10 research outputs found

    The HRS-seq : a new method for genome-wide profiling of nuclear compartment-associated sequences

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    Chez les organismes complexes, comme les mammifĂšres, les sĂ©quences de rĂ©gulation gĂ©nomique, dispersĂ©es sur les chromosomes, peuvent interagir Ă  l'intĂ©rieur de l'espace nuclĂ©aire pour effectuer des actions coordonnĂ©es de rĂ©gulations gĂ©niques. La mĂ©thylation de l'ADN et les modifications post-traductionnelles des histones, en combinaison avec des sĂ©quences de rĂ©gulation, des facteurs protĂ©iques et des ARNs non codants, conduisent Ă  une organisation supĂ©rieure de la chromatine spĂ©cifique du type cellulaire. Cependant, l'organisation et la dynamique de la chromatine in vivo Ă  l'Ă©chelle supĂ©rieure Ă  celle du nuclĂ©osome reste encore largement mĂ©connues. L'objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral des travaux de notre Ă©quipe est d'Ă©lucider l'organisation de la chromatine Ă  l'Ă©chelle supranuclĂ©osomale et sa dynamique in vivo, dans diffĂ©rents contextes physiologiques ou pathologiques, afin de comprendre leurs participations au contrĂŽle et Ă  la coordination de l'expression des gĂšnes chez les mammifĂšres. Notre hypothĂšse de travail est que certains compartiments nuclĂ©aires permettent un confinement de contacts chromatiniens spĂ©cifiques facilitant les rĂ©gulations gĂ©nomiques. L'objectif principal de mon travail de thĂšse Ă©tait de dĂ©velopper une nouvelle mĂ©thode, simple et directe, permettant de cartographier et d'analyser les rĂ©gions du gĂ©nome murin qui sont associĂ©es aux compartiments nuclĂ©aires importants pour la rĂ©gulation de l'expression des gĂšnes (lamine nuclĂ©aire, les nuclĂ©oles, usines Ă  transcription ou corps de Cajal). Le principe de notre mĂ©thode repose sur des traitements Ă  haut sel de noyaux cellulaires transcriptionnellement actifs. Des sĂ©quençages Ă  haut-dĂ©bit permettent ensuite d'identifier les rĂ©gions gĂ©nomiques retenues dans les complexes nuclĂ©aires ainsi rendus d'insolubles. Elle a donc Ă©tĂ© appelĂ©e HRS-Seq : High-salt Recovered Sequences-sequencing (sĂ©quençage de sĂ©quences rĂ©cupĂ©rĂ©es Ă  haut-sel). Mon programme de travail s'est dĂ©roulĂ© en 4 Ă©tapes distinctes : 1- la mise en Ɠuvre et l'amĂ©lioration de la partie expĂ©rimentale (test HRS), 2- l'adaptation des techniques de sĂ©quençage Ă  haut-dĂ©bit Ă  notre mĂ©thode (collaboration avec L. Journot, H. Parrinello, E. Dubois), 3 – l'application d'une analyse statistiques adĂ©quate afin d'identifier les HRS (collaboration avec C. Reynes et R. Sabatier, statisticiens) et 4- l'analyse bio-informatique de ces rĂ©gions destinĂ©e Ă  les cartographier et Ă  les caractĂ©riser (collaboration avec J. Mozziconacci et A. Cournac).Dans un premier temps, nous avons utilisĂ© la mĂ©thode HRS-seq sur des noyaux de cellules de foie de souris. L'analyse bioinformatique des HRS nous a permis de rĂ©aliser la toute premiĂšre cartographie de ces rĂ©gions chez la souris et de dĂ©couvrir leurs principales caractĂ©ristiques. Les rĂ©gions HRS peuvent ĂȘtre classĂ©es en deux catĂ©gories distinctes : Les HRS riches en AT sont fortement associĂ©es Ă  la lamine nuclĂ©aire, tandis que celles riches en GC sont associĂ©es aux rĂ©gions gĂ©niques. La prĂ©sence exceptionnelle, parmi cette derniĂšre catĂ©gorie, des gĂšnes codant pour les protĂ©ines d'histones, indique que le test HRS permet la rĂ©tention des Corps des Loci d'Histones (HLB – Histone Locus Body), un type spĂ©cifique de corps de Cajal. De plus, grĂące Ă  une analyse croisĂ©e avec des donnĂ©es de Hi-C disponibles dans la littĂ©rature, nous avons pu montrer que les HRS prĂ©sentent entre-elles une haute probabilitĂ© de contact dans l'espace tridimensionnel du noyau, et qu'elles sont fortement enrichies en certaines sĂ©quences rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©es (gĂšnes des ARNt). L'ensemble de ces rĂ©sultats nous permet de valider expĂ©rimentalement notre mĂ©thode. Dans un second temps, nous avons appliquĂ© cette mĂ©thode Ă  3 autres types cellulaires : des cellules souches embryonnaires, des cellules progĂ©nitrices neurales et des neurones (collaboration avec T. Bouschet). Le but de ce travail est de dĂ©terminer comment les rĂ©gions HRS Ă©voluent au cours de la diffĂ©rentiation cellulaire. Les analyses statistiques et bioinformatiques sont en cours.In complex organisms like mammals, regulatory sequences, dispersed on the chromosomes, can interact together within the nuclear space to tightly coordinate gene expression. DNA methylation and post-translational histone modifications combine with regulatory sequences, proteic factors and non-coding RNA, to provide cell-type specific patterns of higher-order chromatin organization. However, the in vivo organization of the mammalian chromatin beyond the simple nucleosomal array remains largely enigmatic. The general objective of our group is to elucidate the in vivo organization and dynamic of the chromatin at the supranucleosomal scale in diverse physiological and pathological contexts, in order to better understand how they are involved in the maintenance and coordination of gene expression in mammals. Our working hypothesis is that some nuclear compartments are confining specific chromatin contacts in order to facilitate genomic regulations. The principal objective of my thesis was to develop a novel straightforward method to map and to characterize genomic regions that are associated, in the mouse, with nuclear compartments that are important for gene regulation (nuclear lamina, nucleolus, transcription factories, Cajal bodies). The principle of our method is based on high-salt treatments of transcriptionally active cell nuclei. High-throughput sequencings then allow to identify the genomic regions that are retained in the resulting insoluble nuclear complexes. We thus named this method the HRS-seq (High-salt Recovered Sequences-sequencing). My working program was divided into 4 steps: 1- the improvement of the experimental procedure (HRS assay), 2- the adaptation of the NGS techniques to our method (collaboration with L. Journot, H. Parrinello, E. Dubois), 3- the use of an adequate statistical analysis in order to identify the HRS (Collaboration with C. Reynes and R. Sabatier, statisticians), 4- the bioinformatics analysis of these regions in order to map and to characterize them (collaboration with J. Mozziconacci and A. Cournac). We first used the HRS-seq method on mouse liver cells. The bioinformatics analysis allowed us to obtain the first global profiling of HRS in the mouse and to discover their essential characteristics. The HRS can be classified into two categories: the AT-rich HRS are linked to lamina associated domains, while GC-rich HRS are strongly associated to genes. The presence of histone genes amongst this latter category suggests that the Histone Locus Bodies (HLBs), a specific type of Cajal's body, is retained in the HRS assay. Furthermore, thanks to a cross-analysis with Hi-C data available in international databases, we have shown that the HRS display a high contact probability in the tri-dimensional space of the nucleus and that they are highly enriched in some specific repeat sequences (tRNA genes). Globally, these results allow us to validate the experimental approach used in the HRS-seq method. In a second time, we have applied this method to 3 other cell types: mouse embryonic stem cells, neural progenitor cells and neurons (collaboration with T. Bouschet). The aim of this work is to determine how the HRS regions are regulated during cell differentiation. Statistical and bio-informatics analyses are in progress

    Exploring mammalian genome within phase-separated nuclear bodies: Experimental methods and implications for gene expression

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    The importance of genome organization at the supranucleosomal scale in the control of gene expression is increasingly recognized today. In mammals, Topologically Associating Domains (TADs)andtheactive/inactivechromosomalcompartmentsaretwoofthemainnuclearstructuresthat contribute to this organization level. However, recent works reviewed here indicate that, at speciïŹc loci, chromatin interactions with nuclear bodies could also be crucial to regulate genome functions, in particular transcription. They moreover suggest that these nuclear bodies are membrane-less organelles dynamically self-assembled and disassembled through mechanisms of phase separation. We have recently developed a novel genome-wide experimental method, High-salt Recovered Sequences sequencing (HRS-seq), which allows the identiïŹcation of chromatin regions associated with large ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes and nuclear bodies. We argue that the physical nature of such RNP complexes and nuclear bodies appears to be central in their ability to promote eïŹƒcient interactions between distant genomic regions. The development of novel experimental approaches,includingourHRS-seqmethod,isopeningnewavenuestounderstandhowself-assembly of phase-separated nuclear bodies possibly contributes to mammalian genome organization and gene expression

    Exploring Mammalian Genome within Phase-Separated Nuclear Bodies: Experimental Methods and Implications for Gene Expression

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    International audienceThe importance of genome organization at the supranucleosomal scale in the control of gene expression is increasingly recognized today. In mammals, Topologically Associating Domains (TADs) and the active/inactive chromosomal compartments are two of the main nuclear structures that contribute to this organization level. However, recent works reviewed here indicate that, at specific loci, chromatin interactions with nuclear bodies could also be crucial to regulate genome functions, in particular transcription. They moreover suggest that these nuclear bodies are membrane-less organelles dynamically self-assembled and disassembled through mechanisms of phase separation. We have recently developed a novel genome-wide experimental method, High-salt Recovered Sequences sequencing (HRS-seq), which allows the identification of chromatin regions associated with large ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes and nuclear bodies. We argue that the physical nature of such RNP complexes and nuclear bodies appears to be central in their ability to promote efficient interactions between distant genomic regions. The development of novel experimental approaches, including our HRS-seq method, is opening new avenues to understand how self-assembly of phase-separated nuclear bodies possibly contributes to mammalian genome organization and gene expression

    Local euchromatin enrichment in lamina-associated domains anticipates their repositioning in the adipogenic lineage

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    Background Interactions of chromatin with the nuclear lamina via lamina-associated domains (LADs) confer structural stability to the genome. The dynamics of positioning of LADs during differentiation, and how LADs impinge on developmental gene expression, remains, however, elusive. Results We examined changes in the association of lamin B1 with the genome in the first 72 h of differentiation of adipose stem cells into adipocytes. We demonstrate a repositioning of entire stand-alone LADs and of LAD edges as a prominent nuclear structural feature of early adipogenesis. Whereas adipogenic genes are released from LADs, LADs sequester downregulated or repressed genes irrelevant for the adipose lineage. However, LAD repositioning only partly concurs with gene expression changes. Differentially expressed genes in LADs, including LADs conserved throughout differentiation, reside in local euchromatic and lamin-depleted sub-domains. In these sub-domains, pre-differentiation histone modification profiles correlate with the LAD versus inter-LAD outcome of these genes during adipogenic commitment. Lastly, we link differentially expressed genes in LADs to short-range enhancers which overall co-partition with these genes in LADs versus inter-LADs during differentiation. Conclusions We conclude that LADs are predictable structural features of adipose nuclear architecture that restrain non-adipogenic genes in a repressive environment

    Long-range interactions between topologically associating domains shape the four-dimensional genome during differentiation

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    Genomic information is selectively used to direct spatial and temporal gene expression during differentiation. Interactions between topologically associating domains (TADs) and between chromatin and the nuclear lamina organize and position chromosomes in the nucleus. However, how these genomic organizers together shape genome architecture is unclear. Here, using a dual-lineage differentiation system, we report long-range TAD–TAD interactions that form constitutive and variable TAD cliques. A differentiation-coupled relationship between TAD cliques and lamina-associated domains suggests that TAD cliques stabilize heterochromatin at the nuclear periphery. We also provide evidence of dynamic TAD cliques during mouse embryonic stem-cell differentiation and somatic cell reprogramming and of inter-TAD associations in single-cell high-resolution chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) data. TAD cliques represent a level of four-dimensional genome conformation that reinforces the silencing of repressed developmental genes.We thank the Genomics Core Facility of Oslo University Hospital and the Biomolecular Resource Facility at the John Curtin School of Medical Research, The Australian National University, for sequencing services. This work was supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council (no. 1104340 to D.T.), EU Scientia Fellowship FP7-PEOPLE2013-COFUND (no. 609020 to M.-O.B.), the Research Council of Norway (no. 249734 to P.C.), The Norwegian Cancer Society (no. 6822903 to E.D. and no. 190299-2017 to P.C.) and South-East Health Norway (no. 2018082 to P.C.)

    Epimutation profiling in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome:relationship with assisted reproductive technology

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    BACKGROUND: Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) is a congenital overgrowth disorder associated with abnormalities in 11p15.5 imprinted genes. The most common cause is loss of methylation (epimutation) at the imprinting control centre 2 (IC2/KvDMR1). Most IC2 epimutations occur sporadically but an association with conception after assisted reproductive technologies (ART) has been reported. A subgroup of IC2 epimutation cases also harbour epimutations at other imprinting centres (ICs) outside of 11p15.5. We have investigated the relationship between these multiple epimutation cases (ME+), history of ART and clinical phenotype in a cohort of 187 BWS IC2 epimutation patients. RESULTS: Methylation analysis at PLAGL1, MEST and IGF2R ICs demonstrated an over-representation of patients with abnormally low methylation (8.5%, 12% and 6% respectively). At IGF2R some patients (2%) had gain of methylation but this was also detected in controls. Though there were no significant correlations between the methylation index (MIs) at the three ICs tested, a subset of patients appeared to be susceptible to multiple epimutations (ME+) and 21.2% of ME + patients had been conceived by ART compared to 4.5% (P = 0.0033) without additional epimutations. Methylation array profiling (Illumina Goldengate¼) of patients and controls (excluding 11p15.5 loci) demonstrated significant differences between patients and controls. No significant associations were found between aspects of the BWS phenotype and individual epimutations but we describe a case presenting with a post-ART BWS-like phenotype in which molecular analysis demonstrated loss of paternal allele methylation at the 11p15.5 IC1 locus (IC1 regulates imprinting of IGF2 and H19). Loss of paternal allele methylation at the IC1 is the molecular finding associated with Silver-Russell syndrome whereas BWS is associated with gain of maternal allele methylation at IC1. Further analysis demonstrated epimutations at PLAGL1 and MEST consistent with the hypothesis that the presence of multiple epimutations may be of clinical relevance. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the ME + subgroup of BWS patients are preferentially, but not exclusively, associated with a history of ART and that, though at present, there are no clear epigenotype-phenotype correlations for ME + BWS patients, non-11p15.5 IC epimutations can influence clinical phenotype

    Managing Universities in a Supercomplex Age

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    Statistical tests. This table gives, for each chromosome and each domain, the Wilcox p-values for the differences observed between the median values of the three parameters presented in Table 2 (k = crosslinking efficiency; L = compaction; S = flexibility). (PDF 72 kb