301 research outputs found


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    The academic and scientific world, in solidarity becoming emblematic, it was and remains sensible to social, economic and moral challenges, making generous efforts for finding reasonable and appropriate solutions, capable to release the stress of conflicting state of facts until it is not too late. So, after a long period of time it analyzed major problems as: unemployment, inflation, interests, external debts, competition, international working division and budgetary deficits, aspects concerning the theory and economic practice, for which classical explorations provided satisfactory answers, now there is the time for ultimate questions, one more awkward than the other.durable development; resources; environment;

    Modular Walking Robots

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    Bone desmoplastic fibroma. Aspects of the treatment

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    Catedra Ortopedie, Traumatologie şi Chirurgie de Campanie, USMF „N. Testemiţanu”, Spitalul Clinic Traumatologie şi Ortopedie Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Conferinţa Naţională în cadrul Asociaţiei Ortopezilor – Traumatologi din Republica Moldova ”Actualităţi în microchirurgia reconstructivă”, Chișinău, Republica MoldovaEste prezentată recuperarea a 3 pacienţi afectaţi de fibrom desmoplastic la oase (femur, radius, ilion), reieşind din specificul dezvoltării şi tratamentului acestei rar întâlnite patologii.The rehabilitation of three patients affected by bone desmoplastic fibroma of femur, ilium, radial bone, is presented according to the special development and to the treatment of this seldom encountered pathology

    Osteoclastoma, medicobiological controversies, principles of treatment

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    Catedra Traumatologie şi Ortopedie, USMF „N. Testemiţanu”, Spitalul Clinic Traumatologie şi Ortopedie, Republica MoldovaÎn articol sunt prezentate - sinteza bibliografică, date din experienţa proprie la tratamentul chirurgical a 124 de pacienţi (1962-2010) afectaţi de osteoclastomul benign. Sunt elucidate complicaţiile postoperatorii şi consecinţele ulterioare, rezultatele recuperării oncologice (95,1%) şi eficacitatea ortopedică a osteoplastiei defectelor restante cu grefe osoase alogene (95,2%).The article presents a bibliographical synthesis, data from the authors’ experience in surgical treatment of 124 patients (1962-2010) affected by benign osteoclastoma. There were highlighted the postoperative complications and further consequences and the oncological recovery outcomes (95,1%) and orthopedical efficacy of the remaining osteoplasty defects with allogenous bony grafting (95,2%)

    Страницы из истории отечественной травматологии и ортопедии в Республике Молдова: вклад Н. Тестемицану

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    The contribution of Nicolae Testemiţanu to establish and development of Traumatological and Orthopedical service in the Republic of Moldova are presented. As a director of the Republican Clinical Hospital, later Rector of the Medical Institute, Minister of Health, he has contributed directly to the establishment of Traumatological and Orthopedical service in the republic: to opening the fi rst specialized department (1959), to the inauguration of Traumatology and Orthopedy Chair (1962), to the establishment of the Republican Clinical Hospital of Traumatology and Orthopedy (1964), to the training of specialists in this fi eld etc.Представлена роль Николая Тестемицану в развитии травматологии и ортопедии в Республике Молдова. Будучи главным врачом РКБ, позже ректором КГМИ, министром здравоохранения, непосредственно участвовал в создании данной службы: открытие первого травматологического отделения (1959), организация Кафедры травматологии и ортопедии (1962), строительство Республиканской клинической больницы травматологии и ортопедии (1964), подготовка кадров для специализированных учреждений республики и др

    Surgical treatment of patients affected by solitary bone kyst

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    Catedra Ortopedie, Traumatologie şi Chirurgie de Campanie, USMF „N. Testemiţanu”, Spitalul Clinic Traumatologie şi Ortopedie, Chişinău, Conferinţa a XI-a Naţională a ortopezilor-traumatologi din Republica Moldova “POLITRAUMATISME – CONCEPŢII CONTEMPORANE DE DIAGNOSTIC ŞI TRATAMENT”Este prezentat tratamentul chirurgical a 140 de pacienţi afectaţi de chist solitar osos. Au predominat leziunile de humerus, femur şi tibie – 82,1%. La 64 din ei au avut loc fracturi patologice. Focarul de destrucţie la toţi bolnavii a fost înlăturat prin diferite tipuri de rezecţie, iar la 125 din ei cu alogrefarea defectelor restante. Reoperaţi pe motiv de recidivă a bolii – 5 pacienţi. Rezultatele finale în 97,1% cazuri sunt constatate bune, în 2,9% - satisfăcătoare. Surgical treatment of 140 patients affected by solitary bone cyst is presented. Humerus lesions and of the femur and tibia prevailed – 82,1%. Pathological fractures were noticed in 64 patients. The focus of destruction in all the patients was removed by various types of resection, while in 125 of them, with alloplasty of the remained defects. 5 patients have been reoperated because of the recurrence of the disease. Final outcomes were good in 97,1% of cases and 2,9% satisfactory

    Osteoporoza ideopatică: aspecte medico-biologice, clinice şi de tratament (concept de sinteză)

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    Catedra Ortopedie şi Traumatologie, USMF Nicolae Testemiţan

    Bone alloplasty in treatment of fibrous polyostotic osteodysplasia ceases the evolution of pathological process and contributes to ossification of nonintervented surgical focci

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    Catedra Ortopedie şi Traumatologie, USMF “N. Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaÎn lucrare sunt prezentate noi dovezi la studiile anterioare (1981), care reconfirmă că înlăturarea unui oarecare, la indicaţie, focar patologic dintr-un os afectat de “Osteodisplazie fibroasă poliostică” şi osteoplastia defectului restant cu alogrefe corticale scindate contribuie la profilaxia procesului de malignizare, stoparea evoluţiei acestei maladii sistemice şi la osificarea focarelor fibroase nesupuse intervenţiei chirurgicale. Rolul decisiv în patogenia tratamentului acestor pacienţi aparţine particularităţilor stimulatoare şi reparatoare în osteogeneză ale osului alogen asupra organismului în cauză. Acest fenomen nu se observă în cazurile de implantare a autogrefelor colectate de la bolnav. The given work presents new proof of anterior studies (1981), which reconfirms, that any indicated removal of a pathological focus from an affected bone by polyostotic fibrous osteodysplasia and the remained osteoplastia deffect with cortical disintegrated allografts, contributes to the prophylaxis of malignant process, to the arrest of evolution of this systemic disease and to ossification of focci which didn’t undergo surgical interventions. A decisive role in pathogenesis of treatment of these patients belongs to stimulatory features and reajustment of the allogenic bone on the given body. This phenomenon is not seen is cases of implantation of autografts collected from the patients

    Школа «Н. Тестемицану» и ее роль в организации и развитии Травматолого-ортопедической службы в Республике Молдова

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    Catedra Ortopedie şi Traumatologie, USMF Nicolae TestemiţanuThe contribution of prof. N. Testemitanu to the establishing and development of Traumatological and Orthopedical service in the Republic of Moldova are presented. As a director of the Republican Clinical Hospital, later Rector of the Medical Institute, Minister of Health, contributed directly to the establishing of Traumatological and Orthopedical service in the republic: to opening of the fi rst specialized department (1959), inauguration of Traumatology and Orthopedy Chair (1962), to the establishing of the Republican Clinical Hospital of Traumatology and Orthopedy (1964), tot h etraining of specialists in the field etc.Представлен вклад проф. Н. Тестемицану в организации и развитии Травматолого-ортопедической службы в Республике Молдова. Будучи главным врачом Республиканской Клинической Больницы, затем Ректором Кишиневского Государственного Медицинского Института, Министром Здравоохранения республики последовательно открыл: первое Травматолого-ортопедическое отделение (1959), Кафедру по этой специальности (1962), строил Республиканскую Клиническую Больницу Травматологии и Ортопедии (1964), активно занимался вопросами подготовки специалистов по данной специальности и др

    The aspects of regeneration, consolidation and restructuring of the bone allograftings implanted in the post-tumor residual defects in the locomotorium

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    Catedra Ortopedie, Traumatologie şi Chirurgie de Campanie, USMF “N. Testemiţanu”, Spitalul Clinic Traumatologie şi Ortopedie Chişinău, Republica MoldovaÎn acest articol sunt prezentate rezultatele aloplastiei osoase a defectelor osteoarticulare apărute după înlăturarea tumorilor benigne şi a formaţiunilor pseudotumorale la 558 de pacienţi, operaţi în clinică pe parcursul a peste 45 de ani. De asemenea sunt descrise complicaţiile apărute postoperator şi la distanţă, variantele de restructurare a alogrefelor implantate la copii şi adulţi şi argumentată eficienţa folosirii alogrefelor formolate în calitate de material plastic în chirurgia reconstructivă la locomotor la pacienţii cu patologie oncologică.The results of bone alloplasty of the osteoarticular defects appeared after ablation of the benign tumors and pseudotumoral formations at 558 patients operated in the clinic during more than 45 years are presented. The complications appearing after the operation and a long time after it are elucidated. The variants of restructuring of allograftings implanted at children and adults, efficiency of use of the formalinized allograftings as plastic material in the reconstructive surgery of the locomotorium of the patients suffering from oncologic pathology are described