1,279 research outputs found

    A materialidade dos jardins de infância como produtora de experiências: Utilização da diversidade e relações de desigualdade

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    Este artículo presenta resultados preliminares de una investigación socioantropológica realizada en escuelas de nivel inicial de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Pone el foco en los usos de la diversidad sociocultural/desigualdad y su vinculación con la materialidad en que transcurre la vida cotidiana de las instituciones en las que realizamos el trabajo de campo. Se describe analíticamente una situación social —la visita de un funcionario a uno de los jardines de infantes bajo estudio— en la que los actores institucionales tematizan y producen los espacios en que desarrollan sus prácticas, al disputar sus lugares y poner en tensión las relaciones de diversidad/desigualdad características de sus interacciones. Posteriormente, a partir de la consideración de un distrito escolar en toda su extensión, se analizan las características de la “oferta educativa” del nivel inicial, la incorporación de teléfonos celulares en el ámbito de los jardines como modo de sostener la tarea docente, y los inicios de la informatización en la inscripción escolar. A partir de estas cuestiones, se va iluminando la historia reciente del nivel inicial en la Argentina, así como aspectos de las experiencias de sus docentes. El artículo sostiene que el abordaje de la materialidad constituye un indicio del procesamiento actual de relaciones de diversidad/desigualdad.This article presents preliminary results of socio-anthropological research that took place in Early Education schools of the City of Buenos Aires. It focuses on the uses of sociocultural diversity and unequal relationships and their articulation with the materiality of everyday life conditions of the institutions in which fieldwork took place. It includes the analytical description of a social situation —the visit of an officer of the Ministry of Education to one of these Initial Schools in which research was carried on. This descriptions show the ways in which the different institutional subjects —teachers, parents, school directors, the staff member— refer to and produce the spaces in which their practices take place, and simultaneously, struggle for their places and put under strain their diverse and unequal relationships. Afterwards, taking into account the Initial Education schools of a whole Educational District of the City, we analyze the features of the “educational offer” for Initial Schooling, the incorporation of devices as cell phones to everyday educational work of the kindergartens, as an aide to the teacher’s work, and the beginnings of the online school enrolment. These issues permit us to highlight the recent history of Argentina´s Initial Level teaching. The article accounts that materiality, as the ethnographic descriptions evidence, permits to understand how, nowadays, relations of diversity and inequality come together.Neste artigo abordaremos os resultados preliminares de uma investigação socioantropológica desenvolvida em escolas de educação infantil da Cidade de Buenos Aires, Argentina. O estudo põe atenção nos usos da diversidade sociocultural em situações caracterizadas pela desigualdade, e focalizará a sua vinculação com a materialidade própria da cotidianidade das escolas estudadas. O artigo descreve, em termos analíticos, uma situação social —um funcionário visita um desses jardins de infância pesquisado— no qual os atores institucionais —professores, pães, equipes de condução, funcionários— tematizam e produzem os espaços em que tem lugar as suas práticas. Depois, considerando a totalidade de um Distrito Escolar da Cidade, o artigo analisa as características da “oferta educativa” do Nível Inicial, e a utilização de dispositivos como os telefones celulares pessoais no desenvolvimento do trabalho docente, assim como os começos da implementação da inscrição on-line dos alunos. Por último, se argumenta que a materialidade constitui um indício das relações entre diversidade e desigualdade tal como ocorrem na atualidade.Fil: Petrelli, Lucia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas. Sección de Antropología Social; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Neufeld, Maria Rosa. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas. Sección de Antropología Social; Argentin

    A materialidade dos jardins de infância como produtora de experiências: Utilização da diversidade e relações de desigualdade

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    Este artículo presenta resultados preliminares de una investigación socioantropológica realizada en escuelas de nivel inicial de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Pone el foco en los usos de la diversidad sociocultural/desigualdad y su vinculación con la materialidad en que transcurre la vida cotidiana de las instituciones en las que realizamos el trabajo de campo. Se describe analíticamente una situación social —la visita de un funcionario a uno de los jardines de infantes bajo estudio— en la que los actores institucionales tematizan y producen los espacios en que desarrollan sus prácticas, al disputar sus lugares y poner en tensión las relaciones de diversidad/desigualdad características de sus interacciones. Posteriormente, a partir de la consideración de un distrito escolar en toda su extensión, se analizan las características de la “oferta educativa” del nivel inicial, la incorporación de teléfonos celulares en el ámbito de los jardines como modo de sostener la tarea docente, y los inicios de la informatización en la inscripción escolar. A partir de estas cuestiones, se va iluminando la historia reciente del nivel inicial en la Argentina, así como aspectos de las experiencias de sus docentes. El artículo sostiene que el abordaje de la materialidad constituye un indicio del procesamiento actual de relaciones de diversidad/desigualdad.This article presents preliminary results of socio-anthropological research that took place in Early Education schools of the City of Buenos Aires. It focuses on the uses of sociocultural diversity and unequal relationships and their articulation with the materiality of everyday life conditions of the institutions in which fieldwork took place. It includes the analytical description of a social situation —the visit of an officer of the Ministry of Education to one of these Initial Schools in which research was carried on. This descriptions show the ways in which the different institutional subjects —teachers, parents, school directors, the staff member— refer to and produce the spaces in which their practices take place, and simultaneously, struggle for their places and put under strain their diverse and unequal relationships. Afterwards, taking into account the Initial Education schools of a whole Educational District of the City, we analyze the features of the “educational offer” for Initial Schooling, the incorporation of devices as cell phones to everyday educational work of the kindergartens, as an aide to the teacher’s work, and the beginnings of the online school enrolment. These issues permit us to highlight the recent history of Argentina´s Initial Level teaching. The article accounts that materiality, as the ethnographic descriptions evidence, permits to understand how, nowadays, relations of diversity and inequality come together.Neste artigo abordaremos os resultados preliminares de uma investigação socioantropológica desenvolvida em escolas de educação infantil da Cidade de Buenos Aires, Argentina. O estudo põe atenção nos usos da diversidade sociocultural em situações caracterizadas pela desigualdade, e focalizará a sua vinculação com a materialidade própria da cotidianidade das escolas estudadas. O artigo descreve, em termos analíticos, uma situação social —um funcionário visita um desses jardins de infância pesquisado— no qual os atores institucionais —professores, pães, equipes de condução, funcionários— tematizam e produzem os espaços em que tem lugar as suas práticas. Depois, considerando a totalidade de um Distrito Escolar da Cidade, o artigo analisa as características da “oferta educativa” do Nível Inicial, e a utilização de dispositivos como os telefones celulares pessoais no desenvolvimento do trabalho docente, assim como os começos da implementação da inscrição on-line dos alunos. Por último, se argumenta que a materialidade constitui um indício das relações entre diversidade e desigualdade tal como ocorrem na atualidade.Fil: Petrelli, Lucia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas. Sección de Antropología Social; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Neufeld, Maria Rosa. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas. Sección de Antropología Social; Argentin

    ACC Neuro-over-Connectivity Is Associated with Mathematically Modeled Additional Encoding Operations of Schizophrenia Stroop-Task Performance

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging at 7.0 Tesla was undertaken among Schizophrenia participants (Sz), and clinical (major mood disorder; MDD) and healthy controls (HC), during performance of the Stoop task. Stroop conditions included congruent and incongruent word color items, color-only items, and word-only items. Previous modeling results extended to this most widely used selective-attention task. All groups executed item-encoding operations (subprocesses of the item encoding process) at the same rate (performance accuracy being similarly high throughout), thus displaying like processing capacity; Sz participants, however, employed more subprocesses for item completions than did the MDD participants, who in turn used more subprocesses than the HC group. The reduced efficiency in deploying cognitive-workload capacity among the Sz participants was paralleled by more diffuse neuroconnectivity (Blood-Oxygen-Level-Dependent co-activation) with the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) (Broadman Area 32), spreading away from this encoding-intensive region; and by less evidence of network dissociation across Stroop conditions. Estimates of cognitive work done to accomplish item completion were greater for the Sz participants, as were estimates of entropy in both the modeled trial-latency distribution, and its associated neuro-circuitry. Findings are held to be symptom and assessment significant, and to have potential implications for clinical intervention

    The In Vivo Kinetics of RNA Polymerase II Elongation during Co-Transcriptional Splicing

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    Kinetic analysis shows that RNA polymerase elongation kinetics are not modulated by co-transcriptional splicing and that post-transcriptional splicing can proceed at the site of transcription without the presence of the polymerase

    Moral wounds run deep: exaggerated midbrain functional network connectivity across the default mode network in posttraumatic stress disorder

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    Background: A moral injury occurs when a deeply held moral code has been violated, and it can lead to the development of symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, the neural correlates that differentiate moral injury and PTSD remain largely unknown. Intrinsic connectivity networks such as the default mode network (DMN) appear to be altered in people with PTSD who have experienced moral injury. However, brainstem, midbrain and cerebellar systems are rarely integrated into the intrinsic connectivity networks; this is a critical oversight, because these systems display marked differences in people with PTSD and are thought to underlie strong moral emotions such as shame, guilt and betrayal. Methods: We conducted an independent component analysis on data generated during script-driven memory recall of moral injury in participants with military-or law enforcement–related PTSD (n = 28), participants with civilian-related PTSD (n = 28) and healthy controls exposed to a potentially morally injurious event (n = 18). We conducted group-wise comparisons of functional network connectivity differences across a DMN-correlated independent component, with a particular focus on brainstem, midbrain and cerebellar systems. Results: We found stronger functional network connectivity in the midbrain periaqueductal grey (t71 = 4.95, pFDR = 0.028, k = 39) and cerebellar lobule IX (t71 = 4.44, pFDR = 0.046, k = 49) in participants with civilian-related PTSD as compared to healthy controls. We also found a trend toward stronger functional network connectivity in the midbrain periaqueductal grey (t71 = 4.22, pFDR = 0.076, k = 60) in participants with military-or law enforcement–related PTSD as compared to healthy controls. Limitations: The significant clusters were large, but resolution is generally lower for subcortical structures. Conclusion: In PTSD, the DMN appears to be biased toward lower-level, midbrain systems, which may drive toxic shame and related moral emotions that are common in PTSD, highlighting the depth at which moral injuries are represented neurobiologically

    PRHAVIDA Program preliminary outcomes in children with clinical scores of anxiety, depression and stress

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    A infância é uma fase repleta de desafios. As crianças passam por diversas situações, positivas e negativas, que requerem delas recursos para enfrentá-las. Quando os eventos se tornam opressivos, elas podem não estar preparadas para a resolução de conflitos, acarretando sintomas psicológicos como ansiedade, estresse e depressão. Uma alternativa para lidar com os desafios da infância são as intervenções embasadas na abordagem Cognitivo-Comportamental, destinadas a promover saúde mental com enfoque nas habilidades sociais e de vida. Este artigo objetiva apresentar e avaliar os resultados preliminares da aplicação do Programa de Promoção de Habilidades para a Vida (PRHAVIDA) em crianças com escores clínicos de ansiedade, depressão e estresse. Participaram 16 crianças de 8 a 10 anos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Escala Multidimensional de Ansiedade para Crianças, Escala de Stress Infantil e Children’s Depression Inventory. O estudo envolveu o delineamento pré-experimental com aplicação dos instrumentos antes e após o programa. Como resultados, encontrou-se uma redução estatisticamente significativa dos escores de depressão no pós-teste quando comparados ao pré-teste. Não foram encontradas diferenças nos escores de ansiedade e estresse. O estudo levanta hipóteses de que são necessários ajustes no programa para atender a demanda das crianças com sintomatologia de ansiedade e estresse. No entanto, o programa tem efeitos positivos para sintomas de depressão infantil e, consequentemente, contribui para o desenvolvimento saudável das crianças, bem como atende seu objetivo de ser promotor de saúde mental infantil.Palavras-chave: promoção em saúde mental infantil, habilidades de vida, terapia cognitiva-comportamental.Childhood is a stage full of challenges. Children go through various situations, positive and negative, requiring from them resources to face them. However, when events become oppressive, they may not be prepared for conflict resolution, which can result in psychological symptoms such as anxiety, stress and depression. An alternative to dealing with the challenges of childhood are interventions based on the Cognitive-Behavioral approach, designed to promote mental health with a focus on social and life skills. This article aims to present and evaluate the preliminary outcomes of the application of the Life Skills Promotion Program (PRHAVIDA) in children with clinical scores of anxiety, depression and stress. The study included 16 children aged between 8 and 10 years. The instruments used were: Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children – MASC; Child Stress Scale; and Children’s Depression Inventory. The study involved a pre-experimental design with application of assessment instruments before and after the intervention. The results found a statistically significant reduction in depression scores at post-test compared to the pre-test. There were no differences in anxiety and stress scores. The study raises the hypothesis that adjustments are needed in the program to meet the demand of children with anxiety and stress symptomatology. However, the program has positive effects for children’s depression symptoms and therefore contributes to the healthy development of children as well as fulfills its goal of being a promoter of child mental health. Keywords: promotion of children’s mental health, life skills, cognitive-behavioral therapy

    Potenzielle Auswirkungen erhöhter Alkoholsteuern auf die alkoholbedingte Krankheitslast in Deutschland: Eine Modellierungsstudie

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    Hintergrund. Deutschland gehörte im Jahr 2019 zu den Ländern mit dem weltweit höchsten Pro-Kopf-Alkoholkonsum, welcher wesentlich zur Krankheitslast beiträgt. Fragestellung. In dieser Modellierungsstudie schätzen wir, wie viele alkoholbedingte inzidente Krankheits- sowie Todesfälle in Deutschland im Jahr 2019 hätten vermieden werden können, wenn die derzeitigen Verbrauchssteuern auf Alkohol um 20%, 50% und 100%erhöht worden wären. Methodik. Ausgangspunkt für die Modellierung sind die spezifischen Verbrauchssteuern auf alkoholische Getränke in Deutschland. Drei Szenarien wurden unter der Annahme, dass die resultierende Steuererhöhung vollständig in den Verkaufspreis übertragen wird, und unter Verwendung von getränkespezifischen Preiselastizitäten modelliert. Mittels des sich daraus ergebenden Rückgangs im jährlichen Pro-Kopf-Konsum und der krankheitsspezifischen Risikofunktionen wurde die vermeidbare alkoholbedingte Inzidenz bzw. Mortalität geschätzt. Berücksichtigt wurden alkoholbedingte Erkrankungen des Herz-Kreislauf- und Verdauungssystems, Alkoholabhängigkeit, Epilepsie, Infektionskrankheiten sowie Verletzungen und Unfälle. Ergebnisse. Insgesamt hätten durch eine Verdoppelung der spezifischen Verbrauchssteuern auf Alkohol im Jahr 2019 bis zu 200.400 alkoholbedingte Erkrankungs- und Verletzungsfälle sowie 2800 Todesfälle vermieden werden können. Dies entspricht knapp 7% der berücksichtigten alkoholbedingten Krankheits- bzw. Todesfälle in Deutschland. Diskussion. Alkoholbedingte Erkrankungen und Verletzungen sind vermeidbar und eine Erhöhung der spezifischen Verbrauchssteuern auf alkoholische Getränke in Deutschland könnte die alkoholbedingte Krankheitslast substanziell reduzieren.Background. In 2019, Germany was among the countries with the highest alcohol per capita consumption in the world, which contributes significantly to the burden of disease. Aim. In this modelling study, we estimate how many alcohol-attributable diseases and deaths in Germany could have been avoided in 2019 if current alcohol excise taxes were increased by 20%, 50%, and 100%. Methods. The starting point for the modelling was the national beverage-specific alcohol taxes. Three scenarios were modelled under the assumption that the resulting tax increase would be fully transferred to the retail prices. Beverage-specific price elasticities were used. Based on the estimated resulting decline in annual per capita consumption and the disease-specific risk functions, we modelled the avoidable incidence and mortality for alcohol-attributable diseases for 2019. Alcohol-attributable diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, alcohol dependence, epilepsy, and infectious diseases as well as injuries and accidentswere considered. Results. Overall, doubling the beveragespecific alcohol taxes could have avoided up to 200,400 alcohol-attributable cases of disease and injury as well as 2800 deaths in Germany in 2019. This corresponds to just under 7% of the modelled new alcohol-attributable cases of disease and death in Germany. Discussion. Alcohol-attributable diseases and injuries are preventable and an increase in the alcohol taxes could substantially reduce the alcohol-attributable burden of disease in Germany

    Clinical and neural correlates of alexithymia in posttraumatic stress disorder.

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    Individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often exhibit deficits in emotional experience and expression, which suggests that certain individuals with PTSD may be alexithymic. In this study, in a sample of 105 individuals with PTSD, clinical correlates of alexithymia included reexperiencing, hyperarousal, numbing, dissociative symptoms, and retrospectively reported experiences of childhood emotional neglect. In a subsample of 26 individuals with PTSD related to a motor vehicle accident, functional neural responses to trauma-script imagery were associated with severity of alexithymia, including increased right posterior-insula and ventral posterior-cingulate activation and decreased bilateral ventral anterior-cingulate, ventromedial prefrontal, anterior-insula, and right inferior frontal cortex activation. Clinical and theoretical implications and future research directions are discussed

    Differential mechanisms of posterior cingulate cortex downregulation and symptom decreases in posttraumatic stress disorder and healthy individuals using real-time fMRI neurofeedback

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    Background: Intrinsic connectivity networks, including the default mode network (DMN), are frequently disrupted in individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) is the main hub of the posterior DMN, where the therapeutic regulation of this region with real-time fMRI neurofeedback (NFB) has yet to be explored. Methods: We investigated PCC downregulation while processing trauma/stressful words over 3 NFB training runs and a transfer run without NFB (total n = 29, PTSD n = 14, healthy controls n = 15). We also examined the predictive accuracy of machine learning models in classifying PTSD versus healthy controls during NFB training. Results: Both the PTSD and healthy control groups demonstrated reduced reliving symptoms in response to trauma/stressful stimuli, where the PTSD group additionally showed reduced symptoms of distress. We found that both groups were able to downregulate the PCC with similar success over NFB training and in the transfer run, although downregulation was associated with unique within-group decreases in activation within the bilateral dmPFC, bilateral postcentral gyrus, right amygdala/hippocampus, cingulate cortex, and bilateral temporal pole/gyri. By contrast, downregulation was associated with increased activation in the right dlPFC among healthy controls as compared to PTSD. During PCC downregulation, right dlPFC activation was negatively correlated to PTSD symptom severity scores and difficulties in emotion regulation. Finally, machine learning algorithms were able to classify PTSD versus healthy participants based on brain activation during NFB training with 80% accuracy. Conclusions: This is the first study to investigate PCC downregulation with real-time fMRI NFB in both PTSD and healthy controls. Our results reveal acute decreases in symptoms over training and provide converging evidence for EEG-NFB targeting brain networks linked to the PCC