1,979 research outputs found

    Desarrollo e implementación de un sistema de seguridad de bajo costo

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    One of the main security problems in Colombia is home burglary since most of the time these are left alone during working hours or other types of occupations. This article presents an analysis of the problem of home security due to theft, looking for an effective solution at a lower cost than those available in the market. This arises from the analysis of the figures given by the DANE and a solution is proposed using the ESP32 development board, the HC-SR501 motion sensor, and the RC522 RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) reader, which allows us to generate an economical and reliable security system with the implementation of the IoT (Internet of Things) to make it more versatile.Una de las principales problemáticas de la seguridad en Colombia es el hurto a viviendas, dado que en la mayoría del tiempo estas quedan solas durante los horarios laborales u otros tipos de ocupaciones. En este artículo se presenta un análisis a la problemática de seguridad en las viviendas por hurtos, buscando una solución efectiva y con un costo menor a los que hay en el mercado. Este surge del análisis realizado a las cifras dadas por el DANE y se propone una solución haciendo uso de la placa de desarrollo ESP32, el sensor de movimiento HC-SR501 y el lector RFID (Identificación por radiofrecuencias) RC522lo que nos permite generar un sistema de seguridad económico, fiable y con implementación de las IoT (Internet de las cosas) para que sea más versátil

    The ACS Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. III. The Double Subgiant Branch of NGC 1851

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    Photometry with HST's ACS reveals that the subgiant branch (SGB) of the globular cluster NGC 1851 splits into two well-defined branches. If the split is due only to an age effect, the two SGBs would imply two star formation episodes separated by \sim 1 Gyr. We discuss other anomalies in NGC 1851 which could be interpreted in terms of a double stellar population. Finally, we compare the case of NGC 1851 with the other two globulars known to host multiple stellar populations, and show that all three clusters differ in several important respects.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, accepted for pubblication on Ap

    The ACS survey of galactic globular clusters. XI. The three-dimensional orientation of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy and its globular clusters

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    We use observations from the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys (HST/ACS) study of Galactic globular clusters to investigate the spatial distribution of the inner regions of the disrupting Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy (Sgr). We combine previously published analyses of four Sgr member clusters located near or in the Sgr core (M54, Arp 2, Terzan 7, and Terzan 8) with a new analysis of diffuse Sgr material identified in the background of five low-latitude Galactic bulge clusters (NGC 6624, 6637, 6652, 6681, and 6809) observed as part of the ACS survey. By comparing the bulge cluster color-magnitude diagrams to our previous analysis of the M54/Sgr core, we estimate distances to these background features. The combined data from four Sgr member clusters and five Sgr background features provide nine independent measures of the Sgr distance and, as a group, provide uniformly measured and calibrated probes of different parts of the inner regions of Sgr spanning 20° over the face of the disrupting dwarf. This allows us, for the first time, to constrain the three-dimensional orientation of Sgr's disrupting core and globular cluster system and compare that orientation to the predictions of an N-body model of tidal disruption. The density and distance of Sgr debris are consistent with models that favor a relatively high Sgr core mass and a slightly greater distance (28-30kpc, with a mean of 29.4kpc). Our analysis also suggests that M54 is in the foreground of Sgr by ∼ 2 kpc, projected on the center of the Sgr dSph. While this would imply a remarkable alignment of the cluster and the Sgr nucleus along the line of sight, we cannot identify any systematic effect in our analysis that would falsely create the measured 2kpc separation. Finally, we find that the cluster Terzan 7 has the most discrepant distance (25kpc) among the four Sgr core clusters, which may suggest a different dynamical history than the other Sgr core clusters

    A First Search for Prompt Radio Emission from a Gravitational-Wave Event

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    Multimessenger observations of the binary neutron star merger GW170817 have enabled the discovery of a diverse array of electromagnetic counterparts to compact binary mergers, including an unambiguous kilonova, a short gamma-ray burst, and a late-time radio jet. Beyond these counterparts, compact binary mergers are additionally predicted to be accompanied by prompt low-frequency radio emission. The successful observation of a prompt radio counterpart would be immensely valuable, but is made difficult by the short delay between the gravitational-wave and prompt electromagnetic signals as well as the poor localization of gravitational-wave sources. Here, we present the first search for prompt radio emission accompanying a gravitational-wave event, targeting the binary black hole merger GW170104 detected by the Advanced LIGO and Virgo gravitational-wave observatories during their second (O2) observing run. Using the Owens Valley Radio Observatory Long Wavelength Array (OVRO-LWA), we search a 900deg2\sim900\,\mathrm{deg}^2 region for transient radio emission within approximately one hour of GW170104, obtaining an upper limit of 2.5×1041ergs12.5\times10^{41}\,\mathrm{erg}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1} on its equivalent isotropic luminosity between 27-84 MHz. We additionally discuss plans to target binary neutron star mergers in Advanced LIGO and Virgo's upcoming O3 observing run.Comment: 13 pages + appendices, 7 figures, submitted to Ap

    The Radio Sky at Meter Wavelengths: m-Mode Analysis Imaging with the Owens Valley Long Wavelength Array

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    A host of new low-frequency radio telescopes seek to measure the 21-cm transition of neutral hydrogen from the early universe. These telescopes have the potential to directly probe star and galaxy formation at redshifts 20z720 \gtrsim z \gtrsim 7, but are limited by the dynamic range they can achieve against foreground sources of low-frequency radio emission. Consequently, there is a growing demand for modern, high-fidelity maps of the sky at frequencies below 200 MHz for use in foreground modeling and removal. We describe a new widefield imaging technique for drift-scanning interferometers, Tikhonov-regularized mm-mode analysis imaging. This technique constructs images of the entire sky in a single synthesis imaging step with exact treatment of widefield effects. We describe how the CLEAN algorithm can be adapted to deconvolve maps generated by mm-mode analysis imaging. We demonstrate Tikhonov-regularized mm-mode analysis imaging using the Owens Valley Long Wavelength Array (OVRO-LWA) by generating 8 new maps of the sky north of δ=30\delta=-30^\circ with 15 arcmin angular resolution, at frequencies evenly spaced between 36.528 MHz and 73.152 MHz, and \sim800 mJy/beam thermal noise. These maps are a 10-fold improvement in angular resolution over existing full-sky maps at comparable frequencies, which have angular resolutions 2\ge 2^\circ. Each map is constructed exclusively from interferometric observations and does not represent the globally averaged sky brightness. Future improvements will incorporate total power radiometry, improved thermal noise, and improved angular resolution -- due to the planned expansion of the OVRO-LWA to 2.6 km baselines. These maps serve as a first step on the path to the use of more sophisticated foreground filters in 21-cm cosmology incorporating the measured angular and frequency structure of all foreground contaminants.Comment: 27 pages, 18 figure

    The ACS Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. I. Overview and Clusters without PreviousHubble Space Telescope Photometry

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    We present the first results of a large Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) survey of Galactic globular clusters. This Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Treasury project is designed to obtain photometry with S/N (signal-to-noise ratio) 10 for main-sequence stars with masses 0.2 M⊙ in a sample of globulars using the ACS Wide Field Channel. Here we focus on clusters without previous HST imaging data. These include NGC 5466, NGC 6779, NGC 5053, NGC 6144, Palomar 2, E3, Lyngå 7, Palomar 1, and NGC 6366. Our color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) extend reliably from the horizontal branch to as much as 7 mag fainter than the main-sequence turnoff and represent the deepest CMDs published to date for these clusters. Using fiducial sequences for three standard clusters (M92, NGC 6752, and 47 Tuc) with well-known metallicities and distances, we perform main-sequence fitting on the target clusters in order to obtain estimates of their distances and reddenings. These comparisons, along with fitting the cluster main sequences to theoretical isochrones, yield ages for the target clusters. We find that the majority of the clusters have ages that are consistent with the standard clusters at their metallicities. The exceptions are E3, which appears ~2 Gyr younger than 47 Tuc, and Pal 1, which could be as much as 8 Gyr younger than 47 Tuc