106,379 research outputs found

    Valproic acid for the treatment of low-risk myelodisplastic syndromes: a case report and a review of literature

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    none4openAntonella poloni; Benedetta Costantini; Marianna Mariani; Pietro LeoniPoloni, Antonella; Benedetta, Costantini; Marianna, Mariani; Leoni, Pietr

    Incidence rate of MIS-C in paediatrics: A good reason to vaccinate children against SARS-CoV-2

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    open8noopenCastagnola E.; Mariani M.; Sticchi C.; Sticchi L.; Spiazzi R.; Caorsi R.; Gattorno M.; Ravelli A.Castagnola, E.; Mariani, M.; Sticchi, C.; Sticchi, L.; Spiazzi, R.; Caorsi, R.; Gattorno, M.; Ravelli, A

    Denuncia del daño temido : consideraciones acerca del agregado al art. 2.499 del Código Civil por la Ley 17.711

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    Fil: Mariani de Vidal, Marina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Cåtedra Derecho Civil IV. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaEsta obra fue reeditada y publicada en Lecciones y Ensayos, Nro. Extraordinario - 60 años de Lecciones y Ensayos. Mariani De Vidal, Marina, Denuncia de daño temido. Consideraciones acerca del agregado..


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    Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Penerapan Akuntansi berdasarkan SAK ETAP pada Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Pengusaha Budi Daya Lele Mariani yang berada di daerah Sekojo Palembang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif-deskriptif. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Metode pengumpulan data yang data digunakan adalah wawancara dan dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah Ibu Mariani selaku pemilik dan Andre selaku Manager pada Budi Daya Lele Mariani. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Budi Daya Lele Mariani tidak melakukan pencacatan berdasarkan sistem akuntansi yang berlaku pada SAK ETAP. Kendala yang ditemui memberikan penyimpangan dalam mengembangkan usaha Budi Daya Lele ini dan penyelesaian kendala yang ada membutuhkan pihak eksternal yang lebih memahami mengenai pencatatan akuntansi pada sistem laporan keuangan yang berdasarkan SAK ETAP. Sehingga, penerapan dilakukan memberikan bentuk pencatatan transaksi dan laporan keuangan yang berdasarkan SAK ETAP pada Budi Daya Lele Mariani serta pihak eksternal dapat memberikan kontribusi mengenai seluruh sistem pencatatan keuangan yang sesuai prosedur akuntansi kepada pelaku UMKM

    Mariani v. United States

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    USDC for the Middle District of Pennsylvani

    Comparison between Oja's and BCM neural networks models in finding useful projections in high-dimensional spaces

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    This thesis presents the concept of a neural network starting from its corresponding biological model, paying particular attention to the learning algorithms proposed by Oja and Bienenstock Cooper & Munro. A brief introduction to Data Analysis is then performed, with particular reference to the Principal Components Analysis and Singular Value Decomposition. The two previously introduced algorithms are then dealt with more thoroughly, going to study in particular their connections with data analysis. Finally, it is proposed to use the Singular Value Decomposition as a method for obtaining stationary points in the BCM algorithm, in the case of linearly dependent inputs

    Hopkins and Francis on the State of the World: A Poet\u27s Reflection

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    Final state multiplicity and particle correlation in small systems

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    Final state variables and particle correlation will be discussed under a Multiple Parton Interaction (MPI) interpretation. The state of the art about the latest results on such variables will be provided. Furthermore the role played by event multiplicity in the deep understanding of particle correlation, in particular concerning the new results on the Long-Range Near-Side two particle correlations by the CMS Collaboration, will be discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Multiple Partonic Interactions at the LHC, Chiapas, Mexic

    Web 2.0 and destination marketing: current trends and future directions

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    Over the last decade, destination marketers and Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) have increasingly invested in Web 2.0 technologies as a cost-effective means of promoting destinations online, in the face of drastic marketing budgets cuts. Recent scholarly and industry research has emphasized that Web 2.0 plays an increasing role in destination marketing. However, no comprehensive appraisal of this research area has been conducted so far. To address this gap, this study conducts a quantitative literature review to examine the extent to which Web 2.0 features in destination marketing research that was published until December 2019, by identifying research topics, gaps and future directions, and designing a theory-driven agenda for future research. The study’s findings indicate an increase in scholarly literature revolving around the adoption and use of Web 2.0 for destination marketing purposes. However, the emerging research field is fragmented in scope and displays several gaps. Most of the studies are descriptive in nature and a strong overarching conceptual framework that might help identify critical destination marketing problems linked to Web 2.0 technologies is missing

    Walls that Bridge. Or, What we can learn from the Roman walls

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    When, during the latest US electoral campaign, Pope Francis criticized Trump’s idea of building a wall between Mexico and the US, reiterat- ing his favorite point that “we do not need to build walls, but bridges,” the Trump camp retorted that the Pope lives in a city state surrounded by walls, in a city itself surrounded by other walls dating back to ancient Roman times. Why wasn’t he concerned with those walls? As one can see, even though Roman walls have completely lost their original func- tion and survive mainly as tourist sites, they also remain powerful political and cultural symbols. The scope of this essay is to offer, from the perspective of an Americanist who was born and raised in Rome, some comparative reflections on what we can learn today from the his- tory of Roman walls, as well as from their symbolic afterlives
