75 research outputs found

    Influence of different lipid emulsions on specific immune cell functions in head and neck cancer patients receiving supplemental parenteral nutrition: An exploratory analysis.

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    Abstract Objectives The effect of diet on immune responses is an area of intense investigation. Dietary lipids have been shown to differently influence and fine-tune the reactivity of immune cell subsets, thus potentially affecting clinical outcomes. Patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma face malnutrition, due to swallowing impairment related to the tumor site or to treatment sequalae, and may need supplemental parenteral nutrition (SPN) in addition to oral feeding when enteral nutrition is not feasible. Additionally, immune depression is a well-known complication in these patients. Parenteral nutrition (PN) bags contain amino acids, minerals, electrolytes and mostly lipids that provide calories in a concentrated form and are enriched with essential fatty acids. The aim of this study was to investigate multiple parameters of the immune responses in a cohort of patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma undergoing supplemental PN with bags enriched in ω-3 or ω-9 and ω-6 fatty acids. Methods To our knowledge, this was the first exploratory study to investigate the effects of two different PN lipid emulsions on specific immune cells function of patients with advanced head and neck squamous carcinoma. ω-3-enriched fish-oil-based- and ω-6- and ω-9-enriched olive-oil-basedSPN was administered to two groups of patients for 1 wk in the context of an observational multicentric study. Polychromatic flow cytometry was used to investigate multiple subsets of leukocytes, with a special focus on cellular populations endowed with antitumor activity. Results Patients treated with olive-oil-based PN showed an increase in the function of the innate (natural killer cells and monocytes) and adaptive (both CD4 and CD8 cells) arms of the immune response. Conclusion An increase in the function of the innate and adaptive arms of the immune response may favor antitumoral responses

    Catching allergy by a simple questionnaire

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    Background: Identifying allergic rhinitis requires allergy testing, but the first-line referral for rhinitis are usually primary care physicians (PCP), who are not familiar with such tests. The availability of easy and simple tests to be used by PCP to suggest allergy should be very useful. Methods: The Respiratory Allergy Prediction (RAP) test, based on 9 questions and previously validated by a panel of experts, was evaluated in this study. Results: An overall number of 401 patients (48.6% males, age range 14-62 years) with respiratory symptoms was included. Of them, 89 (22.2%) showed negative results to SPT, while 312 (77.8%) had at least one positive result to SPT. Cohen's kappa coefficient showed that all questions had an almost perfect excellent agreement between pre and post-test. The algorithm of decision-tree growth Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector showed that answering yes to the question 4 (Your nasal/ocular complains do usually start or worsen during the spring?), 6 (Did you ever had cough or shortness of breath, even during exercise?) and 8 (Do you use nasal sprays frequently?) gave a probability to have a positive SPT of 85%. Conclusions: These findings show that RAP test can be proposed as an useful tool to be used by physician other than allergists when evaluating patients with rhinitis, suggesting the need of allergy testing

    Programa educativo em medidas de precaução universais: uma metodologia de abordagem

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    An updating program on measures of universal precautions (M.U.P.) was developed at the Center of Whole Care of Woman's Health (Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher - CAISM). These measures and the procedures in the case of work accident were published in a booklet. First, servants should be aware of the matter of stress and its influence on the quality of life. Then, updating was carried through encouraging the reflection on the consequences of the non-adoption of M.U.P. The answers to 286 pre-tests and 242 post-tests were analyzed and the results showed a significantly higher index of correct answers (p< 0,01), mainly regarding the appropriate use of glove.El Centro de Atención Integral a la Salud de la Mujer (CAISM) desarrolló un programa de reciclaje sobre Medidas de Precaución Universales (MPU). Se divulgó por medio de un material educativo (cartilla) las MPU y procedimientos en caso de accidentes de trabajo. En primer lugar se cuestionó al funcionário sobre el stress y su influencia en la calidad de vida, llevando se a cabo el reciclaje en el cual se promovió la reflexión sobre consecuencias cuando las MPU no son adoptadas. Fueron respondidas y analizadas 286 pre-test y 242 pos-test con un índice de acierto significativamente mayor en este último (p < 0,01), principalmente con relación al uso adecuado de los guantes.No Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher (CAISM) desenvolveu-se um programa de reciclagem sobre as Medidas de Precaução Universais (MPU) e divulgou-se, através de uma cartilha, essas medidas e os procedimentos em caso de acidente de trabalho. Primeiramente, o funcionário era sensibilizado para a questão do estresse e sua influência sobre a qualidade de vida e, após, era realizada a reciclagem promovendo-se a reflexão sobre as conseqüências da não adoção das MPU. Foram respondidos e analisados 286 pré-testes e 242 pós-testes com um índice de acertos significativamente maior nestes últimos (

    Bollettino Sismico Italiano: Analisys of Early Aftershocks of the 2016 MW 6.0 Amatrice, MW 5.9 Visso and MW 6.5 Norcia earthquakes in Central Italy

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    The Amatrice-Visso-Norcia seismic sequence is the most important of the last 30 years in Italy. The seismic sequence started on 24 August, 2016 and still is ongoing in central Apennines. At the end of February 2017 more than 57,000 events were located, 80,000 events up to the end of September 2017 (Fig. 1). The mainshocks of the sequence occurred on 24 August 2016 (Mw 6.0 and Mw 5.4), 26 October 2016 (Mw 5.4 and Mw 5.9), 30 October 2016 (Mw 6.5), 18 January 2017 (four earthquakes Mw≥ 5.0). In this seismic sequence, all the waveforms recorded by temporary stations deployed by the SISMIKO emergency group (stations T12**; Moretti et al., 2016) where available in real- time at the surveillance room of INGV. Because of the high level of seismicity and the dense seismic network installed in the region, more than 150 events per day were located at the end of February 2017; still 60 events per day were located up to the end of August 2017.The Amatrice-Visso-Norcia is the most important seismic sequence since 2015, the time when the analysis procedures of the BSI group (Bollettino Sismico Italiano) were revised (Nardi et al., 2015). BSI is now available every four months on the web: bulletins contain revised earthquakes (location and magnitude) with ML≥ 1.5, quasi-real time revision of ML≥ 3.5 earthquakes and phase arrivals from waveforms recorded on seismic stations available from the European Integrated Data Archive (EIDA), (Mazza et al., 2012). These last procedures allow the integration of signals from temporary seismic stations (Moretti et al., 2014) installed by the emergency group SISMIKO (Moretti and Sismiko working group, 2016), even when they are not in real time transmission, if they are rapidly archived in EIDA, together with real time signals from the seismic stations of the permanent INGV network. The analysis strategy of the BSI group for the Amatrice -Visso - Norcia seismic sequence (AVN.s.s in the following) was to select the earthquakes located in the box with min/max latitude: 42.2/43.2 - and min/max longitude: 12.4/14.1 to prepare a special volume of BSI on the seismic sequence.PublishedTrieste, Italy1SR. TERREMOTI - Servizi e ricerca per la Societ

    Bollettino Sismico Italiano gennaio – aprile 2018

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    Nel primo quadrimestre 2018 si sono verificati in Italia cinque eventi di magnitudo superiore o uguale a 4.0, di cui nessuno di magnitudo superiore a 5.0. Due di essi, avvenuti il 4 (MW 4.0) e il 10 aprile (MW 4.6), hanno interessato la zona della sequenza dell’Italia centrale, in provincia di Macerata. Un terremoto di magnitudo MW 4.3 è avvenuto in provincia di Campobasso, il 25 aprile, ad una profondità di 29 km. Infine due terremoti profondi, avvenuti il 12 febbraio (ML 4.4, con profondità di 379 km) e il 7 marzo (ML 4.0, con profondità di 294 km), hanno interessato il Tirreno Meridionale, al largo della costa calabra.Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Dipartimento di Protezione CivilePublished4IT. Banche dat

    Bollettino Sismico Italiano maggio – agosto 2017

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    I parametri dei terremoti registrati dalla Rete Sismica Nazionale Italiana, localizzati nelle sale di monitoraggio di Roma, Napoli e Catania, sono immediatamente disponibili sul web, alla pagina http://terremoti.ingv.it/, e nell’Italian Seismological Instrumental and parametric Data-base (ISIDe working group (2016) version 1.0, DOI: 10.13127/ISIDe). Gli analisti del Bollettino Sismico Italiano (BSI) ricontrollano i parametri dei terremoti localizzati, inserendo pesi e polarità degli arrivi delle onde sismiche e integrando, inoltre, i dati letti in sala con tutti quelli disponibili nel sistema di acquisizione. Dal 1985 i dati del bollettino sono consultabili nel data-base ISIDe.Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica - Dipartimento di Protezione CivilePublished4IT. Banche dat

    RAPPORTO BOLLETTINO SISMICO ITALIANO sulla revisione dei giorni 24-26 agosto; 26-27 ottobre; 30 ottobre-1 novembre 2016

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    La sequenza sismica Amatrice-Visso-Norcia (AVN s.s. nel seguito) include il terremoto più forte avvenuto negli ultimi 30 anni in Italia ed è caratterizzata da molteplici eventi di magnitudo superiore a 5.0. La sequenza sismica è iniziata il 24 agosto 2016 con due terremoti di Mw 6.0 e Mw 5.4 nella zona di Amatrice (RI) ed è proseguita con altri due terremoti forti avvenuti il 26 ottobre, Mw 5.4 e Mw 5.9 nell’area compresa tra i comuni di Visso (MC), Castel S.Angelo sul Nera (MC), Norcia (PG) e Arquata del Tronto (AP). Il 30 ottobre si è verificato l’evento più forte della sequenza (Mw 6.5), con epicentro non lontano da Norcia, che ha colpito un vasto settore dell'Italia centrale, interessando ben quattro regioni (Umbria, Marche, Lazio e Abruzzo).Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e VulcanologiaUnpublished1SR. TERREMOTI - Servizi e ricerca per la Societ

    Bollettino Sismico Italiano settembre – dicembre 2017

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    I parametri dei terremoti registrati dalla Rete Sismica Nazionale Italiana, localizzati nelle sale di monitoraggio di Roma, di Napoli e di Catania sono immediatamente disponibili sul web, alla pagina http://terremoti.ingv.it/, e nell’Italian Seismological Instrumental and parametric Data-base (ISIDe working group (2016) version 1.0, DOI: 10.13127/ISIDe). Gli analisti del Bollettino Sismico Italiano (BSI) ricontrollano i parametri dei terremoti calcolati, inserendo pesi e polarità degli arrivi delle onde sismiche e integrando, inoltre, i dati letti in sala con tutti quelli disponibili nel sistema di acquisizione. Dal 1985 i dati del bollettino sono consultabili nel data-base ISIDe.Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Dipartimento di Protezione CivilePublished4IT. Banche dat
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