15,038 research outputs found

    Power in the Multinational Corporation in Industry Equilibrium

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    Recent theories of the multinational corporation introduce the property rights model of the firm and examine whether to integrate our outsource firm activities locally or to a foreign country. This paper focus instead on the internal organization of the multinational corporation by examining the power allocation between headquarters and subsidiaries. We provide a framework to analyse the interaction between the decision to serve the local market by exporting or FDI, market acces and the optimal mode of organization of the multinational corporation. We find that subsidiary managers are given most autonomy in their decision how to run the firm at intermediate levels of local competition. We then provide comparative statics for changes in fixed FDI entry costs and trade costs, information technology, the number of local competitors, and in the size of the local market

    Galaxy evolution across the optical emission-line diagnostic diagrams?

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    The discovery of the M-sigma relation, the local galaxy bimodality, and the link between black-hole and host-galaxy properties, have raised the question whether AGN play a role in galaxy evolution. Several theoretical models implement AGN feedback to explain the observed galaxy luminosity function, and possibly the color and morphological transformation of spiral galaxies into passive ellipticals. To understand the importance of AGN feedback, a study of the AGN populations in the radio-optical domain is crucial. A mass sequence linking star-forming galaxies and AGN has been already noted in previous works, and it is now investigated as possible evolutionary sequence. We observed a sample of 119 intermediate-redshift (0.04<z<0.4) SDSS-FIRST radio emitters with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope at 4.85 and 10.45 GHz and obtained spectral indices. We find indications of spectral index flattening in high-metallicity star-forming galaxies, composite galaxies, and Seyferts. This "flattening sequence" along the [NII]-based emission-line diagnostic diagram is consistent with the hardening of galaxy ionizing field, due to nuclear activity. After combining our data with FIRST measurements at 1.4 GHz, we find that the three-point radio spectra of Seyferts and LINERs show substantial differences, attributable to small radio core components and larger (arcsecond sized) jet/lobe components, respectively. A visual inspection of FIRST images seems to confirm this hypothesis. Galaxies along this sequence are hypothesized to be transitioning from the active star-forming galaxies (blue cloud) to the passive elliptical galaxies (red sequence). This supports the suggestion that AGN play a role in shutting down star-formation, and allow the transition from one galaxy class to the other.Comment: 20 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Resonant X-ray diffraction studies on the charge ordering in magnetite

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    Here we show that the low temperature phase of magnetite is associated with an effective, although fractional, ordering of the charge. Evidence and a quantitative evaluation of the atomic charges are achieved by using resonant x-ray diffraction (RXD) experiments whose results are further analyzed with the help of ab initio calculations of the scattering factors involved. By confirming the results obtained from X-ray crystallography we have shown that RXD is able to probe quantitatively the electronic structure in very complex oxides, whose importance covers a wide domain of applications.Comment: 4 pages 4 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Hydrogen atom in a spherical well: linear approximation

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    We discuss the boundary effects on a quantum system by examining the problem of a hydrogen atom in a spherical well. By using an approximation method which is linear in energy we calculate the boundary corrections to the ground-state energy and wave function. We obtain the asymptotic dependence of the ground-state energy on the radius of the well.Comment: Revised version to appear in European Journal of Physic

    Surmounting collectively oscillating bottlenecks

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    We study the collective escape dynamics of a chain of coupled, weakly damped nonlinear oscillators from a metastable state over a barrier when driven by a thermal heat bath in combination with a weak, globally acting periodic perturbation. Optimal parameter choices are identified that lead to a drastic enhancement of escape rates as compared to a pure noise-assisted situation. We elucidate the speed-up of escape in the driven Langevin dynamics by showing that the time-periodic external field in combination with the thermal fluctuations triggers an instability mechanism of the stationary homogeneous lattice state of the system. Perturbations of the latter provided by incoherent thermal fluctuations grow because of a parametric resonance, leading to the formation of spatially localized modes (LMs). Remarkably, the LMs persist in spite of continuously impacting thermal noise. The average escape time assumes a distinct minimum by either tuning the coupling strength and/or the driving frequency. This weak ac-driven assisted escape in turn implies a giant speed of the activation rate of such thermally driven coupled nonlinear oscillator chains

    Ecological design of a crayfishing program to control population density of the invasive species Procambarus Clarkii in Doñana National Park freshwater marsh (Spain)

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    The exploitation of Procambarus clarkii in Doñana National Park’s freshwater marsh (DNP) has been economically important to the local human population since the 1970s. The high density of this crayfish species has been causing a major environmental impact in the Park by the substantial reduction of submerging aquatic macrophytes prairies due to its broad trophic spectrum and feeding habits, which turned the environmental frame (consisting in clear water equilibrium) into a turbid water balance. Differences in population dynamics of three population groups of P. clarkii in the DNP freshwater marsh were compared and analyzed from a fishery perspective. The objective is to reduce their ecological impact using optimal crayfishing management. Maximum growth curves showed that crayfish have different growth optimums. Recruitment of young crayfish varies between different populations; when there is an excessive increase in the density of juveniles in a population and conditions are stressful, their growth is deficient. If these conditions persist, the population could become stunted. Fishery for commercial gain is banned in DNP; however, a model of fisheries program aimed at controlling the excess population of crayfish can be effective in halting the ecological impact of this invasive species while providing an opportunity for poachers to have viable productive options. The model proposed can help to solve the problem of crayfish “poaching” through the legalization and strict control of harvesting practicesPedro J. Gutiérrez-Yurrita also thanks the ICI (Spain) for a subvention grant and CONACyT (México) for a financial complement of the former grant that enabled him to complete this researc

    Geographic Variation in Informed Consent Law: Two Standards for Disclosure of Treatment Risks

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    We analyzed 714 jury verdicts in informed consent cases tried in 25 states in 1985–2002 to determine whether the applicable standard of care (“patient” vs. “professional” standard) affected the outcome. Verdicts for plaintiffs were significantly more frequent in states with a patient standard than in states with a professional standard (27 percent vs. 17 percent, P = 0.02). This difference in outcomes did not hold for other types of medical malpractice litigation (36 percent vs. 37 percent, P = 0.8). The multivariate odds of a plaintiff’s verdict were more than twice as high in states with a patient standard than in states with a professional standard (odds ratio = 2.15, 95% confidence interval = 1.32–3.50). The law’s expectations of clinicians with respect to risk disclosure appear to vary geographically
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