8 research outputs found

    Sugar in the hospitality industry

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    This study is designed to reveal the role of sugar in the hospitality industry. The purpose of the study is to analyze the range of sugar used in restaurant technologies and develop recommendations for its expansion and application, the creation of a gastronomic brand based on sugar. The subject of the study was the fruits of wild plants: viburnum (Viburnum opulus), sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.), elderberry (Sambucus nigra), mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia) and fortified sugar. It is proposed to enrich sugar with a derivative product of processing wild fruits by the method of osmotic dehydration (sugar solution). It is expedient to use this technology in craft industries. An analytical review of literary sources was carried out, on the basis of which directions for the use of various types of sugar in restaurant technologies were formulated. It has been established that the high cost of imported sugars contributes to an increase in the cost of products with their use. The methodological basis for creating a gastronomic brand was the improvement of approaches to the cultural branding of Ukraine in the international arena by planning the development of "gastronomic tourism" not only as a tourist attraction, but also as a tool for implementing the strategy of public diplomacy. The gastronomic brand "Noble Sugar" was developed on the basis of local raw materials. Directions for the use of fortified sugar in the production of many foods and drinks have been developed, which can be attributed to gastronomic innovations. The presented products are unique and have no analogues in the hospitality industr

    Implementation of the concept of healthy food in restaurants

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    Food refers to the most important factors of the environment, which directly affect the human body throughout life. Proper nutrition is an important part of a balanced diet. The regime provides regular meals at certain hours at certain intervals, as well as the distribution of the daily diet by energy value during the day. Adherence to the diet ensures the rhythmic functioning of the digestive system, normal digestion and proper metabolism. The food ration should be composed so that its energy value covers the body's energy expenditure. The organization of a balanced diet is one of the most important factors in maintaining good health and improving efficiency. The diet should be composed so that its energy value covers the body's energy expenditure. Promising in this regard is the introduction of the concept of healthy eating in the daily diet of athletes in various sports. After all, the trends of modern healthy eating show a growing interest among athletes in various sports. The aim of research is to introduce the concept of healthy eating in sports and recreation and restaurants. The following research methods were used in the work: observation analysis (diet), organoleptic evaluation, statistical data processing, consumer evaluation of finished restaurant products according to DSTU. To fulfill our tasks of theoretical generalizations and experimental research, scientifically substantiated the introduction of the concept of healthy eating in the diets, as well as balanced the ingredient composition of the diet by developing and adding chopped semi-finished products using beef and raw materials. In our work let’s offer an innovative model for the use of meatballs for health purposes in the diets of athletes with playing sport


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    The subject of the study is the theoretical and applied aspects of the formation of creativity of personnel in hospitality industry establishments. Methodology. In the research process, general and special research methods were used, in particular: general and special scientific methods – to ensure the achievement of this goal; abstract-logical and dialectical methods of analysis – to substantiate theoretical propositions and conclusions. The method of collecting information – a sociological survey – was used for the practical identification of the research results. The aim of the article is to determine the main aspects of personnel creativity formation and its impact on the success of hospitality establishments. The results of the study showed that the key qualities of human creativity are the production of ideas, adaptation and flexibility to changes, the ability to take risks, and the creativity of personnel helps to solve administrative problems in the organization, adaptation and flexibility to changes, increases the level of competitiveness of hospitality industry establishments in a competitive environment. Conclusions. Human creativity is manifested not only in a person's ability to produce new ideas, solutions, projects, but also in flexibility, adaptability to environmental conditions that arise in the process of life. The management of hospitality institutions should pay more attention to the process of training their employees, improving their qualifications in order to gain a deeper understanding of the concept of human creativity, which will allow the team, based on the knowledge gained, to clearly understand how to show their creativity. Today, in the conditions of war in Ukraine, the situation of the state in general indicates a high level of creativity of employees in the hospitality sector, because flexibility and adaptation to changes, production of new ideas, self-education in conditions of war are the best indicators of the activity of institutions in terms of the level of creativity of personnel. Motivation for creativity should be both internal and external, because employees who feel internal motivation to perform tasks are doing work for pleasure and out of their own interest or desire to overcome a particular individual challenge, and external motivation is associated with external incentives, goals, or pressures that can motivate an employee to perform a particular task. The process of managing the creativity of employees in catering organizations should be preceded by a step-by-step method of determining the ability of employees to think creatively and whether the management style is typical for a given organization today. Only after the analysis of these factors it is necessary to formulate methods of stimulating the development of creativity of employees. The results of the study show that the most effective methods of stimulating the creativity of employees in the hospitality industry are the management's trust in the employees, the ability to listen to their ideas, joint team-building activities, and care for the physical health of the employees

    Improving marshmallow production technology by adding the fruit and vegetable paste obtained by low-temperature concentration

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    A formulation composition and a low-temperature technique have been devised for concentrating fruit and vegetable puree with the following component content: 20 % apple; 20 % pumpkin; 15 % beets; 15 % cranberries; 15 % hawthorn. The puree is concentrated in a rotary evaporator to a solids content of 50 % at a temperature of 50...56 °C under vacuum. The processing time was reduced to 1...2 min, which is several times less compared to conventional single-case pump vacuum evaporators (60...90 mins). Reducing the temperature influence of concentrating contributes to an increase in the organoleptic and physicochemical parameters of the resulting paste. To determine the effect of the contribution of each component to the structure of the paste, the structural and mechanical properties of the puree from each raw material and concentrated semi-finished products were investigated. The devised paste has an increased strength of the structure with a dynamic viscosity value of 394 Pa⋅s, which is 2.5 times more than that in the control sample. The devised blended fruit and vegetable paste has an increased content of physiologically functional ingredients and good organoleptic parameters, unlike control (apple paste)

    Determination of quality indicators of sugar fortified with a by-product of elderberry processing

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    Granulated and pressed beet sugar consists of 99.61–99.7 % sucrose, which is a source of energy for the body. However, this product does not contain other vital nutrients. The object of the study is the method of non-waste processing of elderberry fruits. Wild-growing fruits of black elder Sambucus nigra L were used as the subject of the study. Pre-cleaned elder fruits were frozen at a temperature of –18±2 °C, and after defrosting they were subjected to osmotic dehydration. For this, a 70 % sugar solution with a temperature of 50±5 °C was used (hydromodule 1). The duration of osmosis was 1 hour. The derivative product formed as a result of osmotic dehydration of elderberries (elderberry syrup) was used to enrich granulated sugar in an amount of 10 % by weight of sugar. After thorough mixing with the solution, the sugar was dried in a laboratory vacuum dryer. Anthocyanin dyes contained in the elderberries gave the sugar a bright pink color. The resulting product had a characteristic smell and taste of elderberry. The composition of sugar was studied by high-performance liquid chromatography. It was found that sugar enriched with an elderberry derivative contains 0.03±0.02 mg/100 g of vitamin C and 0.28±0.02 % flavonoids. This gives it certain antioxidant properties. In addition to sucrose, glucose (0.20±0.02) and fructose (0.27±0.02) were found in the product by the polarimetric method. Analysis of the amino acid spectrum of enriched sugar showed the presence of 18 amino acids (total amount of 5.547 mg/100 g), including all essential ones. The most found in enriched sugar, mg/100g: tyrosine (0.93), alanine (0.79), phenylalanine (0.752) and leucine (0.749). The results obtained indicate an increase in the biological value and additional functional properties of fortified suga

    Підвищення ефективності тепломасообміну удосконаленого роторного плівкового випарника для концентрування плодоягідних пюре

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    An improved model of a rotary film evaporator with a cutting blade having a reflective surface and equipped with an autonomous heating system which is fed by a power supply from Peltier elements. The reflective surface of the advanced cutting blade had an area of 0.06 m2 and was heated by a flexible film resistive electric heater of radiating type with a ~15...20 W power supply. This solution provides additional heating and mixing and helps to capture the cut-off layer of puree while reducing the useful surface of the working chamber by 7 %.Most evaporators have a low heat transfer coefficient reducing the energy content of the process and final quality of the product. The heat exchange efficiency can be increased by improving the design of the film-forming element of the rotary film evaporator.The use of the proposed cutting blade with a reflective surface enables an increase in the heat transfer coefficient by approximately 20 % compared to the basic rectangular blade design. When comparing the calculated data, it can be concluded that the main indicator of resource efficiency, namely specific energy consumption for heating a unit volume of product in the RFE amounts to 408 kJ/kg compared to 1,019 kJ/kg with the basic vacuum evaporator which means a 1.97 times consumption reduction. The duration of heat treatment in the RFE is 60 s compared to 1 h in the basic VE which shows a significant reduction of raw material exposure to high temperatures. The obtained data show the effectiveness of engineering and technological solutions. The engineering and technological component of any heat and mass exchange processes, in particular the concentration of fruit-and-berry raw materials, is the main component in the production of semi-finished food products of a high degree of readinessУсовершенствована модель роторного пленочного испарителя со срезающей лопастью, обеспеченной отражающей поверхностью с автономной системой обогрева за счет преобразованной вторичной энергии элементами Пельтье. Площадь отражающей поверхности усовершенствованной срезающей лопасти составляет (0,06 м2), а ее обогрев осуществляется гибким пленочным резистивным электронагревателем излучающего типа с мощностью питания ~ 15...20 Вт. Это обеспечит дополнительный нагрев, перемешивание и улавливание срезаемых слоев пюре, уменьшая полезную поверхность рабочей камеры на 7 %.Большинство выпарных аппаратов имеют невысокий коэффициент теплообмена, снижая ресурсоэффективность процесса и конечное качество получаемой продукции. Повысить эффективность теплообмена возможно путем совершенствования конструкции пленкообразующего элемента роторного пленочного испарителя.Использование предложенной срезающей лопасти с отражающей поверхностью приводит к увеличению коэффициента теплоотдачи примерно на 20 % по сравнению с базовой конструкцией прямоугольной лопасти. Сравнивая полученные расчетные данные, можно сделать вывод, что основной показатель ресурсоэффективности, а именно удельные затраты энергии на нагрев объема единицы продукта в РПИ, – 408 кДж/кг, по сравнению с базовым вакуум-выпарным аппаратом – 1019 кДж/кг, что характеризует уменьшение расходов усовершенствованного РПИ в 1,97 раза. При этом обеспечивается продолжительность термической обработки в: РПИ – 60 с, в базовом ВВА – 1 час, соответственно, что показывает существенное снижение температурного воздействия на сырье. Инженерно-технологическая составляющая любых теплообменных процессов, в частности концентрирования плодоягодной сырья, является основной при производстве пищевых полуфабрикатов высокой степени готовностиУдосконалена модель роторного плівкового випарника зі зрізуючою лопаттю забезпеченою відбивальною поверхнею з автономною системою обігрівання за рахунок енергії живлення елементів Пельтье. Площа відбивальної поверхні вдосконаленої зрізуючої лопаті складає (0,06 м2), а її обігрів здійснюється гнучким плівковим резистивним електронагрівачем випромінювального типу з потужністю живлення ~ 15...20 Вт. Це забезпечує додаткове нагрівання, перемішування та сприяє уловлюванню шару пюре, що зрізається, зменшуючи корисну поверхню робочої камери на 7 %.Більшість випарних апаратів мають невисокий коефіцієнт теплообміну, знижуючи енергоємність процесу та кінцеву якість отримуваної продукції. Підвищити ефективності теплообміну можливо шляхом вдосконалення конструкції плівкоутворюючого елементу роторного плівкового випарника.Використання запропонованої зрізуючої лопаті з відбивальною поверхнею призводить до збільшення коефіцієнта тепловіддачі приблизно на 20 % в порівнянні з базовою конструкцією прямокутної лопаті. Порівнюючи отримані розрахункові дані можна зробити висновок, що основний показник ресурсоефективності, а саме питомі витрати енергії на нагрівання об’єму одиниці продукту в РПВ, – 408 кДж/кг, в порівнянні з базовим вакуум-випарним апаратом – 1019 кДж/кг, що характеризує зменшення витрат в 1,97 рази. При цьому тривалість термічної обробки в РПВ – 60 с, а в базовому ВВА 1 год, що показує суттєве зниження температурного впливу на сировину. Отримані дані свідчать про ефективність конструктивно-технічних рішень. Інженерно-технологічна складова будь-яких тепломасообмінних процесів, зокрема концентрування плодоягідної сировини, є основною під час виробництва харчових напівфабрикатів високого ступеня готовност