1,153 research outputs found

    utjecaj sezonskih promjena tropske klime na reprodukcijske pokazatelje i hormonski status jaraca sanske pasmine

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    This study evaluated the effects different seasons (rainy, rainy-dry transition, dry, dry-rainy transition) throughout the year on the reproduction and endocrine profile of Saanen bucks reared in a tropical climate. During these seasons environmental data were recorded (ambient temperature and relative air humidity) to calculate the temperature and humidity index. Reproductive parameters were also evaluated in the same periods to check seasonal variations, wherey semen was collected twice a month from nine Saanen bucks using an artificial vagina. Furthermore, scrotal circumference, scrotal surface temperature and serum levels of testosterone, triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and cortisol were measured. The climate parameters influenced the reproductive parameters, mainly during the dry period, when higher values of ambient temperature reduced sperm quality, however, scrotal circumference and surface temperature, as well as serum levels of testosterone increased. In conclusion, Saanen bucks reared in a tropical climate are subject to heat stress, evinced by transient seasonal variations in reproductive parameters, where the first season is the most favorable to reproduction.U ovom je radu istraĆŸen utjecaj različitih sezona (kiĆĄna, prijelaz iz kiĆĄne u suhu, suha, prijelaz iz suhe u kiĆĄnu) tijekom godine na reprodukcijski i endokrini status jaraca sanske pasmine uzgojenih u tropskoj klimi. ZabiljeĆŸeni su podaci iz okoliĆĄa (temperatura i relativna vlaĆŸnost zraka) za vrijeme različitih sezona kako bi se izračunao indeks topline. Za ista su razdoblja procijenjeni reprodukcijski pokazatelji kako bi se istraĆŸile njihove sezonske varijacije u koju je svrhu od 9 jaraca sanske pasmine primjenom umjetne vagine, prikupljano sjeme dva puta mjesečno. Osim toga mjereni su obujam skrotuma, temperatura povrĆĄine skrotuma te razina testosterona, trijodotironina (T3), tiroksina (T4) i kortizola u serumu. Klimatski uvjeti su utjecali na reprodukcijske pokazatelje, najviĆĄe za vrijeme suhog razdoblja, kad veće vrijednosti temperature okoliĆĄa smanjuju kvalitetu sjemena jaraca. Obujam i temperatura povrĆĄine skrotuma, kao i serumska razina testosterona, u navedenoj sezoni su povećani. Zaključeno je da su sanski jarci uzgojeni u tropskoj klimi pod utjecajem toplinskog stresa, ĆĄto se vidi iz sezonskih varijacija njihovih reprodukcijskih pokazatelja, pri čemu je kiĆĄna sezona najpovoljnija za reprodukciju

    Chemical dependence on crack: experiences and perceptions of internship students of a medical school

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    Study design: Cross-sectional and qualitative study. Objectives: This study investigates experiences and identifies the perceptions of ninth-term intern medical students of a public university on the crack addiction issue. Methods: A qualitative-approach and cross-sectional study which had as the research tool a semi-structured, individual interview allowing broad speech of students. Recording reports were transcribed and content analysis carried out according to Bardin. Results: categories were identified concerning the feeling of experience, the students’ perception on crack addiction and their learning on the subject, physical impairments and additional damages, besides how society should deal with the addiction on crack. The feelings of compassion and preservation are present in their experiences. Students point out economic, professional and family issues as the sources of serious crack addiction consequences. They also take into account the social and existential damages, the self-destruction, violence and weight loss caused on crack users, as well as the codependency. There is a great concern on the part of students related to prevention, education, information, elimination of prejudice, as well as demands of government efforts to combat crack. Conclusion: The intern medical students consider crack addiction both a social problem and a disease; define learning about addiction by crack insufficient throughout the course. Their experiences and perceptions generate positive impacts since they prospect better prepared graduates who shall receive the one addicted and his family in a broader, more effective and humane wayModelo de estudo: Estudo transversal e qualitativo. Objetivos: Este trabalho investiga as vivĂȘncias e identifica as percepçÔes dos discentes do internato do nono perĂ­odo de medicina de uma universidade pĂșblica, sobre dependĂȘncia quĂ­mica pelo crack. Metodologia: Estudo transversal de abordagem qualitativa, cujo instrumento da pesquisa foi uma entrevista individual, utilizando-se um roteiro semiestruturado, que permite amplo discurso dos discentes. As falas das gravaçÔes foram transcritas e depois realizada a anĂĄlise do conteĂșdo segundo Bardin. Resultados: Foram identificadas categorias referentes ao sentimento da vivĂȘncia, Ă  percepção do discente sobre a dependĂȘncia do crack e seu aprendizado sobre o tema, aos comprometimentos fĂ­sicos, aos outros prejuĂ­zos causados e a como a sociedade deve lidar diante da dependĂȘncia quĂ­mica pelo crack. Os sentimentos de compaixĂŁo e de preservação estĂŁo presentes em suas vivĂȘncias. Os discentes relacionam as questĂ”es econĂŽmicas, profissionais e familiares como fontes das graves consequĂȘncias do crack. Valorizam os prejuĂ­zos sociais e existenciais, a autodestruição, a violĂȘncia e o emagrecimento que o crack causa aos usuĂĄrios, alĂ©m da codependĂȘncia. É grande a preocupação dos discentes com a prevenção, educação, informação, eliminação do preconceito e cobranças de açÔes governamentais para combate ao crack. ConclusĂŁo: Os discentes do internato consideram a dependĂȘncia quĂ­mica pelo crack como problema social e doença. Definem como insuficiente o aprendizado sobre a dependĂȘncia quĂ­mica pelo crack durante o curso. Suas vivĂȘncias e percepçÔes geram impactos positivos, pois apontam para futuros egressos melhor preparados, que deverĂŁo acolher o dependente e sua famĂ­lia de forma mais ampla, humana e efica

    Evaluation of the maize (Zea mays L.) diversity on the Archipelago of Madeira

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    The variability of 43 open-pollinated populations of maize (Zea mays L.), representing a wide range of ecological conditions on the Archipelago of Madeira, was evaluated based on the morphological and reproductive traits. Individual data of 41 traits related to earliness, plant and tassel structure and the shape of the ear and grain were analysed using multivariate analysis. The populations belonging to two major maize varieties were grouped into four groups by their degree of dissimilarity, based on discriminant analysis. The dissimilarity of these groups was confirmed by the values of the Tukey test. The racial rank of these groups was proposed and a brief description of the maize landraces was presented. This work represents the first morphological characterization and analysis of diversity of maize germplasm for the Archipelago of Madeira where the traditional agricultural practices are still keeping this Portuguese region free from corn hybrids. The description of the Madeiran corn landraces allows us to preserve the existing corn biodiversity and could be used for their registration as conservation landraces or for conservation and breeding proposes worldwide.Portuguese Foundation for the Science and Technology (FCT, Fundac¾a˜o para a Cieˆncia e Tecnologia) has sponsored this work, through the Centre of Macaronesian Studies (CEM) and the project POCTI no35003/AGR/2001. The Authors are grateful to the Madeiran farmers who assisted with collection of maize samples.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Objective: A substantial fraction of the population is intolerant or does not respond well to the recommended treatments for dyslipidemia. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy ofgamma-oryzanol (γ-ORZ) treatment in acute and long-term mouse experimental models of dyslipidemia in comparison toGemfibrozil and Simvastatin. Methods: For the acute dyslipidemia-induced model, dyslipidemia was induced in 40 mice using a single intra-peritoneal administration of Triton WR-1339. For the long-termmodel, dyslipidemia was induced in 24 mice using a hypercholesterolemic diet over 14 days. Thereafter, animals were divided into different groups of treatment,and orally received treatments with gamma-oryzanol (5, 25, 50mg. kg-1), gemfibrozil or simvastatin. For biochemical analysis, glucose, total cholesterol and triacylglycerols were measured. Body weight and net food intake was registered weekly, and urea, creatinine, AST and ALT levels were evaluated. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by the Student-Newman-Keuls method,and p value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results: Only the highest dose of γ-ORZ exhibited significant protective effects. Gamma-oryzanol andGemfibrozil treatments reduced total cholesterol and triacylglycerols levels in a similar manner in the acute model. In the second model, γ-ORZ and simvastatin treatments reduced glucose and total cholesterol levels in the same way. In addition, the administration ofγ-ORZ did not cause any adverse events, or significantly altered hepatic enzymes levels, plasmatic urea or creatinine concentrations. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that gamma-oryzanol acts as a potential lipid-lowering agent, reducing triglycerides and total cholesterol in dyslipidemia-induced models


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    Objective: The in silico free access web tools PASS online and ChemMapper were used to predict potential biological activities of compounds 1 to 8 isolated from Maytenus gonoclada (Celastraceae). The constituents 4'-O-methylepigalocatequin (6), tingenone (7) and proanthocyanidin A (8), and ethanolic extracts were subjected to in vitro cytotoxicity using VERO cells and anti-Poliovirus assays. Methods: QSAR and molecular superposition, correlating the average number of pharmacophores were used in the prediction studies. Cellular line VERO ATCC CCL-81 was used to determine anti-Poliovirus effect, observed by colorimetric (MTT) method. The annexing V/propidium iodide assay was used to determine the occurrence of apoptosis in the cytotoxicity assays. Results: The experimental results found for constituents 6-8 were in accordance with observed data obtained through PASS online and ChemMapper simulation. Conclusion: Compound 7 showed higher cytotoxic and apoptosis induction properties, and 6 and 8 presented anti-Poliovirus activity

    Glycerol/PEDOT:PSS coated woven fabric as flexible heating element on textiles

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    A polyamide 6,6 (PA66) fabric pre-treated with a double barrier dielectric (DBD) atmospheric plasma in air was coated with 1 and 5 layers of an intrinsically conducting glycerol-doped PEDOT:PSS polymer (PEDOT:PSS + GLY) with the final objective of developing a cost-competitive and temperature controllable flexible-heating element to be used in clothing encapsulated between an outer and an inner separator layer in order to provide heat-reflecting properties and uniform temperature distribution, respectively. FTIR, DSC, TGA, SEM, EDS, XRD and DMA analyses show significant changes in morphology, chemistry, enthalpy, crystallinity and glass transition temperature confirming that PEDOT:PSS and glycerol are not only spread over the PA66 yarn surfaces but are dispersed in the bulk facilitating relaxation and increasing structure and chain flexibility. Electrochemical and electrical resistivity (r) measurements confirm that the plasma treated PA66 coated with 5 layers of PEDOT:PSS + GLY presents the highest stability, resistance and capacitive behaviour, and the best capability of storing electrical energy. This configuration needs only 7.5 V to induce a temperature change up to 38 1C at a current density of 0.3 A g1 . The desired temperature is easily adjustable as a function of the applied voltage and by the number of coated layers of PEDOT:PSS + GLY. Despite the need to improve the uniformity of the coating thickness on the fabric for uniform heat generation, the observed results are quite impressive since they can be compared to the temperature obtained in carbon nanotube composites using similar voltages. This cost-competitive, safe, highly flexible and stable thermoelectric fabric has potential for use in large area textiles as a heating element in a wide range of applications such as garments, carpets, blankets and automotive seats.The authors acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) funding from the projects UID/EEA/04436/2013 and UID/CTM/00264/2013 and FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizacao (POCI) with the reference projects POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007136 and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006941. EMFV is grateful for financial support through the FCT grant SFRH/BPD/95905/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Model of DENV-3 Infection That Recapitulates Severe Disease and Highlights the Importance of IFN-Îł in Host Resistance to Infection

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    There are few animal models of dengue infection, especially in immunocompetent mice. Here, we describe alterations found in adult immunocompetent mice inoculated with an adapted Dengue virus (DENV-3) strain. Infection of mice with the adapted DENV-3 caused inoculum-dependent lethality that was preceded by several hematological and biochemical changes and increased virus dissemination, features consistent with severe disease manifestation in humans. IFN-γ expression increased after DENV-3 infection of WT mice and this was preceded by increase in expression of IL-12 and IL-18. In DENV-3-inoculated IFN-γ−/− mice, there was enhanced lethality, which was preceded by severe disease manifestation and virus replication. Lack of IFN-γ production was associated with diminished NO-synthase 2 (NOS2) expression and higher susceptibility of NOS2−/− mice to DENV-3 infection. Therefore, mechanisms of protection to DENV-3 infection rely on IFN-γ-NOS2-NO-dependent control of viral replication and of disease severity, a pathway showed to be relevant for resistance to DENV infection in other experimental and clinical settings. Thus, the model of DENV-3 infection in immunocompetent mice described here represents a significant advance in animal models of severe dengue disease and may provide an important tool to the elucidation of immunopathogenesis of disease and of protective mechanisms associated with infection
