12,033 research outputs found

    Ruwatan Murwakala Di Jakarta Dan Surakarta: Telaah Fungsi Dan Makna

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    Disertasi berjudul Ruwatan Murwakala di TMII Jakarta dan di Desa Sangkrah Pasar Kliwon-Surakarta: Telaah Fleksibilitas, Fungsi, dan Makna ini mengkaji Ruwatan Murwakala sebagai suatu peristiwa sosial budaya yang dibahas dari sudut pandang kajian tradisi lisan. Hal ini sesuai dengan teori Ruth Finnegan dalam Oral Poetry (1977) yang membahas komposisi, cara penyampaian, dan pertunjukan. Ruwatan Murwakala (RM) sebagai suatu ritus/ ritual juga akan dibahas menggunakan teori Ritus Peralihan sesuai daur hidup (life cycle) Rites of Passage teori Arnold van Gennep (1960/1975) berdasarkan ketiga tahapannya, yaitu tahap pertama perpisahan/separation, tahap kedua peralihan/marge, dan tahap ketiga pemulihan/aggregation. Kajian ini membandingkan antara RM golongan sukérta sebagai suatu ritual/upacara dari Surakarta yang masih dilaksanakan masyarakat pendukungnya di dalam komunitasnya sampai saat ini, dengan RM golongan sukérta yang selama ini diselenggarakan di TMII Jakarta di luar komunitasnya—di lingkungan masyarakat urban. Data yang diolah dan dianalisis dalam penulisan disertasi ini merupakan hasil penelitian lapangan dengan metode kualitatif, yaitu melalui teknik wawancara mendalam dan pengamatan terlibat. Hasil analisis dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya perbedaan antara upacara RM yang sampai sekarang masih diselenggarakan di TMII Jakarta dengan RM di Desa Sangkrah Kecamatan Pasar KliwonSurakarta sebagai pusat budaya. Ada fleksibilitas fungsi dan makna dari nilai-nilai yang terkandung di dalam RM bagi golongan sukérta tersebut. Upacara RM masih diselenggarakan sampai sekarang. Artinya, upacara ini dapat diterima masyarakat pendukungnya sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman

    Advancements in Design Research. 11 PhD Theses on Design as we do in Polimi

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    The book is part of a series that, since 2017, documents the production of the Politecnico di Milano Design Programme, presenting a summary of the doctoral theses defended each year. In the variety of the researched topics (Design Education; Collaborative Processes; Cultural and Creative Companies; Technology for Social Change), a common trait can be found in the continuous need of updated ways of addressing complex problems. It is such need that drives the evolving boundaries of design research forward, not just within our Doctoral Programme, but within all the national and international Doctoral Programmes in Design we are acquainted with

    Temperature-dependent resistivity of suspended graphene

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    In this paper we investigate the electron-phonon contribution to the resistivity of suspended single layer graphene. In-plane as well as flexural phonons are addressed in different temperature regimes. We focus on the intrinsic electron-phonon coupling due to the interaction of electrons with elastic deformations in the graphene membrane. The competition between screened deformation potential vs fictitious gauge field coupling is discussed, together with the role of tension in the suspended flake. In the absence of tension, flexural phonons dominate the phonon contribution to the resistivity at any temperature TT with a T5/2T^{5/2}_{} and T2T^{2}_{} dependence at low and high temperatures, respectively. Sample-specific tension suppresses the contribution due to flexural phonons, yielding a linear temperature dependence due to in-plane modes. We compare our results with recent experiments.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetic loop behind an interplanetary shock: Voyager, Helios and IMP-8 observations

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    The shock was followed by a turbulent sheath in which there were large fluctuations in both the strength and direction of the magnetic field. This in turn was followed by a region (magnetic cloud) in which the magnetic field vectors were observed to change by rotating nearly parallel to a plane, consistent with the passage of a magnetic loop. This loop extended at least 30 deg in longitude between 1-2 AU, and its radial dimension was approximately 0.5 AU. In the cloud the field strength was high and the density and temperature were relatively low. Thus, the dominant pressure in the cloud was that of the magnetic field

    Flexural phonons in free-standing graphene

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    Rotation and reflection symmetries impose that out-of-plane (flexural) phonons of free-standing graphene membranes have a quadratic dispersion at long wavelength and can be excited by charge carriers in pairs only. As a result, we find that flexural phonons dominate the phonon contribution to the resistivity ρ\rho below a crossover temperature T_x where we obtain an anomalous temperature dependence ρT5/2lnT\rho\propto T^{5/2}_{}\ln T. The logarithmic factor arises from renormalizations of the flexural phonon dispersion due to coupling between bending and stretching degrees of freedom of the membrane.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Discontinuous Euler instability in nanoelectromechanical systems

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    We investigate nanoelectromechanical systems near mechanical instabilities. We show that quite generally, the interaction between the electronic and the vibronic degrees of freedom can be accounted for essentially exactly when the instability is continuous. We apply our general framework to the Euler buckling instability and find that the interaction between electronic and vibronic degrees of freedom qualitatively affects the mechanical instability, turning it into a discontinuous one in close analogy with tricritical points in the Landau theory of phase transitions.Comment: 4+ pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Profil Kemampuan Siswa SMA dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Uji Kompetensi Laboratorium (Ukl) pada Kegiatan Pekan Raya Biologi (Prb) 2016

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    The purpose of this research is to know the profile of the ability of high school students in resolving the question of Competence of the laboratory (UKL) on the activities of the Fairgrounds in biology (PRB) 2016. This research was carried out on the campus of Biology education FKIP University of Riau and junior school in Soweto who follow Fair Biology (PRB) in January to March 2017. The sample in this research are all participants Competence laboratory (UKL), which amounted to 79 people. Techniques in determination of the sample are the total sampling. Data collection instruments used in the form of a question and answer sheet student participants UKL. Parameters measured is the ability based on cognitive and psychomotor domains of students. The results showed the ability of high school students in resolving the question of Competence of the laboratory based on the cognitive domain is on the criteria is not good with average 13.8% and 10.5% in the psychomotor domain. The conclusions of the study results is a profile of the ability of high school students in resolving the question of Competence of the laboratory (UKL) on the activities of the Fairgrounds in biology (PRB) 2016 is less good

    A platform for P2P agent-based collaborative applications

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    The operational environment can be a valuable source of information about the behavior of software applications and their usage context. Although a single instance of an application has limited evidence of the range of the possible behaviors and situations that might be experienced in the field, the collective knowledge composed by the evidence gathered by the many instances of a same application running in several diverse user environments (eg, a browser) might be an invaluable source of information. This information can be exploited by applications able to autonomously analyze how they behave in the field and adjust their behavior accordingly. Augmenting applications with the capability to collaborate and directly share information about their behavior is challenging because it requires the definition of a fully decentralized and dependable networked infrastructure whose nodes are the user machines. The nodes of the infrastructure must be collaborative, to share information, and autonomous, to exploit the available information to change their behavior, for instance, to better accommodate the needs of the users to prevent known problems. This paper describes the initial results that we obtained with the design and the development of an infrastructure that can enable the execution of collaborative scenarios in a fully decentralized way. Our idea is to combine the agent-based paradigm, which is well suited to design collaborative and autonomous nodes, and the peer-to-peer paradigm, which is well suited to design distributed and dynamic network infrastructures. To demonstrate our idea, we augmented the popular JADE agent-based platform with a software layer that supports both the creation of a fully decentralized peer-to-peer network of JADE platforms and the execution of services within that network, thus enabling JADE multiagent systems (MASs) to behave as peer-to-peer networks. The resulting platform can be used to study the design of collaborative applications running in the field

    Electron-vibron coupling in suspended carbon nanotube quantum dots

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    Motivated by recent experiments, we investigate the electron-vibron coupling in suspended carbon nanotube quantum dots, starting with the electron-phonon coupling of the underlying graphene layer. We show that the coupling strength depends sensitively on the type of vibron and is strongly sample dependent. The coupling strength becomes particularly strong when inhomogeneity-induced electronic quantum dots are located near regions where the vibronic mode is associated with large strain. Specifically, we find that the longitudinal stretching mode and the radial breathing mode are coupled via the strong deformation potential, while twist modes couple more weakly via a mechanism involving modulation of the electronic hopping amplitudes between carbon sites. A special case are bending modes: for symmetry reasons, their coupling is only quadratic in the vibron coordinate. Our results can explain recent experiments on suspended carbon nanotube quantum dots which exibit vibrational sidebands accompanied by the Franck-Condon blockade with strong electron-vibron coupling