677 research outputs found

    Strain differentiation of Trichophyton rubrum by random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD)

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    Trichophyton rubrum é um importante agente causal de dermatomicose. Os métodos de tipagem molecular têm sido recentemente desenvolvidos para responder questões sobre epidemiologia e auxiliar no esclarecimento de recidivas, após o tratamento. As seqüências aleatórias 1- (5'-d[GGTGCGGGAA]-3') e 6- (5'-d[CCCGTCAGCA]-3') foram usadas para tipagem molecular deste fungo por RAPD produzindo variabilidade intraespecífica. Cinco padrões foram observados entre os 10 isolados de T. rubrum, com ambas as seqüências. Foi concluído que a análise por RAPD pode ser utilizada para estudos epidemiológicos.Trichophyton rubrum is an important cause of dermatomycoses. Molecular strain typing methods have recently been developed to address questions about epidemiology and source of relapse following treatment. This report describes the application of RAPD for molecular strain differentiation of this fungus utilizing the primers 1- (5'-d[GGTGCGGGAA]-3') and 6- (5'-d[CCCGTCAGCA]-3'). A total of five RAPD patterns were observed among 10 strains of T. rubrum, with each of the primers used. We conclude that RAPD analysis using primers 1 and 6 can be used in epidemiological studies

    Phenotypic Characterization of Yeasts Aiming at Bioethanol Production

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    Worldwide, the production of bioethanol is derived through first-generation technology, where plants, vegetables, and cereals, that have high levels of sucrose, are fermented by yeast. Brazil, for the production of bioethanol from sugarcane, is among the world’s leading producers. The process for bioethanol production is a complex that involves a variety of environmental factors, resulting in different phenotypic profiles of strain used. It has been evidenced that the interaction between environmental factors and microorganism can influence in the identification of different characteristics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Also, the bioethanol is developed by the second and third generations, and new yeast strains may also contribute to the feasibility of production. Successful performance of fermentation depends on the ability of the yeast to deal with a number of factors that occur during the fermentation, such as concentration of sugar, ethanol, nitrogen, pH, resistance to contaminants, stress protein, temperature change, and osmotic pressure

    Dynamics of mono - and dual - species biofilm formation and interactions between paracoccidioides brasiliensis and candida albicans

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    The oral cavity is a highly diverse microbial environment in which microorganisms interact with each other, growing as biofilms on biotic and abiotic surfaces. Understanding the interaction among oral microbiota counterparts is pivotal for clarifying the pathogenesis of oral diseases. Candida spp. is one of the most abundant fungi in the oral mycobiome with the ability to cause severe soft tissue lesions under certain conditions. Paracoccidioides spp., the causative agent of paracoccidioidomycosis, may also colonize the oral cavity leading to soft tissue damage. It was hypothesized that both fungi can interact with each other, increasing the growth of the biofilm and its virulence, which in turn can lead to a more aggressive infectivity. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the dynamics of mono- and dual-species biofilm growth of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and Candida albicans and their infectivity using the Galleria mellonella model. Biomass and fungi metabolic activity were determined by the crystal violet and the tetrazolium salt reduction tests (XTT), respectively, and the colony-forming unit (CFU) was obtained by plating. Biofilm structure was characterized by both scanning electronic- and confocal laser scanning- microscopy techniques. Survival analysis of G. mellonella was evaluated to assess infectivity. Our results showed that dual-species biofilm with P. brasiliensis plus C. albicans presented a higher biomass, higher metabolic activity and CFU than their mono-species biofilms. Furthermore, G. mellonella larvae infected with P. brasiliensis plus C. albicans presented a decrease in the survival rate compared to those infected with P. brasiliensis or C. albicans, mainly in the form of biofilms. Our data indicate that P. brasiliensis and C. albicans co-existence is likely to occur on oral mucosal biofilms, as per in vitro and in vivo analysis. Our data indicate that P. brasiliensis and C. albicans co-existence is likely to occur on oral mucosal biofilms, as per in vitro and in vivo analysis

    Intermolecular interactions of the malate synthase of Paracoccidioides spp

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    Background: The fungus Paracoccidioides spp is the agent of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), a pulmonary mycosis acquired by the inhalation of fungal propagules. Paracoccidioides malate synthase (PbMLS) is important in the infectious process of Paracoccidioides spp because the transcript is up-regulated during the transition from mycelium to yeast and in yeast cells during phagocytosis by murine macrophages. In addition, PbMLS acts as an adhesin in Paracoccidioides spp. The evidence for the multifunctionality of PbMLS indicates that it could interact with other proteins from the fungus and host. The objective of this study was to identify and analyze proteins that possibly bind to PbMLS (PbMLS-interacting proteins) because protein interactions are intrinsic to cell processes, and it might be possible to infer the function of a protein through the identification of its ligands. Results: The search for interactions was performed using an in vivo assay with a two-hybrid library constructed in S. cerevisiae; the transcripts were sequenced and identified. In addition, an in vitro assay using pull-down GST methodology with different protein extracts (yeast, mycelium, yeast-secreted proteins and macrophage) was performed, and the resulting interactions were identified by mass spectrometry (MS). Some of the protein interactions were confirmed by Far-Western blotting using specific antibodies, and the interaction of PbMLS with macrophages was validated by indirect immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy. In silico analysis using molecular modeling, dynamics and docking identified the amino acids that were involved in the interactions between PbMLS and PbMLS-interacting proteins. Finally, the interactions were visualized graphically using Osprey software. Conclusion: These observations indicate that PbMLS interacts with proteins that are in different functional categories, such as cellular transport, protein biosynthesis, modification and degradation of proteins and signal transduction. These data suggest that PbMLS could play different roles in the fungal cell. © 2013 de Oliveira et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    The Homeostasis of Iron, Copper, and Zinc in Paracoccidioides Brasiliensis, Cryptococcus Neoformans Var. Grubii, and Cryptococcus Gattii: A Comparative Analysis

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    Iron, copper, and zinc are essential for all living organisms. Moreover, the homeostasis of these metals is vital to microorganisms during pathogenic interactions with a host. Most pathogens have developed specific mechanisms for the uptake of micronutrients from their hosts in order to counteract the low availability of essential ions in infected tissues. We report here an analysis of genes potentially involved in iron, copper, and zinc uptake and homeostasis in the fungal pathogens Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii, and Cryptococcus gattii. Although prior studies have identified certain aspects of metal regulation in Cryptococcus species, little is known regarding the regulation of these elements in P. brasiliensis. We also present amino acid sequences analyses of deduced proteins in order to examine possible conserved domains. The genomic data reveals, for the first time, genes associated to iron, copper, and zinc assimilation and homeostasis in P. brasiliensis. Furthermore, analyses of the three fungal species identified homologs to genes associated with high-affinity uptake systems, vacuolar and mitochondrial iron storage, copper uptake and reduction, and zinc assimilation. However, homologs to genes involved in siderophore production were only found in P. brasiliensis. Interestingly, in silico analysis of the genomes of P. brasiliensis Pb01, Pb03, and Pb18 revealed significant differences in the presence and/or number of genes involved in metal homeostasis, such as in genes related to iron reduction and oxidation. The broad analyses of the genomes of P. brasiliensis, C. neoformans var. grubii, and C. gattii for genes involved in metal homeostasis provide important groundwork for numerous interesting future areas of investigation that are required in order to validate and explore the function of the identified genes and gene pathways

    Identification of Off-Patent Compounds That Present Antifungal Activity Against the Emerging Fungal Pathogen Candida auris

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    Candida auris is an emerging fungal pathogen of great concern among the scientific community because it is causing an increasing number of hospital outbreaks of difficult management worldwide. In addition, isolates from this species frequently present reduced susceptibility to azole and echinocandin drugs. For this reason, it is necessary to develop new antifungal strategies to better control the disease caused by this yeast. In this work, we screened drugs from the Prestwick chemical library, which contains 1,280 off-patent compounds that are already approved by the Food and Drug Administration, with the aim of identifying molecules with antifungal activity against C. auris. In an initial screening, we looked for drugs that inhibited the growth of three different C. auris strains and found 27 of them which it did so. Ten active compounds were selected to test the susceptibility profile by using the EUCAST protocol. Antifungal activity was confirmed for seven drugs with MICs ranging from 0.5 to 64 mg/L. Some of these drugs were also tested in combination with voriconazole and anidulafungin at sub-inhibitory concentrations. Our results suggest synergistic interactions between suloctidil and voriconazole with fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI) values of 0.11 to 0.5 and between ebselen and anidulafungin (FICI, 0.12 to 0.44). Our findings indicate that drug repurposing could be a viable alternative to managing infections by C. auris

    Paracoccidioides spp.: the structural characterization of extracellular matrix, expression of glucan synthesis and associated genes and adhesins during biofilm formation

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    The genus Paracoccidioides includes Paracoccidioides lutzii and the Paracoccidioides brasiliensis complex, which comprises four phylogenetic species. A key feature distinguishing planktonic growth from biofilm is the presence of a 3D extracellular matrix (ECM). Therefore, in this study, we analyzed biofilm formation in different species of Paracoccidioides yeast phase, characterized the structural elements of the matrix of P. brasiliensis (Pb18), P. lutzii (Pl01 and 8334) and P. restrepiensis (339 and 192) and evaluated the expression of glucan genes, according to the stage of biofilm evolution for P. brasiliensis. The strains were cultivated in planktonic and biofilm form for 24–144 h. The fungi biomass and metabolic activity were determined by crystal violet and tetrazolium salt reduction (XTT) tests and colony-forming unit (CFU) by plating. The biofilm structure was designed using scanning electron microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy techniques. The extracellular matrix of P. brasiliensis and P. lutzii biofilms was extracted by sonication, and polysaccharides, proteins, and extracellular DNA (eDNA) were quantified. The RNA was extracted with the Trizol® reagent and quantified; then, the cDNA was synthesized to analyze the enolase expression, 14-3-3, FKS1, AGS1, GEL3, and KRE6 genes by real-time PCR. All strains of Paracoccidioides studied form a biofilm with more significant metabolic activity and biomass values in 144 h. The extracellular matrix of P. brasiliensis and P. lutzii had a higher content of polysaccharides in their composition, followed by proteins and eDNA in smaller quantities. The P. brasiliensis biofilm kinetics of formation showed greater expression of genes related to glucan's synthesis and its delivery to the external environment in addition adhesins during the biofilm's adhesion, initiation, and maturation. The GEL3 and enolase genes increased in expression within 24 h and during the biofilm maturation period, there was an increase in 14-3-3, AGS1, and FKS1. Furthermore, at 144 h, there was a decrease in KRE6 expression and an increase in GEL3. This study highlights the potential for biofilm formation for three species of Paracoccidioides and the main components of the extracellular matrix that can contribute to a better understanding of biofilm organization
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