123 research outputs found

    The impact of individual heterogenity on building consumer loyalty

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    Consumer loyalty is a powerful source of competitive advantage. Managers should pay more attention to the factors that could improve the long-term relationship between consumers and companies. The aim of this study is to explore predictors of customer loyalty in the retail bank sector in order to identify the effect of stability perceptions in addition to customer satisfaction and service quality which have been traditionally accepted as the primary predictors of customer loyalty, especially for services. Another purpose of the study is to investigate the moderating effects of gender, age and income on the mentioned relationships. A random sample of Croatian bank customers was surveyed to collect information on customer perceptions and behaviours in relation to satisfaction with service quality, stability and loyalty. The research results revealed that service quality, consumer satisfaction and stability perceptions have a significant impact on consumer loyalty. Furthermore, age has a moderating effect on the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty as well as on the relationship between quality and loyalty. Thanks to the specialty of the banking sector, gender, age and income moderate the relationship between perceived stability and loyalty

    The impact of individual heterogenity on building consumer loyalty

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    Consumer loyalty is a powerful source of competitive advantage. Managers should pay more attention to the factors that could improve the long-term relationship between consumers and companies. The aim of this study is to explore predictors of customer loyalty in the retail bank sector in order to identify the effect of stability perceptions in addition to customer satisfaction and service quality which have been traditionally accepted as the primary predictors of customer loyalty, especially for services. Another purpose of the study is to investigate the moderating effects of gender, age and income on the mentioned relationships. A random sample of Croatian bank customers was surveyed to collect information on customer perceptions and behaviours in relation to satisfaction with service quality, stability and loyalty. The research results revealed that service quality, consumer satisfaction and stability perceptions have a significant impact on consumer loyalty. Furthermore, age has a moderating effect on the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty as well as on the relationship between quality and loyalty. Thanks to the specialty of the banking sector, gender, age and income moderate the relationship between perceived stability and loyalty

    Development of information systems in Zastava and the future with Fiat

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    Necessitate for information technology in business is undeniable. The company "Zastava" from Kragujevac realized this fact at the very beginning of its development and has improved business in the direction of continuous progress in the field of information technology. Following the progress of IT sector, "Zastava", we can practically follow the development of information technology. The IT development in “Zastava” has started in early 1960 by establishing the Office for the organization and systematization. The first IT organizational unit in the factory "Zastava" was Electromechanical department. The first computer for automatic data processing ever installed in an industrial company in Yugoslavia, was in that department. End of sixties and the seventies were characterized by remote and automatic data processing, while the eighties introduced distributed data processing. Nineties followed the idea of information system based on the principles of integrity and data distribution. Today IS in "Zastava" relays on the integral PC and network technology. This segment of company, unfortunately, has suffered great damage during the bombing in 1999, but then it continued development and now are based on a modern technological solutions. The Memorandum of strategic cooperation between FIAT and “Zastava” has been signed on May 2008. According to estimates of leaders in the Zastava’s IT sector, the main direction of development will continue, and they expect further investment in the IT. They also expect that FIAT will probably apply the model they already used in the similar arrangements - a separation of IT department and forming a new company whose services will be used by the factory (outsourcing model)

    History of Pleternica with retrospect on religous tourism

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    Povijest nam govori da se Pleternica zvala najprije Sv. Nikola, po crkvi koja mu je posvećena. Crkvena povijest kaţe da se ime sv. Nikole spominje 1335., a 1427. se prvi put spominje ime Pleternica. Pleternica je bila trgovaĉko središte. Svetkovinu u ĉast Gospi od Suza utemeljio je 1955. msgr. Ljudevit Petrak, svećenik koji je u Pleternici proveo punih 50 godina. Svake godine okupljalo se sve više hodoĉasnika, koji dolaze iz svih seoskih i gradskih podruĉja u bliţoj, ali i daljnjoj okolici. Posljednjih nekoliko godina Pleternicu je za vrijeme trajanja svetkovine posjetila i nekolicina hodoĉasnika iz inozemstva. Premda ne navode to kao sluţbeni podatak, lokalni mediji govore o 10-ak tisuća ljudi svake godine koji pohode svete mise tijekom „Devetnica“. Turizam je tek oblik ljudskih migracija u kojima vjerski motiv predstavlja znaĉajni poticaj za ova kretanja. U budućnosti turizam treba na svoj naĉin koristiti slobodu ĉovjeka da vjeruje i ponaša se u skladu sa svojim vjerovanjem. Odnos turizma i vjere mora se temeljiti na obostranoj i što izraţenijoj toleranciji te jednostavno upućivanje na meĊusobno priznavanje, u ĉemu treba sudjelovati i cjelokupno okruţenje turizma.It is believed that Pleternica was first named Saint Nicolas according to the Church Saint Nicolas mentioned in 1335 in the Historical Books. In 1427 the name Pleternica was quoted for the first time. Pleternica was then a centre of trade and fair. Ljudevit Petrak, a priest who has lived in Pleternica for 50 years, founded the Church Festival in honour of the Lady of Tears in 1955. Since then more and more pilgrims, coming from all neighbouring provinces, haven been attending this Festival. In the last few decades Pleternica has been visited by Pilgrims even from abroad. Local news media report 10.000 pilgrims to pay visit and hear the mass during the Novena. Tourism is a form of human migration. The religious motive represents an important stimulus for these activities. In the future tourism should profit from man's freedom of choice of religion and his behavior in accord with his belief. Tourism and religion have to be founded on mutual and significant tolerance as well as on reciprocal respect in regard of the entire surroundings of tourism.

    History of Pleternica with retrospect on religous tourism

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    Povijest nam govori da se Pleternica zvala najprije Sv. Nikola, po crkvi koja mu je posvećena. Crkvena povijest kaţe da se ime sv. Nikole spominje 1335., a 1427. se prvi put spominje ime Pleternica. Pleternica je bila trgovaĉko središte. Svetkovinu u ĉast Gospi od Suza utemeljio je 1955. msgr. Ljudevit Petrak, svećenik koji je u Pleternici proveo punih 50 godina. Svake godine okupljalo se sve više hodoĉasnika, koji dolaze iz svih seoskih i gradskih podruĉja u bliţoj, ali i daljnjoj okolici. Posljednjih nekoliko godina Pleternicu je za vrijeme trajanja svetkovine posjetila i nekolicina hodoĉasnika iz inozemstva. Premda ne navode to kao sluţbeni podatak, lokalni mediji govore o 10-ak tisuća ljudi svake godine koji pohode svete mise tijekom „Devetnica“. Turizam je tek oblik ljudskih migracija u kojima vjerski motiv predstavlja znaĉajni poticaj za ova kretanja. U budućnosti turizam treba na svoj naĉin koristiti slobodu ĉovjeka da vjeruje i ponaša se u skladu sa svojim vjerovanjem. Odnos turizma i vjere mora se temeljiti na obostranoj i što izraţenijoj toleranciji te jednostavno upućivanje na meĊusobno priznavanje, u ĉemu treba sudjelovati i cjelokupno okruţenje turizma.It is believed that Pleternica was first named Saint Nicolas according to the Church Saint Nicolas mentioned in 1335 in the Historical Books. In 1427 the name Pleternica was quoted for the first time. Pleternica was then a centre of trade and fair. Ljudevit Petrak, a priest who has lived in Pleternica for 50 years, founded the Church Festival in honour of the Lady of Tears in 1955. Since then more and more pilgrims, coming from all neighbouring provinces, haven been attending this Festival. In the last few decades Pleternica has been visited by Pilgrims even from abroad. Local news media report 10.000 pilgrims to pay visit and hear the mass during the Novena. Tourism is a form of human migration. The religious motive represents an important stimulus for these activities. In the future tourism should profit from man's freedom of choice of religion and his behavior in accord with his belief. Tourism and religion have to be founded on mutual and significant tolerance as well as on reciprocal respect in regard of the entire surroundings of tourism.


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    Farmaceutska industrija jedna je od najbrže rastućih industrija u svijetu. Poredtoga, to je kapitalno-intenzivna djelatnost jer ovisi o ishodu dugotrajnih i skupihistraživačkih projekata.Republika Hrvatska ima stoljetnu tradiciju u proizvodnji lijekova te se po tomemože mjeriti s bilo kojom zemljom u svijetu. Sukladno tomu, u Hrvatskoj nenedostaje visoko obrazovanih stručnjaka kao i istraživačkih i proizvodnihpostrojenja.Farmaceutska poduzeća Republike Hrvatske ne mogu konkurirati velikimmultinacionalnim kompanijama ni veličinom, asortimanom, prodajom, aposredno niti financijskim rezultatom. Riječ je o poduzećima s pretežnonacionalnom orijentacijom koja izvoze na susjedna tržišta.U Hrvatskoj je registrirano 16 farmaceutskih poduzeća. Od toga su šestpoduzeća u skupini velikih, dok ostalih deset spada u skupinu malih i srednjihpoduzeća.Cilj ovoga rada je analizirati važnost tehnologije, znanja i know-howa zaopstanak na visoko konkurentnom farmaceutskom tržištu i dati pregled malih isrednjih farmaceutskih poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj

    Protozoa parasites in humans

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    Praživotinje su jednostanični eukariotski organizmi koji pripadaju carstvu Protista. Imaju kozmopolitsku distribuciju. Postoji 45 000 vrsta praživotinja, a oko 8000 vrsta praživotinja pripada skupini nametnika, dok 25 vrsta nametničkih praživotinja uzrokuje bolesti kod ljudi. Parazitiraju u stanicama, tkivu i organskim sustavima. Unutar čovjekova organizma uzrokuju oštećenja, različite smetnje i djeluju nadražujuće, a ako se bolest ne liječi može doći i do smrti. Načini prijenosa nametnika su oralno-fekalno, predator-plijen i putem hematofagnih člankonožaca. Suzbijanje parazitskih praživotinja moguće je uništavanjem vektora insekticidima, održavanjem higijene i nekonzumiranjem zagađene hrane i vode.The protozoans are single-celled eukaryotic organisms belonging to the kingdom Protista. They have a cosmopolitan distribution. About 45 000 known species of protozoans, around 8000 species are parasites, while 25 species cause human diseases. They parasitize in cells, tissues and organic systems. Within human organism, these parasites cause damage, various disturbances and act irritating and if disease is not treated, it can result in death. The ways of transmitting the parasites are oral-fecal, predator-prey and by hematophagous arthropods. Suppression of parasitic protozoans is possible through destroying vectors using insecticides, maintaining hygiene and not consuming contaminated food and water

    Protozoa parasites in humans

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    Praživotinje su jednostanični eukariotski organizmi koji pripadaju carstvu Protista. Imaju kozmopolitsku distribuciju. Postoji 45 000 vrsta praživotinja, a oko 8000 vrsta praživotinja pripada skupini nametnika, dok 25 vrsta nametničkih praživotinja uzrokuje bolesti kod ljudi. Parazitiraju u stanicama, tkivu i organskim sustavima. Unutar čovjekova organizma uzrokuju oštećenja, različite smetnje i djeluju nadražujuće, a ako se bolest ne liječi može doći i do smrti. Načini prijenosa nametnika su oralno-fekalno, predator-plijen i putem hematofagnih člankonožaca. Suzbijanje parazitskih praživotinja moguće je uništavanjem vektora insekticidima, održavanjem higijene i nekonzumiranjem zagađene hrane i vode.The protozoans are single-celled eukaryotic organisms belonging to the kingdom Protista. They have a cosmopolitan distribution. About 45 000 known species of protozoans, around 8000 species are parasites, while 25 species cause human diseases. They parasitize in cells, tissues and organic systems. Within human organism, these parasites cause damage, various disturbances and act irritating and if disease is not treated, it can result in death. The ways of transmitting the parasites are oral-fecal, predator-prey and by hematophagous arthropods. Suppression of parasitic protozoans is possible through destroying vectors using insecticides, maintaining hygiene and not consuming contaminated food and water

    Importance of breathing exercises in sport

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    Disanje se samo po sebi podrazumijeva i vrlo malo smo svjesni koliko je pravilno i učinkovito disanje značajno u svakodnevnom životu općenito a naročito za osobe koje se bave sportskom aktivnošću bilo rekreativno, amaterski ili profesionalno. Dokazano je da se učenjem i vježbanjem disanja mogu postizati bolji rezultati u sportu te poboljšati zdravstveni status. Vrhunski sportaši provode vježbe disanja na različite načine, a u posljednje vrijeme sve više koriste uređaje za disanje i yoga vježbe disanja. Uređaji za disanje su tehnološki standardizirani a rezultati njihova korištenja znanost i struka sve više definira. Međutim, yoga vježbe disanja još uvijek su nam nepoznanica i nedovoljno istraženo područje u Hrvatskoj pa ih zbog toga želim predstaviti u ovome radu ne kao ponajbolji oblik vježbi disanja već kao jednu od mogućnosti koju nerijetko sve više koriste i prihvaćaju sportaši. Cilj ovog rada je ukazati na važnost vježbi disanja koje su nedovoljno poznate u hrvatskom sportu. Želja mi je da ovim radom potaknem trenere da provode vježbe disanja sa svojim sportašima kako bi hrvatski sport doveli na još veću razinu.Breathing is self-evident and often we are not aware just how much proper and efficient breathing is important in everyday life, in general and in particular for persons who are engaged in sports activities, whether they are recreational, amateur or professional. It has been proved that by learning and practicing breathing you can achieve better results in sport and improve your health status. Top athletes implement breathing exercises in different ways, but in recent years they have been using more breathing devices and yoga breathing exercises. Breathing devices are standardized technology and the results of their use are more defined professionally and scientifically. However, yoga breathing exercises are still unknown and unexplored field in Croatia, therefore I would like to introduce them in my thesis, not as the best form of breathing exercises but as one of possibilities which is more and more often used and accepted by athletes. The aim of this thesis is to show the importance of breathing exercises which are unknown in Croatian sport. With this thesis I would like to encourage trainers to conduct breathing exercises with their athletes in order to bring Croatian sport to a higer level


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    Although the term small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) originally include micro, small and medium enterprises, the majority of literature looks at this sector as a homogeneous group. In general, there is insufficient research on micro-enterprises and previous work has failed to address micro-enterprises in the negotiation context. As a result, the negotiating behavior of micro-entrepreneurs is still poorly understood. Therefore, the aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly, our aim is to examine if the managers of micro-enterprises perceive business negotiations as a source of competitive advantage. Secondly, we aim to identify the underlying predictors of such perception. To this end, the survey was conducted among 132 managers of micro-enterprises in Croatia. The multiple linear regression results reveal that negotiating frequency, negotiation skills development, and willingness to change have a significant and positive influence on managers’ perception of business negotiations as a competitive advantage. Finally, the paper adds to the literature by providing insights into the negotiating behavior of micro-entrepreneurs in Croatia