288 research outputs found

    Usporedba hemodinamske funkcije kod dvije vrste lokalne anestezije s vazokonstriktorom u dnevnoj kirurgiji: retrospektivna studija

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    Abstract - Hemodynamic changes and cardiac arrhythmias are not uncommon in clinical practice, depending on including patient features, surgical treatment and drugs administered. We describe hemodynamic changes developed in young patients, soon after a local infiltration anesthesia in day surgery. Methods - We retrospectively assessed the hemodynamic effect of 2% lidocaine with 0,0125mg/ml adrenaline (Li & AD) administered for septorhinoplasty in 44 participants and combination of 0.5% bupivacaine and 2% lidocaine with 0.0125mg/ml adrenaline (BLi & AD) for breast augmentation in 48 participants. Blood pressure and heart rate were recorded before the introduction of general anesthesia, immediately 5.10 and 20 minutes after administration of local infiltration, anesthetic (LIA) and data were analyzed. Results - The mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) in all observed measurements before general anesthesia (0), immediately, 5 minutes, 10 minutes and 20 minutes after local infiltration anesthesia was higher among patients who underwent septorinoplasty (Li & AD), in relation to patients who underwent breast augmentation (BLi & AD) (p <05). The level of diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in measurement 20 minutes compared to measurement in 10 minutes was increased by 9,52 mmHg. The septorhinoplasty group showed a significant increase in heart rate measured 20 minutes after local infiltration anesthesia with adrenaline. Conclusions - Measured transitory changes in heart rate and blood pressure after local infiltration of vasoconstrictor anesthetics in healthy patients prior to septorinoplasty and breast augmentation may be induced by endogenous and / or exogenous epinephrine. Bupivacaine solution for local infiltration analgesia reduces hemodynamic disturbances and prolongs analgesic effect. We highlight the need for careful preoperative evaluation, including anxiety assessment and treatment in all patients in day surgery.Sažetak Hemodinamske promjene i aritmije srca nisu rijetkost u kliničkoj praksi, ovisne o osobinama bolesnika, kirurškom liječenju i primijenjenim lijekovima. Opisane su hemodinamske promjene koje su se razvile u mlađih bolesnika ubrzo nakon lokalne infiltracije anestezija u dnevnoj kirurgiji Metode Retrospektivno smo procijenili hemodinamski učinak 2% lidokaina s 0,0125 mg/ml adrenalina (Li & AD) primijenjenog za septorinoplastiku u 44 pacijenta i kombinacija od 0,5% bupivakaina i 2% lidokaina s 0,0125 mg/ml adrenalina (BLi & AD) za povećanje dojki u 48 sudionika. Krvni tlak i broj otkucaja srca bilježeni su prije uvoda u opću anesteziju 0, te poslije 5,10 i 20 minuta nakon primjene lokalne infiltracije anestetika (LIA) i podaci su analizirani. Rezultati Srednja vrijednost sistoličkog krvnog tlaka (SRR) u svim promatranim mjerenjima prije opće anestezije (0), odmah 5 minuta, 10 minuta i 20 minuta nakon lokalne infiltracije anestetika bila je viša kod pacijenata podvrgnutih septorinoplastici (Li & AD) u odnosu na pacijentice podvrgnute povećanju dojki, (BLi & AD) skupina (p <05). Vrijednosti dijastoličkog tlaka (DRR) 20 minuta u odnosu na 10 minuta povećane su za 9,52 mmHg(P<0.05). Pacijenti podvrgnuti septorinoplastici imali su značajan porast srčane frekvencije u 20 minuti nakon lokalne infiltracije anestetika s adrenalinom. Zaključci: Izmjerene prolazne promjene otkucaja srca i krvnog tlaka nakon lokalne infiltracije anestetika s vazokonstriktorima u zdravih pacijentica prije septorinoplastike i povećanja grudi mogu biti potaknute endogenim i/ili egzogenim adrenalinom. Bupivakain otopina za lokalnu infiltracijsku analgeziju smanjila je hemodinamske poremećaje i produžila analgetski učinak. Ističemo potrebu za pažljivom preoperativnom evaluacijom, uključujući procjenu anksioznosti i liječenje u svih pacijenata u dnevnoj kirurgiji

    Riscos ergonômicos e seus efeitos na saúde da equipe de Enfermagem

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    Introduction: works in hospital institutions in several countries is performed under inadequate working conditions. Concerning the ergonomic risk, this situation leads to illnesses in workers, such as musculoskeletal injuries, causing absenteeism in workers due to medical exemption certificates. Objective: to describe the arising musculoskeletal injuries and absenteeism-illness, also the working conditions that caused on the health personnel request for extended medical exemption certificates. Method: an observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study was carried out, during the period September throughout October 2021, on 23 nursing professionals with extended medical exemption certificates, all of them associated to a public institution at the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Standardized Nordic Questionnaire and the Questionnaire of Ergonomic Situation for working environment were used. The following variables were analyzed: working environment conditions, ergonomic risks and occupational hazards, musculoskeletal symptoms, absenteeism, body posture according to the spine and arms position.Results: the 60.9% of personnel surveyed were female. The mean age was 35.9 years, mode 39 and standard deviation 9.2 years. Injuries at the upper and lower back, neck and both shoulders prevailed. Concerning satisfaction on the ergonomic conditions of the furniture and the adopted body posture, 73.9% reported that it was not very satisfactory. Conclusions: the ergonomic risks that impact the nursing staff at this institution cause physical and mental damage due to the overload of the musculoskeletal apparatus and the cognitive function they have to perform in order to carry out their daily activities.Introducción: el trabajo en instituciones hospitalarias de varios países es realizado en condiciones laborales inadecuadas. En el caso de las ergonómicas esta situación acarrea enfermedades en los trabajadores, como son las lesiones osteomusculares, con su consiguiente ausentismo por licencias médicas. Objetivo: describir la ocurrencia de lesiones osteomusculares y de ausentismo-enfermedad y las condiciones laborales que ocasionó la solicitud de licencias prolongadas en el personal de salud. Método: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal en 23 profesionales de Enfermería con licencia de larga duración, de una institución pública en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina, en el periodo septiembre-octubre de 2021. Se utilizó el Cuestionario Nórdico Estandarizado y el Cuestionario de Situación Ergonómica del Ambiente de Trabajo. Fueron analizadas las variables: condiciones del entorno laboral, riesgos ergonómicos y riesgos laborales, síntomas osteomusculares, ausentismo, postura corporal según posición de columna vertebral y brazos.Resultados: el 60,9 % de los encuestados perteneció al sexo femenino. La edad promedio fue de 35,9 años, moda de 39 y la desviación estándar de 9,2 años. Prevalecieron las lesiones en espalda alta y baja, cuello y ambos hombros. En cuanto a la satisfacción respecto a la postura corporal adoptada y las condiciones ergonómicas del mobiliario, el 73,9 % refirió que era poco satisfactorio. Conclusiones: los riesgos ergonómicos que influyen en el personal de Enfermería de esta institución ocasionan daños físicos y mentales al personal debido a la sobrecarga del aparato músculo-esquelético y la función cognitiva que tienen que desempeñar para realizar sus actividades diarias.Introdução: o trabalho em instituições hospitalares em vários países é realizado em condições inadequadas de trabalho. No caso da ergonomia, essa situação leva a doenças nos trabalhadores, como lesões musculoesqueléticas, com consequente absenteísmo por licença médica. Objetivo: descrever a ocorrência de lesões musculoesqueléticas e absenteísmo-doença e as condições de trabalho que levaram ao pedido de afastamento prolongado do pessoal de saúde. Método: estudo observacional, descritivo, transversal, realizado em 23 profissionais de Enfermagem com licença de longa duração, de uma instituição pública da Cidade Autônoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina, no período de setembro a outubro de 2021. O Questionário Nórdico Padronizado e o Questionário de Situação Ergonômica do Ambiente de Trabalho. As variáveis analisadas foram: condições do ambiente de trabalho, riscos ergonômicos e ocupacionais, sintomas osteomusculares, absenteísmo, postura corporal de acordo com a posição da coluna e dos braços. Resultados: 60,9% dos entrevistados eram do sexo feminino. A média de idade foi de 35,9 anos, a moda de 39 e o desvio padrão de 9,2 anos. Lesões na parte superior e inferior das costas, pescoço e ambos os ombros prevaleceram. Em relação à satisfação com a postura corporal adotada e as condições ergonômicas do mobiliário, 73,9% relataram que era insatisfatória. Conclusões: os riscos ergonômicos que influenciam a equipe de Enfermagem desta instituição causam danos físicos e mentais à equipe devido à sobrecarga do aparelho musculoesquelético e da função cognitiva que têm que desempenhar para realizar suas atividades diárias

    Estrés laboral y desempeño de los colaboradores del área de ventas de boticas Mi Jesus Chulucanas 1 – 2021

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    La investigación realizada tuvo como fin determinar la relación que existe entre el estrés laboral y el desempeño de los colaboradores del área de ventas de Boticas mi Jesus, Chulucanas 1 – 2021. La investigación fue básicamente de corte transversal, no experimental y correlacional; bajo el método deductivo. El enfoque utilizado fue cuantitativo porque se llevó a cabo una encuesta como técnica y un cuestionario como instrumento, el cual fue aplicado a una población y muestra de 11 colaboradores del área de ventas. Se obtuvo como resultado una correlación positiva moderada entre el estrés laboral y desempeño, los datos analizados mediante el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson, dieron un p valor de 0.622 y una significancia de 0.041, además respecto al primer objetivo específico se obtuvo que el nivel de estrés es bajo-medio, representado con un porcentaje del 36,36%. De acuerdo al segundo objetivo específico el 45,45% de los colaboradores presentaron un desempeño de nivel medio, dado que aspectos como la satisfacción laboral vienen afectando al desempeño en el centro laboral, otro aspecto que también afecta, pero en menor porcentaje son la falta de capacitaciones. Se concluyó que no existen factores de estrés laboral que se relacionan y afectan al desempeño de los colaboradores del área de ventas de Boticas Mi Jesus Chulucanas – 1 y se propone un plan de prevención de estrés y salud laboral para manejar futuras situaciones.TesisGestión empresarial y emprendimient

    Estrés y satisfacción laboral en una cooperativa de ahorro de Cajamarca

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre el estrés y la satisfacción laboral en los colaboradores de una cooperativa de ahorro de Cajamarca. La muestra estuvo conformada por 20 colaboradores de una cooperativa de ahorro. La metodología, tiene un enfoque cuantitativo con alcance correlacional y de diseño no experimental Transversal. Como instrumentos se utilizó el cuestionario de Estrés Laboral OIT-OMS y la escala de satisfacción laboral elaborado por Carrillo. Los resultados fueron que existe una correlación negativa de -0.323 entre estrés y satisfacción laboral con un nivel de significancia de 0.001, se identificó que no hay colaboradores con un nivel muy alto de estrés; sin embargo 5% de los evaluados presenta un nivel alto de estrés laboral y en satisfacción laboral se identificó que el 40% de los colaboradores presenta un nivel insatisfecho, por otro lado la relación que existe entre las dimensiones es negativa; al igual que el tipo de relación que existe entre el estrés y satisfacción laboral según sexo, además se evidenció que el sexo no influye en los resultados. Concluyendo que hay una relación negativa entre ambas variables

    A Novel fry1 Allele Reveals the Existence of a Mutant Phenotype Unrelated to 5′->3′ Exoribonuclease (XRN) Activities in Arabidopsis thaliana Roots

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    BACKGROUND Mutations in the FRY1/SAL1 Arabidopsis locus are highly pleiotropic, affecting drought tolerance, leaf shape and root growth. FRY1 encodes a nucleotide phosphatase that in vitro has inositol polyphosphate 1-phosphatase and 3',(2'),5'-bisphosphate nucleotide phosphatase activities. It is not clear which activity mediates each of the diverse biological functions of FRY1 in planta. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS A fry1 mutant was identified in a genetic screen for Arabidopsis mutants deregulated in the expression of Pi High affinity Transporter 1;4 (PHT1;4). Histological analysis revealed that, in roots, FRY1 expression was restricted to the stele and meristems. The fry1 mutant displayed an altered root architecture phenotype and an increased drought tolerance. All of the phenotypes analyzed were complemented with the AHL gene encoding a protein that converts 3'-polyadenosine 5'-phosphate (PAP) into AMP and Pi. PAP is known to inhibit exoribonucleases (XRN) in vitro. Accordingly, an xrn triple mutant with mutations in all three XRNs shared the fry1 drought tolerance and root architecture phenotypes. Interestingly these two traits were also complemented by grafting, revealing that drought tolerance was primarily conferred by the rosette and that the root architecture can be complemented by long-distance regulation derived from leaves. By contrast, PHT1 expression was not altered in xrn mutants or in grafting experiments. Thus, PHT1 up-regulation probably resulted from a local depletion of Pi in the fry1 stele. This hypothesis is supported by the identification of other genes modulated by Pi deficiency in the stele, which are found induced in a fry1 background. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE Our results indicate that the 3',(2'),5'-bisphosphate nucleotide phosphatase activity of FRY1 is involved in long-distance as well as local regulatory activities in roots. The local up-regulation of PHT1 genes transcription in roots likely results from local depletion of Pi and is independent of the XRNs.This work was supported by an ANR-GENOPLANT grant (RIBOROOT-ANR06 GPLA 011) and the CEA agency. Array hybridizations have been partly supported by RNG (Réseau National des Génopoles, Evry, France). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. No additional external funding received for this study

    Accurate determination of interface trap state parameters by admittance spectroscopy in the presence of a Schottky barrier contact: Application to ZnO-based solar cells

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. The following article appeared in Marin, A. T., Musselman, K. P., & MacManus-Driscoll, J. L. (2013). Accurate determination of interface trap state parameters by admittance spectroscopy in the presence of a Schottky barrier contact: Application to ZnO-based solar cells. Journal of Applied Physics, 113(14), 144502 and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4799633This work shows that when a Schottky barrier is present in a photovoltaic device, such as in a device with an ITO/ZnO contact, equivalent circuit analysis must be performed with admittance spectroscopy to accurately determine the pn junction interface recombination parameters (i.e., capture cross section and density of trap states). Without equivalent circuit analysis, a Schottky barrier can produce an error of similar to 4-orders of magnitude in the capture cross section and similar to 50% error in the measured density of trap states. Using a solution processed ZnO/Cu2O photovoltaic test system, we apply our analysis to clearly separate the contributions of interface states at the pn junction from the Schottky barrier at the ITO/ZnO contact so that the interface state recombination parameters can be accurately characterized. This work is widely applicable to the multitude of photovoltaic devices, which use ZnO adjacent to ITO.International Copper AssociationERC for the Advanced Investigator Grant, Novox [ERC-2009-adG 247276]Gates Cambridge TrustGirton College (Cambridge

    Participative Management And Educational Quality In The Context Of Plan Colombia Institutional Improvement In Schools

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    The purpose is to understand the meanings that educational actors of the Magdalena - Colombia, assign to the Plan of Institutional Improvement; Instrument where the macro, meso and micro of the educational policy converge, considering Participatory Management and Educational Quality. From a qualitative approach, a sociocritical paradigm, processes of reflection, analysis, understanding and conferring meanings are generated, through the formation of focus groups (managers, teachers, students, parents). The results show gaps between the normative and the operationalization of the plan; we conclude on the need for a strategic culture of participation for decision making as the basis of school management..El propósito es comprender los significados que actores educativos del Magdalena – Colombia, asignan al Plan de Mejoramiento Institucional; instrumento donde confluyen lo macro, meso y micro de la política educativa, considerando la Gestión Participativa y Calidad Educativa. Desde un enfoque cualitativo, paradigma sociocrítico, se generan procesos de reflexión, análisis, comprensión y conferimiento de significados, mediante la conformación de grupos focales (directivos, docentes, estudiantes, padres). Los resultados evidencian brechas entre lo normativo y la operacionalización del plan; se concluye en, la necesidad de una cultura estratégica de participación para la toma de decisiones como fundamento de la gestión escola