357 research outputs found

    La imagen de la institución universitaria para el profesorado Desarrollo de un modelo teórico con su aplicación práctica

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    ResumenLa obtención de ventajas competitivas ha sido una necesidad recurrente, a lo largode los tiempos, en la gestión organizacional exitosa. En la actualidad, los intangiblesrepresentan una excelente oportunidad para conseguir dichas ventajas. La imagenorganizacional es uno de los intangibles más importantes con los que podemos trabajar,dado su impacto social. En el presente trabajo, se formula y desarrolla un modelo parala determinación de la imagen interna de la institución universitaria, desde la perspectivadel profesorado. La aplicación práctica del modelo se desarrolla en la Universidadde Sevilla. Igualmente, se comprueba la evolución del modelo, al cambiar diversascaracterísticas del colectivo objeto de estudio.Imagen institucional; imagen interna; modelo teórico; universidad.

    Perdón y justicia en Ana Karenina

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    Cuando Alejo Karenina los perdona, ni Ana ni Wronskycomprenden por qué. ¿Es que ellos no se sientendignos del perdón? ¿O acaso lo ven como algo tanajeno al campo de la justicia que simplemente nopueden comprenderlo?¿Es justo perdonar? ¿Va el perdón “más allá de lojusto”? ¿Es posible que lo que resulta “insoportable”,cuando uno lleva una vida inmoral, no sea el castigo,sino precisamente el perdón   ARK: http://id.caicyt.gov.ar/ark:/s26184699/rckok19e5When Alejo Karenina forgives them, neither Ananor Wronsky understand why. Is it that they feelunworthy of forgiveness? Or perhaps they think itis something so distant to the field of justice thatthey simply cannot understand it?Is it fair to forgive? Is forgiveness “beyond fairness”?Is it possible that what is “unbearable”, when oneleads an immoral life, is not punishment, butprecisely forgiveness?   ARK: http://id.caicyt.gov.ar/ark:/s26184699/rckok19e

    Computer-aided detection systems to improve lung cancer early diagnosis: state-of-the-art and challenges

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    Lung cancer is one of the most lethal types of cancer, because its early diagnosis is not good enough. In fact, the detection of pulmonary nodule, potential lung cancers, in Computed Tomography scans is a very challenging and time-consuming task for radiologists. To support radiologists, researchers have developed Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems for the automated detection of pulmonary nodules in chest Computed Tomography scans. Despite the high level of technological developments and the proved benefits on the overall detection performance, the usage of Computer-Aided Diagnosis in clinical practice is far from being a common procedure. In this paper we investigate the causes underlying this discrepancy and present a solution to tackle it: the M5L WEB- and Cloud-based on-demand Computer- Aided Diagnosis. In addition, we prove how the combination of traditional imaging processing techniques with state-of-art advanced classification algorithms allows to build a system whose performance could be much larger than any Computer-Aided Diagnosis developed so far. This outcome opens the possibility to use the CAD as clinical decision support for radiologists

    La ricerca criminologica in Italia effettuata attraverso il metodo del self-report

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    Over the last twenty years the use of self-reports as tools of research in the field of criminology has increased at both international level, where they had already been in use for some time, and nationally. Nowadays, self-report research focusing on the analysis of deviant behaviour is in continuous increase, to the extent that in this paper we report studies (carried out between 1980 and 2007) that have made a valid contribution to the national and international body of literature on this subject (Tab.I). Findings from this overview show that the use of self-report delinquency studies in Italy is on the increase and provide more in-depth information about the extent of some deviant phenomena. Specifically, the results highlight that:- although deviant behaviours are rather common, most of the crimes committed are minor;- the most important risk factors involved in the onset of deviant behaviours are maladjustment, scholastic failure and especially family break-up;- female deviance was found to be more frequent than reported by the official judicial statistics;- among the types of deviant behaviour analysed, it came to light that: a) bullying is increasing and involves both males and females, albeit in different ways; b) the use of alcohol and spirits begins at an early age; c) the use/abuse of soft drugs is concentrated in the 13-14 years age group; d) the use of hard drugs is prevalent from eighteen year onwards.Important positive initiatives about bullying prevention (promoted by Ministro Fioroni, Ministry of Education) are been created at national level. Government organises campaigns of communication and diversification of information addressed not only teachers but also families and students in order to better understand the characteristics of this phenomena. It is important to underline that the Government also established a toll free telephone number (“numero verde antibullismo”) that helps people to tackle this important problem that has emerged only in recent years and that allows a constant monitoring of the phenomena.In questi ultimi venti anni l’utilizzazione del self-report come strumento di indagine in campo criminologico ha trovato una sempre maggiore applicazione non solo a livello internazionale, ove tale tecnica aveva trovato già da tempo largo impiego, ma anche in ambito nazionale. Oggi, infatti, le ricerche self-report centrate sull’analisi del comportamento deviante sono in continuo aumento tanto che nel presente lavoro sono riportati 21 studi, condotti dal 1980 al 2007, che hanno fornito un valido contributo alla letteratura nazionale ed internazionale sull’argomento.I risultati ottenuti da questa review evidenziano, in particolar modo, che:- nonostante i comportamenti devianti siano piuttosto comuni, vengono commessi in maggioranza reati minori;- i principali fattori di rischio coinvolti nella genesi dei comportamenti devianti sono il disadattamento, il fallimento scolastico ed, in particolare, la conflittualità all’interno del nucleo familiare;- la devianza femminile risulta essere più frequente rispetto a quanto emerge dalle statistiche giudiziali ufficiali;- l’analisi dei comportamenti devianti analizzati evidenzia che: a) il bullismo è un fenomeno in continua crescita e coinvolge entrambi i sessi, sebbene con modalità differenti; b) i giovani iniziano precocemente a fare uso di sostanze alcooliche e superalcooliche; c) l’uso/abuso di droghe leggere è diffuso principalmente tra i giovani di età compresa tra i 13-14 anni; d) l’uso di droghe pesanti è maggiormente diffuso tra i ragazzi con età superiore ai 18 anni.In un’ottica preventiva, il Governo ha promosso iniziative che riguardano in particolar modo il fenomeno del bullismo, attraverso l’attuazione di campagne di comunicazione e di informazione diversificata, rivolte agli studenti, ai docenti e alle famiglie, al fine di sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica su tale fenomeno emergente. Inoltre, è stato istituito un numero verde antibullismo che permette un costante monitoraggio del fenomeno

    <i>‘Je sais et tout mais...’</i> might the general extenders in European French be changing?

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    This paper addresses contemporary trends in the use of general extenders in two recent corpora of spontaneous French stratified by age. In these corpora, certain variants (e.g. et tout) are highly prevalent in the speech of young people compared to older speakers, while others are not. Other studies have shown that general extenders’ form as well as frequency tends to vary with respect to speakers’ age, while some extenders may also undergo grammaticalisation. The present study includes a comparison with a late 20th-century corpus of spoken French, and finds that not only age grading but also generational change might be occurring. This conclusion is supported by qualitative and quantitative analysis of the contemporary data, showing that the forms most frequent among young people appear to have acquired new pragmatic functions

    HKT1;1 and HKT1;2 Na+ Transporters from Solanum galapagense Play Different Roles in the Plant Na+ Distribution under Salinity

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    The study was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion/Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, grants AGL2017-82452-C2-1R (A.B.) and AGL2017-82452-C2-2R (M.J.A) both from the, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, the European Union (H2020 SFS-28-2020), contract number 101000716 (HARNESSTOM), and FEDER "Una manera de hacer Europa". J.E. was supported by a JAE Intro-CSIC grant, JAEINT_19_00566.Salt tolerance is a target trait in plant science and tomato breeding programs. Wild tomato accessions have been often explored for this purpose. Since shoot Na+/K+ is a key component of salt tolerance, RNAi-mediated knockdown isogenic lines obtained for Solanum galapagense alleles encoding both class I Na+ transporters HKT1;1 and HKT1;2 were used to investigate the silencing effects on the Na and K contents of the xylem sap, and source and sink organs of the scion, and their contribution to salt tolerance in all 16 rootstock/scion combinations of non-silenced and silenced lines, under two salinity treatments. The results show that SgHKT1;1 is operating differently from SgHKT1;2 regarding Na circulation in the tomato vascular system under salinity. A model was built to show that using silenced SgHKT1;1 line as rootstock would improve salt tolerance and fruit quality of varieties carrying the wild type SgHKT1;2 allele. Moreover, this increasing effect on both yield and fruit soluble solids content of silencing SgHKT1;1 could explain that a low expressing HKT1;1 variant was fixed in S. lycopersicum during domestication, and the paradox of increasing agronomic salt tolerance through silencing the HKT1;1 allele from S. galapagense, a salt adapted species.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion/Agencia Estatal de Investigacion AGL2017-82452-C2-1R AGL2017-82452-C2-2R MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033European Commission 101000716FEDER "Una manera de hacer Europa" JAEINT_19_0056

    Assessing performance of modern Brillouin spectrometers

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    Brillouin spectroscopy and imaging has experienced a renaissance in recent years seeing vast improvements in methodology and increasing number of applications. With this resurgence has come the development of new spontaneous Brillouin instruments that often tout superior performance compared to established conventional systems such as tandem Fabry-Perot interferometers (TFPI). The performance of these new systems cannot always be thoroughly examined beyond the scope of the intended application, as applications often take precedence in reports. We therefore present evaluation of three modern Brillouin spectrometers: two VIPA-based spectrometers with wavelength-specific notch filters, and one scanning 6-pass TFPI. Performance analysis is presented along with a discussion about the dependence of measurements on excitation laser source and the various susceptibilities of each system

    Real-Life Management of Patients with Retinal Vein Occlusion Using I-Macula Web Platform

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    Aim. Real-life evaluation in the management of patients affected by macular edema secondary to retinal vein occlusion. Material and Methods. A retrospective, observational study using the I-Macula Web platform. Results. Thirty-five patients (37 eyes; 15 females and 20 male) affected by RVO were analysed. At 12 months, there was a statistically significant improvement of best-corrected visual acuity (p = 0 0235) and central macular thickness (p < 0 0001). The mean change in visual acuity was 8.9 letters. Twenty-seven eyes underwent DEX implant (n = 62; mean: 2.29) only. Of these, 8, 4, 14, and 1 eyes underwent 1, 2, 3, and 4 DEX implants, respectively. The remaining 10 eyes were also injected with ranibizumab (n = 49; mean: 4.9). At 12 months, 12 eyes (32.5%) presented a dry macula, whereas the remaining 25 eyes (67.5%) still had macular edema. Mean interval between the first and second treatment (T1) and between the second and third treatment (T2) were 5.15 and (T2) 3.7 months, respectively. Where only DEX implants were received, T1 and T2 was 5.1 and 4.9 months, respectively. Conclusions. This study confirms that DEX implants and/or anti-VEGF drugs improve visual acuity and central macular thickness in patients affected by RVO