1,866 research outputs found

    Cooperation in Innovation Practices among Portuguese Firms: Do Universities Interface Innovative Advances?

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    This paper aims to identify the nature of the relationships that are established amongst agents who co-operate in terms of innovation practices. It analyses whether the entrepreneurial innovation capability of firms is stimulated through the relationships developed with external partners. The data of 2nd Community Innovation Survey of EUROSTAT is used in a logistic model. In the estimation process of the Logit function, the entrepreneurial innovation capability is considered as the answer variable. The scientific agents who cooperate in terms of innovation activities impact, positively, on the propensity to engage in innovative advances revealed by the firms, at the level of product innovation. The paper presents policy implications, which may be used in the design of public policies for fostering open innovation networks between scientific agents and firms.Innovation; Networks; Entrepreneurial Innovation Capability

    CSR and Social Marketing: What is the desired role for Universities in fostering Public Policies?

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    The paper aims to identify the role of Universities in fostering public policies, through the promotion of social responsibility, and the implementation of social marketing initiatives. This innovative approach is particularly interesting since the literature does not cover, until now, the importance of adopting a social responsibility strategy within Universities, in order to foster public policies for development. First, Corporate Social Responsibility should be developed at Universities. For this purpose, an integrative approach that embraces marketing, economic, ecological, and social aspects is proposed, through the design of a strategic action plan, which includes three operational levels: analysis, implementation and assessment. Second, in order to foster the impact of public policies for development, social marketing initiatives should be implemented among institutional and social networks where Universities assume an increasing strategic role.Corporate Social Responsibility; Government Policy; Social Marketing

    What Determines the Entrepreneurial Innovative Capability of Portuguese Industrial Firms?

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    In the context of globalisation, innovation is considered as a key factor for enhancing the competitiveness of firms. Nowadays, it is widely accepted that Portuguese firms face an increasing competitive environment, which is characterised by internationalization and globalization. In this sense, it becomes important to analyse the determinant factors of innovation capability of firms. This paper aims to identify and analyse the degree of importance of the determinant factors of innovation capability of Portuguese industrial firms. The data obtained through the 2rd Community Innovation Survey (CIS II) conducted by EUROSTAT, is used in a linear regression model. The entrepreneurial innovative capability, measured as product innovation, is considered as the variable answer, in the estimation process of a Logit function. The paper presents an innovative contribution since it uses a set of five determinant factors of innovation capability of industrial firms, at a product innovation level. Technological capacity, dimension of the firm, activity sector, market orientation and location of the firm, are considered as determinants factors of innovation capability of the firms. The results of the joint analysis provide the identification of stimulating factors and restraining factors of the entrepreneurial innovative capability of a selected sample of Portuguese industrial firms. Under a Schumpeterian approach, the paper ratifies that large enterprises are more prone to innovate than small enterprises. The dimension plays a role, in terms of the strategic conduct implemented by small firms, which are not so prone to innovate, due to its small dimension. Benchmarking the Portuguese case is particularly important, because small industrial enterprises face restraining conditions imposed by outsourcing contracts that are established between small producers and leading international buyers. This restrains, broadly, the entrepreneurial innovative capability of small industrial enterprises.Innovation; Entrepreneurial Innovative Capability

    Barriers to Innovation faced by Manufacturing Firms in Portugal: How to overcome it?

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    This paper aims to identify the barriers to innovation that influence the innovation capability of Portuguese industrial firms. The literature review about innovation makes use of two references approaches: (i) the systemic; and (ii) the networks and inter-organizational relationships. The database is obtained through the Community Innovation Survey II (CIS II) conducted by EUROSTAT. Furthermore, from the results several public policies are proposed in order to overcome the restraining factors of the entrepreneurial innovative capability.Innovation; Entrepreneurial Innovative Capability

    Identification and validation of microsatellite markers in strawberry tree (Arbutusunedo L.)

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    Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.), an evergreen shrub/small tree of the family Ericaceae, is a main constituent of the Mediterranean basin flora; although it is also found in southwestern Prance, Macaronesia, and Ireland. The small fruits are edible but mostly used for preparation of preserves and jams, and for liquors such as the Portuguese traditional "aguardente de medronho". Traditionally cultivated by small farmers, often in consociation with Quercus sp., strawberry tree is presently emerging as a new important fruit crop cultivated in large orchards by modern export-oriented enterprises. This change of paradigm requires a growing role of plant breeding, upstream of the production process. Genomic tools for this species are mostly limited to the chloroplast genome sequence and to genomic data described in this work. In order to identify strawberry tree microsatellite (SSR) loci we performed partial genome next-generation sequencing using the Ion Torrent technology. The sequenced similar to 24.6M nucleotides resulted in the identification of 1185 microsatellite markers mostly constituted by dinucleotide motifs. The relative amount of microsatellite dinucleotide motifs (AG/CT - 71.7%, AC/GT - 20.5%, AT/AT - 2.9%, and CG/CG - 0.3%) is similar to the one observed in other Ericaceae species. Among a tested sample of 40 SSR primer pairs, 20 amplified well-defined PCR products, 12 (30%) were validated as polymorphic. Used in our collaborative project for molecular identification of selected and improved clones, the identified SSR loci constitute a strong tool for a large panoply of applied and fundamental studies of this emerging fruit crop.Pluriannual Funding Program of the Portuguese National Foundation for Science and Technologyinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    "Hablando se entiende la gente" : fomentar a interação oral no processo de ensino - aprendizagem do espanhol com língua estrangeira

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    Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Português no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário e de Espanhol nos Ensinos Básico e SecundárioO presente relatório inscreve-se no âmbito da realização do estágio profissional do Mestrado em Ensino de Português no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e de Espanhol nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário e pretende apresentar, de forma transparente e autêntica, o Projeto de investigação – ação, subordinado ao tema da interação oral como competência potenciadora da aquisição de aptidões comunicativas e interativas eficazes em Língua Estrangeira – Espanhol, de acordo com os princípios de uma Europa plurilingue e multicultural. Ciente do papel prioritário da oralidade e, mais especificamente, da interação oral, na promoção de uma cultura escolar dialógica, colaborativa e interativa, foi meu intento arquitetar, implementar e avaliar um plano de ação, que se adequasse aos desafios primários de um Ensino de Língua Estrangeira atual e que correspondesse aos centros de interesse do meu público-alvo, a saber, discentes do 12ºano de escolaridade, do curso Científico-Humanístico de Línguas e Humanidades, que se situavam no nível umbral B1 de Espanhol. Conjugando objetivos centrais da Reforma Educativa do Ensino das Línguas Estrangeiras, que prevê uma visão em contexto e de uso da língua, tal como consta no Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas, com metas didático- pedagógicas específicas, definidas em função dos dados decorrentes de uma prévia avaliação diagnóstica do contexto de intervenção e, mais precisamente, do grupo-turma, foi meu desígnio responder aos desafios de uma sociedade multicultural e plurilingue, que valoriza as línguas como instrumentos de aculturação, socialização, comunicação e interação. Estruturado em três capítulos centrais, o presente “diário de viagem” pretende testemunhar a caminhada reflexiva e acional, percorrida ao longo do estágio pedagógico. Em primeiro lugar, baseando-me em literatura especializada e numa análise diagnóstica do contexto de intervenção, definirei linhas teóricas e metodológicas orientadoras, bem como enquadrarei o presente relatório no seu campo de ação. Em segundo lugar, apresentarei sequências didáticas, ilustrativas das estratégias de interação oral implementadas, complementando as mesmas com uma avaliação crítica e construtiva da sua potencialidade comunicativa e interativa, bem como da performance dos intervenientes no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Em terceiro lugar, lançarei um olhar analítico diacrónico sobre todo o processo, tecendo algumas considerações finais sobre a sua operacionalização. Paralelamente, relançarei algumas linhas reflexivas numa ótica de percurso em aberto e perfectível. Como “memorando” introspetivo, o presente relatório fez-me navegar até ao cerne da questão do “ex-ducere” e selou a minha aliança inequívoca com o interrogar constante da prática docente.Le compte-rendu ci-joint s´inscrit dans le cadre de la réalisation du stage professionnel du Master en Enseignement du Portugais et de l´Espagnol au niveau du Collège et du Lycée, et a pour but de présenter, de manière transparente et authentique, le Projet d´investigation – action, subordonné au thème de l´interaction orale comme compétence potentialisant l´acquisition d´aptitudes communicatives et interactives efficaces en Langue Étrangère – Espagnol, selon les principes d´une Europe plurilingue et multiculturelle. Ayant pleine conscience du rôle prioritaire de l´oralité, plus spécifiquement, de l´interaction orale, au niveau de la promotion d´une culture scolaire dialogique, collaborative et interactive, j´ai prétendu concevoir l´architecture, mettre en oeuvre et évaluer un plan d´action, qui s´adaptasse aux défis primaires d´un Enseignement de Langue Étrangère actuel et qui correspondisse aux centres d´intérêt de mon public cible, à savoir, des élèves de Terminale, de la filière Littéraire, qui se situaient au niveau umbral B1 d´Espagnol. En conjoignant les objectifs centraux de la Réforme Éducative de l´Enseignement des Langues Étrangères, qui prévoit une vision en contexte et d´emploi de la langue, tout comme le conçoit le Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues, aux objectifs didactiques et pédagogiques spécifiques, définis en fonction des données recueillies de l´évaluation diagnostique préalable du contexte d´intervention, plus précisément, du groupe classe, ce fut mon intention de répondre aux défis d´une société multiculturelle et plurilingue, qui valorise les langues comme instruments d´acculturation, de socialisation, de communication et d´interaction. Structuré sur trois chapitres centraux, le “journal de voyage” ci – joint prétend témoigner la marche réflexive et actionnelle, parcourue au long du stage pédagogique. En premier lieu, en me fondant sur la littérature spécialisée et l´analyse diagnostique du contexte d´intervention, je définirai les lignes théoriques et méthodologiques orientatrices, ainsi que j´encadrerai le rapport ci-joint dans mon champ d´action. En deuxième lieu, je présenterai des séquences didactiques, illustratives des stratégies d´interaction orale mises en oeuvre, en les complémentant avec l´analyse critique et constructive de leur potentialité communicative et interactive, ainsi que de la performance des intervenants au procès d´enseignement- apprentissage. En troisième lieu, je lancerai un regard analytique diachronique sur tout le procès, en retenant quelques considérations finales à propos de son opérationnalisation. Parallèlement, je relancerai quelques lignes réflexives en fonction d´une optique de parcours ouvert et perfectible. Comme “mémorandum” introspectif, le rapport ci-joint m´a fait naviguer jusqu´au coeur de la question de l´ «exducere » et a scellé mon alliance inéquivoque avec l´interrogation constante de la pratique enseignante. En effet, le professeur n´est pas le magnum inquisiteur du savoir, c´est un sujet relationnel, qui se construit lors du face-à-face avec ses propres élèves

    The partnership between Carnegie Mellon University and Portugal : a case study in the international partnerships program

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    Mestrado em Gestão e Estratégia IndustrialEm 2006 foi estabelecido o Programa de Parcerias Internacionais, entre o Governo Português e três universidades Norte Americanas de prestígio, nomeadamente, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) e University of Texas at Austin (UTA). Este programa foi uma das medidas integradas no Plano Tecnológico (PT), com o objetivo de impactar positivamente o desenvolvimento de Portugal, no campo da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (CT&I) através de Investigação e Desenvolvimento (I&D). Este ensaio tem como finalidade contribuir como uma análise exploratória tendo como caso de estudo a parceria Carnegie Mellon University ? Portugal (CMU-PT) em formato de Grau Dual. Através de oito entrevistas conduzidas a Diretores do programa, Equipa de Coordenação e Alumni, o estudo empenha-se em responder a questões vitais acerca das repercussões reconhecidas, o que é necessário para estabelecer um programa de Grau Dual entre parceiros estrangeiros, e se consegue atingir os objetivos propostos, as metas nacionais e expectativas estabelecidas por instituições de referência, como a Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico (OCDE). Como verificado, são necessários múltiplos fatores para atingir uma estrutura eficiente entre todos os atores, que permita atingir os resultados necessários para o desenvolvimento económico de Portugal, construindo uma base de CT&I forte através do Ensino Superior, Investigação e Inovação (ESII).In 2006 the International Partnerships Program was first established between the Portuguese Government and three prestigious North American Universities, namely, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and University of Texas at Austin (UTA). This program was one of the measures of the Technological Plan (TP), aiming to positively impact the development of Portugal in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I) through Research and Development (R&D). This thesis aims to contribute as a complementary exploratory analysis of the Carnegie Mellon University ? Portugal (CMU-PT) partnership in the format of Dual Degrees, as a case study. Through eight interviews conducted to Program Directors, Coordinating Team and Alumni, it strives to answer vital questions as to the known repercussions of what it takes to establish a Dual Degree between two foreign partners, and if this particular case met its proposed targets, as well as national goals and expectations set by other institutions of reference, such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). As it happens, it takes a multitude of factors in order to achieve an efficient structure between all players, one which allows the much-needed results for the economic development of Portugal, building a strong ST&I basis through Higher Education, Research and Innovation (HERI).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diferentes concepções de qualidade da escola

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    Perante perspectivas diversas de escola de qualidade, ou das qualidades desejadas numa escola, do conjunto de indicadores dessa qualidade, e de alguns factores que a poderão influenciar, pretendeu-se investigar se as concepções que os intervenientes directos no processo educativo têm sobre a qualidade são coincidentes ou se, pelo contrário, revelam diferenças, consoante o papel que assumem na comunidade educativa. O estudo foi aplicado em duas escolas com ciclos de escolaridade diferentes: uma com 2º e 3º ciclos e outra apenas com ensino secundário, com o objectivo de verificar a existência de diferenças entre os grupos escolhidos em cada um dos níveis e tentado também concluir se existe ou não um padrão de qualidade específico segundo os ciclos de escolaridade respectivos. Além disso foram também investigadas sugestões para a melhoria de qualidade em cada escola tentando aprofundar o estudo e torná-lo útil em cada estabelecimento de ensino