11 research outputs found

    Significance of Dopamine Transmission in the Rat Medial Prefrontal Cortex for Conditioned Fear

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    Previous studies have demonstrated activation of dopamine transmission in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) by conditioned fear stimuli. Therefore, the present study investigated the functional significance of mPFC dopamine for a conditioned fear response to a tone. We examined the effects of inhibition or stimulation of mPFC dopamine transmission by local microinfusion of the D1/D2-receptor antagonist cis-flupenthixol or the indirect dopamine receptor agonist d-amphetamine, respectively, in a classical fear-conditioning paradigm in Wistar rats. Rats received tone-shock pairings and were later exposed to the tone alone. Freezing was used as measure of conditioned fear. Presence of the drugs in the mPFC during the tone-shock pairings did not affect freezing during subsequent presentation of the tone alone. However, when cis-flupenthixol and d-amphetamine were present in the mPFC during presentation of the tone alone, freezing to the tone was reduced. We demonstrated that the decreased freezing could be explained neither by state dependency nor infusion-induced alterations in activity. Our data indicate that mPFC dopamine transmission is important for the retrieval/expression, but not the formation, of conditioned fear. The reduction of conditioned fear by prefrontal infusion of both cis-flupenthixol and d-amphetamine may reflect normal expression of conditioned fear requires an optimal level of mPFC dopamine activit

    From attention to memory along the dorsal-ventral axis of the medial prefrontal cortex: some methodological considerations

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    Distinctions along the dorsal-ventral axis of medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), between anterior cingulate (AC), prelimbic (PL) and infralimbic (IL) sub-regions, have been proposed on a variety of neuroanatomical and neurophysiological grounds. Conventional lesion approaches (as well as some electrophysiological studies) have shown that these distinctions relate to function in that a number behavioural dissociations have been demonstrated, particularly using rodent models of attention, learning and memory. For example, there is evidence to suggest that AC has a relatively greater role in attention, whereas IL is more involved in executive function. However, the well-established methods of behavioral neuroscience have the limitation that neuromodulation is not addressed. The neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine has been used to deplete dopamine (DA) in mPFC sub-regions, but these lesions are not selective anatomically and noradrenalin is typically also depleted. Microinfusion of drugs through indwelling cannulae provides an alternative approach, to address the role of neuromodulation and moreover that of specific receptor subtypes within mPFC sub-regions, but the effects of such treatments cannot be assumed to be anatomically restricted either. New methodological approaches to the functional delineation of the role of mPFC in attention, learning and memory will also be considered. Taken in isolation, the conventional lesion methods which have been a first line of approach may suggest that a particular mPFC sub-region is not necessary for a particular aspect of function. However, this does not exclude a neuromodulatory role and more neuropsychopharmacological approaches are needed to explain some of the apparent inconsistencies in the results

    From attention to memory along the dorsal-ventral axis of the medial prefrontal cortex: some methodological considerations

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    Distinctions along the dorsal-ventral axis of medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), between anterior cingulate (AC), prelimbic (PL) and infralimbic (IL) sub-regions, have been proposed on a variety of neuroanatomical and neurophysiological grounds. Conventional lesion approaches (as well as some electrophysiological studies) have shown that these distinctions relate to function in that a number behavioural dissociations have been demonstrated, particularly using rodent models of attention, learning and memory. For example, there is evidence to suggest that AC has a relatively greater role in attention, whereas IL is more involved in executive function. However, the well-established methods of behavioral neuroscience have the limitation that neuromodulation is not addressed. The neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine has been used to deplete dopamine (DA) in mPFC sub-regions, but these lesions are not selective anatomically and noradrenalin is typically also depleted. Microinfusion of drugs through indwelling cannulae provides an alternative approach, to address the role of neuromodulation and moreover that of specific receptor subtypes within mPFC sub-regions, but the effects of such treatments cannot be assumed to be anatomically restricted either. New methodological approaches to the functional delineation of the role of mPFC in attention, learning and memory will also be considered. Taken in isolation, the conventional lesion methods which have been a first line of approach may suggest that a particular mPFC sub-region is not necessary for a particular aspect of function. However, this does not exclude a neuromodulatory role and more neuropsychopharmacological approaches are needed to explain some of the apparent inconsistencies in the results

    Role of the anterior cingulate cortex in the retrieval of novel object recognition memory after a long delay

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    Previous in vivo electrophysiological studies suggest that the anterior cingulate cortex (ACgx) is an important substrate of novel object recognition (NOR) memory. However, intervention studies are needed to confirm this conclusion and permanent lesion studies cannot distinguish effects on encoding and retrieval. The interval between encoding and retrieval tests may also be a critical determinant of the role of the ACgx. The current series of experiments used micro-infusion of the GABAA receptor agonist, muscimol, into ACgx to reversibly inactivate the area and distinguish its role in encoding and retrieval. ACgx infusions of muscimol, before encoding did not alter NOR assessed after a delay of 20 min or 24 h. However, when infused into the ACgx before retrieval muscimol impaired NOR assessed after a delay of 24 h, but not after a 20 min retention test. Together these findings suggest that the ACgx plays a time-dependent role in the retrieval, but not the encoding, of NOR memory, neuronal activation being required for the retrieval of remote (24 h old), but not recent (20 min old) visual memory

    Scopolamine impairs appetitive but not aversive trace conditioning: role of the medial prefrontal cortex

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    The muscarinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptor is an important modulator of medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) functions, such as the working memory required to bridge a trace interval in associative leaning. Aversive and appetitive trace conditioning procedures were used to examine the effects of scopolamine (0.1 and 0.5 mg/kg i.p.) in male rats. Follow-up experiments tested the effects of microinfusion of 0.15 ?g scopolamine (0.075 ?g in 0.5 ?L/side) in infralimbic (IL) versus prelimbic (PL) regions of rat mPFC, in appetitive trace and locomotor activity (LMA) procedures. Systemic scopolamine was without effect in an aversive trace conditioning procedure but impaired appetitive conditioning at a 2 s trace interval. This effect was demonstrated as reduced responding during presentations of the conditioned stimulus (CS) as well as during the inter-stimulus-interval (ISI). There was no such effect on responding during food (unconditioned stimulus, US) responding or in the inter-trial-interval (ITI). In contrast, systemic scopolamine dose-relatedly increased LMA. Trace conditioning was similarly impaired at the 2 s trace (shown as reduced responding to the CS and during the ISI, but not during US presentations or in the ITI) after infusion in mPFC, whilst LMA was increased (after infusion in IL only). Thus, results point to the importance of cholinergic modulation in mPFC for trace conditioning and show that the observed effects cannot be attributed to reduced activity

    Dopamine D1 receptor stimulation modulates the formation and retrieval of novel object recognition memory: role of the prelimbic cortex

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    Previous studies have shown that dopamine D1 receptor antagonists impair novel object recognition memory but the effects of dopamine D1 receptor stimulation remain to be determined. This study investigated the effects of the selective dopamine D1 receptor agonist SKF81297 on acquisition and retrieval in the novel object recognition task in male Wistar rats. SKF81297 (0.4 and 0.8mg/kg s.c.) given 15 min before the sampling phase impaired novel object recognition evaluated 10 min or 24h later. The same treatments also reduced novel object recognition memory tested 24h after the sampling phase and when given 15min before the choice session. These data indicate that D1 receptor stimulation modulates both the encoding and retrieval of object recognition memory. Microinfusion of SKF81297 (0.025 or 0.05 μg/side) into the prelimbic sub-region of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in this case 10 min before the sampling phase also impaired novel object recognition memory, suggesting that the mPFC is one important site mediating the effects of D1 receptor stimulation on visual recognition memory

    Dopamine D1-like receptor signalling in the hippocampus and amygdala modulates the acquisition of contextual fear conditioning

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    RATIONALE: Dopamine D1-like receptor signalling is involved in contextual fear conditioning, but the brain regions involved and its role in other contextual fear memory processes remain unclear. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to investigate (1) the effects of SCH 23390, a dopamine D1/D5 receptor antagonist, on contextual fear memory encoding, retrieval and reconsolidation, and (2) if the effects of SCH 23390 on conditioning involve the dorsal hippocampus (DH) and/or basolateral amygdala (BLA). METHODS: Rats were used to examine the effects of systemically administering SCH 23390 on the acquisition, consolidation, retrieval and reconsolidation of contextual fear memory, and on locomotor activity and shock sensitivity. We also determined the effects of MK-801, an NMDA receptor antagonist, on contextual fear memory reconsolidation. The effects of infusing SCH 23390 locally into DH or BLA on contextual fear conditioning and locomotor activity were also examined. RESULTS: Systemic administration of SCH 23390 impaired contextual fear conditioning but had no effects on fear memory consolidation, retrieval or reconsolidation. MK-801 was found to impair reconsolidation, suggesting that the behavioural parameters used allowed for the pharmacological disruption of memory reconsolidation. The effects of SCH 23390 on conditioning were unlikely the result of any lasting drug effects on locomotor activity at memory test or any acute drug effects on shock sensitivity during conditioning. SCH 23390 infused into either DH or BLA impaired contextual fear conditioning and decreased locomotor activity. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that dopamine D1-like receptor signalling in DH and BLA contributes to the acquisition of contextual fear memory