944 research outputs found

    Proyecto de habilidades sociales para las personas mayores recién llegadas a la residencia "Cardenal Marcelo": desaprender para aprender

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    Partiendo de una reflexión previa sobre las capacidades y habilidades de las personas mayores que anteceden a su institucionalización en la Residencia “Cardenal Marcelo” y de contribuir a mejorar la calidad de vida de los/as residentes, se ha desarrollado un Proyecto de Habilidades Sociales denominado “Desaprender para Aprender” dirigido a las personas mayores recién llegadas a la Residencia “Cardenal Marcelo” situada la provincia de Valladolid y cuya titularidad la ostenta la Diputación provincial. En el presente Trabajo se ha tratado de conocer las necesidades de cada persona mayor que participa en esta propuesta práctica. A pesar de que no haberlo podido poner en práctica debido a la situación provocada por el COVID-19, se ha desarrollado un Proyecto de Habilidades Sociales basado en el abordaje de distintas habilidades sociales a través de la realización de actividades de muy diversa índole con el fin de mejorar su calidad de vida en la Residencia.Starting from a previous reflection on the capacities and abilities of the elderly people that precede their institutionalization in the Residence "Cardenal Marcelo" and to contribute to improve the quality of life of the residents, a Project of Social Skills called "Unlearning to Learn" has been developed. It is addressed to the elderly people that have recently arrived to the Residence "Cardenal Marcelo" located in the province of Valladolid and whose ownership is held by the Provincial Council. In the current paper the needs of each elderly person that participates in this practical proposal has been studied and taken into consideration. Despite not being able to put it into practice due to the situation caused by the COVID-19, a Social Skills Project has been developed. It is based on the approach of different social skills through the realization of very diverse activities in order to improve their quality of life in the Residence.Grado en Educación Socia

    Programa de intervención para fomentar las funciones comunicativas y prerrequisitos para el aprendizaje

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    El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado se centra en el diseño de una propuesta de intervención logopédica a través de sesiones con materiales manipulativos en el ámbito escolar. Se trata de desarrollar los pre-requisitos del aprendizaje como son la atención y la imitación así como la intención comunicativa en alumnado con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA). Previamente se analizan teóricamente las características generales del trastorno y del lenguaje, así como los tipos de autismo que hay, más adelante las pruebas de evaluación y los tipos de intervención adecuados para tratar a este tipo de alumnado, por último se hace una propuesta de evaluación e intervención basada en la observación sistemática y en la metodología TEACCH, destacando la importancia el aprendizaje sin error, la espera estructurada, los marcadores visuales, los refuerzos y el modelado.Grado en Educación Primari

    Low coordinate NHC-Zinc-Hydride Complexes Catalyze Alkyne C-H Borylation and Hydroboration using Pinacolborane

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    Organozinc compounds containing sp, sp<sup>2</sup>, and sp<sup>3</sup> C–Zn moieties undergo transmetalation with pinacolborane (HBPin) to produce Zn–H species and organoboronate esters (RBPin). This Zn–C/H–B metathesis step is key to enabling zinc-catalyzed borylation reactions, and it is used in this work to develop both terminal alkyne C–H borylation and internal alkyne hydroboration. These two conversions can be combined in one pot to achieve the zinc-catalyzed conversion of terminal alkynes to 1,1-diborylated alkenes without isolation of the sensitive (to protodeboronation) alkynyl boronate ester intermediates. Mechanistic studies involving the isolation of intermediates, stoichiometric experiments, and DFT calculations all support mechanisms involving organozinc species that undergo metathesis with HBPin. Furthermore, zinc-catalyzed hydroboration can proceed via a hydrozincation step, which does not require any exogenous catalyst in contrast to all previously reported alkyne hydrozincations. Bulky <i>N</i>-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) are key for effective catalysis as the NHC steric bulk enhances the stability of the NHC–Zn species present during catalysis and provides access to low-coordinate (NHC)­Zn–H cations that are electrophilic yet Brønsted basic. This work provides an alternative approach to access synthetically desirable pinacol–organoboronate esters using earth-abundant metal-based borylation catalysts

    Expolio y servidumbre: apuntes sobre la llamada deuda de cuidados

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    El término de deuda de cuidados o deuda patriarcal ha sido utilizado desde hace un tiempo para significar la enorme cantidad de trabajo de cuidados que las mujeres han realizado históricamente y que los hombres han realizado en menor proporción. Este concepto surge en el marco del cuestionamiento de la legitimidad de la deuda financiera pública por parte de los movimientos sociales del Sur. En el actual contexto de crisis económica estos análisis ponen al descubierto que las medidas de austeridad, legitimadas por la exigencia de devolver la deuda ilegítima, no sólo suponen un flujo de transferencias desde la población hacia las élites políticas y financieras, sino también desde las mujeres hacia el conjunto de la sociedad. En este sentido, cobra especial interés realizar una conceptualización de la deuda patriarcal. Lo que pretendemos con este artículo es, precisamente, hacer este ejercicio y discutir sobre si la deuda patriarcal es realmente una deuda o, en caso contrario, cómo podría caracterizarse

    Evidências do impacto da nutrição na psoríase

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    A psoríase é uma doença que acomete 2% a 3% da população mundial, e é caracterizada pela hiperproliferação de células da epiderme, ocasionando acúmulo celular sob a superfície da derme, formando placas esbranquiçadas e lesões cutâneas. Ela tem etiologia multifatorial, com predisposição genética das pessoas afetadas, sendo a doença classificada por alguns estudiosos como inflamatória, recorrente e de evolução crônica. A psoríase pode estar associada ao desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) como obesidade, hipertensão, dislipidemia e, portanto, também a síndrome metabólica. Assim, acredita-se que alterações no padrão alimentar de pacientes com psoríase podem prevenir o agravamento da própria doença e o surgimento de novas lesões, além de minimizar os riscos associados às doenças crônicas. Estudos recentes têm demonstrado melhora significativa na qualidade de vida dos pacientes com psoríase quando submetidos a dietas de restrição calórica, com o incremento de vitaminas e minerais provenientes de frutas e hortaliças, e a inclusão de alimentos que sejam fonte de ômega 3, como, por exemplo, diversos tipos de peixes. Assim, justifica-se a importância de revisar na literatura a influência da nutrição na psoríase e propor cuidados nutricionais específicos a esta população

    Human System Audit (HSA) for the analysis of human behaviour in organizations

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    This paper presents a description of Human System Audit (HSA), as an integrated proposal for the assessment of intangibles,for quality assessment in excellence models and, in general, for diagnosis and intervention in the human system in organizations, as well as for research on organizational human behaviour. The HSA consists of a theoretical model, a battery of instruments, and a system for management control. The article also describes some applications of HSA to human resource management

    Heterogeneity in Response to MCT and Psychoeducation: A Feasibility Study Using Latent Class Mixed Models in First-Episode Psychosis

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    Primer episodi de psicosi; Cognició social; PsicoeducacióFirst episode psychosis; Social cognition; PsychoeducationPrimer episodio de psicosis; Cognición social; PsicoeducaciónMetacognitive training (MCT) is an effective treatment for psychosis. Longitudinal trajectories of treatment response are unknown but could point to strategies to maximize treatment efficacy during the first episodes. This work aims to explore the possible benefit of using latent class mixed models (LCMMs) to understand how treatment response differs between metacognitive training and psychoeducation. We conducted LCMMs in 28 patients that received MCT and 34 patients that received psychoeducation. We found that MCT is effective in improving cognitive insight in all patients but that these effects wane at follow-up. In contrast, psychoeducation does not improve cognitive insight, and may increase self-certainty in a group of patients. These results suggest that LCMMs are valuable tools that can aid in treatment prescription and in predicting response to specific treatmentsThis study was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spanish Government, (PI11/01347, PI14/00044 and PI18/00212); the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Health Department of Catalonia, PERIS call (SLT006/17/00231); Progress and Health Foundation of the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health (PI-0634/2011 and PI-0193/2014); Obra Social La Caixa (RecerCaixa call 2013), Obra Social Sant Joan de Déu, BML (RTI2018-100927-J-I00) administrated by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCI, Spain), by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI, Spain), and by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER, UE); Daniel Fernández has been supported by grant 2017 SGR 622 (GRBIO) administrated by the Departament d’Economia i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain) and by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain) [PID2019-104830RB-I00/ DOI (AEI): 10.13039/501100011033]; and CIBER, Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

    Understanding enhanced charge storage of phosphorus-functionalized graphene in aqueous acidic electrolytes

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    The mechanisms behind enhanced charge storage of P-functionalized carbons are unraveled for the first time using non-porous graphene oxide treated with phosphoric acid and annealed at either 400 or 800 degrees C. The electrochemical study in 1 M H2SO4 reveals that phosphorus groups boost charge storage and electrochemical stability, with more effect for the higher annealing temperature. Annealing at 800 degrees C also leads to the material withstanding 60,000 charge-discharge cycles with no capacitance loss at 1.5 V. The improvement in the electrochemical performance is shown to be mainly governed by the change in surface chemistry comprehensively studied with NMR, FTIR and XPS characterization techniques. The collective analysis of electrochemical response and surface chemistry demonstrates that enhanced charge storage by phosphorus-functionalized graphene materials is made possible due to the following synergistic mechanisms: i) non-Faradaic charging; ii) nascent hydrogen storage in the interlayer; iii) benzoquinoneto-hydroquinone redox processes; iv) phosphate-to-phosphonate like transformation. From the practical perspective, the stored charge can be boosted due to the higher capacitance upon prior electrochemical activation in the vicinity of oxygen evolution potential and the wider usable electrochemical window enabled by phosphorus-related groups. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.The authors thank the European Union (Graphene Flagship, Core 2, Grant number 785219) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN/FEDER) (RTI2018-096199-B-I00) for the financial support of this work. J. L. G. U. is very thankful to the Spanish Ministry of Education, Science and Universities (MICINN) for the FPU grant (16/03498). We also want to acknowledge the company GRAPHENEA for supplying the graphene oxide used in this work and Yan Zhang from CIC Energigune for collecting FTIR spectra