7 research outputs found

    Är tillit till kollegor pĂ„ arbetsplatsen associerat med mental hĂ€lsa?

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    Bakgrund: Tillit till andra individer förklarar variation i mental hÀlsa. PÄ senare Är har intresset ökat för tillit i ett inomorganisatoriskt sammanhang dÄ arbete tillsammans förutsÀtter att man kan lita pÄ sina kollegor, bÄde för att uppnÄ organisationens mÄl men Àven sina egna. Tillit ses som en viktig komponent för de anstÀlldas vÀlmÄende dÄ tillit frÀmjar hÀlsa och motverkar mental ohÀlsa. Tillit kan definieras som viljan att vara sÄrbar inför andra individers agerande vilket ger en osÀkerhet för andra individers handlande. Risken och osÀkerheten som tillit innebÀr blir större vid mötet av en frÀmling Àn vid mötet av en nÀra. Risken och osÀkerheten som tillit medför utgör ett hinder för att ha stöd i relationer och dÀrför kan lÄg tillit leda till Ängest och depression. Det finns vissa likheter mellan tillit och socialt stöd och det tycks som om socialt stöd frÀmjar tillit samtidigt som det frÀmjar mental hÀlsa, dÀrför kan det vara sÄ att det Àr socialt stöd, och inte tillit, som förklarar variationen i mental hÀlsa i en organisatoriskt kontext. Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande uppsats var att studera om tillit mellan kollegor Àr associerat med mental hÀlsa i en organisatorisk kontext. Metod: Kvantitativ metod med en enkÀtundersökning med 117 deltagare varav 86 deltog, en svarsfrekvens pÄ 73, 5%. Logistisk regressionsanalys genomfördes för att svara pÄ frÄgan om tillit till kollegor Àr associerat med mental hÀlsa bland kontorshandlÀggare oberoende av socialt stöd. SignifikansnivÄn sattes till 0.05. Resultat: Resultatet visar stark tillit till kollegor innebÀr en lÀgre risk att utveckla Ängest. Resultatet visade att tillit bland kontorshandlÀggare Àr signifikant associerat med mental hÀlsa. Slutsats: Tillit tycks dock vara en viktig variabel dÄ tillit pÄverkar mental hÀlsa oberoende av socialt stöd. Tillit Àr signifikant associerat med mental hÀlsa trots att socialt stöd Àr med som en oberoende variabel i analysen

    Sjuksköterskors uppfattning om smÀrtbehandling och anvÀndning av riktlinjer

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    Aim: The aim was to identify how nurses perceive the performance of pain management and the use of guidelines for pain management. Background: Pain is one of the most common symptoms of illness for which people request health care. Patients in pain ought to be treated quickly and adequately in order to avoid developing a chronic state. Guidelines for effective pain relief are not always implemented in clinical practice. Method: A questionnaire regarding factors relevant to pain management and guidelines were designed. Findings: Of the 219 nurses who were invited, 111 (50.7%) answered the questionnaire. Thirty-one nurses responded that they used guidelines and they administered additional analgesics significantly more often when breakthrough pain occurred compared to nurses responding not using guidelines. Pain assessment is not always performed, 44 nurses agreed completely or partly that pain assessment is performed only when pain in the patient has become a problem. Forty-two nurses agreed completely or partly that there are routines in their department for treating patients with difficult pain issues. The nurses highlighted the importance of collaborating in team and having pain treatment routines. Conclusion: Pain management was perceived to be performed non-systematically and not always adapted to the individual. Guidelines were not always used

    Cancer patients' experiences of care related to pain management before and after palliative care referral

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    Pain is the main problem for patients with cancer referred to palliative care (PC). Pain management in PC requires a multidimensional approach. A questionnaire was used to determine cancer patients' experiences of care related to pain management, before and after being referred to PC, and to also discover possible correlations between pain control and other aspects of care. Seventy-five consecutive patients from two PC teams were included in the study. The patients had experienced a statistically significant (P < 0.01) improvement in care after being referred to PC, despite the fact that pain control had not been optimized. Patients' description of 'pain control' after being referred to PC had a statistically significant correlation with their 'feeling of security' and 'continuity of care' throughout the same period. The conclusion is that care provided in PC is vital to successful pain management. Pain control depends not only on analgesics but also on many other aspects of care provided by the nurse. Continuity of care and the opportunity to talk increases the patients' feeling of security, which is also of utmost importance to successful pain management

    A comparison of pain and health-related quality of life between two groups of cancer patients with differing average levels of pain

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    A study was performed to describe and compare pain and Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) in two groups of cancer patients in palliative care as well as to describe the correlation between pain and HRQOL. ○ Forty-seven patients with mild average pain [Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) < 3] and 28 patients with moderate to severe average pain (VAS > 3) were included. Medical Outcomes Study Short Form (SF-36) was used to evaluate HRQOL, pain intensity levels were measured with the VAS on Pain-O-Meter. ○ Compared to patients with mild pain, patients with moderate to severe pain had statistically significant, higher pain intensity for the items 'pain at time of interview', 'worst pain in the past 24 hours' and 'pain interrupting sleep.' They also had the lowest scores of the SF-36 dimensions: physical functioning, role-physical, and bodily pain. Patients with moderate to severe pain had statistically significant, fewer months of survival. There were statistically significant positive correlations between pain items and negative correlation between pain and SF-36 dimensions. ○ The conclusion is that pain has a negative impact on HRQOL, especially on physical health and that pain increases towards the final stages of life. Even if patients have to endure symptoms such as fatigue and anxiety during their short survival time, dealing with pain is an unnecessary burden, which can be prevented

    Cancer-related pain in palliative care : patients' perceptions of pain management

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    Background: Pain is still a significant problem for many patients with cancer, despite numerous, clear and concise guidelines for the treatment of cancer-related pain. The impact of pain cognition on patients' experiences of cancer-related pain remains relatively unexplored. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how patients with cancer-related pain in palliative care perceive the management of their pain. Method: Thirty patients were strategically selected for interviews with open-ended questions, designed to explore the pain and pain management related to their cancer. The interviews were analysed using a phenomenographic approach. Findings: Patients described 10 different perceptions of pain and pain management summarized in the three categories: communication, planning and trust. In terms of communication, patients expressed a need for an open and honest dialogue with health care professionals about all problems concerning pain. Patients expressed an urgent need for planning of their pain treatment including all caring activities around them. When they felt trust in the health care organization as a whole, and in nurses and physicians in particular, they described improved ability and willingness to participate in pain management. While the findings are limited to patients in palliative care, questions are raised about others with cancer-related pain without access to a palliative care team. Conclusion: The opportunity for patients to discuss pain and its treatment seems to have occurred late in the course of disease, mostly not until coming in contact with a palliative care team. They expressed a wish to be pain-free, or attain as much pain relief as possible, with as few side effects as possible