551 research outputs found


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    Revisiting the Leda Mosaic found at Kornmarkt, Trier (Augusta Treverorum)

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    This article aims to review the representations of the exceptional mosaic found in the vicinity of the Kornmarkt in Trier, which, since its discovery, has been subject to different interpretations. Undoubtedly, the unique character and the inexplicable, at least in appearance, conjugation of the two main scenes, with various inscriptions, in the two large concave octagons that stand out in the geometric scheme of the field, that is, a scene perhaps of sleight of hand and another of mythological inspiration with the birth of Helena, have given rise to theories, among others, as opposite as the representation of a mystery cult and, in the completely opposite sense, another that identifies it as an expression of the mockery of traditional cults from the most critical Christian sectors of Augusta Treverorum. In this paper, however, the analysis of the figures contained in the geometric compartments in the shape of a circle and a spindle, with servants and saltatrices, who are also identified by epigraphs with their own names, sheds light on the interpretation of the mosaic. In this regard, the consideration of some parallels for the figures of servants and saltatrices, as well as information from literary sources and the context of the ancient Augusta Treverorum in which the mosaic was commissioned are equally revealing when drawing our conclusions. on the identification of a banquet, including the entertainments of the comissatio

    Food waste in Swedish households : trends, challenges, and opportunities towards achieving the global reduction target

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    Food systems are facing urgent environmental and social challenges in order to ensure a more sustainable future at a global scale. Considering that approximately one third of the food produced for human consumption is loss or wasted, reducing food waste is key issue to reduce the environmental impacts of food systems. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) include a specific target which aims to halve Food Loss and Waste (FLW) by 2030. Whether we are on the right path to achieving the SDGs is a question that has gained attention in the last years. This study focused on Swedish household food waste and aimed to examine potential trends in relation to the food waste reduction target of the SDGs, together with exploring challenges and opportunities for local governments to help accomplishing it. This study revealed a slight overall decrease of 4% in total food waste generation among Swedish households from 2018 to 2022, but this reduction is not on track to meet the 50% reduction target by 2030. The amount of avoidable sorted-food waste, which represents edible food, has increased by 17% during the same period. However, this figure includes only the sorted fraction, leaving the trend in the amount of avoidable non-sorted food waste unknown. Interestingly, the overall amount of sorted food waste has increased from 42% to 72%, which is in line with both EU regulations and municipal ambitions. Challenges to reduce household food waste both within the municipalities and beyond the municipalities scope were identified through semi-structured interviews with municipal representatives. The unclear municipality role in ensuring systematic and concrete actions to reduce food waste in households, limited resources, and other priorities were identified as challenges within the municipality, whereas the underestimation of the own food waste generation of individuals and systemic enablers of food waste, such as low food prices and hectic lifestyles were some challenges beyond the municipality boundaries. Overall, helping households to reduce food waste was perceived as a hard task and the results reveals the multiple layers of this complex issue. Collaborating with relevant stakeholders and clarifying the municipal role through top-down approaches are crucial opportunities to ensure more systematic and effective efforts towards reducing household food waste and achieving SDG Target 12.3. Future research exploring the effectiveness of potential interventions and providing local governments with actionable insights is urgently needed, to contribute developing more sustainable food systems

    The Spanish strategy for nutrition, physical activity and the prevention of obesity

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    The prevalence and increasing trends of obesity in Spain are a matter of concern. In adults, the prevalence of obesity and overweight is 14·5 and 38·5 %, respectively, whereas in children and adolescents it is 13·9 and 26·3 %. This situation prompted the Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs to draw up the Strategy for Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Obesity (NAOS), which aims to improve the diet and encourage the regular practice of physical activity by all citizens, with special emphasis on children. Coordinated by the Spanish Food Safety Agency and the General Directorate of Public Health, a wide range of stakeholders participated in drafting the Strategy through a broad consultative process. Anchored on the core goal of adopting a lifelong perspective in the prevention and control of obesity, NAOS encompasses recommendations for action in four fields: family and community, schools, private sector, and the health system. Launched on 10 February 2005, the Strategy will undergo careful monitoring and evaluation. A newly created Obesity Observatory will carry out epidemiological surveillance, define indicators to measure impact of interventions, facilitate the exchange of experiences among different initiatives, identify research priorities, monitor adherence and application of the self-regulation agreements, and conduct rigorous evaluation of initiatives to identify those that are successful and should be prioritized. To our knowledge, NAOS is the first strategy of its kind in Europe and we recommend it as an example to be followed by countries that, like Spain, face the challenge of combating the pervasive epidemic of obesit

    Final report of the Conference on the eradicability of Onchocerciasis

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    Sixty-four experts from a variety of disciplines attended a Conference on the Eradicability of Onchocerciasis at The Carter Center, in Atlanta GA, held January 22-24, 2002. The Conference, which was organized by The Carter Center and the World Health Organization, with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, addressed the question: "Is onchocerciasis (River Blindness) eradicable with current knowledge and tools?" Former US President Jimmy Carter attended part of the final plenary proceedings on January 24. The Conference consisted of a series of presentations by invited expert speakers (Appendix C) and further deliberations in four workgroups (Appendix D) followed by plenary discussion of major conclusions. The presentations underlined epidemiological and entomological differences between onchocerciasis in Africa and the Americas. Whilst onchocerciasis in Africa covers extensive areas and is associated with striking human and fly population migrations and remarkably efficient black fly vectors, in the Americas onchocerciasis is found in limited foci. Human and fly population migration are not major problems in the Americas, where most black fly species are inefficient, though some efficient black flies are also found there. Vector control has been effectively applied in the Onchocerciasis Control Program in West Africa (OCP) with remarkable results, interrupting transmission in most parts of the original Program area. The use of ivermectin has given variable results: while ivermectin treatment has been effective in all endemic areas in controlling onchocerciasis as a public health problem, its potential for interrupting transmission is more promising in hypo- and mesoendemic areas. The African Program for Onchocerciasis Control (APOC), which supports onchocerciasis control in endemic African countries outside the OCP, applies ivermectin, its principal control tool, to communities in high-risk areas as determined by rapid epidemiological mapping of onchocerciasis (REMO) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In the Americas, through support of the Onchocerciasis Elimination Program in the Americas (OEPA), a strategy of bi-annual ivermectin treatment of at least 85% of the eligible populations in all endemic communities is showing very good results and promises to be effective in eliminating onchocerciasis in the region.The Conference concluded that onchocerciasis is not eradicable using current tools due to the major barriers to eradication in Africa. However, the Conference also concluded that in most if not all the Americas, and possibly Yemen and some sites in Africa, transmission of onchocerciasis can be eliminated using current tools. The Conference recommended that where interruption of transmission is feasible and cost effective, programs should aim for that goal using all appropriate and available interventions so that the Onchocerca volvulus can eventually be eliminated and interventions halted. Although interruption of transmission of onchocerciasis cannot currently be achieved in most of Africa, the Conference recommended that efforts be made to preserve areas in West Africa made free of onchocerciasis transmission through the Onchocerciasis Control Program over the past 25 years. In the remaining hyper and mesoendemic foci in Africa, continued annual distribution of ivermectin will keep onchocerciasis controlled to a point where it is no longer a public health problem or constraint to economic development

    The effect of mergers and acquisitions on customer–company relationships: Exploring employees’ perceptions in the Spanish banking sector

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore employees’ perceptions about customers’ reactions to mergers and acquisitions (M&A). In particular, the aim is to explore how M&A in the banking sector affects the relationship between customers and the financial entity in a real-life context. Design/methodology/approach Using a case analysis methodology, this paper investigates the most important cases of M&A that occurred between 54 retail banks and saving banks in the Spanish market between 2009 and 2014. To do so, 36 face-to-face exploratory interviews were conducted amongst a sample of employees selected through a purposive sampling technique. Findings The perceptions of the employees about the impact of the M&A on customer relationship development suggest that financial M&A negatively affect prices, the location and closeness of the branches, and the routines of the financial activity, and positively affect products and services offered after the M&A. Research limitations/implications Given that the objective is to explore perceptions rather than test them, despite being insightful, the results of this study should be generalised with caution. Originality/value This paper explores customer responses and attitudes towards financial M&A from the point of view of marketing. This paper considers the effect that M&A changes generate on consumer satisfaction and bank−client long-term relationships

    Mergers and acquisitions success: examining customer loyalty

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    Purpose Mergers and acquisition are a very common part of business strategy. However, it is not clear if and how these processes affect customers. This study aims to assess banking M&A from the marketing perspective, by analyzing its impact on the customer loyalty. Design/methodology/approach The study employed a purposive sampling method for collecting data from 232 respondents using a self-administered questionnaire. Variance-based structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was used for testing the proposed structural model. Findings Results show that M&A integration does influence customers' perception of key variables like customer–company relationship, and their loyalty after the M&A. Findings highlight the relative importance of these variables and the potential influence of some moderators (customer orientation, speed of integration and communication). The most important antecedent of loyalty in a M&A situation is service quality followed by company image, products and prices, sales channels and sales force. Originality/value This paper explores the impact of M&A on clients by using customer survey data, an area that is still an under-explored field, in relation with the total number of articles on M&A that are published each year

    Evaluación del uso de programación por objetivos priorizables para la seleccion de sistemas de cosecha

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    89 p.Este estudio se enfoca en la evaluación del uso de Programación por Objetivos Priorizables (o de pesos ordinales PPO) para la selección de sistemas de cosecha. El modelo generado se basó en uno de Programación por Objetivos Penalizables (o de pesos cardinales PPO) desarrollado por Aedo y Bravo (1995). La variable de impacto ambiental del modelo fue redefinida. En lugar de usar la pérdida de suelo anual, se usó el porcentaje de huellas de madereo para cuantificar el efecto ambiental. La decisión de cambiar la variable se basó en una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva. Mientras mayor porcentaje de huellas de madereo es permitido, el número de sistemas HFC decrece y el número de sistemas FSTP se incrementa. El número de sistemas MSKB y MSOB son usados como complemento para alcanzar los objetivos pues ellos tienen un impacto ambiental de mediana influencia acompañado de una producción más baja que el de los sistemas HFC y FSTP. Programación por Objetivos Priorizables es una técnica válida de ser considerada para seleccionar sistemas de cosecha cuando se está en presencia de múltiples objetivos antagónicos. Para tener una clara cuantificación del tipo y número de sistemas de cosecha a implementar, el planificador debe tener claro la priorización de los objetivos considerados y una medida del impacto medioambiental permitido

    An open architecture for data environments based on context interchange

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    Thesis (M.C.P.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, 1995.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 139-145).by Maria Elena Neira.M.C.P