1,572 research outputs found

    Rubén Darío : viajero letrado en París

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    1 archivo PDF (15 páginas). tyvlxlviVarios de sus libros surgieron de las recopilaciones de las crónicas publicadas en La Nación a raíz de sus desplazamientos al extranjero; ellas muestran su peregrinar por el mundo y cifran su proyecto de viajar para contar. Es el caso de Peregrinaciones (1901), en que plasma su percepción de París, ciudad anhelada desde niño y, a la larga, percibida como lugar de locura, surmenage, intoxicación y vicio, en un proceso de desencantamiento que va de la atracción a la repulsión por la ciudad querida. No obstante, la estancia en París resultó decisiva en el desarrollo humano y literario de Darío, pues lo condujo a un encuentro consigo mismo que influyó en la forja de su propia identidad y la de su nación. ABSTRACT: Several books by Darío came up as collections gathering the chronicles first published in La Nación as a result of his journeys abroad. They show his traveling around the world and disclose his project of travelling to tell. That is the case of Peregrinaciones (1901), where his experience of Paris reveals a yearned city since childhood, but also a wild intoxicating depraved place, where surmenage takes place as a disenchantment process that leads into revulsion for the formerly beloved city. Nonetheless, the Paris stay turned out decisive in Darío’s literary and human development, since it carried him to face himself so that he could shape his identity –and his nation’s. PALABRAS CLAVE: Rubén Darío, crónicas viajeras, peregrinaciones, Exposición Universal París 1900, flâneur, viajero. KEY WORDS: Rubén Darío, travel chronicles, pilgrimage, Exposition Universelle 1900, flâneur, traveler

    Dramaturgia y narrativa : una dualidad fecunda en la obra de Emilio Carballido

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    1 archivo PDF (23 páginas)El presente trabajo gira sobre una de las múltiples facetas, de Emilio Carballido, la de cuentista, poco conocida, entre otras causas, porque lo prolífico de su obra teatral ha restado atención a su narrativa. tyvlxxi

    Crime scene investigation through DNA traces using Bayesian networks

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    The use of biological information in crime scene identification problems is becoming more and more common. In this work, a crime scene is presented and used to exemplify the use of Bayesian networks, to analyse the information contained in a mixture DNA trace, referring to a crime in which there are two victims’ and two suspect’s involved. It is also made some discussion about the hypotheses to be considered in order to make them compatible with the possible information extracted from the mixture trace, that constitutes the evidence

    Sojourn times in Jackson networks

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    Jackson queuing networks have a lot of practical applications, mainly in the modelling of computation and telecommunications networks. Evidently the time that one customer - a person, a job, a message … – spends in this kind of systems, its sojourn time, is an important measure of its performance. In this work the practical known results about the sojourn time distribution are collected and presented

    The M/G/∞ queue busy period distribution exponentiality

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    Infinite servers queuing systems are often used to solve a large number of practical problems, namely in Engineering, Biology, Management, Finance and Sociology. The study of the M/G/∞ systems busy period is very important. Yet it is a very difficult task. This paper presents a service time distributions collection for which the length of the busy period is almost exponential. It is also shown that in heavy-traffic conditions, for a certain class of service time distributions, the length of the busy period of the M/G/∞ systems is approximately exponentially distributed. Thus, in all these cases, the study of this busy period is much simpler.It is also exemplified, with the power function and the Pareto service distributions, that it is possible to have in some particular situations an approximately exponential behaviour for the M/G/∞ queue busy period length

    Intercultural Education and the Teaching of English to Young Learners in Portugal: Developing Materials and Activities

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    Especially for the last two decades, vast international research and work has been done in the field of intercultural education, highlighting its major role in the context of a globalized, multicultural and interconnected world. Moreover, the role of intercultural education in language education has been discussed and studied and its importance in the development of interculturally competent citizens has been acknowledged. Aware of this situation, intercultural education guidelines, specifically in Europe, have encouraged the implementation of educational policies in this regard. However, despite those guidelines and recommendations, there is still a lack of awareness and knowledge on the part of language teachers and other education stakeholders. Therefore, this work intends to go through significant literature on the matter and raise awareness to the need of promoting intercultural communicative competence, and intercultural attitudes in particular. Furthermore, this work aims at exploring the mutual beneficial relationship between intercultural education and English language teaching to young learners in Portugal, taking advantage of their young age to build responsible adults and engaged citizens. Finally, this work seeks to make suggestions of materials and activities that can address intercultural education in the aforementioned context

    Crime scene investigation with Bayesian probabilistic expert systems

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    Criminal identification problems are examples of situations in which forensic approach the DNA profiles study is a common procedure. In order to deal with these problems it is needed an introduction to present and explain the various concepts involved, since distinct areas must be considered. Some problems are presented and the use of the object-oriented Bayesian networks, example of probabilistic expert systems, is shown

    Busy period and busy cycle distributions and parameters for a particular m/g/∞ queue system

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    Solving a Riccati equation a collection of service times distributions, very general, is determined. For it the M /G /∞ queue busy period and busy cycle probabilistic study, very comfortable, is performed. In addition the properties of that distributions collection are deduced and also presented

    Paternities search with object-oriented bayesian networks

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    Paternity dispute problems are examples of situations in which forensic approach the DNA profiles study is a common procedure. To implement this approach an efficient tool are the object-oriented Bayesian networks (OOBN). Along this paper are presented the various OOBN adequate to solve the simple paternity dispute and more complex paternity dispute problems with incomplete DNA profiles data about the putative father such as: only putative grandfather information, only putative uncle information, only putative father ‘s uncle information and only simultaneously putative uncle and putative father’s uncle information. Here it is exhibited an algebraic treatment, for the simple problem and with those the use of the object-oriented Bayesian networks is shown. Then the most complex kind of problems that may occur is presented. Although these are not the most common cases there is notice of its occurrence at least in Portuguese courts

    Civil identification problems with Bayesian networks using official DNA databases

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    In forensic identification problems the study of DNA profiles is often used. DNA databases began to be used in England in 1995 and gave rise to new challenges when used in identification problems. In Portugal the legislation for the construction of a DNA database file was defined in 2008. So, it is important to determine how to use it in an appropriate way. An important forensic identification problem is body identification. That is, in general, the identification of a body found, or more than one, using the information of missing persons belonging to one or more known families for which there may be information of family members who claimed the disappearance. Here it is intend to discuss how to use the database: the hypotheses of interest and the database use to determine the likelihood ratios, i.e., how to evaluate the evidence in different situations