14 research outputs found

    Vyhodnocení úspěšnosti sportovních plemen koní ve skokových soutěžích v České republice

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    The aim of the study was evaluate sporting breeds of horses used for show jumping sport in the Czech Republic. In the literary section is describes the show jumping sport, history of show jumping sport and characterization of the breeds which are used in the Czech Republic and worldwide in the show jumping sport. The work insludes statistical evaluation of the effect breed on the performance of the horses. Performance is evaluated by the auxiliary points PPB to one start. Auxiliary points expressed the preformance of the horses. The points are calculeted according to the real resulsts in the competitions in the criminal points. The criminal points are converted to the auxiliary points. Data was used from the Summary of sport horses of 1995, 2005 and 2014, issued by the Czech Equestrian Federation. Data was further processed and statistically analyzed. Statistical conclusiveness of the breed on the performance was confirmed, in some cases it is also highly statistically conclusive. Breeds were further tested to determine which breed is the most performance and the most appropriate for show jumping sport. In the 1995 it was found, that the most performance for show jumping sport of the ranking top 300 horses are germans warmblood breeds with 6,25 PPB. In the 2005 was the most performance breed hanoverian horse with 8,30 PPB. In the 2014, besides germans warmblood breeds with average value of 8,28 PPB come to the foreground other warmblood breeds with 9,44 PPB and breeds like belgian warmblood with 8,07 PPB and holland warmblood with 7,75 PPB. In the statistics of all started horses in the 2014 was the most performance breed belgian warmblood with a value of 8,81 PPB. Statistically conclusiveness effect on performance was found also for sex. When the most performance are stallions with 4,56 PPB, then mares with 3,91 PPB and the geldings with 3,75 PPB are least performance

    Dynamic modification of microorganisms by pyrene-butanoate for fluorometric detection in capillary electrokinetic techniques

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    Pyrenebutanoate and non-ionogenic tenside on the basis of pyrenebutanoate as the fluorescent compounds were used as buffer additives in capillary zone electrophoresis or capillary isoelectric focusing, respectively, for a dynamic modification of the microbial samples. Using the deuterium lamp UV excitation for the on column fluorometric detection, the minimum detectable amount of the microorganisms in order of ones to tens of cells sampled on the separation capillary was achieved

    Separation of clinically significant microorganisms from CSF by CIEF with UV detection and MALDI-TOF MS

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    The identification of most of the clinically significant species by the conventional laboratory methods is still time-consuming and often insufficient for ensuring early targeted therapy. This is especially important in the case of the nosocomial infections where the number of microorganisms in the cerebrospinal fluid is often ranging from units up to hundreds of cells per milliliter during bacterial infections of the central nervous system. The electrophoretic techniques with UV-detection reach the detection limit of intact cells approximately from 107 cells mL-1

    Vliv délky skladování na kvalitu bylinných řízků dřevin

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    This thesis deals with the influence lenght of storage to rooting softwood cuttings on the chosen of ornamental woody species. The test was made on Ligustrum ovalifolium Hassk. and Pyracantha coccinea M. Roem. 'Dart's Red'. The test was being held in two dates, 17.6.2014 and 30.7.2014. For treatment of the cutting have been used 4 variants. The cuttings from first variant were planted immediately (the control), others variants were stored before planting for 12, 24 and 48 hours at 2 -- 5 °C

    Fyziologie a patofyziologické aspekty dýchacího ústrojí koně

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    The work is concern to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, in short COPD, today is disease called Recurrent airway obstruction -- RAO and effect of stabling to disease. In the work is shortly summarized anatomy of horse respiratory system and described physiology respiratory sytem of horse. Chronic disease is here distinction from acute. In the work is detailed description of RAO, also known as heaves. It is explained epidemiology, causes and pathogenesis, clinical signs and anamnesis, diagnosis, therapy and prevention of RAO. It is specified effect of stabling to formation and occurrence of RAO. The research was doing by questionnaires from breeders and owners of horses. The questionnaires were basis for processed results

    Dynamic modification of proteins for fluorometric detection in CZE

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    The separation techniques employing fluorescence detection are sensitive and selective so they have been often applied for the trace analysis of biological samples. The commonly used derivatization of proteins can lower the detection limits; however, they can change the acido-basic properties and mobilities when compared to the native species. Recently, we have used the colored tenside as a buffer additive for the photometric detection of proteins in the UV region. The selectivity, efficiency and resolution of CZE separation using this dye were found to be similar to the CZE with SDS as the additive. In this study, the ampiphilic fluorescent compound is suggested as a buffer additive in CZE for dynamic modification of the sample of several proteins. Using the deuterium lamp for the excitation in the UV region for the on column fluorometric detection, the amol minimum detectable amounts of the proteins sampled on the CZE capillary were achieved