94 research outputs found

    Perimän ja ravinnon yhteydet kalsiumin aineenvaihduntaan ja luun vahvuuteen : Tutkimuksia luuston nutrigenetiikasta

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    Heredity explains a major part of the variation in calcium homeostasis and bone strength, and the susceptibility to osteoporosis is polygenetically regulated. Bone phenotype results from the interplay between lifestyle and genes, and several nutritional factors modulate bone health throughout life. Thus, nutrigenetics examining the genetic variation in nutrient intake and homeostatic control is an important research area in the etiology of osteoporosis. Despite continuing progress in the search for candidate genes for osteoporosis, the results thus far have been inconclusive. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the associations of lactase, vitamin D receptor (VDR), calcium sensing receptor (CaSR) and parathyroid hormone (PTH) gene polymorphisms and lifestyle factors and their interactions with bone health in Finns at varying stages of the skeletal life span. Markers of calcium homeostasis and bone remodelling were measured from blood and urine samples. Bone strength was measured at peripheral and central bone sites. Lifestyle factors were assessed with questionnaires and interviews. Genetic lactase non-persistence (the C/C-13910 genotype) was associated with lower consumption of milk from childhood, predisposing females in particular to inadequate calcium intake. Consumption of low-lactose milk and milk products was shown to decrease the risk for inadequate calcium intake. In young adulthood, bone loss was more common in males than in females. Males with the lactase C/C-13910 genotype may be more susceptible to bone loss than males with the other lactase genotypes, although calcium intake predicts changes in bone mass more than the lactase genotype. The BsmI and FokI polymorphisms of the VDR gene were associated with bone mass in growing adolescents, but the associations weakened with age. In young adults, the A986S polymorphism of the calcium sensing receptor gene was associated with serum ionized calcium concentrations, and the BstBI polymorphism of the parathyroid gene was related to bone strength. The FokI polymorphism and sodium intake showed an interaction effect on urinary calcium excretion. A novel gene-gene interaction between the VDR FokI and PTH BstBI gene polymorphisms was found in the regulation of PTH secretion and urinary calcium excretion. Further research should be carried out with more number of Finns at varying stages of the skeletal life span and more detailed measurements of bone strength. Research should concern mechanisms by which genetic variants affect calcium homeostasis and bone strength, and the role of diet-gene and gene-gene interactions in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis.Perimä selittää suuren osan kalsiumin aineenvaihdunnassa ja luun vahvuudessa esiintyvästä vaihtelusta ja monet ravintotekijät vaikuttavat luuston hyvinvointiin. Ravinnon ja perimän yhteisvaikutuksia selvittävä nutrigenetiikka on uusi ja merkittävä tutkimusalue osteoporoosin etiologiassa. Nutrigenetiikan saavutusten myötä tulevaisuudessa voidaan mahdollisesti ehkäistä sairauksien puhkeaminen yksilöllisillä ravitsemussuosituksilla, mutta toistaiseksi tutkimustulokset ovat melko ristiriitaisia. Väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin kalsiumin saantia ja aineenvaihduntaa säätelevissä perintötekijöissä esiintyvän normaalivaihtelun eli geenipolymorfioiden sekä elintapojen yhteyksiä ja yhteisvaikutuksia luuston terveyteen eri-ikäisillä suomalaisilla. Tutkittavilta mitattiin kalsiumin ja luun aineenvaihduntaa kuvaavia merkkiaineita veri- ja virtsanäytteistä sekä luun vahvuutta luuston eri osista. Luuston hyvinvointiin vaikuttavat elintavat kartoitettiin kyselylomakkeilla ja tutkimuskäyntien yhteydessä. Perinnöllinen laktoosi-intoleranssi oli yhteydessä vähäisempään maidon käyttöön lapsuudesta alkaen altistaen erityisesti naiset riittämättömälle kalsiumin saannille. Vähälaktoosisten maitojen ja maitovalmisteiden käyttö suojasi laktoosi-intolerantikkoja suosituksia niukemmalta kalsiumin saannilta. Nuorella aikuisiällä luumassan menetys oli miehillä naisia yleisempää, ja perinnöllisesti laktoosi-intolerantikot miehet saattavat olla alttiimpia luukadolle. Kalsiumin saanti selittää suomalaisväestössä luumassan muutoksia kuitenkin paremmin kuin laktaasigenotyyppi, jonka yhteys luun vahvuuteen on osoitettu muissa väestöissä. D-vitamiinireseptorin geenipolymorfioilla havaittiin yhteyksiä kasvuikäisten luumassaan, mutta iän myötä polymorfiavaihtelun ja luun vahvuuden välinen yhteys heikkeni. Nuorista aikuisista koostuvassa tutkimusaineistossa kalsiumia sitovan reseptorin geenipolymorfia oli yhteydessä verenkierron kalsiumpitoisuuteen, ja lisäkilpirauhashormonin geenipolymorfian havaittiin selittävän luun vahvuudessa esiintyvää vaihtelua. Lisäksi D-vitamiinireseptorin geenipolymorfia sääteli suolan saannin vaikutuksia kalsiumin eritykseen. D-vitamiinireseptorin ja lisäkilpirauhashormonin geenipolymorfioilla havaittiin yhteisvaikutus kalsiumin aineenvaihduntaan, mikä on aiemmin julkaisematon tutkimushavainto. Ravinnon ja geenien yhteisvaikutuksia luuston terveyteen tulisi selvittää laajemmilla eri-ikäistä suomalaisväestöä edustavilla otoksilla. Jatkotutkimuksissa luun vahvuutta tulisi mitata monipuolisemmin ja lisäksi pyrkiä selvittämään tarkemmin mekanismeja, joilla perimä säätelee kalsiumin aineenvaihduntaa ja luun vahvuutta

    Käyttäjälähtöisen sosiaalisen median markkinointiviestinnän konseptointi : case: Lahden A-klinikka

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoiteena oli selvittää, mitä merkitystä käyttäjälähtöisyydellä on viestintää suunniteltaessa, mitä erityispiirteitä liittyy sosiaalisiin viestintäkanaviin sekä miten A-klinikasta voidaan tehdä ennaltaehkäisevä ja helposti lähestyttävä eri työkalujen avulla. Tietoperusta koostui kahdesta eri osiosta, joista ensimmäinen käsitteli käyttäjälähtöisyyttä ja siihen liittyviä eri osa-alueita. Toinen osio käsitteli kohdennettua sosiaalisen median viestintää sekä siihen liittyviä tekijöitä, kuten sosiaalisen median rooli viestinnässä ja sosiaalisen median viestintäkanavat. Työkaluina työssä käytettiin palvelumuotoilun työkaluista asiakasprofilointia, palvelupolkuja ja käyttäjiä osallistavaa työpajaa. Asiakasprofilointi auttoi havainnoimaan asiakkaan käyttäytymismallia markkinointimateriaaleissa. Palvelupolkujen avulla pystytään seuraamaan asiakkaan etenemistä vaiheittain sosiaalisessa mediassa. Tulokseksi syntyi neljä asiakasprofiilia, neljä palvelupolkua ja työpaja. Neljä asiakasprofiilia kuvaavat neljän eri kuvitteellisen henkilön elämää sekä riippuvuusongelmaa ja neljä palvelupolkua ovat asiakasprofiileista luotuja polkuja, joissa henkilöt etenevät vaihe vaiheelta sosiaalisessa mediassa eri kanavissa ja eri riippuvuusongelmissa. Toiminnallisessa osuudessa työpajassa Fellmanniassa osallistettiin käyttäjiä kartoittamaan sosiaalisen median viestintäkanavia ja tutkittiin ikäryhmiä näiden viestintäkanavien ympärillä.The aim of this thesis was to examine the importance of user orientation in planning communication, to identify the particular features of social media communication channels, and to find out how A-Clinic’s operations could be made more preventive and accessible with the help of different tools. The theoretical framework consists of two parts. The first part deals with user orientation and the related aspects. The second part deals with targeted social media communication and some realted aspects such as social media’s role in communication and social media communication channels. Customer profiles, service paths and user workshop were used as research methods. As a result, the thesis includes four customer profiles, four service paths and a workshop. The customer profiles describe the life and addiction of four imaginary individuals. The service paths are based on the customer profiles and depict each of the four individual’s actions and steps on social media. The functional part of the thesis deals with a workshop organized in Fellmannia, Lahti. The workshop encouraged users to identify communication channels on social media. In addiction, the aim of the workshop was to study age groups in the channels

    Political risk for foreign firms in the Western CIS: An analysis on Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine

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    This report analyses the political risks of Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine from a foreign firm's point of view. Russia's increasing economic nationalism means increasing investment risk for foreign investors. The political climate in Ukraine is unfavourable to foreign investment but not to the extent that it would prevent or seriously restrict the possibilities of operating in the market. The political risk in Belarus is related to the centralisation of authority over economic policy. In Moldova, political risks for foreign investors are clearly present in this economically and politically problematic situation. All in all, political risk remains elevated in Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine.Der Beitrag analysiert die politischen Risiken in Weißrussland, Moldawien, Russland und der Ukraine vom Standpunkt eines ausländischen Unternehmens aus. Der gesteigerte wirtschaftliche Nationalismus in Russland bedeutet eine Erhöhung der Investitionsrisiken für ausländische Kapitalanleger. Das politische Klima in der Ukraine ist für ausländische Investitionen zwar ungünstig, aber nicht derart, dass wirtschaftliche Aktivitäten ausgeschlossen oder wesentlich eingeschränkt würden. Das politische Risiko in Weißrussland ist verbunden mit einer Zentralisierung der Autorität in Bezug auf die Wirtschaftspolitik. In Moldawien liegen die politischen Risiken für ausländische Kapitalanleger in der problematischen wirtschaftlichen und politischen Situation begründet. Alles in allem besteht weiterhin ein erhöhtes politisches Risiko in Weißrussland, Moldawien, Russland und der Ukraine

    The Relationship between Dietary Habits and Work Engagement among Female Finnish Municipal Employees

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    Background: Work engagement reflects work-related well-being. It is positively associated with health, life satisfaction, work efficiency, income level, and occupational prospects. However, little is known about the relationship between work engagement and diet. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among female Finnish municipal employees (n = 630) in 2015. Work engagement was assessed using the Utrecht Work Engagement Index. The consumption of healthy and unhealthy food items was determined using a food frequency questionnaire. Sociodemographic factors, health behaviors, depressive and anxiety symptoms were assessed with self-administrated questionnaires. Results: Work engagement had a positive relationship with the daily consumption of healthy food items. This association remained significant even after adjusting for age, education years, financial situation, and physical activity. The frequency of consuming unhealthy food items showed no relationship with work engagement. Anxiety and depressive symptoms decreased linearly with the greater consumption of healthy foods. Conclusion: Frequent consumption of healthy food items is associated with higher work engagement, irrespectively of the consumption of unhealthy nutrients. These results encourage health care professionals to recommend healthy food items instead of forbidding unhealthy food, as well as employers to support healthy dietary habits among employees

    The Relationship between Dietary Habits and Work Engagement among Female Finnish Municipal Employees

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    Background: Work engagement reflects work-related well-being. It is positively associated with health, life satisfaction, work efficiency, income level, and occupational prospects. However, little is known about the relationship between work engagement and diet. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among female Finnish municipal employees (n = 630) in 2015. Work engagement was assessed using the Utrecht Work Engagement Index. The consumption of healthy and unhealthy food items was determined using a food frequency questionnaire. Sociodemographic factors, health behaviors, depressive and anxiety symptoms were assessed with self-administrated questionnaires. Results: Work engagement had a positive relationship with the daily consumption of healthy food items. This association remained significant even after adjusting for age, education years, financial situation, and physical activity. The frequency of consuming unhealthy food items showed no relationship with work engagement. Anxiety and depressive symptoms decreased linearly with the greater consumption of healthy foods. Conclusion: Frequent consumption of healthy food items is associated with higher work engagement, irrespectively of the consumption of unhealthy nutrients. These results encourage health care professionals to recommend healthy food items instead of forbidding unhealthy food, as well as employers to support healthy dietary habits among employees

    Higher step count is associated with greater bone mass and strength in women but not in men

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    In this cross-sectional study, peripheral bone traits were examined relative to total daily steps measured with pedometer. Higher number of steps was associated with greater bone values at the calcaneus and tibia in women, but not in men. In women, dose-dependent associations at the radius were congruent with the weight-bearing bones. Introduction Habitual physical activity measured as daily steps may contribute to bone density and strength at the calcaneus and other weight-bearing bones. Methods Subgroups of 705-837 women and 480-615 men aged 31-46 years from the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study participated in the present study. Participants were instructed to use pedometer for 1 week, and the total daily steps, divided into tertiles, were evaluated relative to quantitative ultrasound-measured bone traits at the calcaneus and peripheral quantitative computed tomography-measured bone traits at the tibia and radius. Analysis of covariance was used to examine the between-group differences. Results In women, significant dose-dependent between-group differences were found in the weight-bearing bones and in non-weight-bearing radius. The differences in broadband ultrasound attenuation and speed of sound at the calcaneus were 3.8 and 0.5% greater in women within the highest tertile of daily steps compared to the lowest tertile (p values for trend 8765 steps/day) had on average 1-5.4% greater bone cross-sectional area, bone mineral content (BMC), trabecular density, and bone strength index at the distal site and 1.6-2.7% greater bone areas, BMC and strength strain index (SSI) at the shaft compared to women with less daily steps (p values for trend Conclusion Observed significant positive associations between daily steps and various bone traits at the calcaneus, tibia, and radius in women suggest that habitual physical activity may benefit skeletal health in adulthood.Peer reviewe

    Healthy and Unhealthy Food Consumption in Relation to Quality of Life among Finnish Female Municipal Employees: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Aspects of good quality of life (QoL) have been found to motivate people to make lifestyle changes. There is also evidence that certain dietary patterns are associated with QoL. The aim of this work was to examine whether consumption frequencies of healthy and unhealthy food items are associated with QoL in female employees. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 631 Finnish female employees (mean age 49 years, SD = 10) from 10 municipal work units in 2015. Information about the participants was collected by physical examination, laboratory tests, self-administered questionnaires, including the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ), and from medical history. QoL was assessed with the EUROHIS-Quality of Life 8-item index. A significant positive association was seen between consumption frequency of healthy foods and the EUROHIS-QOL mean score (p = 0.002). The association was small but comprehensive, also involving most dimensions of QoL. The consumption frequency of unhealthy foods was not associated with QoL. These findings are relevant when designing diet counselling, since QoL is an outcome that has been found to motivate people to change their health habits. Recommending abundant use of healthy foods could be a simple and convenient way of diet counselling at many health care appointments, where time consuming approaches are difficult to conduct

    Effects of Insect Herbivory on Bilberry Production and Removal of Berries by Frugivores

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    The evolutionary purpose of a fleshy fruit is to attract seed dispersers and get the seeds dispersed by frugivorous animals. For this reason, fruits should be highly rewarding to these mutualists. However, insect herbivory can alter plant reproductive success e.g. by decreasing fruit yield or affecting the attractiveness of the fruits to mutualistic seed dispersers. Under natural conditions, we tested the effects of experimental larval-defoliation on berry ripening and consumption of a non-cultivated dwarf shrub, the bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), which produces animal-dispersed berries with high sugar and anthocyanin concentration. Bilberry ramets with high fruit yield were most likely to have their berries foraged, indicating that frugivores made foraging choices based on the abundance of berries. Moreover, the probability for berries being foraged was the lowest for non-defoliated ramets that grew adjacent to larval-defoliated ramets, even though larval-defoliation did not affect the biochemical composition (total concentrations of anthocyanins, sugars and organic acids) or the probability of ripening of berries. We hypothesise that the lower probability for berries being foraged in these ramets may be a consequence of rhizome- or volatile-mediated communication between ramets, resulting in a priming effect of the herbivore defence and lower attractiveness of the non-defoliated ramets.Peer reviewe