21 research outputs found

    Compounded drugs as an alternative to the therapeutical gaps of inborn errors of metabolism

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    Inborn errors of metabolism are rare disorders with few therapeutic options for their treatments, which can make patients suffer with complications. Therefore, compounded drugs might be a promising option given that they have the ability of meeting the patient’s specific needs, (i) identification of the main drugs described in the literature; (ii) proposal of compounding systems and (iii) calculation of the budgetary addition for the inclusion of these drugs into the Brazilian Unified Health System. The research conducted a literature review and used management data as well as data obtained from official Federal District government websites. The study identified 31 drugs for the treatment of inborn errors of metabolism. Fifty eight percent (58%) (18) of the medicines had their current demand identified, which are currently unmet by the local Health System. The estimated budget for the production of compounded drugs was of R$363,16.98 per year for approximately 300 patients. This estimated cost represents a budgetary addition of only 0.17% from the total of expenditures planned for drug acquirement. There is a therapeutic gap for inborn errors of metabolism and compounding pharmacies show potential in ensuring access to medicine therapy with a low-cost investment

    Avaliação da cavidade uterina com histerossonografia, uma revisão

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    Sonohysterography was firstly described three decades ago. The saline solution infusion into the uterine cavity favors its use and provides excellent visualization of the anatomy and the inner cavity of the uterus better than the conventional transvaginal sonography To check the current role of sonohysterography in the uterine cavity assessment in women with abnormal uterine bleeding and asymptomatic, a literature review comparing sonohysterograph with conventional transvaginal sonography and/or ambulatory diagnostic hysteroscopy was carried out. To this end, relevant studies were researched in electronic databases Medline/PubMed, SciELO/LILACS. The sonohysterography is an ambulatory procedure, non-invasive, better cost-benefit, better sensitivity and specificity to identify uterine abnormalities, causing minimal discomfort and low complications rate. It was subject to revision which there is no more doubt about its accuracy. It can be concluded that the sonohysterography is a useful tool in the propedeutics to assess uterine cavity of symptomatic patients with abnormal uterine bleeding, infertility, recurrent miscarriages, and embryonic implantation failures in assisted reproduction treatment / in vitro fertilization and in any other intra and extra uterine cavity alteration. Hence, conventional transvaginal sonography is indicated as an initial method of assessment of the uterine cavity previously to ambulatory diagnostic hysteroscopy.A histerossonografia foi descrita pela primeira vez há três décadas. A infusão de solução salina na cavidade uterina favorece sua exploração e proporciona excelente visualização da anatomia e do interior da cavidade do útero melhor do que com ultrassonografia transvaginal convencional. Para verificar o papel atual da histerossonografia na avaliação da cavidade uterina de mulheres com sangramento uterino anormal e assintomática, foi realizado revisão bibliográfica de estudos que compararam a histerossonografia com a ultrassonografia transvaginal ou histeroscopia diagnóstica ambulatorial. Para isso, pesquisou-se estudos relevantes em bases de dados eletrônicas Medline/PubMed, SciELO/LILACS. A histerossonografia é procedimento ambulatorial, “não invasivo”, de melhor custo-benefício, com melhor sensibilidade e especificidade na identificação de anomalias uterinas, causando desconforto mínimo e com baixo índice de complicações. Foi objeto de revisões, não existindo mais dúvidas quanto a sua acurácia. Pode-se concluir que a histerossonografia ferramenta útil na propedêutica de avaliação da cavidade uterina de mulheres sintomáticas com sangramento uterino anormal, infertilidade e perdas gestacionais repetidas, falhas de implantação embrionária em programas com técnicas de reprodução assistida/fertilização in vitro e naquelas com qualquer alteração uterina intra ou extracavitária na ultrassonografia transvaginal. Portanto, está indicada como método de avaliação inicial da cavidade uterina antes de indicar histeroscopia diagnóstica

    Acurácia da histerossonografia versus ultrassonografia transvaginal em mulheres inférteis candidatas às técnicas de reprodução assistida

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    PURPOSE: To compare the diagnostic accuracy of sonohysterography (HSN) and conventional transvaginal ultrasound (USG) in assessing the uterine cavity of infertile women candidate to assisted reproduction techniques (ART). METHODS: Comparative cross-sectional study with 120 infertile women candidate to ART, assisted at Centro de Reprodução Assistida (CRA) of Hospital Regional da Asa Sul (HRAS), Brasília-DF, from August 2009 to November 2010. Sonohysterography was performed with saline solution infusion in a close system. The sonohysterography finding was compared to previous USG results. The uterine cavity was considered abnormal whenthe endometrium was found to be thicker than expectedduring the menstrual cycle and whenan endometrial polyp, a submucous myoma and an abnormal shape of the uterine cavity were observed. The statistical analysis was doneusing absolute frequencies, percentage values and the χ 2, with the level of significance set at5%. RESULTS:HSN revealed that 92 (76.7%) infertile women candidate to ARThad anormal uterine cavity, while 28 (23.3%) had the following abnormalities: 15 polyps (12.5%)

    Os “vários Paranás” e o planejamento do estado

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    O trabalho sintetiza os resultados da análise da dinâmica social, econômica e institucional do Paraná, que mostram que a natureza da inserção desse estado na divisão social do trabalho vem se dando heterogeneamente, tornando diferentemente integradas as partes de seu território. Discute a absorção, pela estrutura de planejamento do desenvolvimento do estado, dos resultados dessas análises e das linhas de ação propostas em função dessa heterogeneidade e da diversidade presente. Conclui que o conhecimento não se transforma necessariamente em ações objetivas

    Os “vários Paranás” e o planejamento do estado

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    O trabalho sintetiza os resultados da análise da dinâmica social, econômica e institucional do Paraná, que mostram que a natureza da inserção desse estado na divisão social do trabalho vem se dando heterogeneamente, tornando diferentemente integradas as partes de seu território. Discute a absorção, pela estrutura de planejamento do desenvolvimento do estado, dos resultados dessas análises e das linhas de ação propostas em função dessa heterogeneidade e da diversidade presente. Conclui que o conhecimento não se transforma necessariamente em ações objetivas

    Síndrome de hipoventilação central congênita associada à doença de Hirschsprung : relato de caso e revisão de literatura

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    Objetivo: relatar caso de neonato com episódios de apneias recorrentes, diagnosticado com síndrome de hipoventilação central congênita (SHCC) associada à doença de Hirschsprung (DH), o que configurou síndrome de Haddad. Descrição do caso: terceiro filho de casal não consanguíneo, nascido a termo, parto normal sem intercorrências, peso e comprimento adequados para idade gestacional. Logo após o nascimento apresentou bradipneia, bradicardia e cianose, foi submetido à intubação orotraqueal e iniciada antibioticoterapia empírica devido à suspeita de sepse neonatal precoce. Durante internação em UTI neonatal evoluiu com dificuldade de extubação devido a episódios de dessaturação durante sono e vigília. Apresentou quadros recorrentes de hipoglicemia, hiperglicemia, acidose metabólica, distensão abdominal, leucocitose, aumento de proteína C reativa, com hemoculturas negativas e suspeita de erro inato do metabolismo. Aos dois meses foi diagnosticada doença de Hirschsprung de segmento longo, foi submetido à ressecção do segmento e colostomia à Hartmann. Feita pesquisa genética por reação em cadeia da polimerase para pesquisa de SHCC, que evidenciou alelo mutado do gene PHOX2B e confirmou o diagnóstico. Comentários: trata-se de doença genética rara, de herança autossômica dominante, causada por mutação no gene PHOX2B, localizado na banda cromossômica 4p12, que resulta em disfunção do sistema nervoso autônomo. A SHCC também pode cursar com doença de Hirschsprung e tumores derivados da crista neural. Há correlação entre fenótipo e genótipo, além de grande variabilidade fenotípica intrafamiliar. No período neonatal pode simular quadros de sepse e erros inatos do metabolismo.Objective: to report the case of a newborn with recurrent episodes of apnea, diagnosed with Congenital Central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) associated with Hirschsprung's disease (HD), configuring Haddad syndrome. Case description: third child born at full-term to a non-consanguineous couple through normal delivery without complications, with appropriate weight and length for gestational age. Soon after birth he started to show bradypnea, bradycardia and cyanosis, being submitted to tracheal intubation and started empiric antibiotic therapy for suspected early neonatal sepsis. During hospitalization in the NICU, he showed difficulty to undergo extubation due to episodes of desaturation during sleep and wakefulness. He had recurrent episodes of hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, metabolic acidosis, abdominal distension, leukocytosis, increase in C-reactive protein levels, with negative blood cultures and suspected inborn error of metabolism. At 2 months of age he was diagnosed with long-segment Hirschsprung's disease and was submitted to segment resection and colostomy through Hartmann's procedure. A genetic research was performed by polymerase chain reaction for CCHS screening, which showed the mutated allele of PHOX2B gene, confirming the diagnosis. Comments: this is a rare genetic, autosomal dominant disease, caused by mutation in PHOX2B gene, located in chromosome band 4p12, which results in autonomic nervous system dysfunction. CCHS can also occur with Hirschsprung's disease and tumors derived from the neural crest. There is a correlation between phenotype and genotype, as well as high intrafamilial phenotypic variability. In the neonatal period it can simulate cases of sepsis and inborn errors of metabolism

    Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome associated with Hirschsprung's Disease: case report and literature review

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    Abstract Objective: To report the case of a newborn with recurrent episodes of apnea, diagnosed with Congenital Central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) associated with Hirschsprung's disease (HD), configuring Haddad syndrome. Case description: Third child born at full-term to a non-consanguineous couple through normal delivery without complications, with appropriate weight and length for gestational age. Soon after birth he started to show bradypnea, bradycardia and cyanosis, being submitted to tracheal intubation and started empiric antibiotic therapy for suspected early neonatal sepsis. During hospitalization in the NICU, he showed difficulty to undergo extubation due to episodes of desaturation during sleep and wakefulness. He had recurrent episodes of hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, metabolic acidosis, abdominal distension, leukocytosis, increase in C-reactive protein levels, with negative blood cultures and suspected inborn error of metabolism. At 2 months of age he was diagnosed with long-segment Hirschsprung's disease and was submitted to segment resection and colostomy through Hartmann's procedure. A genetic research was performed by polymerase chain reaction for CCHS screening, which showed the mutated allele of PHOX2B gene, confirming the diagnosis. Comments: This is a rare genetic, autosomal dominant disease, caused by mutation in PHOX2B gene, located in chromosome band 4p12, which results in autonomic nervous system dysfunction. CCHS can also occur with Hirschsprung's disease and tumors derived from the neural crest. There is a correlation between phenotype and genotype, as well as high intrafamilial phenotypic variability. In the neonatal period it can simulate cases of sepsis and inborn errors of metabolism