67 research outputs found

    Unusual products of the aqueous chlorination of atenolol

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    The reaction of the drug atenolol with hypochlorite under conditions that simulate wastewater disinfection was investigated. The pharmaceutical reacted in 1 h yielding three products that were separated by chromatographic techniques and characterized by spectroscopic features. Two unusual products 2-(4-(3-(chloro(2-chloropropan- 2-yl)amino)-2-hydroxypropoxy) phenyl) acetamide and 2-(4- (3-formamido- 2-hydroxypropoxy) phenyl) acetamide were obtained along with 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl) acetamide. When the reaction was stopped at shorter times only 2-(4-(3-amino-2-hydroxypropoxy) phenyl) acetamide and the dichlorinated product were detected. Tests performed on the seeds of Lactuca sativa show that chlorinated products have phytotoxic activity

    Epigenetic Targeting of Glioblastoma

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    Glioblastoma is one of the first tumors where the biological changes accompanying a single epigenetic modification, the methylation of the MGMT gene, were found to be of clinical relevance. The exploration of the epigenomic landscape of glioblastoma has allowed to identify patients carrying a diffuse hypermethylation at gene promoters and with better outcome. Epigenetic and genetic data have led to the definition of major subgroups of glioma and were the basis of the current WHO classification of CNS tumors and of a novel classification based solely on DNA methylation data that shows a remarkable diagnostic precision.The reversibility of epigenetic modifications is considered a therapeutic opportunity in many tumors also because these alterations have been mechanistically linked to the biological characteristics of glioblastoma. Several alterations like IDH1/2 mutations that interfere with “epigenetic modifier” enzymes, the mutations of the histone 3 variants H3.1 and H3.3 that alter the global H3K27me3 levels and the altered expression of histone methyltransferases and demethylases are considered potentially druggable targets in glioma and molecules targeting these alterations are being tested in preclinical and clinical trials. The recent advances on the knowledge of the players of the “epigenetic orchestra” and of their mutual interactions are indicating new paths that may eventually open new therapeutic options for this invariably lethal cancer

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on diagnoses of common mental health disorders in adults in Catalonia, Spain : a population-based cohort study

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    To investigate how trends in incidence of anxiety and depressive disorders have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Population-based cohort study. Retrospective cohort study from 2018 to 2021 using the Information System for Research in Primary Care (SIDIAP) database in Catalonia, Spain. 3 640 204 individuals aged 18 or older in SIDIAP on 1 March 2018 with no history of anxiety and depressive disorders. The incidence of anxiety and depressive disorders during the prelockdown period (March 2018-February 2020), lockdown period (March-June 2020) and postlockdown period (July 2020-March 2021) was calculated. Forecasted rates over the COVID-19 periods were estimated using negative binomial regression models based on prelockdown data. The percentage of reduction was estimated by comparing forecasted versus observed events, overall and by sex, age and socioeconomic status. The incidence rates per 100 000 person-months of anxiety and depressive disorders were 151.1 (95% CI 150.3 to 152.0) and 32.3 (31.9 to 32.6), respectively, during the prelockdown period. We observed an increase of 37.1% (95% prediction interval 25.5 to 50.2) in incident anxiety diagnoses compared with the expected in March 2020, followed by a reduction of 15.8% (7.3 to 23.5) during the postlockdown period. A reduction in incident depressive disorders occurred during the lockdown and postlockdown periods (45.6% (39.2 to 51.0) and 22.0% (12.6 to 30.1), respectively). Reductions were higher among women during the lockdown period, adults aged 18-34 years and individuals living in the most deprived areas. The COVID-19 pandemic in Catalonia was associated with an initial increase in anxiety disorders diagnosed in primary care but a reduction in cases as the pandemic continued. Diagnoses of depressive disorders were lower than expected throughout the pandemic

    Immune Checkpoints and Innovative Therapies in Glioblastoma

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    Targeting the Immune Checkpoint molecules (ICs; CTLA-4, PD-1, PD-L1/2, and others) which provide inhibitory signals to T cells, dramatically improves survival in hard-to-treat tumors. The establishment of an immunosuppressive environment prevents endogenous immune response in glioblastoma; therefore, manipulating the host immune system seems a reasonable strategy also for this tumor. In glioma patients the accumulation of CD4+/CD8+ T cells and Treg expressing high levels of CTLA-4 and PD-1, or the high expression of PD-L1 in glioma cells correlates with WHO high grade and short survival. Few clinical studies with IC inhibitors (ICis) were completed so far. Notably, the first large-scale randomized trial (NCT 02017717) that compared PD-1 blockade and anti-VEGF, did not show an OS increase in the patients treated with anti-PD-1. Several factors could have contributed to the failure of this trial and must be considered to design further clinical studies. In particular the possibility of targeting at the same time different ICs was pre-clinically tested in an animal model were inhibitors against IDO, CTLA-4 and PD-L1 were combined and showed persistent and significant antitumor effects in glioma-bearing mice. It is reasonable to hypothesize that the immunological characterization of the tumor in terms of type and level of expressed IC molecules on the tumor and TIL may be useful to design the optimal ICi combination for a given subset of tumor to overcome the immunosuppressive milieu of glioblastoma and to efficiently target a tumor with such high cellular complexity

    Rapidly mutating Y-STRs in rapidly expanding populations: Discrimination power of the Yfiler Plus multiplex in northern Africa

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    The male-specific northern African genetic pool is characterised by a high frequency of the E-M81 haplogroup, which expanded in very recent times (2-3 kiloyears ago). As a consequence of their recent coalescence, E-M81 chromosomes often cannot be completely distinguished on the basis of their Y-STR profiles, unless rapidly-mutating Y-STRs (RM Y-STRs) are analysed. In this study, we used the Yfiler® Plus kit, which includes 7 RM Y-STRs and 20 standard Y-STR, to analyse 477 unrelated males coming from 11 northern African populations sampled from Morocco, Algeria, Libya and Egypt. The Y chromosomes were assigned to monophyletic lineages after the analysis of 72 stable biallelic polymorphisms and, as expected, we found a high proportion of E-M81 subjects (about 46%), with frequencies decreasing from west to east. We found low intra-population diversity indexes, in particular in the populations that experienced long-term isolation. The AMOVA analysis showed significant differences between the countries and between most of the 11 populations, with a rough differentiation between northwestern Africa and northeastern Africa, where the Egyptians Berbers from Siwa represented an outlier population. The comparison between the Yfiler® and the Yfiler® Plus network of the E-M81 Y chromosomes confirmed the high power of discrimination of the latter kit, thanks to higher variability of the RM Y-STRs: indeed, the number of chromosomes sharing the same haplotype was drastically reduced from 201 to 81 and limited, in the latter case, to subjects from the same population


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo explorar a fronteira do conhecimento em andragogia, para entender como esse método pode contribuir com a capacitação em ambientes de projetos. Para chegar a fronteira de conhecimento, fizemos um estudo bibliométrico e uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Paralelamente a isso, realizamos uma pesquisa na base de dados Scopus, nas principais revistas de Gestão de Projetos, onde identificamos a relação entre a pedagogia e andragogia, com o gerenciamento de projetos. Dessa forma trouxemos como contribuição as principais abordagens da andragogia, facilitando a reflexão sobre sua aplicação em programas de capacitação em projetos. Como pesquisas futuras, constatamos a necessidade de realização de novos estudos, sobre a aplicação da andragogia em diferentes ambientes de projetos, permitindo sua consolidação nesta área específica

    The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Women's Perinatal Mental Health: Preliminary Data on the Risk of Perinatal Depression/Anxiety from a National Survey in Italy

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    Increasing evidence suggests that during the COVID-19 pandemic, anxiety and depression during the perinatal period increased. The aim of the study is to estimate the prevalence of risk for both maternal depression and anxiety among women attending 18 healthcare centres in Italy during the SARS-COV-2 pandemic and to investigate the psychosocial risks and protective factors associated. It was divided into a retrospective phase (2019, 2020, and the first nine months of 2021) and a prospective phase (which began in November 2021 and it is still ongoing), which screened 12,479 and 2349 women, respectively, for a total of 14,828 women in the perinatal period. To evaluate the risk of anxiety and depression, the General Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7), the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), and an ad hoc form were used to collect sociodemographic variables. In the prospective study, the average age of the women is 31 (range 18-52) years. Results showed that the percentage of women who had EPDS score ≥9 increased from 11.6% in 2019 to 25.5% in the period ranging from November 2021 to April 2022. In logistic regression models, the variables associated with the risk of depression at a level ≤0.01 include having economic problems (OR 2.16) and not being able to rely on support from relatives or friends (OR 2.36). Having the professional status of the housewife is a lower risk (OR 0.52). Those associated with the risk of anxiety include being Italian (OR 2.97), having an education below secondary school level (OR 0.47), having some or many economic problems (OR 2.87), being unable to rely on support from relatives or friends (OR 2.48), and not having attended an antenatal course (OR 1.41). The data from this survey could be useful to determine the impact of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic on women and to establish a screening program with common and uniformly applied criteria which are consistent with national and international women's mental health programs

    Supporting Pharmacovigilance Signal Validation and Prioritization with Analyses of Routinely Collected Health Data: Lessons Learned from an EHDEN Network Study

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    Introduction: Individual case reports are the main asset in pharmacovigilance signal management. Signal validation is the first stage after signal detection and aims to determine if there is sufficient evidence to justify further assessment. Throughout signal management, a prioritization of signals is continually made. Routinely collected health data can provide relevant contextual information but are primarily used at a later stage in pharmacoepidemiological studies to assess communicated signals. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the feasibility and utility of analysing routine health data from a multinational distributed network to support signal validation and prioritization and to reflect on key user requirements for these analyses to become an integral part of this process. Methods: Statistical signal detection was performed in VigiBase, the WHO global database of individual case safety reports, targeting generic manufacturer drugs and 16 prespecified adverse events. During a 5-day study-a-thon, signal validation and prioritization were performed using information from VigiBase, regulatory documents and the scientific literature alongside descriptive analyses of routine health data from 10 partners of the European Health Data and Evidence Network (EHDEN). Databases included in the study were from the UK, Spain, Norway, the Netherlands and Serbia, capturing records from primary care and/or hospitals. Results: Ninety-five statistical signals were subjected to signal validation, of which eight were considered for descriptive analyses in the routine health data. Design, execution and interpretation of results from these analyses took up to a few hours for each signal (of which 15–60 minutes were for execution) and informed decisions for five out of eight signals. The impact of insights from the routine health data varied and included possible alternative explanations, potential public health and clinical impact and feasibility of follow-up pharmacoepidemiological studies. Three signals were selected for signal assessment, two of these decisions were supported by insights from the routine health data. Standardization of analytical code, availability of adverse event phenotypes including bridges between different source vocabularies, and governance around the access and use of routine health data were identified as important aspects for future development. Conclusions: Analyses of routine health data from a distributed network to support signal validation and prioritization are feasible in the given time limits and can inform decision making. The cost–benefit of integrating these analyses at this stage of signal management requires further research