148 research outputs found

    The role of career counseling in the new career era..

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    Dit doctoraat focust op de hedendaagse rol van bedrijfexterne loopbaanbegeleiding. Bedrijfsexterne loopbaanbegeleiding is een dienstverlening die mensen helpt bij problemen in hun loopbaan en georganiseerd wordt los van de werkgever van het individu. Vroeger was bedrijfsexterne loopbaanbegeleiding voornamelijk gericht op hulp aan jongeren bij het maken van een initiële loopbaankeuze. De laatste jaren is echter de overtuiging gegroeid dat loopbanen een levenslang constructieproces zijn en dat externe loopbaanbegeleiding daarom zinvol kan zijn voor mensen van om het even welke leeftijd. Bovendien wordt steeds vaker verwacht dat individuen een actieve rol opnemen in het vormgeven en sturen van de eigen loopbaan. Tegelijk blijken heel wat mensen het hier echter moeilijk mee te hebben. Daarom wordt verwacht dat loopbaanbegeleiding individuen ook helpt bij het zelfsturen van de loopbaan. Ondanks de groeiende eensgezindheid over de nieuwe rol van loopbaanbegeleiding blijft het empirisch onderzoek focussen op loopbaanbegeleiding bij studenten en op traditionele begeleidingsuitkomsten, zoals zicht op loopbaandoelen. Dit doctoraat speelt in op dit tekort via 3 studies rond hedendaagse loopbaanbegeleiding bij volwassen werknemers. De 1ste studie ging na of werknemers wel nood hebben aan bedrijfsexterne loopbaanbegeleiding. In het geval van werknemers kan men immers argumenteren dat de werkgever in de beste positie verkeert om loopbaanhulp aan te bieden. We vonden echter dat loopbaansteun door de organisatie en externe loopbaanbegeleiding geen volledige substituten zijn. Een aantal loopbaanissues (bv. gevoelige themas zoals ziekte) bespreekt men wellicht liever/beter met een externe begeleider. In de 2de en 3de studie bestudeerden we effecten van bedrijfsexterne loopbaanbegeleiding. We vonden dat deelnemers aan loopbaanbegeleiding hun zelfsturing significant verbeterden tijdens de begeleiding. Deze verbetering was bovendien duurzaam (i.e. nog steeds aanwezig 6 maand n� de begeleiding) en bleek ook positief gerelateerd aan enkele indicatoren van employability (i.e., het vermogen om werk te krijgen of te behouden). Externe loopbaanbegeleiding lijkt dus te slagen in haar nieuwe rol, nl. zelfsturing stimuleren. Tot slot zagen we dat zowel iemands persoonlijkheid als contextgebonden factoren (e.g. gebrekkige financiën) de agency van de deelnemers na de loopbaanbegeleiding kunnen beperken. Loopbaanbegeleiders hebben dus niet alles in de hand.

    The Food App is Watching You: The Relationship between Daily Algorithmic Control and Meaningful Work and the Role of Job Crafting

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    App work disrupted our traditional understanding of work as it introduced new technologies, such as algorithmic control. Based on the job characteristics theory, we put forward an important drawback of algorithmic control and a practice that might mitigate it. We test whether algorithmic control obstructs experiences of meaningful work through a lack of motivating job characteristics and the buffering role of bottom-up work design (i.e. job crafting). We conduct a daily diary study among 51 Belgian food app workers and test within-person relationships. Results show that on days that app workers experience high algorithmic control, they perceive their work as less meaningful than on days with little algorithmic control. Although daily motivating job characteristics could not explain this negative relationship, we found job crafting to enable app workers in attaining motivating job characteristics and meaningful work. Thereby we emphasize the importance of both top-down and bottom-up work design in a strive for meaningful work

    Energy Use and Energy Use Efficiency of Specialised Dairy Farms in Flanders

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    Our highly mechanised agriculture largely depends on ever declining stocks of fossil energy and hence contributes to global warming through the emission of greenhouse gases. Therefore, energy use (efficiency) is an important aspect of eco-efficient and sustainable agricultural production systems. In this study, we estimated direct and indirect energy use on a representative set of specialised dairy farms in Flanders (334 farm datasets in 1989-1990 and 147 farm datasets in 2000-2001) and we calculated their energy use efficiency. We studied the observed evolution between 1989-1990 and 2000-2001

    Understanding dynamic change in perceptions of person–environment fit:An exploration of competing theoretical perspectives

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    The longstanding assumption in person–environment (PE) fit research is that perceived fit embodies the subjectively experienced match between personal and environmental attributes and hence triggers affect and behavior (i.e., normal causation perspective). This argument is however increasingly debated, with some scholars suggesting that the causal flow may also run from affect and behavior to perceived fit (i.e., reverse causation perspective), and others even arguing that perceptions of PE fit are not substantially different from how people feel and think about their environment (i.e., synchronous relationship perspective). In this research, we propose that these three competing perspectives correspond with different assumptions on how PE fit perceptions dynamically change over time (i.e., by means of comparative reasoning, logical deduction, or heuristic thinking). We empirically validate these three competing perspectives by teasing out the causal ordering of the within-person relationships between perceptions of fit and workplace affect and performance. In two separate diary studies, one with weekly (N = 153) and one with daily (N = 77) repeated measures, support was found for the synchronous relationship perspective with heuristic thinking as the plausible underlying process. This research contributes to the PE fit literature by providing new insight into the dynamic nature of perceived fit

    Экологическое воспитание студентов вузов

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    В статье раскрываются теоретические основы экологического воспитания студентов и особенности экологического воспитания: формирование экологических представлений; развитие экологического сознания и чувств; формирование убеждений в необходимости экологической деятельности; выработка навыков и привычек поведения в природе. The article describes the theoretical foundations of environmental education students and especially environmental education: the formation of environmental performances; the development of ronmental consciousness and feelings; the formation of beliefs in the necessity of environmental performance; develop the skills and habits of behavior in nature

    Radioiodinated Phenylalkyl Malonic Acid Derivatives as pH-Sensitive SPECT Tracers

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    pH imaging has been a field of interest for molecular imaging for many years. This is especially important for determining tumor acidity, an important driving force of tumor invasion and metastasis formation, but also in the process of apoptosis.I]IPM was evaluated in an anti-Fas monoclonal antibody (mAb) apoptosis model. In addition a mouse RIF-1 tumor model was explored in which tumor pH was decreased from 7.0 to 6.5 by means of induction of hyperglycemia in combination with administration of meta-iodobenzylguanidine.I]IPM showed a clear pH-related uptake pattern in the RIF-1 tumor model. which allows to visualize regional acidosis. However, these compounds are not suitable for detection of apoptosis due to a poor acidosis effect

    Career Success Schemas and their Contextual Embeddedness: A Comparative Configurational Perspective

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    We introduce career success schemas as critical for understanding how people in different contexts perceive and understand career success. Using a comparative configurational approach, we show, in a study of 13 countries, that two structural characteristics of career success schemas\u2014complexity and convergence\u2014differ across country contexts and are embedded in specific configurations of institutional factors. Adopting complexity and convergence as primary dimensions, we propose a taxonomy of career success schemas at the country level. Based on this taxonomy, we contribute to the understanding of subjective career success across countries, discuss the importance of schemas for organisational career systems in multinational enterprises, and propose specific guidelines for future comparative careers research