4 research outputs found

    The French administration and the European Union

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    U radu se analizira uloga Europske unije u Vladi Republike Francuske, europska dimenzija u nacionalnim javnopravnim tijelima i nadležnost tijela za međuministarsku suradnju. Također se pokušava dati odgovor na pitanje: treba li oformiti ministarstvo za europska pitanja i na koji način? Zaključno se ističe kako je to dobra ideja zbog toga što je funkcija Europe prepoznata i vidljiva.The role of the European Union in the government of the Republic of France is analysed, the European dimension in national public legal bodies and the supervision of those bodies for interministerial cooperation. It attempts to provide an answer to the question of : Do we need to form a Ministry for European issues and in what way? In conclusion, how this is a good idea due to the European function being recognisable and obvious is emphasised

    Amantadine use in the French prospective NS-Park cohort

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    International audienceObjective: To assess amantadine use and associated factors in the patients with Parkinson's disease (PD).Background: Immediate-release amantadine is approved for the treatment of PD and is largely used in clinical practice to treat "levodopa-induced dyskinesia (LIDs). Its use varies according to countries and PD stages. The prospective NS-Park cohort collects features of PD patients followed by 26 French PD Expert Centres.Methods: Variables used for the analyses included demographics, motor and non-motor PD symptoms and motor complications [motor fluctuations (MFs), LIDs)], antiparkinsonian pharmacological classes and levodopa equivalent daily dose (LEDD). We evaluated: (i) prevalence of amantadine use and compared clinical features of amantadine users vs. non-users (cross-sectional analysis); (ii) factors associated with amantadine initiation (longitudinal analysis); (iii) amantadine effect on LIDs, MFs, apathy, impulse control disorders and freezing of gait (Fog) (longitudinal analysis).Results: Amantadine use prevalence was 12.6% (1,585/12,542, median dose = 200 mg). Amantadine users were significantly younger, with longer and more severe PD symptoms, greater LEDD and more frequent use of device-aided/surgical treatment. Factors independently associated with amantadine initiation were younger age, longer PD duration, more frequent LIDs, MFs and FoG, higher LEDD and better cognitive function. 9 of the 658 patients on amantadine had stopped it at the following visit, after 12-18 months (1.3%). New users of amantadine presented a higher improvement in LIDs and MF compared to amantadine never users.Conclusions: About 12% of PD patients within the French NS-Park cohort used amantadine, mostly those with younger age and more severe PD. Amantadine initiation was associated with a subsequent reduction in LIDs and MFs