107 research outputs found

    Facteurs associés à la détresse psychologique des étudiants: mieux comprendre pour mieux intervenir

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    PAREA n°PA-2016-006La prĂ©sente recherche a Ă©tĂ© subventionnĂ©e par le ministĂšre de l'Éducation et de l'Enseignement supĂ©rieur dans le cadre du Programme d'aide Ă  la recherche sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage (PAREA).Comprend des rĂ©fĂ©rences bibliographiques

    FermiÚres Obsédées et Women With Kitchen Appliances : le collectif comme espace dialogique des pratiques performatives en art actuel et d'une troisiÚme vague féministe au Québec

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    Nous explorons, dans ce mĂ©moire, les pratiques performatives des FermiĂšres ObsĂ©dĂ©es (F.O.) et des Women With Kitchen Appliances (WWKA). Les principaux objectifs poursuivis sont d'Ă©clairer les enjeux et les impacts de la forme collective en art, plus particuliĂšrement comme espace de dialogue des pratiques performatives et de la troisiĂšme vague fĂ©ministe; de montrer comment ces pratiques s'inscrivent dans, et participent Ă  l'histoire de l'art fĂ©ministe; et de souligner leur contribution en tant que stratĂ©gies artistiques fĂ©ministes en art et dans la sociĂ©tĂ© civile. Les collectifs F.O. et WWKA s'inscrivent dans la troisiĂšme vague fĂ©ministe au QuĂ©bec par leurs pratiques collectives qui allient la performance aux questions sociales et politiques. Cette dimension collective agit tel un espace de dialogue dans lequel les artistes investissent de nouvelles formes de (re)prĂ©sentation des artistes fĂ©ministes au QuĂ©bec et, plus largement, des femmes. Par leurs perspectives critiques sur le monde de mĂȘme que par la collaboration, les artistes nous renseignent sur diffĂ©rents enjeux fĂ©ministes actuels tout en s'inscrivant au sein de certains dĂ©bats qui relĂšvent de la dĂ©construction des normes de genre, des sexualitĂ©s et de la critique anticapitaliste. En apportant leur contribution aux diverses stratĂ©gies fĂ©ministes, les F.O. et les WWKA participent au dĂ©ploiement de l'agentivitĂ© des sujets (artistes comme spectateurs et spectatrices), de mĂȘme qu'Ă  la production de savoirs situĂ©s inĂ©dits. Dans l'espace public comme dans des lieux plus intimes, les artistes entremĂȘlent dans leurs Ɠuvres diffĂ©rentes qualitĂ©s formelles et esthĂ©tiques telles que le son, la thĂ©ĂątralitĂ© et la fĂȘte, leur permettant d'entrer en contact avec l'autre. À l'image des groupes affinitaires fĂ©ministes Ă  travers l'histoire, les F.O. et les WWKA participent Ă  l'histoire de l'art au QuĂ©bec, et contribuent Ă  la renouveler.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : FermiĂšres ObsĂ©dĂ©es, Women With Kitchen Appliances, collectif affinitaire, art et fĂ©minisme, pratiques performatives en art actuel

    The effect of university–industry collaboration on the scientific impact of publications : the Canadian case, 1980–2005

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    Previous research on university-industry collaboration in Canada concluded, using mean impact factors as a proxy, that the scientific impact of such research is not inferior to that of university research. Using field-normalized impact factors and citation counts, this paper reexamines the Canadian case. It shows that, when impact factors are field-normalized, university-industry papers are published, on average, in journals with lower impact factors than papers originating from universities only. However, field-normalized citation values reveal the opposite: the average scientific impact of university-industry papers is significantly above that of both university-only papers and industry-only papers. Collaboration with industries is, thus far from detrimental to the scientific impact of university research and even increases it significantly

    A novel therapeutic strategy for pancreatic neoplasia using a novel RNAi platform targeting PDX-1

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    Bi-functional shRNA (bi-shRNA), a novel RNA interference (RNAi) effector platform targeting PDX-1 utilizing a systemic DOTAP-Cholesterol delivery vehicle, was studied in three mouse models of progressive pancreatic neoplasia. Species-specific bi-functional PDX-1 shRNA (bi-shRNAPDX-1) lipoplexes inhibited insulin expression and secretion while also substantially inhibiting proliferation of mouse and human cell lines via disruption of cell cycle proteins in vitro. Three cycles of either bi-shRNA<sup>mousePDX-1</sup> or shRNA<sup>mousePDX-1</sup> lipoplexes administered intravenously prevented death from hyperinsulinemia and hypoglycemia in a lethal insulinoma mouse model. Three cycles of shRNA<sup>mousePDX-1</sup> lipoplexes reversed hyperinsulinemia and hypoglycemia in an immune-competent mouse model of pancreatic neoplasia. Moreover, three cycles of the bi-shRNA<sup>humanPDX-1</sup> lipoplexes resulted in near complete ablation of tumor volume and considerably improved survival in a human PANC-1 implanted SCID-mouse model. Human pancreatic neoplasia specimens also stained strongly for PDX-1 expression. Together, these data support the clinical development of a novel therapeutic strategy using systemic bi-shRNA<sup>PDX-1</sup> lipoplexes against pancreatic neoplasia

    Gold nanoparticles prepared by laser ablation in aqueous biocompatible solutions: assessment of safety and biological identity for nanomedicine applications

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    International audienceGold nanoparticles prepared by laser ablation in aqueous biocompatible solutions: assessment of safety and biological identity for nanomedicine applications Abstract: Due to excellent biocompatibility, chemical stability, and promising optical properties , gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs) are the focus of research and applications in nanomedicine. Au-NPs prepared by laser ablation in aqueous biocompatible solutions present an essentially novel object that is unique in avoiding any residual toxic contaminant. This paper is conceived as the next step in development of laser-ablated Au-NPs for future in vivo applications. The aim of the study was to assess the safety, uptake, and biological behavior of laser-synthesized Au-NPs prepared in water or polymer solutions in human cell lines. Our results showed that laser ablation allows the obtaining of stable and monodisperse Au-NPs in water, polyethylene glycol, and dextran solutions. The three types of Au-NPs were internalized in human cell lines, as shown by transmission electron microscopy. Biocompatibility and safety of Au-NPs were demonstrated by analyzing cell survival and cell morphology. Furthermore, incubation of the three Au-NPs in serum-containing culture medium modified their physicochemical characteristics , such as the size and the charge. The composition of the protein corona adsorbed on Au-NPs was investigated by mass spectrometry. Regarding composition of complement C3 proteins and apolipoproteins, Au-NPs prepared in dextran solution appeared as a promising drug carrier. Altogether, our results revealed the safety of laser-ablated Au-NPs in human cell lines and support their use for theranostic applications

    Optimal human papillomavirus vaccination strategies to prevent cervical cancer in low-income and middle-income countries in the context of limited resources: a mathematical modelling analysis

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    Introduction of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination has been slow in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) because of resource constraints and worldwide shortage of vaccine supplies. To help inform WHO recommendations, we modelled various HPV vaccination strategies to examine the optimal use of limited vaccine supplies and best allocation of scarce resources in LMICs in the context of the WHO global call to eliminate cervical cancer as a public health problem. Methods In this mathematical modelling analysis, we developed HPV-ADVISE LMIC, a transmission-dynamic model of HPV infection and diseases calibrated to four LMICs: India, Vietnam, Uganda, and Nigeria. For different vaccination strategies that encompassed use of a nine-valent vaccine (or a two-valent or four-valent vaccine assuming high cross-protection), we estimated three outcomes: reduction in the age-standardised rate of cervical cancer, number of doses needed to prevent one case of cervical cancer (NNV; as a measure of efficiency), and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER; in 2017 international perdisability−adjustedlife−year[DALY]averted).WeexamineddifferentvaccinationstrategiesbyvaryingtheagesofroutineHPVvaccinationandnumberofagecohortsvaccinated,thepopulationtargeted,andthenumberofdosesused.Inourbasecase,weassumed100FindingsWepredictedthatHPVvaccinationcouldleadtocervicalcancereliminationinVietnam,India,andNigeria,butnotinUganda.Comparedwithnovaccination,strategiesthatinvolvedvaccinatinggirlsaged9−14yearswithtwodoseswerepredictedtobethemostefficientandcost−effectiveinallfourLMICs.NNVrangedfrom78to381andICERrangedfrom per disability-adjusted life-year [DALY] averted). We examined different vaccination strategies by varying the ages of routine HPV vaccination and number of age cohorts vaccinated, the population targeted, and the number of doses used. In our base case, we assumed 100% lifetime protection against HPV-16, HPV-18, HPV-31, HPV-33, HPV-45, HPV-52, and HPV-58; vaccination coverage of 80%; and a time horizon of 100 years. For the cost-effectiveness analysis, we used a 3% discount rate. Elimination of cervical cancer was defined as an age-standardised incidence of less than four cases per 100 000 woman-years. Findings We predicted that HPV vaccination could lead to cervical cancer elimination in Vietnam, India, and Nigeria, but not in Uganda. Compared with no vaccination, strategies that involved vaccinating girls aged 9-14 years with two doses were predicted to be the most efficient and cost-effective in all four LMICs. NNV ranged from 78 to 381 and ICER ranged from 28 per DALY averted to $1406 per DALY averted depending on the country. The most efficient and cost-effective strategies were routine vaccination of girls aged 14 years, with or without a later switch to routine vaccination of girls aged 9 years, and routine vaccination of girls aged 9 years with a 5-year extended interval between doses and a catch-up programme at age 14 years. Vaccinating boys (aged 9-14 years) or women aged 18 years or older resulted in substantially higher NNVs and ICERs. Interpretation We identified two strategies that could maximise efforts to prevent cervical cancer in LMICs given constraints on vaccine supplies and costs and that would allow a maximum of LMICs to introduce HPV vaccination. Funding World Health Organization, Canadian Institute of Health Research, Fonds de recherche du QuĂ©bec-SantĂ©, Compute Canada, PATH, and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Translations For the French and Spanish translations of the abstract see Supplementary Materials section

    The 20S proteasome core, active within apoptotic exosome-like vesicles, induces autoantibody production and accelerates rejection

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    Autoantibodies to components of apoptotic cells, such as anti-perlecan antibodies, contribute to rejection in organ transplant recipients. However, mechanisms of immunization to apoptotic components remain largely uncharacterized. We used large-scale proteomics, with validation by electron microscopy and biochemical methods, to compare the protein profiles of apoptotic bodies and apoptotic exosome-like vesicles, smaller extracellular vesicles released by endothelial cells downstream of caspase-3 activation. We identified apoptotic exosome-like vesicles as a central trigger for production of anti-perlecan antibodies and acceleration of rejection. Unlike apoptotic bodies, apoptotic exosome-like vesicles triggered the production of anti-perlecan antibodies in naïve mice and enhanced anti-perlecan antibody production and allograft inflammation in mice transplanted with an MHC (major histocompatibility complex)–incompatible aortic graft. The 20S proteasome core was active within apoptotic exosome-like vesicles and controlled their immunogenic activity. Finally, we showed that proteasome activity in circulating exosome-like vesicles increased after vascular injury in mice. These findings open new avenues for predicting and controlling maladaptive humoral responses to apoptotic cell components that enhance the risk of rejection after transplantation
