30 research outputs found


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    A floristic survey of the shrub-tree layer of riparian forests in the basin of the Taperoá River in the semi-arid region of Paraíba was carried out. Seven sampling sites were distributed along rivers and streams based on the analysis of charts and vegetation maps at the scale 1:100.000. Non-systematic botanical collections were done monthly from June 2002 to September 2005 and the plants were identified by botanical experts or by comparisons with material deposited in the Lauro Pires Xavier Herbarium (JPB). The shrub-tree layer presented 63 species in 52 genera and 26 families. The families with the highest number of species were: Mimosaceae (nine), Euphorbiaceae (seven), Caesalpiniaceae (six) and Fabaceae (six).Realizou-se o levantamento florístico do componente arbustivo-arbóreo de matas ciliares em sete áreas, definidas através da análise de cartas e mapas de vegetação em escala de 1:100.000, localizadas ao longo de rios e riachos na bacia do rio Taperoá, no semi-árido paraibano. Coletas não sistemáticas de material botânico foram realizadas mensalmente no período de Junho/2002 a setembro/2005 e o material obtido foi identificado por especialistas ou através de comparação com exsicatas depositadas no herbário Lauro Pires Xavier (JPB). Foram reconhecidas 63 espécies pertencentes a 52 gêneros e 26 famílias. As famílias que apresentaram o maior número de espécies foram Mimosaceae (nove), Euphorbiaceae (sete) e Caesalpiniaceae e Fabaceae (seis cada)

    Estrutura e composição do estrato herbáceo em um remanescente de Floresta Semidecidual Submontana no Nordeste do Brasil

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    The vegetation of a Submontane Semidecidual Seasonal Forest in the Private Natural Heritage Reserve Pedra D’Anta Farm, in Pernambuco State, Brazil, was sampled with the following objectives: 1- to inventory the terrestrial herbs; 2- to characterize the structure of the herbaceous synusiae; 3- to characterize the geographic distribution of terrestrial herbs; and 4- to characterize the heliophyte and sciophyte herbs. Arbitrary walks were performed for a general survey of species, and 20 transects were used to sample the structure in 50 plots of 1 m² each. Frequencies and densities were calculated, with diversity measured by the indicator of specific richness (S) and the Shannon index (H'). A total of 107 species in 75 genera and 39 families were collected, with 25 of these species included in the phytosociological study. Poaceae was the family with the highest number of species in both floristic and phytosociological studies. The species Parodiolyra micrantha and Oplismenus hirtellus were the most frequent and abundant. Species diversity (H') was 2.85 nats. The herbaceous layer was found to be rich, having a composition consisting mostly of widely dispersed species, with a prevalence of herbal hemicryptophytes. Although the study area presents a fragmented landscape and occurrence of many ruderal species, it represents a refuge for rare species like Psilochilus modestus and Streptochaeta spicata.A vegetação da Floresta Estacional Semidecidual Submontana da Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Fazenda Pedra D’Anta, em Pernambuco, Brasil, foi amostrada com objetivo de: 1- realizar o inventário das ervas terrestres; 2- caracterizar a estrutura da sinúsia herbácea; 3- caracterizar a distribuição geográfica das ervas terrestres; e 4- caracterizar as ervas heliófitas e ciófitas. Foram realizadas caminhadas aleatórias para o levantamento geral das espécies e utilizadas 20 transecções para amostragem da estrutura em 50 parcelas de 1 m². As frequências e densidades foram calculadas, sendo a diversidade mensurada pelo indicador de riqueza específica (S) e o índice de Shannon (H’). Foram coletadas 107 espécies, representando 75 gêneros e 39 famílias, sendo 25 dessas espécies incluídas no levantamento fitossociológico. Poaceae foi a família com maior número de espécies, tanto no levantamento florístico quanto no fitossociológico. As espécies Parodiolyra micrantha e Oplismenus hirtellus foram as mais frequentes e abundantes. A diversidade específica (H’) foi 2,85 nats. O estrato herbáceo mostrou-se rico, apresentando uma composição formada em sua maioria por espécies de ampla distribuição, prevalecendo espécies hemicriptofíticas. Apesar da área estudada apresentar paisagem fragmentada e ocorrência de muitas espécies ruderais, ela representa um refúgio para espécies raras como Psilochilus modestus e Streptochaeta spicata

    Plantas associadas a ambientes aquáticos e pantanosos no estado da Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil

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    We present a list of aquatic and wetland plant species from the state of Paraíba, Brazil, based on the collections deposited in national and international herbaria. We identified 290 species belonging to 61 families. The checklist includes habit, localities of the collections in the state of Paraíba, and geographic distribution of each species. The amphibious habit was the most prevalent and the Sertão (semiarid inland region) was the region with the greatest collection effort. New occurrences have been registered for the state (14 species). Although our data reveal a high plant richness, we relate this richness to increased field expeditions.Apresentamos uma lista de espécies de plantas aquáticas e de áreas úmidas do estado da Paraíba, Brasil, com base nas coleções depositadas em herbários nacionais e internacionais. Foram identificadas 290 espécies pertencentes a 61 famílias. A lista anotada inclui hábito, localidades das coleções no estado da Paraíba e distribuição geográfica de cada espécie. O hábito anfíbio foi o mais prevalente e o Sertão (região semi-árida) foi a região com maior esforço de coleta. Foram registradas 14 novas ocorrências para o estado.  Embora nossos dados revelem alta riqueza de plantas, relacionamos essa riqueza com o incremento de pesquisas de campo


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    A study of the flora and vegetation of the Cariri Region of Paraíba was carried out in order to support strategies for conservation and sustainable use of the region's caatinga. For the floristic survey, the whole Cariri region was considered, but for the study of vegetation structure, two areas in different states of preservation were chosen: a well-preserved site, the Fazenda Almas private reserve (RPPN; 7°2815”S, 36°53'51”W), and a significantly altered site, the São João do Cariri Experimental Station (7º23'48”S and 36º31'55”W). In the floristic survey 396 species were observed, with the family Leguminosae being the most diverse. In São João do Cariri, 26 species of trees or shrubs were observed with the dominants being Caesalpinia pyramidalis, Croton sonderianus, Combretum leprosum and Jatropha mollissima. In Fazenda Almas, 67 species of trees or shrubs were found, with the most prominent being Croton sonderianus, Caesalpinia pyramidalis, and also Manihot catingae. The low diversity found at the São João de Caririri site was reflected in all the structural parameters of the vegetation, indicating a degradation of the local vegetation which has been used for years for grazing goats. The species diversity in the Fazenda Almas RPPN was much higher than that observed in São João do Cariri or other areas of caatinga in Paraíba.Realizou-se um estudo da flora e da estrutura da vegetação no Cariri Paraibano com o objetivo de subsidiar estratégias para conservação e uso sustentável da caatinga na região. No levantamento florístico considerouse toda a área do Cariri, mas para os estudos de estrutura foram selecionadas duas localidades em diferentes estádios de conservação: a RPPN Fazenda Almas (7°2815”S, 36°53'51”W), Cariri Ocidental, área mais preservada, e a Estação Experimental de São João do Cariri (7º23'48”S e 36º31'55”W), Cariri Oriental, com vegetação bastante alterada. No levantamento florístico foram observadas 396 espécies, sendo a família Leguminosae a mais diversa. Em São João do Cariri foram observadas 26 espécies arbóreo-arbustivas e a dominância de Caesalpinia pyramidalis, Croton sonderianus, Combretum leprosum e Jatropha mollissima. Na Fazenda Almas registraram-se 67 espécies arbóreo-arbustivas, destacando-se também Croton sonderianus e Caesalpinia pyramidalis e ainda Manihot catingae. A baixa diversidade florística encontrada na EE São João do Cariri refletiu-se em todos os parâmetros estruturais de vegetação analisados indicando a degradação da vegetação local, que há anos é utilizada para pastoreio de caprinos. A diversidade na RPPN Fazenda Almas foi bastante superior à observada em São João do Cariri e em outras áreas de caatinga na Paraíba

    Ocorrência e fatores de risco associados à leptospirose em cães atendidos em hospital veterinário no semiárido paraibano

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    Investigou-se a ocorrência de leptospirose em cães da cidade de Patos, semiárido paraibano, e realizou-se um estudo de fatores de risco associados à infecção. Foram examinadas 152 amostras de soro sanguíneo de cães atendidos em hospital veterinário no período de julho a novembro de 2008. O diagnóstico da leptospirose foi realizado pela técnica de soroaglutinação microscópica, utilizando-se uma coleção de 24 sorovariedades. A frequência de animais soropositivos encontrada foi de 19,73% (IC 95% = 13,73% - 26,96%), e as sorovariedades mais frequentes foram Autumnalis (13,16%) e Grippotyphosa (1,97%). A análise de regressão logística múltipla mostrou que os fatores de risco para a leptospirose foram a não definição da raça (odds ratio = 3,67; P = 0,009) e o contato com caprinos/ovinos (odds ratio = 10; P = 0,034).The occurrence of leptospirosis was investigated in dogs from Patos city, semiarid of Paraíba State, Northeast region of Brazil, and the risk factors associated with the infection were analyzed. One hundred and fifty two blood samples were collected from dogs attended in a veterinary hospital during July to November 2008. The diagnostic method carried out for leptospirosis was the microscopic agglutination test, using a batch of 24 leptospiral serovars. The frequency of seropositive animals was 19.73% (95% CI = 13.73% - 26.96%) and most frequent reactant serovars were Autumnalis (13.16%) and Grippotyphosa (1.97%). The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the risk factors for leptospirosis were mixed breed (odds ratio = 3.67; P = 0.009) and the contact with caprine/ovine (odds ratio = 10; P = 0.034)

    A multicentric evaluation of the recombinant Leishmania infantum antigen-based immunochromatographic assay for the serodiagnosis of canine visceral leishmaniasis.

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    Background: Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a serious public health challenge in Brazil and dogs are considered to be the main urban reservoir of the causative agent. The culling of animals to control VL in some countries makes the accurate diagnosis of canine VL (CVL) essential. Recombinant antigens rLci1A and rLci2B were selected from a cDNA library of Leishmania infantum amastigotes due to their strong potential as candidates in diagnostic testing for CVL. The present multicentric study aimed to evaluate the sensitivity of a prototype test using these antigens (DPPrLci1A/rLci2B) against 154 sera obtained from symptomatic dogs within three endemic areas of VL in Brazil. The specificity was evaluated using 40 serum samples from negative dogs and dogs infected with other pathogens. Sensitivity and specificity rates of DPP rLci1A/rLci2B prototype were compared to rates from other diagnostic tests currently in use by the Brazilian Ministry of Health, including DPP?LVC, EIE?LVC. Findings: DPP rLci1A/rLci2B prototype offered similar performance to that offered by DPP?LVC rapid test, as follows: sensitivity of 87% (CI 81?91) and 88% (CI 82?93) and specificity of 100% (CI 91?100) and 97% (CI 87?100), respectively for DPP rLci1A/rLci2B and DPP?LVC. When results of these two tests were considered concomitantly, sensitivity increased to 93.5% (CI 89?96). Conclusions: The recombinant antigens rLci1A and rLci2B represent promising candidates for use in a multi-antigen rapid test for CVL. The inclusion of novel antigens to the DPP rLci1A/rLci2B prototype model could offer additionally enhanced sensitivity to detect animals infected by L. infantum

    The complete genome sequence of Chromobacterium violaceum reveals remarkable and exploitable bacterial adaptability

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    Chromobacterium violaceum is one of millions of species of free-living microorganisms that populate the soil and water in the extant areas of tropical biodiversity around the world. Its complete genome sequence reveals (i) extensive alternative pathways for energy generation, (ii) ≈500 ORFs for transport-related proteins, (iii) complex and extensive systems for stress adaptation and motility, and (iv) wide-spread utilization of quorum sensing for control of inducible systems, all of which underpin the versatility and adaptability of the organism. The genome also contains extensive but incomplete arrays of ORFs coding for proteins associated with mammalian pathogenicity, possibly involved in the occasional but often fatal cases of human C. violaceum infection. There is, in addition, a series of previously unknown but important enzymes and secondary metabolites including paraquat-inducible proteins, drug and heavy-metal-resistance proteins, multiple chitinases, and proteins for the detoxification of xenobiotics that may have biotechnological applications

    Estudo floristico e fitossociologico da Mata do Buraquinho, remanescente de Mata Atlantica em João Pessoa, PB

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    Orientador: Hermogenes de Freitas Leitão FilhoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaDoutoradoDoutor em Ciência