33 research outputs found
Genetic predisposition in gastric cancer
Department of Molecular
Biology and Human Genetics Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
of the Republic of Moldova, The 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, September 24-26, 2020Introduction. Gastric cancer is a neoplasm with a starting point in the gastric mucosa,
representing one of the most common malignant visceral locations. Although a decreasing
incidence globally, gastric cancer remains one of the most common causes of cancer death.
Diagnosed in the early stage, it is curable, but unfortunately, most cases are identified late, in
advanced stages.
Aim of the study. Elucidation of predisposing factors and molecular mechanisms underlying
gastric cancer development.
Materials and methods. Exploring bibliographic sources using databases: PubMed, Google
Results. Gastric cancer presents a multifactorial pathology caused by the interaction between
environmental factors - Helicobacter Pylori, major cancer agent - and the genetic factors of the
host organism. Genetic predisposition plays a major role in gastric carcinogenesis, as there are
classes of genes involved in mucosal protection, immune response to H. pylori infection,
carcinogen detoxification, antioxidant protection, DNA damage repair and ability to cell
proliferation. The protective genes of the gastric mucosa are the mucin genes. The subtypes
MUC1 (G allele at rs4072037), MUC2, MUC5AC, MUC6 and the genes of the trefoil peptidepS2
peptide, factor 1 (TFF1), spasmolytic polypeptide (SP) and intestinal ITF factor).
Detoxification genes: cytochrome P450 (CYP450) linked to metabolism I-CYP1A1
(Ile462Val), CYP2E1 and CYP2C19. Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) in Phase II play a role
in protecting cells against the onslaught of chemical carcinogens. The pro and antiinflammatory
genes IL1B, TNF, LTA, IL 6, IL1RN, IL 10 and TGF B, play a key role in the
development of CG.DNA-repair genes include methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR-C677T mutation, XRCC1 gene (Arg194Trp), HOGG1 with TT genotype, xeroderma
pigmentosum (XPF) (rs744154) increase susceptibility. Tumor suppressor genes: p53 (Arg /
Arg), p53CD72 associated with genetic susceptibility to gastric cancer is an important
biomarker. H. pylori infection and p53 mutation have been shown to have a synergistic effect.
NM23 is the first confirmed suppressor gene for tumor metastases.
Conclusions. The study is based on the analysis of genetic variants that confer a higher risk of
CG and their interactions with environmental factors, respectively H. pylori infection.
Candidate gene polymorphisms in gastric cancer susceptibility. A deeper understanding of the
factors involved in the development and progression of CG may allow the identification of
persons at risk and can provide useful predictive information for the subgroups of patients who
need early treatment or surveillance strategies
Secondary metabolite content and in vitro biological effects of Ajuga chamaepitys (L.)Schreb. subsp. chamaepitys
The antioxidant and antimicrobial activities and contents of total phenolics and flavonoids of Ajuga chamaepitys (L.) Schreb. subsp. chamaepitys (Lamiaceae) were investigated. Five different extracts from aboveground flowering plant parts were obtained by extraction with water, methanol, acetone, ethyl acetate and petroleum ether. The total phenolic content was determined spectrophotometrically using the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and expressed as the gallic acid equivalent (mg GA/g of extract). The highest value was obtained in the ethyl acetate extract (57.02 mg GA/g). The concentration of flavonoids, determined using a spectrophotometric method with aluminum chloride and expressed as the rutin equivalent (mg RU/g of extract), was highest in the ethyl acetate extract (91.76 mg RU/g). The antioxidant activity was determined in vitro using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) reagent. The highest antioxidant activity was detected in the acetone extract (SC50 value = 330.52 μg/mL). In vitro antimicrobial activities were determined using a microdilution method, and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum microbicidal concentration (MMC) were determined. The most effective antimicrobial activity against Bacillus cereus was demonstrated by the acetone extract, with MIC and MMC values of 1.25 mg/mL. Based on the results of this study, A. chamaepitys subsp. chamaepitys could be considered as a valuable source of natural compounds with important biological activities
Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Modul de naștere în prezentația pelviană rămâne a fi un subiect controversat, deoarece PP este asociată cu o morbiditate și mortalitate prenatală mai mare. Siguranța nașterii vaginale pelvine constituind principalul punct de controversă. Scopul lucrării. Analiza nașterilor în prezentație pelvină din cadrul SCM „Gheorghe Paladi” între anii 2020-2021. Metode și materiale. Sunt prezentate datele unui studiu retrospectiv, care a inclus analiza nașterilor la pacientele cu prezentația pelvină a fătului. Au fost analizate datele din registrele de naștere a 429 de paciente care au născut între anii 2020-2021 în cadrul SCM „Gh. Paladi”. Rezultate. PP a fătului a fost constatată în 4,4% cazuri. Sarcinile au fost finalizate la 37-40 săptămâni în 80,9% din cazuri iar în 19,1% cazuri nașterile au fost premature. Nașterea a fost finisata prin operație cezariană (OC) urgentă în 59,7%, urmată de OC plană - 33,3% cazuri, pe cale naturală au născut doar 7% din gravide. Printre complicațiile care ar fi influențat poziția intrauterină a fătului au fost: în 12,8% circulara de cordon ombilical, anomalii de dezvoltare a organelor genitale interne depistate în 4,2% de cazuri; oligoamnioza - 3,03%, polihidramnioza - 0,93%, cordon anatomic scurt - 2,1%. Copii cu o greutate mică la naștere până la 2500 g s-au înregistrat în 19,8% cazuri, 22,6% din copii au fost cu o masa cuprinsă între 2500-3000 g, 31% din copii -cu masa între 3000-3500 g, 19,4% din copii – cu masa între 35004000 g, iar feți macrosomi s-au înregistrat în 6,5% de cazuri. Concluzii. Tactica de conduită a PP se stabilește individual, în dependență de factorii materni și fetali. Nașterea vaginală în PP este complicată și doar personalul medical calificat și cu experiență este abilitat în conduita acestor nașteri.Background. The way of delivery in breech presentation (BP) continues to be debated, as BP is associated with higher prenatal morbidity and mortality, mostly related to the mode of birth. The safety of pelvic vaginal birth is the most discussed problem. Objective of the study. Analysis of births in pelvic presentation in Gheorghe Paladi Hospital between 2020-2021 years. Material and Methods. The data of a retrospective study are presented, which included the analysis of births in patients with pelvic presentation of the fetus. The data from the birth registers of 429 patients who gave birth between 2020-2021 Gh. Paladi MCH. Results: BP of the fetus was found in 4.4% of cases. Pregnancies were completed at 37-40 weeks in 80.9% of cases and premature birth - 19.1% of cases. The birth was completed by emergency caesarean section (CS) in 59.7%, followed by planned CS - 33.3% of cases, naturally only 7% of pregnant women gave birth. Complications that would have influenced the intrauterine position of the fetus in 12.8% was circular umbilical cord, abnormalities of development of internal genitals were detected in 4.2% of cases; oligoamniosis - 3.03%, polyhydramniosis - 0.93%, short anatomical cord - 2.1%. 19.8% of children had a low birth weight, up to 2500 g, 22.6% had a mass between 2500-3000 g, 31% - 3000-3500, 19.4% - 3500-4000, macrosome faces - 6.5% of cases. Conclusions: BP’s tactics of conduct are established individually, depending on maternal and fetal factors. Vaginal birth in BP is complicated and only qualified and experienced medical staff are qualified in their conduct
Managementul clinic al nașterilor în prezentația pelvină a fătului
Background. The way of delivery in breech presentation
(BP) continues to be debated, as BP is associated with higher prenatal morbidity and mortality, mostly related to the
mode of birth. The safety of pelvic vaginal birth is the most
discussed problem. Objective of the study. Analysis of births in pelvic presentation in Gheorghe Paladi Hospital between 2020-2021 years. Material and Methods. The data
of a retrospective study are presented, which included the
analysis of births in patients with pelvic presentation of the
fetus. The data from the birth registers of 429 patients who
gave birth between 2020-2021 Gh. Paladi MCH. Results: BP
of the fetus was found in 4.4% of cases. Pregnancies were
completed at 37-40 weeks in 80.9% of cases and premature
birth - 19.1% of cases. The birth was completed by emergency caesarean section (CS) in 59.7%, followed by planned
CS - 33.3% of cases, naturally only 7% of pregnant women
gave birth. Complications that would have influenced the
intrauterine position of the fetus in 12.8% was circular umbilical cord, abnormalities of development of internal genitals were detected in 4.2% of cases; oligoamniosis - 3.03%,
polyhydramniosis - 0.93%, short anatomical cord - 2.1%.
19.8% of children had a low birth weight, up to 2500 g,
22.6% had a mass between 2500-3000 g, 31% - 3000-3500,
19.4% - 3500-4000, macrosome faces - 6.5% of cases. Conclusions: BP’s tactics of conduct are established individually, depending on maternal and fetal factors. Vaginal birth
in BP is complicated and only qualified and experienced medical staff are qualified in their conduct.Introducere. Modul de naștere în prezentația pelviană rămâne a fi un subiect controversat, deoarece PP este asociată
cu o morbiditate și mortalitate prenatală mai mare. Siguranța nașterii vaginale pelvine constituind principalul punct de
controversă. Scopul lucrării. Analiza nașterilor în prezentație pelvină din cadrul SCM „Gheorghe Paladi” între anii
2020-2021. Metode și materiale. Sunt prezentate datele
unui studiu retrospectiv, care a inclus analiza nașterilor la
pacientele cu prezentația pelvină a fătului. Au fost analizate
datele din registrele de naștere a 429 de paciente care au
născut între anii 2020-2021 în cadrul SCM „Gh. Paladi”. Rezultate. PP a fătului a fost constatată în 4,4% cazuri. Sarcinile au fost finalizate la 37-40 săptămâni în 80,9% din cazuri
iar în 19,1% cazuri nașterile au fost premature. Nașterea a
fost finisata prin operație cezariană (OC) urgentă în 59,7%,
urmată de OC plană - 33,3% cazuri, pe cale naturală au născut doar 7% din gravide. Printre complicațiile care ar fi influențat poziția intrauterină a fătului au fost: în 12,8% circulara de cordon ombilical, anomalii de dezvoltare a organelor
genitale interne depistate în 4,2% de cazuri; oligoamnioza
- 3,03%, polihidramnioza - 0,93%, cordon anatomic scurt
- 2,1%. Copii cu o greutate mică la naștere până la 2500 g
s-au înregistrat în 19,8% cazuri, 22,6% din copii au fost cu
o masa cuprinsă între 2500-3000 g, 31% din copii -cu masa
între 3000-3500 g, 19,4% din copii – cu masa între 3500-
4000 g, iar feți macrosomi s-au înregistrat în 6,5% de cazuri.
Concluzii. Tactica de conduită a PP se stabilește individual,
în dependență de factorii materni și fetali. Nașterea vaginală
în PP este complicată și doar personalul medical calificat și
cu experiență este abilitat în conduita acestor nașteri
In vitro biological activity of secondary metabolites from Seseli rigidum Waldst. et Kit. (Apiaceae)
The antioxidant, antimicrobial activity, total phenolic content and flavonoid concentration of Seseli rigidum Waldst. et Kit. were evaluated. Five different extracts of the aboveground plant parts were obtained by extraction with distilled water, methanol, acetone, ethyl acetate and petroleum ether. Total phenols were determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu’s reagent, with the highest values obtained in the acetone extract (102.13 mg GAE/g). The concentration of flavonoids, determined by using a spectrophotometric method with aluminum chloride and expressed in terms of rutin equivalent, was also highest in the acetone extracts (291.58 mg RUE/g). The antioxidant activity was determined in vitro using DPPH reagent. The greatest antioxidant activity was expressed in the aqueous extract (46.15 μg/ml). In vitro antimicrobial activities were determined using a microdilution analysis method; minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum microbicidal concentration (MMC) were determined. Methanolic extract had the greatest influence on bacilli (MIC at 0.0391 mg/ml), but the best antimicrobial effect had acetone and ethyl acetate extracts considering their broad impact on bacteria. According to our research, S. rigidum can be regarded as promising candidate for natural plant source with high value of biological compounds
Korovske vrste livadske zajednice Danthonietum calycinae Cinc. et Kojić 1958. planine Stol kod Bora
An analysis of participation of weed species in the floristic composition of the meadow community ass. Danthonietum calycinae spreading on Mount Stol was carried out in order to estimate the quality and management of its grassland. The percentage of weed species in the investigated community amounted to 56.91 %. Among the poisonous species, the most abundant were Rhinanthus rumelicus Velen., Euphrasia stricta Wolff ex Lehm, Colchicum autumnale L., Digitalis ambigua Miller and Euphorbia cyparissias L. With regard to the number of undesirable and harmful species, this community is less suitable as a source of forage. For improving forage quality in this community, management measures are recommended.Floristički sastav korovskih vrsta analiziran je u livadskoj fitocenozi Danthonietum calycinae Cinc. et Kojić 1958. na planini Stol kod Bora, kako bi se ocenio kvalitet i mogućnost korišćenja ove zajednice. Istraživanje florističkog sastava obuhvatilo je procenu ukupnog učešća, biološki spektar korovskih vrsta u ispitivanoj zajednici, kao i njihovu kategorizaciju s obzirom na stepen štetnosti za domaće životinje. Procentualno učešće korovskih vrsta je 56,91%. Od otrovnih vrsta koje se javljaju u ispitivanoj zajednici najvažnije su Rhinanthus rumelicus Velen., Euphrasia stricta Wolff ex Lehm, Colchicum autumnale L., Digitalis ambigua Miller and Euphorbia cyparissias L. Kako ova livadska zajednica ima umanjen kvalitet poželjno je da se primene različite mere popravke radi povećanja prinosa i dobijanja kvalitetnije stočne hrane
Phytomedical investigation of Najas minor All. in the view of the chemical constituents
Plants are an abundant natural source of effective antibiotic compounds. Phytomedical investigations of certain plants haven’t still been conducted. One of them is Najas minor (N. minor), an aquatic plant with confirmed allelopathy. Research conducted in this study showed the influence of water and ethyl acetate extracts of N. minor on microorganisms, in the view of chemical profiling of volatile constituents and the concentrations of total phenols, flavonoids and tannins. Antimicrobial activity was defined by determining minimum inhibitory and minimum microbicidal concentrations using microdilution method. Influence on bacterial biofilm formation was performed by tissue culture plate method. The total phenolics, flavonoids and condensed tannins were determined by Folin-Ciocalteu, aluminum chloride and butanol-HCl colorimetric methods. Chemical profiling of volatile constituents was investigated by GC and GC-MS. Water extract didn't have antimicrobial activity below 5000 µg/mL. Ethyl acetate extract has shown strong antimicrobial activity on G+ bacteria - Staphylococcus aureus PMFKGB12 and Bacillus subtilis (MIC < 78.13 µg/mL). The best antibiofilm activity was obtained on Escherichia coli ATCC25922 (BIC50 at 719 µg/mL). Water extract had higher yield. Ethyl acetate extract had a significantly greater amount of total phenolics, flavonoids and tannins. As major constituent hexahydrofarnesyl acetone was identified. The ethyl acetate extract effected only G+ bacteria, but the biofilm formation of G-bacteria was suppressed. There was a connection between those in vivo and in vitro effects against pathogenic bacterial biofilm formation. All of this points to a so far unexplored potential of N. minor
A contribution to studies of the ruderal vegetation of Southern Srem, Serbia
Floristic research investigating the presence and phytocoenological differentiation of ruderal vegetation, and how it is conditioned structurally and anthropogenically, was undertaken over a period of several years (2007-10) in the south Srem region. The ruderal flora of the research area comprised 249 plants categorized into 63 families, of which the most frequent were: Asteraceae (36), Poaceae (29), Fabaceae (18), Lamiaceae (15), Polygonaceae (15), Brassicaceae (11) and Rosaceae (11). Three ruderal communities are analyzed in this work: Asclepietum syriacae Kojić et al., 2004, as well as Chenopodio-Ambrosietum artemisiifoliae ass. nova and Amorpho-Typhaetum ass. nova, which are described for the first time. It was established that the level of moisture at the habitat, anthropogenic factors, and the immediate proximity to cultivated areas had the most pronounced effect on the differentiation of the researched vegetation.Projekat ministarstva br. 17301
Platismatia glauca and Pseudevernia furfuracea lichens as sources of antioxidant, antimicrobial and antibiofilm agents
The antioxidative, antimicrobial and antibiofilm potentials of acetone, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of lichen species Platismatia glauca and Pseudevernia furfuracea were evaluated. The phytochemical analysis by GC, GC/MS and NMR revealed caperatic acid, atraric acid, atranorin and chloroatranorin as the predominant compounds in Platismatia glauca. Atraric acid, olivetoric acid, atranorin and chloroatranorin were the major constituents in Pseudevernia furfuracea. The strong antioxidant capacities of the Platismatia glauca and Pseudevernia furfuracea extracts were assessed by their total phenolic and flavonoid contents
and DPPH scavenging activities. The methanol extracts of both species exhibited the strongest antioxidant activities with the highest IC50 value for Pseudevernia furfuracea (95.33 μg/mL). The lichen extracts demonstrated important antibacterial activities against 11 bacterial strains with detectable MIC values from 0.08 mg/mL to 2.5 mg/mL for Platismatia glauca and from 0.005 mg/mL to 2.5 mg/mL for Pseudevernia furfuracea. While the antibacterial activities of Pseudevernia furfuracea were solvent–independent, the acetone and ethyl acetate extracts of Platismatia glauca showed higher antibacterial activities compared to its
methanol extract. The methanol extracts of both species demonstrated significant antifungal activities against 9 fungal strains with detectable MIC values from 0.04 mg/mL to 2.5 mg/mL. The best antifungal activities were determined against Candida species in Pseudevernia furfuracea extracts with remarkable MIC values which were lower than the MIC values of the positive contol fluconazole. The acetone and ethyl acetate extracts of Platismatia glauca showed better antibiofilm activities on Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus mirabilis with BIC value at 0.63 mg/mL then its methanol extract. On the other hand, the methanol extract of
Pseudevernia furfuracea was more potent with BIC value at 1.25 mg/mL on Staphylococcus aureus and 0.63 mg/mL on Proteus mirabilis compared to other types of extracts. Our study indicates a possible use of lichens
Platismatia glauca and Pseudevernia furfuracea as natural antioxidants and preservatives in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry