13 research outputs found

    The Beginnings of Hospice Care in the Czech Republic

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    The aim of this paper is to review the situation in communist and post-revolutionary Czechoslovakia in the area of palliative care. It will familiarize readers with the enormous efforts of two big personalities in the history of Czech health care: Marie Opatrná and Marie Svatošová, who tried to change the old and inconvenient Soviet health care system and make the care of terminal and dying people more human. At the end, it will present some challenges which the current Czech hospice care is confronted with

    The Production of Painter Jan Jiří Hering

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    Umělecká tvorba malíře Jana Jiřího Heringa. Diplomová práce. Marie Opatrná. vedoucí práce: Doc. PhDr. Martin Zlatohlávek Ph.D. - Praha, 2011 - 245 s. Anotace Tato diplomová práce řeší otázku umělecké tvorby Jana Jiřího Heringa, který působil v českém uměleckém prostředí v 1. polovině 17. století. Zabývá se východisky, ze kterých tento umělec vycházel, i předlohami, podle kterých tvořil. Heringova tvorba je tak zde zasazena do širšího evropského kontextu umělecké produkce. Jeho způsob tvorby podle grafických předloh tak přinesl do českého prostředí italské i nizozemské umělecké barokní prvky. V práci je obsažen celý soubor maleb a kreseb připisovaných Janu Jiřímu Heringovi nebo jeho dílně. Porovnáním těchto děl se autorka snaží rozlišit autentická díla samotného mistra a jeho dílny.Umělecká tvorba malíře Jana Jiřího Heringa. Diplomová práce. Marie Opatrná. vedoucí práce: Doc. PhDr. Martin Zlatohlávek Ph.D. - Praha, 2011 - 245 s. Abstract The theme of this thesis is The Production of Painter Jan Jiří Hering who painted during first half of the 17th century. There are described the resources and patterns of his artistic work, which technique brought to our country Italian and Netherlands artistic elements. The thesis involves all paintings and drawings, which are attributed to Hering or to his workshop, and compares them with each other.Institute of Christian Art HistoryÚstav dějin křesťanského uměníCatholic Theological FacultyKatolická teologická fakult

    The Production of Painter Jan Jiří Hering

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    Umělecká tvorba malíře Jana Jiřího Heringa. Diplomová práce. Marie Opatrná. vedoucí práce: Doc. PhDr. Martin Zlatohlávek Ph.D. - Praha, 2011 - 245 s. Abstract The theme of this thesis is The Production of Painter Jan Jiří Hering who painted during first half of the 17th century. There are described the resources and patterns of his artistic work, which technique brought to our country Italian and Netherlands artistic elements. The thesis involves all paintings and drawings, which are attributed to Hering or to his workshop, and compares them with each other

    The Prague Loreto and its Competitive Strategy

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    The theme of this thesis is the competitive strategy of The Prague Loreto. Introductory part gives an overview of the development of Loreto and shows its cultural and spiritual values. This section also raises the fundamental question of this thesis -- the falling attendance of The Prague Loreto. Then the product structure, which consists of the cultural and spiritual products, is analyzed for understanding this problem. In the next chapter there are all visitors segmented into the specifics groups, it is analyzed its attendance and the SWOT analysis is created. Consequently the new competitive strategy is proposed. Last part of the thesis consists of the financial analysis, the progress chart and the costing of the new strategy

    Healthcare chaplaincy as a part of total care

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    In the development of palliative care the Czech Republic still lags behind advanced countries. Whereas in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland palliative medicine together with pain treatment was recognized as a specialized branch already in 1987, in the Czech environment it was officially constituted as late as 2004. The core part of the WHO definition of palliative care says that "palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problems associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual." Palliative care thus inseparably includes attending to patients' existential, spiritual and religious needs. As one of the few exceptional facilities in the Czech Republic that follow the European trends, the Complex Oncology Centre (Oncology Clinic / Onkologická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN and Institute of Oncology, Ples / Onkologický ústav na Pleši) managed to fulfil the ESMO accreditation programme criteria and was awarded the ESMO accreditation in 2006. It thus became one of the European facilities performing integrated oncology and palliative care, a part of which is..

    Reflection of Italian painting in work of "Czech" artists and its influence on the development of Baroque painting in the period 1611-1650

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    disertační práce v anglickém jazyce MGR. ING. MARIE OPATRNÁ REFLECTION OF ITALIAN PAINTING IN WORK OF "CZECH" ARTISTS AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF BAROQUE PAINTING IN THE PERIOD 1611-1650 Školitel práce: DOC. PHDR. MARTIN ZLATOHLÁVEK, PHD. The thesis deals with "Czech" painting of the first half of the 17th century and the Italian influences in it. In order to understand the origin of these influences, it explores Italian sacral painting of the whole 16th century. Nevertheless, the main attention is dedicated to the second half of this century. The part of this theme is explained on the development of academic studies from the 20th century. The second part of the thesis deals with the Czech art-historical literature and with the subject of protobaroque or early baroque painting. These two parts define terms of these periods and their approaches to painting. The main point of interest is the transition in the field of sacral painting from the art of late renaissance to the art of early baroque. The existence of this special period of sacral painting in Czech area is supported by examples of images and their analysis. The conclusion summarizes new findings and opens questions about new view on the Czech painting of the 17th century and about new methodological attitudes.disertační práce v českém jazyce MGR. ING. MARIE OPATRNÁ OHLASY ITALSKÝCH CEST V DÍLECH "ČESKÝCH" UMĚLCŮ A JEJICH PŮSOBENÍ NA VÝVOJ RANĚ BAROKNÍ MALBY V OBDOBÍ LET 1611-1650 Školitel práce: DOC. PHDR. MARTIN ZLATOHLÁVEK, PHD. Disertační práce zpracovává téma "české" malby první poloviny 17. století a v ní obsažených italských vlivů. Pro pochopení původu italských vlivů je sledován vývoj italské sakrální malby po celé 16. století, především je však věnována pozornost druhé polovině tohoto století a jejím rozmanitým malířským směrům. Téma je sledováno na vývoji názorů na toto umělecké období v odborné literatuře 20. století. Druhá část práce pojednává o vývoji názorů české odborné literatury, která se věnuje české malbě první poloviny 17. století. Tyto dvě kapitoly definují a vymezují rozličné přístupy a termíny vývojového období sakrální malby označovaného jako prebarokní, raně barokní apod. Řeší tedy otázku přechodu umění od pozdní renesance k baroku na poli náboženské malby. Existenci tohoto umírněného malířského proudu sakrálních námětů v českém prostředí a jeho ovlivnění italským prostředím pak dokládají příklady malířských děl a jejich rozbor. Závěr práce shrnuje nové poznatky a otevírá otázku nového nazírání a nového metodologického přístupu k "českému" malířství první poloviny 17. století.Institute of Christian Art HistoryÚstav dějin křesťanského uměníCatholic Theological FacultyKatolická teologická fakult

    The Renaissance Chapel of St. John the Baptist in the Archbishop's Palace in Prague

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    Resumé Renesanční kaple sv. Jana Křtitele v Arcibiskupském paláci v Praze Marie Opatrná vedoucí práce: PhDr. Martin Zlatohlávek, PhD. Kaple v Arcibiskupském paláci, zbudovaná ke Cti Všemohoucího Boha, blahoslavené Panny Marie, sv. Jana Křtitele, sv. Jana Nepomuckého a Všech svatých, je významnou památkou umělecké tvorby rudolfínské doby. Její význam tkví i v míře zachování původní výzdoby. Kaple byla založena arcibiskupem Zbyňkem Berkou z Dubé roku 1599. Hypotéza existence předchozí kaple byla vyvrácena. Celou malířskou výzdobu na klenbě kaple provedl malíř Daniel Alexius z Květné. Výjevy Navštívení Panny Marie, Křest Krista a Kázání Jana Křtitele provedl podle grafické předlohy Cornelia Galla, který své mědiryty vytvořil dle Jana van der Straet. Pro tanec Salome mu byla předlohou grafika od Pietera Jansze Saenredama, která byla zhotovena podle obrazu Karla van Mandery. Poslední výjev na klenbě lodi, Zázračné zachránění knížete Jaromíra, byl pravděpodobně vytvořen podle obrazu německého anonyma. Tento obraz je nyní v majetku Národní galerie. Předloha malby Nejsvětější Trojice v presbytáři není známa. Kaple je také zdobena bohatou štukovou výzdobou. Její datace byla dlouho diskutována. Přikláním se k názoru, že pochází z doby založení kaple, tedy z roku 1599. V lodi se nachází galerie církevních prelátů,...Resume The renaissance chapel S. John Baptist in Archbishop Palace in Prague Marie Opatrná Supervisor of assignment: PhDr. Martin Zlatohlávek PhD. The chapel in Archbishop Palace was built in honor of the Almighty God, the Virgin Mary, St. John the Baptist, St. John of Nepomuk and All Saints. This chapel is important and significant part of Rudolf's art. The chapel was founded by Zbyněk Berka z Dubé in 1599. There are not any signs of the previous existence of a chapel in the palace. All paintings on the roof were made by Daniel Alexius z Květné. In the chapel we can see these paintings: the Visitation, the Preaching of St. John the Baptist, the Baptism of Jesus and Dancing of Salome. Daniel Alexius z Květné was inspired by graphics of Cornelius Galle and Pietr Jansz Saenredam. The scene of the Miraculous rescue of the prince Jaromír was inspired by painting of a German anonym. This painting owns the National Gallery in Prague now. The pattern for the scene of The Holy Trinity is not known. The chapel is decorated with stucco decor. Its dating was questionable for a long time. I tend to the opinion that it was made in 1599 when the chapel was founded. In the nave, there are the gallery of clerical dignitaries, angels with Arma Christi and memorial tablet which reminds the renovation in 1676 and 1888. The...Ústav dějin křesťanského uměníInstitute of Christian Art HistoryCatholic Theological FacultyKatolická teologická fakult

    Reflection of Italian painting in work of "Czech" artists and its influence on the development of Baroque painting in the period 1611-1650

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    disertační práce v anglickém jazyce MGR. ING. MARIE OPATRNÁ REFLECTION OF ITALIAN PAINTING IN WORK OF "CZECH" ARTISTS AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF BAROQUE PAINTING IN THE PERIOD 1611-1650 Školitel práce: DOC. PHDR. MARTIN ZLATOHLÁVEK, PHD. The thesis deals with "Czech" painting of the first half of the 17th century and the Italian influences in it. In order to understand the origin of these influences, it explores Italian sacral painting of the whole 16th century. Nevertheless, the main attention is dedicated to the second half of this century. The part of this theme is explained on the development of academic studies from the 20th century. The second part of the thesis deals with the Czech art-historical literature and with the subject of protobaroque or early baroque painting. These two parts define terms of these periods and their approaches to painting. The main point of interest is the transition in the field of sacral painting from the art of late renaissance to the art of early baroque. The existence of this special period of sacral painting in Czech area is supported by examples of images and their analysis. The conclusion summarizes new findings and opens questions about new view on the Czech painting of the 17th century and about new methodological attitudes

    The Renaissance Chapel of St. John the Baptist in the Archbishop's Palace in Prague

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    Resume The renaissance chapel S. John Baptist in Archbishop Palace in Prague Marie Opatrná Supervisor of assignment: PhDr. Martin Zlatohlávek PhD. The chapel in Archbishop Palace was built in honor of the Almighty God, the Virgin Mary, St. John the Baptist, St. John of Nepomuk and All Saints. This chapel is important and significant part of Rudolf's art. The chapel was founded by Zbyněk Berka z Dubé in 1599. There are not any signs of the previous existence of a chapel in the palace. All paintings on the roof were made by Daniel Alexius z Květné. In the chapel we can see these paintings: the Visitation, the Preaching of St. John the Baptist, the Baptism of Jesus and Dancing of Salome. Daniel Alexius z Květné was inspired by graphics of Cornelius Galle and Pietr Jansz Saenredam. The scene of the Miraculous rescue of the prince Jaromír was inspired by painting of a German anonym. This painting owns the National Gallery in Prague now. The pattern for the scene of The Holy Trinity is not known. The chapel is decorated with stucco decor. Its dating was questionable for a long time. I tend to the opinion that it was made in 1599 when the chapel was founded. In the nave, there are the gallery of clerical dignitaries, angels with Arma Christi and memorial tablet which reminds the renovation in 1676 and 1888. The..

    The Production of Painter Jan Jiří Hering

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    Umělecká tvorba malíře Jana Jiřího Heringa. Diplomová práce. Marie Opatrná. vedoucí práce: Doc. PhDr. Martin Zlatohlávek Ph.D. - Praha, 2011 - 245 s. Abstract The theme of this thesis is The Production of Painter Jan Jiří Hering who painted during first half of the 17th century. There are described the resources and patterns of his artistic work, which technique brought to our country Italian and Netherlands artistic elements. The thesis involves all paintings and drawings, which are attributed to Hering or to his workshop, and compares them with each other