti, in relazione agli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (SDGs) dell'Agenda 2030.Gli SDGs rappresentano una Strategia la cui attuazione richiede un condiviso coinvolgimento globale. Essi devono essere attuati attraverso l’adozione di strategie nazionali di sviluppo sostenibile, declinate in azioni regionali e locali.  Gli SDGs possono e devono diventare strumenti efficaci per lo sviluppo sostenibile, attraverso un processo di localizzazione e un efficace coinvolgimento degli stakeholder locali.In una sfida così difficile e complessa, l'Università, istituzione impegnata nella formazione, nella ricerca e nella terza missione, è chiamata a fare la sua parte; la sua costante integrazione con il territorio e con le comunità locali, nella consapevole necessità di essere promotrice di un progressivo, indispensabile cambiamento culturale, indurrà a far si che lo sviluppo sostenibile non sia più visto come una impossibile "utopia", ma sia avvertito come una inderogabile necessità. L'Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria con questo volume dà visibilità ad alcune delle ricerche intraprese dalla comunità scientifica dei suoi Dipartimenti, in relazione agli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (SDGs) dell'Agenda 2030. Gli SDGs rappresentano una Strategia la cui attuazione richiede un condiviso coinvolgimento globale. Essi devono essere attuati attraverso l’adozione di strategie nazionali di sviluppo sostenibile, declinate in azioni regionali e locali.  Gli SDGs possono e devono diventare strumenti efficaci per lo sviluppo sostenibile, attraverso un processo di localizzazione e un efficace coinvolgimento degli stakeholder locali.In una sfida così difficile e complessa, l'Università, istituzione impegnata nella formazione, nella ricerca e nella terza missione, è chiamata a fare la sua parte; la sua costante integrazione con il territorio e con le comunità locali, nella consapevole necessità di essere promotrice di un progressivo, indispensabile cambiamento culturale, indurrà a far si che lo sviluppo sostenibile non sia più visto come una impossibile "utopia", ma sia avvertito come una inderogabile necessità.The Mediterranea University towards Agenda 2030With this book, the Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria raises the profile of some of the research undertaken in various Departments in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Agenda 2030. SDGs represent a strategy that requires shared global involvement for its implementation. They are to be implemented through the adoption of national and local initiatives. The SDGs can and should become effective tools for sustainable development though a localization process and an effective involvement of local stakeholders. University, an institution committed to training, research and outreaching activities, is called to play its part in such a difficult and complex challenge; constant integration with the territory and local communities – in the conscious need to be the promoter of a progressive, indispensable cultural change – will support sustainable development not as an impossible “utopia” but an unescapable necessity.

    PCM Thermal Energy Storage in Buildings: Experimental Study and Applications☆

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    Abstract The study aims at analyzing the performance of Phase Change Materials (PCMs) in residential housing for different climates. This paper presents the results of an experiment performed in the Concordia University Solar Simulator and Environmental Chamber research facility (SSEC, Montreal, Canada). PCM boards were embedded on the back wall of a test hut placedin the climatic chamber. Several experiments were performed to explore the potential for verification of the proposed analysis and to produce enough data to perform model calibrations. Results show a strong increase in the apparent thermal inertia of the room allowing for a reduction in daily temperature fluctuations in the test hut. Simulations were carried out by means of a calibrated EnergyPlus model to broaden the analysis in both a cold Canadian climate and in a Mediterranean temperate climate. Other configurations for the setup environment were studied to simulate the issues of very hot summers in Mediterranean climate. The different configurations ended up with mixed results for the two locations analyzed: the maximization of the solar gains and its storage in a high density multiple layer PCM wall is the better configuration for the cold climate analyzed, while its performance is non optimal for hot climates where the "emulation" of high thermal mass walls by PCM in lightweight structures requires a different positioning of the PCM panels


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    Based on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (25th September 2015), transport systems have to be 1) Sustainable. 2) Quality and resilient. 3) Safe. To this end, note that the Italian Ministry of Research funded the Research Project PRIN USR342 that involves related ideas and focuses on 3 paving solutions (made with recycled materials and sustainable technologies), 4 sets of modules (software), and 2 platforms. The objective of the study here presented deals with the assessment of the best pavement technology based on energy and environmental performance. Consequently, a life cycle assessment, LCA, was applied, considering material production, construction, maintenance, and end of life. The environmental impact of the different pavement technologies was derived. Results demonstrate that the use of warm mix asphalts and of recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) yields the lowest energy consumption and environ-mental impact. Furthermore, under the hypotheses of the study, the production of mixtures is crucial because it corresponds to a contribution of about 60-70% in the life cycle of the different materials. LCA approach confirms as a methodology able to help decision makers when strategies and actions for the eco-design of road pavements are needed

    Comparación de metodologías de secado para la determinación de humedad en bagazo

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    El contenido de humedad es un parámetro fundamental para el control de la cantidad de agua de imbibición y regulación de los equipos de molienda de la caña de azúcar. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo comparar la metodología tradicional para la determinación del contenido de humedad del bagazo por medio de estufa con la metodología propuesta de secado por microondas. Se trabajó con 20 muestras de bagazo recolectadas en diversos ingenios. Los resultados promedios fueron: humedad en estufa 55,00% y por microondas de 54,84%. Se realizó un análisis estadístico para validar la metodología propuesta y se obtuvieron errores estándares entre las técnicas inferiores al 1%. Se concluye que el método de secado por microondas tiene la ventaja de obtener resultados similares a la estufa en un tiempo menor (2 h frente a las 9 h necesarias en el método tradicional), y que resulta adecuado para la determinación del contenido de humedad en muestras de bagazo.The moisture content is critical parameter to control the amount of water imbibition and regulation of sugarcane milling equipment. This work aimed at comparing the traditional methodology for determining the moisture content of bagasse through stove with the proposed methodology with microwave drying. We worked with 20 collected bagasse samples from various mills. The average results were: 55.00% moisture and microwave oven 54.84%. We performed statistical analysis to validate the proposed methodology and standard errors between techniques lower than 1%. were obtained It is concluded that the method of microwave drying has the advantage of obtaining similar to the stove results in shorter time (2 h versus 9h necessary in the traditional method), and is suitable for determining the moisture content in bagasse samples.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Comparación de metodologías de secado para la determinación de humedad en bagazo

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    El contenido de humedad es un parámetro fundamental para el control de la cantidad de agua de imbibición y regulación de los equipos de molienda de la caña de azúcar. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo comparar la metodología tradicional para la determinación del contenido de humedad del bagazo por medio de estufa con la metodología propuesta de secado por microondas. Se trabajó con 20 muestras de bagazo recolectadas en diversos ingenios. Los resultados promedios fueron: humedad en estufa 55,00% y por microondas de 54,84%. Se realizó un análisis estadístico para validar la metodología propuesta y se obtuvieron errores estándares entre las técnicas inferiores al 1%. Se concluye que el método de secado por microondas tiene la ventaja de obtener resultados similares a la estufa en un tiempo menor (2 h frente a las 9 h necesarias en el método tradicional), y que resulta adecuado para la determinación del contenido de humedad en muestras de bagazo.The moisture content is critical parameter to control the amount of water imbibition and regulation of sugarcane milling equipment. This work aimed at comparing the traditional methodology for determining the moisture content of bagasse through stove with the proposed methodology with microwave drying. We worked with 20 collected bagasse samples from various mills. The average results were: 55.00% moisture and microwave oven 54.84%. We performed statistical analysis to validate the proposed methodology and standard errors between techniques lower than 1%. were obtained It is concluded that the method of microwave drying has the advantage of obtaining similar to the stove results in shorter time (2 h versus 9h necessary in the traditional method), and is suitable for determining the moisture content in bagasse samples.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    A Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception Study on Flu and COVID-19 Vaccination during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Multicentric Italian Survey Insights

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    In January 2020, Chinese health authorities identified a novel coronavirus strain never before isolated in humans. It quickly spread across the world, and was eventually declared a pandemic, leading to about 310 million confirmed cases and to 5,497,113 deaths (data as of 11 January 2022). Influenza viruses affect millions of people during cold seasons, with high impacts, in terms of mortality and morbidity. Patients with comorbidities are at a higher risk of acquiring severe problems due to COVID-19 and the flu-infections that could impact their underlying clinical conditions. In the present study, knowledge, attitudes, and opinions of the general population regarding COVID-19 and influenza immunization were evaluated. A multicenter, web-based, cross-sectional study was conducted between 10 February and 12 July 2020, during the first wave of SARS-CoV-2 infections among the general population in Italy. A sample of 4116 questionnaires was collected at the end of the study period. Overall, 17.5% of respondents stated that it was unlikely that they would accept a future COVID-19 vaccine (n = 720). Reasons behind vaccine refusal/indecision were mainly a lack of trust in the vaccine (41.1%), the fear of side effects (23.4%), or a lack of perception of susceptibility to the disease (17.1%). More than 50% (53.8%; n = 2214) of the sample participants were willing to receive flu vaccinations in the forthcoming vaccination campaign, but only 28.2% of cases had received it at least once in the previous five seasons. A higher knowledge score about SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 and at least one flu vaccination during previous influenza seasons were significantly associated with the intention to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and influenza. The continuous study of factors, determining vaccination acceptance and hesitancy, is fundamental in the current context, in regard to improve vaccination confidence and adherence rates against vaccine preventable diseases