12 research outputs found

    The recent history of public relations in Spain

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    This article presents an exploratory study of the state of the art of public relations in Spain on the basis of indicators applied in the study The global public relations handbook (2009). That means a cultural approach to today’s Spanish public relations. From this standpoint, we show that Spain is a country that has undergone radical change, from a dictatorship to one of the world’s most democratic systems, substantially transforming its economic system, its culture and its society. This transformation has had critical consequences on the practice of public relations, because public relations deal with  freedom of expression.Este artigo apresenta um estudo exploratório sobre o estado da arte das relações públicas na Espanha, com base em indicadores utilizados no estudo conhecido como The global public relations handbook (2009). Isso significa uma abordagem cultural das relações públicas espanholas de hoje. Sob esse ponto de vista mostramos que a Espanha é um país que sofreu uma mudança radical, de uma ditadura para um dos sistemas mais democráticos do mundo, transformando substancialmente o seu sistema econômico, a sua cultura e sua sociedade. Esta transformação teve consequências fundamentais sobre a prática de relações públicas, porque as relações públicas tratam da liberdade de expressão.En este artículo se presenta un estudio exploratorio del estado del arte de las relaciones públicas en España sobre la base de indicadores aplicados en el estudio The global public relations handbook (2009). Eso significa un enfoque cultural de las relaciones públicas españolas de hoy en día. Desde este punto de vista, mostramos que España es un país que ha sufrido un cambio radical, de una dictadura a uno de los sistemas más democráticos del mundo, transformando sustancialmente su sistema económico, su cultura y su sociedad. Esta transformación ha tenido consecuencias importantes en la práctica de las relaciones públicas, porque las relaciones públicas se ocupan de la libertad de expresión

    Assessorament als mestres d'Educació Infantil en l'atenció als nens i nenes amb n.e.e. que presenten retards en el desenvolupament o dificultats en els aprenentatges

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    Aquest projecte pretén demostrar la importància del paper del psicopedagog com a coordinador dels equips d'atenció precoç des d'un enfocament interdisciplinari en què es valora l'àmbit educatiu com una part important de la intervenció precoç o primerenca i en què les interaccions que s'hi generen poden ser una eina per a la prevenció en la primera infància. Per tal de poder demostrar la pertinença d'aquest projecte dins de l'atenció precoç en l'atenció a la mainada a la nostra comarca, he portat a terme una recerca prèvia a les escoles bressol per tal de saber les necessitats reals d'assessorament als mestres d'aquest cicle d'educació Infantil. Així mateix, he fet un seguiment del cas d'un nen de 30 mesos amb tot el que això comporta des d'un tractament interdisciplinari.Este proyecto pretende demostrar la importancia del papel del psicopedagogo como coordinador de los equipos de atención precoz desde un enfoque interdisciplinario en el que se valora el ámbito educativo como una parte importante de la intervención precoz o primeriza y en el que las interacciones que se generan pueden ser una herramienta para la prevención en la primera infancia. A fin de demostrar la pertinencia de este proyecto dentro de la atención precoz en la atención a la pequeña infancia en nuestra comarca, he llevado a cabo una investigación previa en las guarderías infantiles para tratar de saber las necesidades reales de asesoramiento a los maestros de este ciclo de educación Infantil. Así mismo, he realizado el seguimiento del caso de un niño de 30 meses con todo lo que ello conlleva desde un tratamiento interdisciplinario.This project intends to show from an interdisciplinary focus the importance of the role of the psycho-pedagogue as the coordinator of early attention teams in which the educational sphere is valued as an important part of early intervention and in which the interactions generated can be a tool for prevention during early childhood. In order to show the relevance of this project within early attention to young children in our local area, I have carried out previous research in nursery schools in order to discover the real needs of assessment to teachers in this cycle of child education. Similarly, I have monitored a case of a 30-month-old child with all that this entails from an interdisciplinary treatment

    Medieval propaganda, longue durée and new history: towards a nonlinear approach to the history of public relations

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    This article offers a new perspective on the historical approach to public relations by drawing from the work of French medievalist Jacques Le Goff, who was the principal representative of the Nouvelle Histoire (New History) French historiographical movement. Based on the notions of mentality and longue durée, which Le Goff inherited from the Annales movement, we propose that a nonlinear approach to the history of public relations will help to extend its time scale back to the beginnings of civilization. This seeks to overcome the historical boundaries usually established between the prehistory (or proto-history) and the history of public relations as a profession

    Capturing the recent history of public affairs occupational culture: a comparative case study on the image of lobbying in the early 21st century

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    This article analyzes the narrative structures of two audiovisual products from the point of view of public relations cinematic discourse: the documentary State Legislature, directed by Frederick Wiseman, and the TV series K Street, created and directed by Steven Soderbergh. Both productions capture the activity of lobbyists in the state and federal governmental arenas, are remarkable ethnographic exercises in analyzing the practice of lobbying in the United States and major examples of the media representation of corporate public affairs. Accordingly, State Legislature and K Street are key sources of the recent history of public relations occupational culture

    Creatively escaping insularity and encouraging internationalism: British radicalism, history from below, and public relations historiography

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    In this article, we examine what PR history can learn from a small but internationally influential group of radical historians in Britain. In particular, we examine how they managed to be powerfully democratic through an imaginative sensitivity to the voices of people often excluded from history; through grounding research in specific, often small, localities, and communities; and paradoxically, managing to avoid enough of the insularity associated with the notorious “little Britain” mindset to attract interest and interactions from historians across the world. Our article highlights the relevance to PR history of the following four aspects: 1) their awareness of the need to interact locally and beyond national boundaries; 2) their concern for inclusion (especially for subjects excluded or marginalized in earlier historical accounts); 3) their strategies for escaping insularity and increasing interdisciplinarity; and 4) their illustrations of imagination as a vital component in historical writing. For contemporary PR history writing we argue: that the first aspect, the fusion of the local with the post-national, has become a necessity as globalization keeps expanding; that the second, strategic inclusiveness, has urgency for a field reflecting on the social shortcomings of its own organization-centered past; that the third, interdisciplinary, has intensified in utility as fields adapt to the massive growth in different kinds of knowledge (from big data to neuroscience); and that the fourth, passionate and engaged imagination, is needed for revisionist accounts of the past to help reclaim more prosocial futures

    The Sound of music or the history of Trump and Clinton family singers: music branding as communication strategy in 2016 presidential campaign

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    Sound branding has been eventually used to recognize the brand and associated with certain values. Despite being a powerful branding resource, especially in political campaigns, music is still underrated in both practitioners’ and researchers’ fields of action. The objective of this study is to analyze the potential of music to conduct a political branding strategy by itself. Six campaign ads from the 2016 U.S. elections are analyzed acoustically and semiotically to gain insights on the music-branding significance. The results suggest that both Clinton and Trump campaigns used music strategically to communicate values in the emotional arena. In particular, Trump’s music conducted brand associations and personality strategy based on the construction of a war hero taking action to save his homeland in times of crisis. Music can transmit brand values through interactions based on emotional experiences. The connections stablished in this article between music and branding can be taken as a model for practitioners to design future political strategies and researches to test brand constructs within the music-branding framework

    Organització d'actes i protocol, febrer 2013

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    Recurs d'aprenentatge de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.Recurso de aprendizaje de la "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya".Learning material of the "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya"

    Organització d'actes i protocol, febrer 2013

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    Recurs d'aprenentatge de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.Recurso de aprendizaje de la "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya".Learning material of the "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya"

    Organización de actos y protocolo, febrero 2013

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    Recurs d'aprenentatge de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.Recurso de aprendizaje de la "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya".Learning material of the "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya"

    Organización de actos y protocolo, febrero 2013

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    Recurs d'aprenentatge de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.Recurso de aprendizaje de la "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya".Learning material of the "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya"