700 research outputs found


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    En Cuba persisten insuficiencias relacionadas con el enfoque estratégico y la eficacia en la gestión estratégica de la Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (CID), como alternativa de financiamiento en los municipios. El trabajo que se presenta tiene como objetivo: Elaborar un procedimiento metodológico para la Gestión de la Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo Local que asegure el enfoque estratégico y la eficacia de ésta en el contexto de la economía cubana. La novedad científica de la investigación radica en la concepción del procedimiento metodológico sustentado en principios, que ofrece una variante de cómo gestionar la Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo Local con enfoque estratégico y lograr una mayor eficacia en el uso y destino de la fuente de financiamiento en el contexto cubano, a partir de la identificación del potencial de desarrollo municipal asociado a dicha cooperación, su gestión y eficacia. La propuesta no tiene antecedentes, por lo que constituye un punto de partida para perfeccionar la gestión de los gobiernos locales de la provincia y país con un nuevo enfoque teórico, metodológico y práctico que rebasa los enfoques tradicionales del desarrollo y la cooperación internacional. Los resultados obtenidos con esta investigación se validan para el municipio Majibacoa de la provincia Las Tunas lográndose el perfeccionamiento de la gestión y un impacto económico que supera el millón de pesos convertibles

    Los sistemas de información geográfica en la gestión de iniciativas municipales de desarrollo local.

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    Esta investigación tiene el propósito de estudiar el proceso de encadenamiento productivo en el proceso de iniciativa de desarrollo local y validar un instrumento metodológico para la mapificación del sistema productivo local para mejorar la eficacia en la toma de decisiones del gobierno y otros actores del desarrollo local, experiencia práctica desarrollada en el municipio de Florida de la provincia Camagüey. Para realizarla se utilizó la técnica del Cluster Mappin, la que se aplicó a una metodología para el diagnóstico en los Consejos Populares del municipio para la detección de Iniciativas Municipales de Desarrollo local (IMDL). Esto permitió realizar el diagnóstico y localización de las iniciativas Municipales de Desarrollo Local en los Consejos Populares del municipio Florida, mediante el análisis del índice de ocupación de las fuerzas de trabajo en cada sector, así como las diferentes variantes de encadenamientos a establecer. Además, se utilizó un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG) como soporte de toda la información y a partir de las bondades que brinda, permitir a los decisores gestionar los sistemas productivos en el territorio

    Caretaker Score Reliability for Personality Assessment of Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)

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    The evaluation of zoo animals' personalities can likely lead to a range of benefits, including improving breeding success, creating stable social groups, and designing and developing environmental enrichment programmes. The goal of this study was to use caretakers scores to evaluate personality in bottlenose dolphins and to assess the reliability of scores within each rater and among raters from each centre. To this end, 24 caretakers from 3 countries (Spain, France, and Argentina), including a total of 5 dolphinariums and 6 groups of dolphins, used a questionnaire based on the Five-Factor Model of Personality to score bottlenose dolphins on a number of personality traits in three different contexts. Each caretaker evaluated the animals under their care twice, ensuring that raters did not share thoughts nor impressions with other raters. Our findings showed a good degree of agreement between each rater's scores and a fair degree of agreement among scores of raters from the same centre. We also identified which raters and centres had significant mean score differences and detected that 4 out of 24 raters from two different centres showed such differences systematically. The evaluation of raters' reliability and the identification of particular inconsistent raters and centres is critical to make more appropriate and realistic management decisions that, in turn, directly impact animals' welfare

    Tilted illumination in-line holographic velocimetry: Improvements in the axial spatial resolution

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    Two are the main limitations of in-line holography: the twin image problem and the poor spatial resolution in the optical axis direction. The twin image problem can be solved with the introduction of an imaging lens and a knife-edge aperture located at its focal plane. In this work, a theoretical analysis of the axial resolution with and without aperture is provided from the perspective of the Optical Diffraction Tomography. Theoretical analysis and controlled experiments with the different recording options, demonstrate that a small tilt of the illumination beam, together with a centered rectangular aperture, is a key parameter as it improves the spatial resolution along the optical axis during the location and tracking of a particle field

    Inactivation of EMILIN-1 by Proteolysis and Secretion in Small Extracellular Vesicles Favors Melanoma Progression and Metastasis

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    EMILIN-1; Melanoma; MetàstasiEMILIN-1; Melanoma; MetástasisEMILIN-1; Melanoma; MetastasisSeveral studies have demonstrated that melanoma-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) are involved in lymph node metastasis; however, the molecular mechanisms involved are not completely defined. Here, we found that EMILIN-1 is proteolyzed and secreted in small EVs (sEVs) as a novel mechanism to reduce its intracellular levels favoring metastasis in mouse melanoma lymph node metastatic cells. Interestingly, we observed that EMILIN-1 has intrinsic tumor and metastasis suppressive-like properties reducing effective migration, cell viability, primary tumor growth, and metastasis. Overall, our analysis suggests that the inactivation of EMILIN-1 by proteolysis and secretion in sEVs reduce its intrinsic tumor suppressive activities in melanoma favoring tumor progression and metastasis.The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the following sources of funding: Fundación Ramon Areces, MINECO (SAF2014-54541-R), Ramón y Cajal Programme, Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, Constantes y Vitales (ATRES MEDIA/AXA Foundation) and FERO Foundation. We are also grateful for the support of the support of the Translational NeTwork for the CLinical application of Extracellular VesicleS, TeNTaCLES. RED2018-102411-T (AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and MINECO-Severo Ochoa predoctoral program to support A.A.L thesis and short term stay in Italy to perform this study. The CNIO, certified as Severo Ochoa Excellence Centre, is supported by the Spanish Government through the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)

    Concepción educativa para la edificación de relaciones interpersonales pacíficas en los estudiantes de la asignatura de estudios sociales de segundo ciclo de educación básica de dos centros educativos públicos matutinos, pertenecientes al municipio de San Miguel, departamento de San Miguel, periodo 2019

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    RESUMEN: La presente investigación pretende construir una concepción educativa dirigida a la edificación de relaciones interpersonales pacíficas en los alumnos y alumnas de educación básica, con la finalidad de que estos, mediante la práctica de valores, la concientización, la adopción de una cultura de paz, la inclusión, el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas positivas, sean capaz de analizar y reflexionar sobre la importancia de adquirir conocimientos educativos, sociales y personales sobre las relaciones interpersonales y su influencia en el desarrollo como ser humano dentro de la institución educativa, y en la sociedad en general. La elaboración de la concepción educativa para la edificación de relaciones interpersonales pacíficas en estudiantes de educación básica, toma en cuenta, algunos sucesos relevantes que se han vivido en la historia de nuestro país, como el conflicto en El Salvador, y en el sistema educativo, también se retoman los fines de la educación que están en íntima relación con dicha temática, puesto que hoy en día, el sistema educativo nacional está fallando con respecto al cumplimiento de estos, de igual manera, incluye algunas concepciones de diferentes ramas de la ciencia, como la psicológica, la sociología, la pedagógica, la filosofía, las cuales pretenden dar una explicación del fenómeno en estudio, desde diferentes ámbitos o contextos inmersos en la realidad del niño y niña. El objetivo de esta investigación es el proponer una concepción educativa que esté encaminada a la construcción de relaciones interpersonales pacíficas en los alumnos y alumnas de educación básica, beneficiando así a dos centros educativos públicos de la ciudad de San Miguel. ABSTRACT: This research aims to build an educational conception aimed at the building peaceful interpersonal relationships in students of education basic, with the purpose that these, through the practice of values, awareness, adoption of a culture of peace, inclusion, development of communication skills positive, are able to analyze and reflect on the importance of acquiring knowledge educational, social and personal on interpersonal relationships and their influence on the development as a human being within the educational institution, and in society in general. The elaboration of the educational conception for the construction of interpersonal relationships peaceful in students of basic education, takes into account, some relevant events that are have lived in the history of our country, such as the conflict in El Salvador, and in the system education, the purposes of education that are closely related to said education are also taken up. thematic, since today, the national educational system is failing with respect to the fulfillment of these, in the same way, includes some conceptions of different branches of the science, such as psychology, sociology, pedagogy, philosophy, which seek to give an explanation of the phenomenon under study, from different areas or contexts immersed in the reality of the boy and girl. The objective of this research is to propose a conception education that is aimed at building peaceful interpersonal relationships in the male and female students of basic education, thus benefiting two public educational centers of the city of San Migue

    A Zebrafish Model of Neurotoxicity by Binge-Like Methamphetamine Exposure

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    Hyperthermia is a common confounding factor for assessing the neurotoxic effects of methamphetamine (METH) in mammalian models. The development of new models of methamphetamine neurotoxicity using vertebrate poikilothermic animals should allow to overcome this problem. The aim of the present study was to develop a zebrafish model of neurotoxicity by binge-like methamphetamine exposure. After an initial testing, zebrafish was exposed to 40 mg/L of METH for 48h, and the effects on the brain monoaminergic profile, locomotor, anxiety-like and social behaviors as well as on the expression of key genes of the catecholaminergic system were determined. A concentration- and time-dependent decrease in the brain levels of dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE) and serotonin (5-HT) was found in METH-exposed fish. A significant hyperactivity was found during the first hour of exposure followed 3h after by a positive geotaxis and negative scototaxis in the novel tank and in the light/dark paradigm, respectively. Moreover, the behavioral phenotype in the treated fish was consistent with social isolation. At transcriptional level, th1 and slc18a2 (vmat2) exhibited a significant increase after 3h of exposure, whereas the expression of gfap, a marker of astroglial response to neuronal injury, was strongly increased after 48h exposure. However, no evidences of oxidative stress were found in the brain of the treated fish. Altogether, this study demonstrates the suitability of the adult zebrafish as a model of METH-induced neurotoxicity and provides more information about the biochemical and behavioral consequences of METH abuse