48 research outputs found

    Uloga geodetske struke u povezivanju zemljišne knjige i knjige položenih ugovora

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    A large majority of apartment tenures for apartments acquired at the beginning of the 1990s in Croatia have not yet been entered in the Land Registry. The reason for not entering ownership in the books is the same or almost the same as during purchase: the inconsistency of official data on lots on which buildings have been built, i.e. data from the Cadastre and the Land Registry, incomplete building documentation for completed structures and unresolved ownership issues regarding cadastre lots (e.g. those still owned by a local authority, companies which no longer exist, unknown proprietors, etc.). The Act on Ownership and the Regulations on Linking the Book of Deposited Contracts and the Land Registry prescribe the entry of apartment ownership, as recorded in the Book of Deposited Contracts, in the Land Registry. Taking into consideration the complexity of the issue, this paper elaborates the facts, obstacles and proposals in the process of linking the Land Registry with the Book of Deposited Contracts, from the surveyor’s point of view with regard to analysing the problem. Surveying is the profession competent to link and coordinate the state of data on cadastre lots on which buildings containing apartments with tenancy rights have been built. Using specific information provided by three building managers, the facts on ownership entry in the Land Registry and the Book of Deposited Contracts of actual buildings are presented in this paper. Furthermore, an overview is provided of the preliminary actions required, in the form of producing suitable surveying plans to give building managers direction and some guidance as to which steps to take in successfully tackling the issue of linking the Land Registry with the Book of Deposited Contracts.Veliki postotak vlasništva nad stanovima sa stanarskim pravom, kupljenih početkom devedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća u Hrvatskoj, nije upisan u zemljišne knjige. Razlog neupisanog vlasništva je isti ili gotovo isti kao i pri kupovini: neusklađenost službenih podataka o katastarskim česticama na kojima su izgrađene zgrade sa stanovima u naravi, katastru zemljišta i zemljišnoj knjizi, zatim, manjkava građevinska dokumentacija izgrađenih zgrada i neriješeno vlasništvo nad katastarskim česticama (još u vlasništvu Jedinica lokalne samouprave, tvrtki koje više ne egzistiraju, nepoznati vlasnici i sl.). Upisivanje vlasništva nad stanovima u zemljišnu knjigu, koji su još u knjizi položenih ugovora, propisano je Zakonom o vlasništvu i Pravilnikom o povezivanju knjige položenih ugovora i zemljišne knjige. S obzirom na kompleksnost problema u radu su elaborirane činjenice, prepreke i prijedlozi u postupku povezivanja zemljišne knjige i knjige položenih ugovora, proizišli nakon analize problematike s gledišta geodetske struke, kao mjerodavne u postupcima usklađivanja stanja podataka o katastarskim česticama na kojima su izgrađene zgrade u kojima su kupljeni stanovi sa stanarskim pravom. S konkretnim podacima triju upravitelja zgrada dan je presjek činjeničnog stanja upisanog vlasništva u zemljišnoj knjizi i knjizi položenih ugovora nad zgradama kojima upravljaju. Također je naveden i pregled predradnji koje se ogledaju u potrebi izrađivanja odgovarajućih geodetskih elaborata što upraviteljima može dati smjer postupanja i uspješnost pokretanja postupaka spajanja zemljišne knjige i knjige položenih ugovora


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    samopoštovanje, kvalitetu života i psihičke simptome. CILJ: Utvrditi stupanj samopoštovanja, kvalitetu života i pojavnost psihičkih simptoma studenata Fakulteta zdravstvenih studija Sveučilišta u Mostaru. ISPITANICI I METODE: Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 150 studenata, od kojih 100 žive kao podstanari, a 50 kod roditelja. Podaci su prikupljeni na osnovu upitnika: upitnik sociodemografskih podataka, Rosenbergova skala samopoštovanja (RSES), upitnik kvalitete života (WHOQOL-BREF), ljestvica zadovoljstva životom te upitnik za samoprocjenu SCL-90. REZULTATI: Među studentima koji žive kod roditelja je bilo statistički značajno manje ispitanika koji upotrebljavaju alkoholna pića (p=0,003) i cigarete (p=0,001) u odnosu na studente koji žive kao podstanari. Postoji statistički značajna razlika u odnosu na godinu studija (p=0,003) i prosjek ocjena (p<0,001). Studenti koji žive kod roditelja na višim godinama studija imaju statistički značajno bolji prosjek (p<0,001). Studenti koji žive kao podstanari imaju statistički značajno naglašenije sve psihičke simptome u odnosu na studente koji žive kod roditelja (p<0,001). Studenti koji žive kod roditelja imaju statistički značajno manje samopoštovanje u odnosu na studente podstanare (p=0,002). Studenti koji žive kod roditelja imaju statistički značajno veće zadovoljstvo života u odnosu na studente podstanare (p<0,001). Studenti koji žive kod roditelja imaju statistički značajno veće razlike u kvaliteti života u odnosu na studente podstanare (p<0,001). ZAKLJUČAK: Studenti koji žive kod roditelja imaju veću kvalitetu života, manje izražene psihičke simptome i manje samopoštovanje u odnosu na studente koji žive kao podstanari

    Elementi koji utječu na povećanje i smanjenje osnovice prijave poreza na dobit za 2016. godinu : završni rad

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    Prilikom prijave poreza na dobit zakonski su definirane stavke koje utječu na povećanje i smanjenje porezne osnovice. Primjenjuju se zakonske odrednice kroz Zakon o porezu na dobit, Pravilnik o porezu na dobit, Zakon o državnoj potpori za obrazovanje i izobrazbu, Pravilnik o državnoj potpori za istraživačko-razvojne projekte i druge povezane zakone poput Zakona o PDV-u i Zakona o poticanju maloga gospodrastva. Teorijski pristup poprima novu dimenziju kada se na stvarnom primjeru i dokumentima može uočiti računovodstvena praksa. Moglo bi se reći da je za razumijevanje, ponekad nejasnih, zakonskih i teorijskih definicija ključno učenje na praktičnom primjeru. U teoriji se kaže da svako poduzeće mora ako ostvaruje dobit platiti porez na dobit. Na primjeru prijave poreza na dobit poduzeće "A" ima uplaćene predujmove te je porezna obveza nakon uvećanja i smanjena porezne osnovice tj. nakon odbitka olakšica, oslobođenja i poticaja razlika za povrat. Također je vidljivo kod utjecaja na obračunati porez na dobit da je poduzeće "B" reinvestiralo dobit s kojom smanjuje poreznu osnovicu, ali smanjuje i buduće akontacije poreza na dobit. Uštedjet će na plaćanju obveze poreza na dobit, a uvećaje temeljni kapital koji služi za obnovu i razvoj poduzeća kroz povećanja likvidnost poduzeća te omogućava, sukladno zakonu, ulaganje u nove investicije. Moglo bi se reći da je poreznom obvezniku u konačnici u interesu da smanji opterećenje kad je riječ o bilo kakvim davanjima prema državi.When the income tax returns were legally defined items that affect the increase and decrease tax base. Apply legal provisions in the Law on corporate income tax, the Ordinance on income tax, Law on state aid for education and training, Rules on state aid for research and development projects and other related laws such as the Law on VAT and the Law on the promotion of small economy. Theoretical access takes on a new dimension when the real case and documents can be spotted accounting practice. It could be said that the understanding, sometimes vague, legal and theoretical definition of key learning practical example. The theory says that every company has to make profit if you pay income tax. For example, the income tax returns "A" company has paid advances and the tax liability after enlargement and reduced tax base, ie. after deduction of reliefs, exemptions and incentives for the return of the difference. It is also evident at the impact on the profit tax that company "B" reinvest profits with which reduces the tax base, but reduces the future of the advance income tax. It will save the payment of income tax liability, and enlarge the share capital of which is used for the reconstruction and development of the company through an increase in the liquidity of the company and allows, according to the law, new investments. You could say that the taxpayer is ultimately in their interest to reduce the burden when it comes to any benefits to the state

    Elementi koji utječu na povećanje i smanjenje osnovice prijave poreza na dobit za 2016. godinu : završni rad

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    Prilikom prijave poreza na dobit zakonski su definirane stavke koje utječu na povećanje i smanjenje porezne osnovice. Primjenjuju se zakonske odrednice kroz Zakon o porezu na dobit, Pravilnik o porezu na dobit, Zakon o državnoj potpori za obrazovanje i izobrazbu, Pravilnik o državnoj potpori za istraživačko-razvojne projekte i druge povezane zakone poput Zakona o PDV-u i Zakona o poticanju maloga gospodrastva. Teorijski pristup poprima novu dimenziju kada se na stvarnom primjeru i dokumentima može uočiti računovodstvena praksa. Moglo bi se reći da je za razumijevanje, ponekad nejasnih, zakonskih i teorijskih definicija ključno učenje na praktičnom primjeru. U teoriji se kaže da svako poduzeće mora ako ostvaruje dobit platiti porez na dobit. Na primjeru prijave poreza na dobit poduzeće "A" ima uplaćene predujmove te je porezna obveza nakon uvećanja i smanjena porezne osnovice tj. nakon odbitka olakšica, oslobođenja i poticaja razlika za povrat. Također je vidljivo kod utjecaja na obračunati porez na dobit da je poduzeće "B" reinvestiralo dobit s kojom smanjuje poreznu osnovicu, ali smanjuje i buduće akontacije poreza na dobit. Uštedjet će na plaćanju obveze poreza na dobit, a uvećaje temeljni kapital koji služi za obnovu i razvoj poduzeća kroz povećanja likvidnost poduzeća te omogućava, sukladno zakonu, ulaganje u nove investicije. Moglo bi se reći da je poreznom obvezniku u konačnici u interesu da smanji opterećenje kad je riječ o bilo kakvim davanjima prema državi.When the income tax returns were legally defined items that affect the increase and decrease tax base. Apply legal provisions in the Law on corporate income tax, the Ordinance on income tax, Law on state aid for education and training, Rules on state aid for research and development projects and other related laws such as the Law on VAT and the Law on the promotion of small economy. Theoretical access takes on a new dimension when the real case and documents can be spotted accounting practice. It could be said that the understanding, sometimes vague, legal and theoretical definition of key learning practical example. The theory says that every company has to make profit if you pay income tax. For example, the income tax returns "A" company has paid advances and the tax liability after enlargement and reduced tax base, ie. after deduction of reliefs, exemptions and incentives for the return of the difference. It is also evident at the impact on the profit tax that company "B" reinvest profits with which reduces the tax base, but reduces the future of the advance income tax. It will save the payment of income tax liability, and enlarge the share capital of which is used for the reconstruction and development of the company through an increase in the liquidity of the company and allows, according to the law, new investments. You could say that the taxpayer is ultimately in their interest to reduce the burden when it comes to any benefits to the state


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    Resilience can be changed and modified over time, it is affected by many different situations and difficulties that a person overcomes during life. Resilience is a newer concept, which should be applied to the patient from the beginning of life with cancer. Clinicians should invest more time and effort in creating interventions that enable patients to foster their resilience. The term resilience or the ability to recover refers to the process of overcoming adverse events, including stress, trauma and illness. Considering the ability to recover as a personality trait imposes the assumption that the ability to recover represents a constellation of personal characteristics that enable individuals to adapt to different circumstances they encounter. Resilience as a complex phenomenon changes over time and circumstances. Understanding resilience as a complex, multidimensional and dynamic process is very important for understanding therapeutic mechanisms and healing mechanisms. Psychological factors are the most important factors that contribute to the development of resilience. It is necessary to work on the development of psychosocial interventions that will target the psychological resilience of cancer patients. Breast cancer is the most common malignant disease in women. In women with breast cancer who manage to develop the ability to resist and accept life\u27s crisis, greater resilience and personal growth is created, thereby reducing the negative impact associated with the disease. The aim of this work is to explain the relationship between resilience and breast cancer


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    The Frequency and Types of Journalist Stories Covering the Topic of Suicide on the Example of the Bjelovarski list Newspaper (in the Period 2009–2015)

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    U radu se prikazuju zastupljenost i načini medijskog prezentiranja priča o samoubojstvu. Riječ samoubojstvo nemoguće je razumjeti odvojeno od medicinskog, ali i šireg društvenog i kulturološkog konteksta. U istraživanju je prihvaćen načelni stav prema kojemu izvješćivanje o samoubojstvu, u slučaju da se uredništvo drži propisa i etičkih načela, i te kako može biti od pomoći. Prikazuje se rezultat analize tekstova o suicidalnim događajima objavljenih u tjedniku Bjelovarski list u razdoblju 2009. –2015. godine. Cilj nam je pokazati u kojoj mjeri u objavljenim tekstovima prevladava tabloidna, senzacionalistička tendencija karakteristična za suvremeno novinarstvo i pridržavaju li se novinari smjernica I naputaka koje je Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija u kontekstu pisanja o tom fenomenu uputila medijima te ukazati na potrebu usvajanja kritičkog pristupa u pisanju za medije I na potrebu povećanja razine medijske pismenosti novinara i čitatelja.The paper presents the frequency and the types of media presentation of stories covering the topic of suicide. The word suicide may not be understood separate from either the medical term or the wider social and cultural context. The study has adopted a general point of view, according to which writing about the topic of suicide, provided the editorial staff respects the rules and the ethical code, can be of great assistance. The results of the analysis of the texts covering the topic of suicidal events, which had been published in the weekly newspaper Bjelovarski list in the period 2009–2015, are shown. Our aim is to illustrate to which extent the published texts tend to be of tabloid, sensationalist nature characteristic of the today’s journalism; to show whether journalists respect the guidelines and instructions issued by World Health Organization to the media in the context of tackling this phenomenon; and to indicate to the need of applying a critical approach when writing for the media and the need to raise the level of media literacy of both journalists and readers

    Traditionsmusik Istriens im Musikunterricht in der Primarstufe

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    Tradicijska glazba utkana je u životu svake ljudske zajednice te se u njoj odražava način razmišljanja i stil života ljudi koji su ju stvarali, očuvali i prenosili mlađim generacijama. Osim što je izraz kreativnosti i želje za zabavom, tradicijska glazba dio je običaja i obreda vezanih uz svakidašnji život i važne događaje u životu svakog pojedinca. Nekada se generacijama prenosila isključivo usmenom predajom. Danas napretkom tehnike, sredstava komunikacije, usavršavanjem metoda poučavanja postaje to sve više zadaća škole. Prema nastavnom planu i programu za osnovnu školu na snazi u Republici Hrvatskoj (2006.) učitelj ima slobodu izbora tradicijskih motiva i napjeva kao i drugih tradicijskih sadržaja koje može uvrstiti u svoj izvedbeni nastavni program. U radu su iskazani podaci o realizaciji takvih sadržaja. U empirijskom istraživanju anketnim upitnikom ispitani su stavovi učitelja nižih razreda osnovne škole južne Istre o zastupljenosti tradicijske glazbe u nastavi Glazbene kulture. Istraživanje je pokazalo različitosti u realizaciji tradicijskih sadržaja uvjetovane u prvom redu osobnim stajalištem učitelja/nastavnika. U očuvanju glazbene baštine suvremeni organizirani odgojno-obrazovni sustav ima neprocjenjivu ulogu. Redovnom nastavom i izvannastavnim aktivnostima uz korelaciju s ostalim područjima učitelji mogu pomoću tradicijske glazbe upotpuniti širinu spoznaja te pridonijeti razvoju učeničkih znanja i vještina.Traditional music is integrated into the life of every human community and it reflects the way of thinking and lifestyle of people who have created it, preserved it and passed it on to younger generations. In addition to being an expression of creativity and desire for fun, traditional music is part of the customs and rituals related to the daily life and important events in the life of every individual. In the past, traditional music was passed down for generations by word of mouth. Nowadays, the progress of technology and means of communication has changed the way of oral traditions and primary schools have the task to preserve cultural heritage sites and transmit them to the younger generations. According to the primary school curriculum in the Republic of Croatia (2006), the teacher is free to choose the traditional motifs and melodies, as well as other traditional contents, which may be included in their implementing curriculum. This paper presents the data concerning the realization of such contents. A survey, based on the representation of traditional music in lower primary school classes in the subject Music Culture, was conducted in southern Istria to check the teachers\u27 attitudes in the matter. The research has pointed out the differences in the implementation of traditional contents caused primarily by the teachers\u27 personal standpoints. In preserving the musical heritage, the contemporary organized educational system has an invaluable role. Using regular and extracurricular activities, and the correlation with other curriculum areas, teachers can, using traditional music complement the student\u27s knowledge and contribute to the development of their skills.Die Traditionsmusik ist ins Leben jeder Menschengemeinschaft eingewebt und in ihr spiegeln sich die Denkweise und der Lebensstil der Menschen, die diese Musik schufen, sie bewahrten und von Generation zu Generation weitergaben. Traditionsmusik ist Ausdruck von Kreativität und Wunsch zu unterhalten, aber auch Bestandteil von Bräuchen und Ritualen, die im alltäglichen Leben und in wichtigen Ereignissen jeder einzelnen Person eine Rolle spielen. Einst wurde die Traditionsmusik ausschließlich mündlich überliefert. Dank dem technischen Fortschritt, den Kommunikationsmitteln und der Vervollkommnung der Unterrichtsmethoden wird dies zunehmend Aufgabe der Schule. Laut Curriculum für die Grundschule, das in der Republik Kroatien seit 2006 in Kraft ist, haben Musiklehrer die Freiheit traditionelle Motive, Gesang und andere traditionelle Inhalte zu wählen und in ihr Unterrichtsprogramm einzubauen. In dieser Arbeit werden die Angaben über die Realisierung dieser Inhalte angezeigt. In der empirischen Untersuchung mittels Fragebogen wurden die Haltungen von Primarstufenlehrern Südistriens zu der Präsenz von Traditionsmusik im Musikunterricht abgefragt. Die Forschungsergebnisse weisen auf Unterschiede in der Realisierung der traditionellen Inhalte hin, die in erster Linie durch persönliche Haltungen der einzelnen Lehrer bzw. Musiklehrer bedingt sind. Das zeitgenössische organisierte Erziehungs- und Bildungssystem spielt bei der Bewahrung des Musikerbes eine erhebliche Rolle. Im regulären Unterricht, im AG Angebot, sowie durch fachübergreifende Verknüpfung mit anderen Bereichen können Lehrer mithilfe der Traditionsmusik die Bandbreite der Erkenntnisse erweitern und zur Förderung der Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten beitragen