12 research outputs found
Evolución, mecanismo de acción y uso clínico de tres generaciones de antihistamínicos
Introduction. This review investigates the evolution, mechanisms of action, and clinical applications of three generations of antihistamines. Materials and methods: To identify relevant studies, an extensive search was performed across multiple databases, including PubMed, MEDLINE, Web of Science, and Scopus, using a strategic combination of keywords and MeSH terms. The selection process yielded relevant scientific literature sources published between 1985 and 2023. Results and discussion: the study demonstrated that the initial step in the creation and development of antihistamines involved analysing the mechanisms of anaphylaxis and allergy. This analysis led to the discovery of histamine as a mediator of allergic reactions and subsequently to the synthesis of substances with antihistamine effects, resulting in the gradual discovery of three generations of antihistamines. These drugs are designed to block H1-histamine receptors to eliminate allergic manifestations. Due to their non-selective antihistamine activity, first-generation drugs have many side effects, primarily sedation, in addition to their intended therapeutic effects. Second- and third-generation drugs are selective for peripheral H1 receptors and have significantly fewer side effects. The third generation of drugs, as active metabolites of the second generation, demonstrate the highest efficacy and safety profile. First-generation medicines are used for emergency care in acute allergic reactions and to reduce local allergy manifestations, whereas second and third generations are used to treat symptoms of seasonal and chronic allergic rhinitis. Conclusions: The significance of the study lies in the potential application of its results in the clinical practice of allergists.Introducción. Esta revisión analiza la evolución, mecanismos de acción y aplicaciones clínicas de tres generaciones de antihistamínicos. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en bases de datos como PubMed, MEDLINE, Web of Science y Scopus, utilizando términos clave y términos MeSH, abarcando literatura científica publicada entre 1985 y 2023. Resultados y discusión: El estudio revela que el desarrollo de antihistamínicos se originó en la investigación de los mecanismos de anafilaxia y alergia, identificando la histamina como mediador clave. Esto condujo a la síntesis de sustancias antihistamínicas y al surgimiento de tres generaciones de fármacos. Estos fármacos bloquean los receptores H1 de histamina para aliviar los síntomas alérgicos. La primera generación, aunque eficaz, presenta efectos secundarios como sedación debido a su acción no selectiva. Las generaciones posteriores, más selectivas para los receptores H1 periféricos, ofrecen mejor perfil de seguridad. La tercera generación, como metabolitos activos de la segunda, destaca por su eficacia y seguridad. Los antihistamínicos de primera generación se utilizan en situaciones agudas y para alergias locales, mientras que los de segunda y tercera generación son preferidos para la rinitis alérgica estacional y crónica. Conclusiones: La importancia del estudio radica en la posible aplicación de sus resultados en la práctica clínica de los alergólogos.
Diplomatic Ukrainian-Belarusian relations in the context of a full-scale war
The relevance of this study and the stated problem primary lies in the fact that Ukraine has a large common border with Belarus, which is why the political and security situation within it directly affects the national security of Ukraine. It is also worth noting that this topic is not sufficiently disclosed in the works of other domestic and foreign scientists, political scientists and historians. In this regard, the purpose of this scientific work is to study the diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus, as well as the prospects for their development in the context of a full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine. In addition, the tasks of the work are to study the influence of Belarus on the Russian-Ukrainian war. The following scientific methods are the main ones in this research: analysis, induction, synthesis, comparison and graphical methods of presenting information. In the article, the concept of diplomacy is revealed, the procedure for establishing diplomatic relations between states is described. It is considered how Belarus and Ukraine implemented their foreign policy towards each other after the collapse of the Russian Empire and the declaration of independence of the young states. It has been studied the conclusion of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine in 1991 and the course of bilateral relations between the states until 2022. It has also been considered how Belarus contributed to Russia's military aggression against Ukraine, as well as its role in this conflict. Special attention is paid to the course of the Russian-Ukrainian peace negotiations that has taken place on the territory of Belarus in 2022. The materials of the article are of practical and theoretical value for political scientists, historians and other representatives of the scientific community who are interested in the diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Belaru
Radon intercomparison tests – Katowice, 2016
At the beginning of the year 2016, the representatives of the Polish Radon Centre decided to organize
profi ciency tests (PTs) for measurements of radon gas and radon decay products in the air, involving radon
monitors and laboratory passive techniques. The Silesian Centre for Environmental Radioactivity of the Central
Mining Institute (GIG), Katowice, became responsible for the organization of the PT exercises. The main reason
to choose that location was the radon chamber in GIG with a volume of 17 m3, the biggest one in Poland. Accordingly,
13 participants from Poland plus one participant from Germany expressed their interest. The participants
were invited to inform the organizers about what types of monitors and methods they would like to check during
the tests. On this basis, the GIG team prepared the proposal for the schedule of exercises, such as the required
level(s) of radon concentrations, the number and periods of tests, proposed potential alpha energy concentration
(PAEC) levels and also the overall period of PT. The PT activity was performed between 6th and 17th June
2016. After assessment of the results, the agreement between radon monitors and other measurement methods
was confi rmed. In the case of PAEC monitors and methods of measurements, the results of PT exercises were
consistent and confi rmed the accuracy of the calibration procedures used by the participants. The results of the
PAEC PTs will be published elsewhere; in this paper, only the results of radon intercomparison are described
Category of Efficiency to Contemporary Definitions and Measurement Requirements
Efficiency is an economic category, which is often found not only in economics, but also in a more general way. Due to the popularization of this concept, there are many differences in the way it is defined. There is therefore a need to redefine the notion of efficiency both at the general level and on the basis of economic theories rather than the colloquial meaning of the word. It should be a necessary step in the process of assessing the efficiency of an enterprise, often only limited to financial analysis. There are business sectors relevant to functioning of company and strategic from perspectives whose analysis in current practice is neglected and does not consist into an analysis of the efficiency of the whole enterprise. The purpose of this article is to try to define a new category of efficiency. This should be a necessary preparatory phase of analysis, leading to a global look at efficiency in the context of the whole enterprise, not just its individual areas. The research hypothesis is that, in response to the complexity of the enterprise and the complexity of its assessment, and the widespread use of the notion of efficiency, the extension of the components of the overall efficiency assessment will improve the real assessment of business activity. Methods used in the work are literature studies and critical analysis, simple observation of the Polish enterprise market and intuitive method. The result of the analysis is to organize the definition of efficiency and to introduce a generic, newly defined concept of efficiency that will enable the whole enterprise to be covered and thus bring researchers closer to the analysis of the actual level of overall effectiveness.Efektywność jest kategorią ekonomiczną w trwały sposób związana z ekonomią, spotykaną często nie tylko w ekonomii, ale zdecydowanie powszechniej. W związku z popularyzacją tego pojęcia powstało wiele różnic w sposobie jej definiowania. Istnieje zatem potrzeba redefinicji pojęcia efektywności zarówno na poziomie ogólnym, jak i w oparciu o teorie ekonomiczną, a nie potoczne znaczenie tego słowa. Powinien być to etap konieczny w procesie oceny efektywności przedsiębiorstwa, nazbyt często zawężanej jedynie do analizy finansowej. Istnieją sektory przedsiębiorstwa istotne z jego perspektywy funkcjonalnej i strategicznej, których analiza w obecnej praktyce jest pomijana lub zaniedbywana i nie składa się na analizę efektywności całego przedsiębiorstwa. Celem artykułu jest próba nowego zdefiniowania kategorii efektywności. Powinien być to niezbędny etap przygotowawczy analizy, prowadzący do globalnego spojrzenia na efektywności w kontekście całego przedsiębiorstwa, nie tylko poszczególnych jego obszarów. Hipoteza badawcza brzmi: w odpowiedzi na rozbudowanie kompleksowości przedsiębiorstw i złożoności ich oceny oraz zbyt powszechne użycie pojęcia efektywności, rozszerzenie elementów tworzących ogólną ocenę efektywności poprawi realną ocenę aktywności przedsiębiorstw. Metody użyte w pracy to studia literaturowe i analiza krytyczna, obserwacja prosta rynku przedsiębiorstw w Polsce oraz metoda intuicyjna. Wynikiem przeprowadzonej analizy jest uporządkowanie definicji efektywności oraz wprowadzenie ogólnego, nowo zdefiniowanego pojęcia efektywności, które umożliwi objęcie całości przedsiębiorstwa i tym samym zbliży badaczy do analizy faktycznego poziomu efektywności ogólnej
Early Detection of Allergy Symptoms in Children and Adolescents, Characteristics of Possible Pathogens, Pre-Treatment Prevention Measures (in Poland)
Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the main allergens and signs of the onset of allergic diseases and explore methods of prevention that do not include medicines.
Methods: Non-parametric statistical methods were used. A retrospective study was conducted, which included 270 case histories. The average age of the patients was 19 (12.5; 40.1) years, 127 (47%) were men and 143 (53%) were women. Clinical diagnoses, early symptoms, allergen spectrum, and treatment recommendations provided by doctors were analyzed. It was established that the early signs of allergic rhinitis and rhinoconjunctivitis are nasal congestion, runny nose, and lacrimation, and the onset of atopic dermatitis is -characterized by dry and itchy skin.
Results: Allergy to triggers from one group was present in 136 (50.4%) patients, irritants from two groups – in 95 (35.2%) patients, and irritants from three groups – in 39 (14.4%) patients. Polish doctors advised patients to limit their exposure to allergens but did not give recommendations for concrete actions.
Conclusion: The results of the study can be used to help in the identification of the most common symptoms of allergic diseases and allergens, which is vital for the early diagnosis of this pathology by clinicians
Forbrukerens forståelse av «mangel», sammenlignet med det juridiske innholdet av begrepet
Ved hjelp av empirien vil denne studien undersøke om forbrukere har en sammenfallende oppfatning av hva som utgjør en mangel ved et produkt som det lovteksten åpner for. Hypotesen for studien er at forbrukernes forståelse av mangelsbegrepet er snevrere enn det juridiske. Ved hjelp av kvantitative og kvalitative metoder har jeg konstruert undersøkelser som tester forbrukerens evne til å lese og forstå lovtekst. Resultatene fra studien kan gi en pekepinn på hva som er årsakene til at forbrukere forstå eller ikke forstår sin rettsstilling. Jeg har utført en spørreundersøkelse samt gjennomført flere fokusgruppeintervjuer. Spørreundersøkelsen vil kunne gi en pekepinn på tendenser, mens fokusgruppene vil kunne bekrefte at statistikktallene forklarer riktig fenomen. Den rettsdogmatiske metode er lite egnet for å undersøke spørsmål om hvordan mennesker oppfatter fenomener. Resultatene vil kunne avklare om lovforberedernes mål om en allmenn forståelig lovtekst er oppnådd. En vil kunne vurdere om forbrukerkjøpsloven på nåværende tidspunkt holder et tilfredsstillende forståelsesnivå, eller om det bør foretas endringer. Forutsetningen er imidlertid at forbrukerne klarer å oppsøke relevant lovtekst. Noe som kan være et hinder for mange, selv om lovtekst er på sitt tilgjengelige høydepunkt via Lovdata. Til sist kan studien være en nyttig bidragsyter i undersøkelsen om «klarspråklover» har den ønskelige effekt – nemlig forståelse hos mottakeren
Does Gut-Microbiome Interaction Protect against Obesity and Obesity-Associated Metabolic Disorders?
More research has recently focused on the role of the gut microbiota in the development or course of numerous diseases, including non-communicable diseases. As obesity remains prevalent, the question arises as to what microbial changes are associated with increased obesity prevalence and what kind of prevention and treatment approaches it could provide. Moreover, the influence of the gut-brain axis on obesity is also crucial, since it can affect metabolism and food intake. The quantitative and qualitative changes in the microbiota composition are called dysbiosis; however, in view of the current knowledge, it is difficult to conclude which microbial imbalances are adverse or beneficial. Increased numbers of pathological microorganisms were observed among patients with obesity and comorbidities associated with it, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and insulin resistance. Our review provides current knowledge regarding changes in the intestinal microbiota associated with obesity and obesity-associated comorbidities. Nevertheless, given that dietary patterns and nutrients are two of the factors affecting the intestinal microbiota, we also discuss the role of different dietary approaches, vitamins, and minerals in the shaping of the intestinal microbiota
Modelling of increased homocysteine in ischaemic stroke: post-hoc cross-sectional matched case-control analysis in young patients Aumento de homocisteína em acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico: análise post-hoc com casos controles em pacientes jovens
BACKGROUND & PURPOSE: Hyperhomocysteinaemia has been postulated to participate in pathogenesis of ischaemic stroke (IS). However, especially in young adults, there is possibility of significantly increased IS risk due to increased ‘normal’ homocysteinaemia, i.e., ‘hidden’ (‘pathologically dormant’) prevalence within a healthy, normally-defined range. We performed a post-hoc modelling investigation on plasma total homocysteinaemia (THCY) in gender- and age-matched young patients in the acute IS phase. We evaluated relationships between THCY and prevalence of other potential risk factors in 41 patients vs. 41 healthy controls. METHOD: We used clinical methods, instrumental and neuroimmaging procedures, risk factors examination, total plasma homocysteine measurements and other laboratory and statistical modelling techniques. RESULTS: IS patients and healthy controls were similar not only for matching variables, but also for smoking, main vitamin status, serum creatinine and lipid profile. Patients with IS, however, had lower vitamin B6 levels and higher THCY, fibrinogen and triglycerides (TGL). At multivariate stepwise logistic regression only increased THCY and TGL were significantly and independently associated with the risk for stroke (72% model accuracy, p model=0.001). An increase of THCY with 1.0 µmol/L was associated with 22% higher risk of ischaemic stroke [adjusted OR=1.22 (95%CI 1.03?1.44)]. In this way, novel lower cut-off value for HCY of 11.58 µmol/L in younger patients has been revealed (ROC AUC= 0.67, 95CI% 0.55-0.78, p=0.009). CONCLUSION: The new THCY cut-off clearly discriminated between absence and presence of IS (sensitivity>63%, specificity>68%) irrespectively of age and gender and may be applied to better evaluate and more precisely define, as earlier as possible, the young patients at increased IS risk.<br>OBJETIVO: Hiperhomocisteinemia tem sido postulada como um dos fatores de risco na patogênese do acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico (AVCI). Todavia, em adultos jovens existe a possibilidade de aumento significativo de risco de AVCI devido a aumento "normal" da homocisteinemia, "oculta" (patologicamente adormecida) dentro de uma variação definida como normal. Neste trabalho foi investigado um modelo post-hoc de dosagem de homocisteina no plasma (HC) em pacientes jovens com AVCI agudo pareados por gênero e idade. Foi avaliado também relações entre HC e prevalência de outros fatores de risco para AVCI em 41 pacientes e 41 controles normais. MÉTODO: Foi utilizado exame clínico, procedimentos instrumentais e de neuroimagem, exame de fatores de risco, dosagem da homocisteína no plasma, outros exames laboratoriais e análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas diferenças quanto a presença de fumantes, dosagem de vitaminas, creatinina sérica e perfil lipídico entre os pacientes com AVCI e os controles normais. Todavia os pacientes com AVCI apresentaram diminuição de níveis de vitamina B6 e aumento de homocisteína, fibrinogênio e trigliceridios. A análise multivariada de regressão logística mostrou diferenças significativas apenas para HC e trigliceridios independentemente associadas para fatores de risco para AVCI (72% acuracia, p= 0,001). Um aumento de homocisteína de 1,0 µmol/L estava associado com aumento de 22% de risco de AVCI [OR=1,22 (95%IC 1,03-1,44)]. Foi evidenciado portanto um novo valor de cut-off para HC de 11,58 µmol/L em pacientes jovens com AVCI (ROC auc=0,67, 95% IC 0,55-0,78, p= 0,009). CONCLUSÃO: Este novo valor de cut-offpara a homocisteína discrimina claramente a ausência ou presença de AVCI (sensibilidade >63%, especificidade >68%) independente do gênero ou idade e deve ser aplicado para uma melhor avaliação precoce de pacientes jovens com risco de AVCI