12 research outputs found
Zwischen Enthemmung und Autoritarismus: Deutschland in der Mitte: Ein Gespräch mit Oliver Decker
PD Dr. phil. Oliver Decker ist Sozialpsychologe und Leiter des For-schungsbereichs Gesellschaftlicher und medizinischer Wandel an der Selbstständigen Abteilung für Medizinische Psychologie und Medizinische Soziologie der Universität Leipzig. Seit 2013 ist er zudem als Direktor des Kompetenzzentrums für Rechtsextremismus- und Demokratieforschung sowie seit 2018 als Co-Sprecher des Graduiertenprogramms «Rechtspopulismus» der Universität Leipzig engagiert. Im Sommersemester 2019 weilte er als Gastprofessor am Institut für Soziologie der Universität Wien. Des Weiteren ist er u. a. Gründer und Geschäftsführender Herausgeber der Zeitschrift «Psychoanalyse – Texte zur So zial forschung» und Mit-Herausgeber der Zeitschrift «Psychosozial» wie im in ternationalen Board des «Journal for Psychosocial Studies». 2018 erschien das von ihm herausgebende, zweibändige Lehrbuch «Sozialpsychologie und Sozialtheorie» im Springer-Verlag.Für die Journalgruppe entwarfen Marie-Luise Hermann, Laura Wolf und Norbert Wolff die Fragen. Das Interview führte Laura Wolf im Dezember 2018, Er gänzungen folgten im März 2019
Validity of mobile electronic data capture in clinical studies: a pilot study in a pediatric population.
BACKGROUND: Clinical studies in children are necessary yet conducting multiple visits at study centers remains challenging. The success of "care-at-home" initiatives and remote clinical trials suggests their potential to facilitate conduct of pediatric studies. This pilot aimed to study the feasibility of remotely collecting valid (i.e. complete and correct) saliva samples and clinical data utilizing mobile technology. METHODS: Single-center, prospective pilot study in children undergoing elective tonsillectomy at the University of Basel Children's Hospital. Data on pain scores and concomitant medication and saliva samples were collected by caregivers on two to four inpatient study days and on three consecutive study days at home. A tailored mobile application developed for this study supported data collection. The primary endpoint was the proportion of complete and correct caregiver-collected data (pain scale) and saliva samples in the at-home setting. Secondary endpoints included the proportion of complete and correct saliva samples in the inpatient setting, subjective feasibility for caregivers, and study cost. RESULTS: A total number of 23 children were included in the study of which 17 children, median age 6.0 years (IQR 5.0, 7.4), completed the study. During the at-home phase, 71.9% [CI = 64.4, 78.6] of all caregiver-collected pain assessments and 53.9% [CI = 44.2, 63.4] of all saliva samples were complete and correct. Overall, 64.7% [CI = 58.7, 70.4] of all data collected by caregivers at home was complete and correct. The predominant reason for incorrectness of data was adherence to the timing of predefined patient actions. Participating caregivers reported high levels of satisfaction and willingness to participate in similar trials in the future. Study costs for a potential sample size of 100 patients were calculated to be 20% lower for the at-home than for a traditional in-patient study setting. CONCLUSIONS: Mobile device supported studies conducted at home may provide a cost-effective approach to facilitate conduct of clinical studies in children. Given findings in this pilot study, data collection at home may focus on electronic data capture rather than biological sampling
Socio-economic status is inversely related to bed net use in Gabon
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licens
Socioeconomic Factors Influencing Malnutrition In Children In Lambarene, Gabon
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Frage nach den sozioökonomischen
Faktoren, die die Mangelernährung der Kinder in Lambaréné im Gabun
beeinflussen. Es handelt sich um eine Fragebogen-basierte Studie, die im
Forschungslabor des Albert Schweitzer Krankenhauses in Lambaréné durchgeführt wurde. Die Arbeit wurde innerhalb einer longitudinalen Studie zur Malariaprophylaxe realisiert. Die Mangelernährung von Kinder ist in Gabun verhältnismäßig gering im Vergleich zu anderen afrikanischen Ländern. Unter den sozioökonomischen Faktoren, die diese Studie evaluiert, finden sich der Ausbildungsstand der Mütter, die Anwesenheit des Vaters und eine lange Stillperiode.The study evaluates the influence of socioeconomic factors on malnutrition in children in Lambarene, Gabon. It is a questionnaire based study and was carried out in the Albert-Schweitzer Hospital in Lambarene, Gabon. It took place within the framework of a longitudinal study on Malaria prophylaxis in infants. Malnutrition is comparatively low in Gabon in comparison with other African countries. Socioeconomic factors influencing malnutrition are amongst others the educational level of the mother, presence of the father and a long breat-feeding period
Influence of Age and Other Factors on Cytokine Expression Profiles in Healthy Children—A Systematic Review
Cytokines have attracted much attention as diagnostic biomarkers for infectious and inflammatory diseases in recent years. However, understanding of maturation and normal age-associated values is limited. This review summarizes evidence on the influence of age and other factors on expression profiles of soluble and intracellular cytokines in healthy children. IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-α are the most frequently investigated cytokines, of which an age-associated increase was shown consistently for IFN-γ and TNF-α. An age-associated decrease of IL-13 was seen in resource-limited settings. For other cytokines, including IL-1RA, IL-2, and IL-10, uni- or bimodal curves have been described, and results were influenced by study setting. To conclude, despite limited current understanding of the development of cytokine expression, age clearly influences expression profiles in healthy children. Dynamics of cytokine expression in childhood need to be considered when these are measured in diagnostic assays or as biomarkers. In addition, cytokine-targeting agents may require adjustment for normal values when used in childre
Zwischen Enthemmung und Autoritarismus: Deutschland in der Mitte: Ein Gespräch mit Oliver Decker
PD Dr. phil. Oliver Decker ist Sozialpsychologe und Leiter des For-schungsbereichs Gesellschaftlicher und medizinischer Wandel an der Selbstständigen Abteilung für Medizinische Psychologie und Medizinische Soziologie der Universität Leipzig. Seit 2013 ist er zudem als Direktor des Kompetenzzentrums für Rechtsextremismus- und Demokratieforschung sowie seit 2018 als Co-Sprecher des Graduiertenprogramms «Rechtspopulismus» der Universität Leipzig engagiert. Im Sommersemester 2019 weilte er als Gastprofessor am Institut für Soziologie der Universität Wien. Des Weiteren ist er u. a. Gründer und Geschäftsführender Herausgeber der Zeitschrift «Psychoanalyse – Texte zur So zial forschung» und Mit-Herausgeber der Zeitschrift «Psychosozial» wie im in ternationalen Board des «Journal for Psychosocial Studies». 2018 erschien das von ihm herausgebende, zweibändige Lehrbuch «Sozialpsychologie und Sozialtheorie» im Springer-Verlag.Für die Journalgruppe entwarfen Marie-Luise Hermann, Laura Wolf und Norbert Wolff die Fragen. Das Interview führte Laura Wolf im Dezember 2018, Er gänzungen folgten im März 2019
Influence of Age and Other Factors on Cytokine Expression Profiles in Healthy Children—A Systematic Review
Cytokines have attracted much attention as diagnostic biomarkers for infectious and inflammatory diseases in recent years. However, understanding of maturation and normal age-associated values is limited. This review summarizes evidence on the influence of age and other factors on expression profiles of soluble and intracellular cytokines in healthy children. IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-α are the most frequently investigated cytokines, of which an age-associated increase was shown consistently for IFN-γ and TNF-α. An age-associated decrease of IL-13 was seen in resource-limited settings. For other cytokines, including IL-1RA, IL-2, and IL-10, uni- or bimodal curves have been described, and results were influenced by study setting. To conclude, despite limited current understanding of the development of cytokine expression, age clearly influences expression profiles in healthy children. Dynamics of cytokine expression in childhood need to be considered when these are measured in diagnostic assays or as biomarkers. In addition, cytokine-targeting agents may require adjustment for normal values when used in children
WHO 2006 child growth standards: implications for the prevalence of stunting and underweight-for-age in a birth cohort of Gabonese children in comparison to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2000 growth charts and the National Center for Health Statistics 1978 growth references
OBJECTIVES: To assess the proportion of children being stunted and underweight-for-age at 3, 9 and 15 months in Lambaréné, Gabon, using the WHO child growth standards released in 2006 as compared with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2000 and the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) 1978 child growth charts/references. DESIGN AND SETTING: Prospective birth cohort in Lambaréné, Gabon. SUBJECTS: Two hundred and eighty-nine children from birth to 15 months of age. METHODS: Weight and length were recorded at 3, 9 and 15 months. Corresponding Z scores for stunting and underweight-for-age were calculated for the three different standards/references. Children with a height-for-age or weight-for-age below -2 SD of the corresponding reference median (Z score <or = -2) were classified as stunted or underweight-for-age, respectively. RESULTS: With the new WHO 2006 standards a higher proportion (4.0%) of 3-month-old infants were underweight compared with the CDC (1.0%) or the NCHS (0.7%) child growth charts/references. In contrast to the NCHS references or the CDC charts, this proportion did not increase from 3 to 9 months or from 9 to 15 months. The proportion of children being stunted was highest (above 20%) with the WHO 2006 standards at all three ages. Again, in contrast to the old standards, this proportion did not increase from 3 to 9 months or from 9 to 15 months. CONCLUSIONS: The present results show considerably different growth faltering patterns for Gabonese children depending on the growth charts used to assess the prevalence of stunting and underweight. Shifting to the new WHO child growth standards may have important implications for child health programme
Additional file 1: of Validity of mobile electronic data capture in clinical studies: a pilot study in a pediatric population
Development of mobile application. (PDF 74Ă‚Â kb
Additional file 2: Table S1. of Validity of mobile electronic data capture in clinical studies: a pilot study in a pediatric population
Timing of complete data and samples, by timepoint and location. Table S2. Complete and correct data and samples when timing as a correctness factor is neglected (i.e. all data collected within one calendar day are correct). Table S3. Caregiver feasibility questionnaire. Table S4. Main difficulties experienced by caregivers during conduct of study. (PDF 205Ă‚Â kb