83 research outputs found

    ¿Cytus = Cellula?

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    This letter to the editor is a reflection on the historical and etymological origin of the term cell, which is a fundamental term in the biological sciences and we must have knowledge of the official terms associated with this word so widely used in the writing of scientific articles

    Magnitude and distribution of stresses in composite resin and sound dentine interface with mechanical retentions

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    Background: Adhesive systems are constantly subjected to mechanical and chemical stresses that negatively impact the integrity and durability of the dentine-adhesive interface. Despite the lack of evidence to support or reject the clinical indication for mechanical retention, the potential further contribution of these preparations to the behavior of the composite resin-sound dentine bond has been rarely addressed. The authors evaluated by finite element analysis the effect of mechanical retention on the magnitude and distribution of stresses in a composite resin-sound dentin bonding interface when subjected to tensile and shear forces. Material and Methods: A three-dimensional model was created based on three cylindrical volumes representing the sound dentin, adhesive system, and composite resin. From this main model, two models were designed to simulate dentine bonding: 1) a model with no mechanical retention, which considered flat adhesion; and 2) a model with retention, which considered four hemispherical holes on the dentine surface. Both groups were subjected to linear static analysis under tensile and shear loading of 200N. Results: At the model with retentions’ bonding interface under tensile and shear loading, a concentration of Von Mises equivalent stress was observed within the retentions, with a reduction of those stresses on the bonding boundary surface. Conclusions: Additional mechanical retention increases the tensile strength of the sound dentin-composite resin bonding interface, promoting a decrease in the magnitude of the stresses and their redistribution under tensile and shear loadin

    Biometrical Aspects of the Anterior Cerebral Artery in its Proximal Segment (A1) and Internal Carotid Artery

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    Indexación: ScieloLa conformación del círculo arterial cerebral tiene relevancia en la clínica neuroquirúrgica por la relación compleja que presentan las arterias que lo originan y su gran variabilidad Debido a a esto, hemos decidido efectuar un análisis biométrico de las arterias cerebral anterior (Al) y de la arteria carótida interna (ACI) por posible asociación o correlación en estas estructuras. El trabajo se realizó en 36 cerebros disponibles en los laboratorios y cuyos datos bioantropológicos estaban registrados. El segmento Al de la arteria cerebral anterior derecha tuvo una longitud y calibre promedio de 12,86+1.58mm y 2,37±0,68mm, respectivamente. En el lado izquierdo la longitud y el calibre promedio de esta arteria fue 12,62+1.96mm y de 2,42±0,75mm, respectivamente. El calibre del lado derecho de la ACI fue 3,84±0,68mm y del lado izquierdo fue 3,96±0,87mm. Se observó variabilidad anatómica de los componentes que constituyen el círculo arterial cerebral cuando se considera lado, sexo e índice cefálico. PALABRAS CLAVE: Arteria cerebral anterior; Círculo arterial del cerebro; Arteria carótida interna.SUMMARY: The conformation of the arterial circle of the base of the brain has relevancy in the neurochirurgical clinic as the complex relation that there present the arteries that originate it and its great variability. Due to the high frequency the aneurysms observed in the anterior communicating arteries, besides too, in the precommunicating segment (Al) of the anterior cerebral artery, we have decided to carry out a biometrical analysis of these arteries and the ICA for research possible association or correlation in these arteries.The work was realized in 36 available brains in the anatomical laboratories. These specimens had bioanthropological data. The segment Al of the anterior cerebral artery observed a length of 12,86 ± 1.58 mm and presents a diameter of 2.37 ± 0.68 mm in the right side. In the left side the length of this one segment is 12. 62 ± 1.96 mm and presents a diameter of 2.42 ± 0.75 mm. The external diameter of the ACI in the right side was 3.84±0.68 mm and in left side was 3.96 ± 0.87 mm. It is observed variability of the components that constitute the arterial cerebral circle when it is considered to be the side, the sex and cephalic index. KEY WORDS; Anterior cerebral artery; Cerebral artery circle; Internal carotide artery

    Biometrical Analysis of the Anterior Communicating Artery and the Anterior Cerebral Artery in the Precommunicating Segment of the Cerebral Arterial Circle

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    Indexación: ScieloLa conformación del círculo arterial cerebral tiene relevancia en la clínica neuroquirúrgica por la relación compleja que presentan las arterias que lo originan y su gran variabilidad. Debido a la alta frecuencia con que se observan aneurismas en las arteria comunicante anterior y en el segmento precomunicante (A1) de la arteria cerebral anterior se efectuó un análisis biométrico de ellas. El trabajo se realizó en 36 cerebros frescos procedentes de especímenes cuyos datos bioantropológicos estaban registrados. El calibre de la arteria comunicante anterior fue de 1.68 mm y la longitud, en promedio, de 2.50 mm. En el lado derecho el segmento A1 de la arteria cerebral anterior tenía una longitud de 12.91mm y un calibre de 2.39 mm. En el lado izquierdo, la longitud de este segmento fue de 12.77 mm y presentó un calibre de 2.46mm. En un 29% de las muestras analizadas, se presentaron arterias comunicantes dobles, con una longitud de 2.92 mm y un calibre de 0.95 mm. Se observó variabilidad en los componentes que constituyen el círculo arterial cerebral, cuando se consideran variables como lado, sexo e índice cefálico. PALABRAS CLAVE: Arteria comunicante anterior; Arteria cerebral anterior; Círculo arterial del cerebro; Índice cefálico.SUMMARY: The conformation of the cerebral arterial circle has relevance in the clinical neurosurgery for the complex relate that present the arteries that originate it and its great variability. Due to the high frequency with that aneurysms are observed in the anterior communicant artery and the anterior cerebral artery in the precommunicating segment (A1), we have decided to make an analysis biometrical in them. The work had done in 36 available fresh brains in the laboratories and they come from specimens whose data bioanthropological were registered. The caliber of the anterior communicating artery corresponds to 1.68 mm and the longitude to 2.50 mm. The segment A1 of the anterior cerebral artery it corresponds to a longitude of 12.91mm and it presents a caliber of 2.39 mm in the right side. In the left side the longitude of this segment is of 12.77 mm and it presents a caliber of 2.46. In 29% of the analyzed samples, they register double communicating arteries, with a longitude of 2.92 mm and a caliber of 0.95 mm. Variability of the components is observed that they constitute the cerebral arterial circle when is considered: side, sex and cephalic index KEY WORDS: Anterior communicating artery; Anterior cerebral artery; Cerebral arterial circle; Cephalix index

    Biometrical Characteristics of Anterior Choroidal Artery in its Cisternal Segment

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloLas implicancias clínicas que tienen los procesos oclusivos de la Arteria Coroidea Anterior (AChA), son de considerable importancia y nos han motivado para efectuar su análisis biométrico incorporando algunos otros parámetros. Para su ejecución, se utilizaron cerebros inyectados con látex coloreado de rojo fijados en solución de formol, provenientes del Servicio Médico Legal, Santiago.Para su observación, se usó lupa luminiscente 4 X y las mediciones efectuadas con Caliper Mitutoyo Digital. Esta arteria se originó de la Carótida Interna (ACI) en un 83,3 % y en un 16,7 % de la Arteria Comunicante Posterior (ACoP ). El calibre medio observado en su origen fue de 0,68 ± 0,31 mm; en el tercio medio de 0,60 ± 0,21 mm; en el punto de entrada en el plexo coroideo de 0,48 ± 0,23 mm. La longitud media desde el origen de la AChA al plexo coroideo fue de 28,67 ±6,33 mm; la distancia media desde su origen al de la ACoP fue de 6,97 ± 4,89 mm. El número promedio de ramas perforantes registradas fue de 6. Nuestros resultados pueden ser una contribución a considerar en la clínica.SUMMARY:The clinical implications of occlusive processes in the anterior choroidal artery (AChA) are of considerable importance and have motivated us to perform a biometrical analysis of the afore mentioned artery including new biometric parameters (measurements). This study was perfomed on vascularized brains that were both fixed with for formalin solution and injected whith red tinted latex and brains that were not fixed with formalin solution, which were obtained from the Medical Legal Service, Santiago. They were observed using a luminescent 4 X magnifying glass and the measurements perfomed using a Mitutoyo Digital Caliper. This artery originated from the internal carotid artery (ICA) in 83.3 % of the cases observed, and in 16.7 % it originated from the posterior communicating artery ( PCoA). The mean caliber (diameter) of the artery was 0.68 ± 0.31 mm at the point of origin; the middle third was 0.60 mm ± 0.21 mm; at the point of entry into the choroidal plexus it was 0.48 mm ± 0.23 mm. The mean length from its origin at the AChA to the choroidal plexus was 28.67 mm ± 6.33 mm; the mean distance from its origin at the PCoAwas 6.97mm± 4.89 mm. The number of perforating branches of the AChA was 6. Our results can be considered a clinical contribution. KEY WORDS : Anterior choroidal artery ; Biometry; Cephalix index; Internal carotid artery.http://ref.scielo.org/26fk9

    Combined therapy of Ulmo honey (Eucryphia cordifolia) and ascorbic acid to treat venous ulcers

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    OBJETIVO: avaliar o efeito clínico de tratamento tópico com mel de Ulmo associado à administração oral de ácido ascórbico em pacientes portadores de úlceras venosas. MÉTODO: estudo quantitativo descritivo longitudinal. Um total de 18 pacientes adultos, ambos os sexos, clinicamente diagnosticados com úlcera venosa em diferentes estágios e com duração de 13 meses em média, foram avaliados pelo período de um ano. A aplicação tópica diária de mel de Ulmo foi realizada de acordo com a norma técnica de tratamento avançado combinada com o consumo diário de 500 mg de ácido ascórbico. O instrumento usado para monitoramento foi a tabela de avaliação de úlceras venosas. RESULTADOS: cicatrização completa foi observada em 100% das úlceras venosas. Não foram observados sinais de complicação tais como alergias ou infecção. CONCLUSÃO: o tratamento proposto apresentou resultados clínicos excelentes na cicatrização das úlceras venosas. Além de favorecer o debridamento, o mel não é aderente, é fácil de aplicar e remover, e é de fácil aceitação por parte dos usuários. Os resultados descritos geraram uma linha investigativa no tratamento de feridas crônicas.OBJETIVO: evaluar el efecto clínico del tratamiento con miel de Ulmo tópico asociado a ácido ascórbico oral en pacientes portadores de úlceras venosas. MÉTODO: estudio cuantitativo descriptivo longitudinal. Durante el período de un año se evaluaron 18 pacientes diagnosticados clínicamente de úlcera venosa en sus diferentes estadios, de ambos sexos, adultos, con 13 meses promedio de antigüedad de la lesión. Se realizó la aplicación tópica diaria de miel de Ulmo con curación según la norma técnica de curaciones avanzadas, combinada con el consumo oral diario de 500 mg de ácido ascórbico. El instrumento de seguimiento es la tabla de valoración de úlceras venosas. RESULTADOS: se logró la cicatrización total en el 100% de las úlceras venosas. No se observaron signos de complicación, tales como alergias o infección. CONCLUSIÓN: el tratamiento propuesto mostró excelentes resultados clínicos en la cicatrización de úlceras venosas, presentando la miel propiedades debridantes, no adherentes, fácil de aplicar, remover y aceptación del usuario. Los resultados descritos generaron una línea investigativa en el tratamiento de heridas crónicas.OBJECTIVE: to assess the clinical effect of topical treatment using Ulmo honey associated with oral ascorbic acid in patients with venous ulcers. METHOD: longitudinal and descriptive quantitative study. During one year, 18 patients were assessed who were clinically diagnosed with venous ulcer in different stages, male and female, adult, with a mean injury time of 13 months. Ulmo honey was topically applied daily. The dressing was applied in accordance with the technical standard for advanced dressings, combined with the daily oral consumptions of 500 mg of ascorbic acid. The monitoring instrument is the assessment table of venous ulcers. RESULTS: full healing was achieved in 100% of the venous ulcers. No signs of complications were observed, such as allergies or infection. CONCLUSION: the proposed treatment showed excellent clinical results for the healing of venous ulcers. The honey demonstrated debriding and non-adherent properties, was easy to apply and remove and was well accepted by the users. The described results generated a research line on chronic wound treatment

    Effect of hypoxia on the post-hatching growth of the body of the fry and the caudal fin of the Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)

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    IntroductionHypoxia is a recurring problem in the fish farming industry. Currently, it is known that the exposure of fish and fry to a hypoxic environment induces important changes in their metabolism, compromising not only their development but also their reproduction and mortality rates. Our hypothesis is that hypoxia constitutes one of the etiological factors causing deformation of the body and caudal fin in this species, as well as affecting its growth.MethodsWe analyzed two hundred forty Salmo salar salmon fry, differentially cultured at 100% saturation (normoxia condition) and 60% (hypoxia condition) for 2, 4, 6, and 8 days, including a group under continuous hypoxia. We performed diaphanization and Alcian blue staining, along with standard histological techniques. The polyclonal anti-HIF-1a antibody was used as a marker of hypoxia in Salmo salar, and hypoxia in these fish was associated with the immunopositivity of this antibody.Results and discussionThe results indicate that there is an association between exposure to hypoxia and the deformation of the body and fin, as well as an agreement between hypoxia and the total length of the fry and fin. Several months after the event occurred, we were able to find and describe angiogenesis, blood vessel disorganization, and vasodilation histologically. Finally, hypoxic cells in the fry (HIF-1a) could be recognized and confirmed as hypoxia sensors. All of this indicates that hypoxia not only affects the fry during the development phase of the event, but that its results can be evident much later and affect the fry throughout their entire ontogeny

    Oral supplementation of β-carotene benefits the hepatic structure and metabolism in mice (Mus musculus) exposed to a chronic ethanol consumption

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    Ethanol cannot be excreted and must be metabolized in the liver. Alcoholic liver disease is a blanket term for conditions related specifically to the liver and alcohol use. The study aimed to evaluate the metabolic, biochemical and histological effects of the oral supplementation with β-carotene on the liver of C57BL/6 mice exposed to ethanol consumption. Thirty male C57BL/6 mice (Mus musculus) were divided into six experimental groups: Control (C), Low-dose alcohol (LA), Moderate-dose alcohol (MA), β-carotene (B), Low-dose alcohol+β-carotene (LA+B) and Moderate-dose alcohol+β-carotene (MA+B) group. One-way ANOVA was used. The greatest intake of calories was noted in the LA (65.4 ± 12.5 kJ) and MA (68.6 ± 18.6 kJ) groups. The LA+B and MA+B groups shown an improvement in the HOMA-IR index (8.7 ± 2.4 and 6.7 ± 3.5, respectively), increased ADH levels (16.2 ± 1.6 and 18.9 ± 0.5 pmol/minmL-1, respectively) and decreased insulin levels (14.0 ± 3.3 and 10.6 ± 5.7 μUmL-1, respectively). It was also observed that oral supplementation with β-carotene improved the hepatic parenchyma in the LA+B group, showing normal-sized hepatocytes, whereas in the MA+B group it relieved the structural damage, revealing fewer lipid droplets than the MA group

    Confiabilidade na mensuração da pressão inspiratória máxima e da capacidade inspiratória de um fisioterapeuta em treinamento

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar o impacto da experiência clínica na confiabilidade e concordância da medição da pressão inspiratória máxima (PIM) e da capacidade inspiratória (CI) em um período de treinamento clínico. Por conveniência, 37 participantes foram avaliados em um pletismógrafo corporal por um fisioterapeuta especializado (FE) e um fisioterapeuta novato (FN). O Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (CCI) foi utilizado para analisar a confiabilidade dos testes PIM e CI; enquanto para explorar as diferenças individuais foram usados os gráficos de Bland-Altman (gB/A). A análise CCI em três ensaios mostrou excelente confiabilidade inter-avaliadores (CCI 1°: 0,914; CCI 2°: 0,915; CCI 3°: 0,925) para o teste PIM e (CCI 1°: 0,955; CCI 2°: 0,965; CCI 3°: 0,970) para o teste de CI. No entanto, a concordância de acordo com gB/A entre os avaliadores, mostrou uma tendência sistemática com resultados absolutos mais altos para FE de 9,2 cmH2O em PIM e 0,06 L em CI, respectivamente. Os resultados sugerem que a FN adquiriu habilidades técnicas e discriminativas confiáveis para o teste PIM e CI, mas os pacientes tendem a melhorar o desempenho com um avaliador experiente. A experiência do avaliador influencia os resultados obtidos a partir da medição do PIM nos sujeitos, a formação de um FN exige a incorporação de mais habilidades para reconhecer um verdadeiro esforço.The objective of this study was to explore the impact of clinical experience on the reliability and concordance of maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and inspiratory capacity (IC) measurements in a period of clinical training. For convenience, 37 participants in a body plethysmograph were evaluated by an experienced physiotherapist (EF) and a novice physiotherapist (NF). Intra-Class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was used to analyze the reliability of the MIP and IC tests; to explore the individual differences, the Bland-Altman (gB/A) graphs were used. ICC analysis in three trials showed excellent inter-rater reliability (ICC 1st: 0.914; ICC 2nd: 0.915; ICC 3rd: 0.925) for the MIP test and (ICC 1st: 0.955; ICC 2nd: 0.965; ICC 3rd: 0.970) for the IC test. However, concordance according to gB/A among the evaluators showed a systematic trend with higher absolute scores for EF of 9.2 cmH2O in MIP, and of 0.06 L in IC, respectively. The results suggest that NF acquired reliable technical and discriminative skills for the MIP and IC test, but patients tended to improve performance with an experienced assessor. The evaluator’s experience influences the results obtained from the measurement of the MIP in the subjects; the formation of a NF requires incorporating more skills to recognize a sincere and maximum effort.Este estudio pretende explorar el impacto de la experiencia clínica en la fiabilidad y consistencia de la medición de la presión inspiratoria máxima (PIM) y la capacidad inspiratoria (CI) durante el período de la entrenamiento clínico. Los 37 participantes fueron evaluados por un fisioterapeuta especializado (FE) y un fisioterapeuta novato (FN), por medio de un pletismógrafo corporal. Se utilizó el coeficiente de correlación intraclase (ICC, en inglés) para analizar la fiabilidad de las pruebas PIM y CI, mientas que para explorar las diferencias individuales se utilizaron los gráficos de BlandAltman (gB/A). El análisis ICC en tres estudios clínicos demostró excelente fiabilidad interevaluadores (ICC 1°: 0,914; ICC 2°: 0,915; ICC 3°: 0,925) para la prueba PIM y (ICC 1 °: 0,955; ICC 2°: 0,965; ICC 3°: 0,970) para la prueba CI. Sin embargo, la correlación según gB/A entre los evaluadores reveló una tendencia sistemática con resultados absolutos más elevados para FE de 9,2 cmH2O en PIM y 0,06 L en CI, respectivamente. Los resultados demostraron que el FN tuvo habilidades técnicas y de discernimiento fiables en la prueba PIM y CI, pero los pacientes suelen mejorar el rendimiento con un evaluador experimentado. La experiencia del evaluador influye en los resultados obtenidos de la medición de PIM en los pacientes, la formación de un FN requiere la incorporación de más habilidades para que se reconozca su verdadero esfuerzo