3,236 research outputs found
the role of intercultural mediation
Migration is generally described as a process that is nationally specific and that have
features common to several countries. This has been shown by several authors through
comparative research that compares the migration process of the same immigrant group to
several countries (among others, Engbersen, Snel, & de Boom, 2010) or which scrutinises the
migration realities of different countries (Zimmermann, 2005). Most of these studies are about
geographically near countries, which are part of the same political system (the EU), and that
have an established (albeit differentiated) welfare system. These proximities (geographical, but
also political and social) allowed the authors of these studies to conceptualise the existence of
several migration models or regimes: the southern European model (Baldwin-Edwards, 2012),
the Iberian model of Migration (Malheiros, 2012); the intra-EU mobility regime (Engbersen
et al., 2017). These migratory regimes are intertwined by migrant integration models or by
different approaches to increasingly diverse populations. Although these are often identified
as ‘national models of integration’, they do not fail to integrate the developments that have
been recorded in the last decades in the international contexts in which the countries are
inserted. Throughout the present text, the Portuguese experience in dealing with immigrant
integration is used to reflect on the development of intercultural policies and practices, and
on the role of intercultural mediation.
The article is structured in the following way: in the introductory section we will review the
discussion on interculturalism; in a second section the Portuguese immigration context will
be presented; in a third section the integration of immigrants in the country will be analysed,
given special attention to the development of policies that support immigrants’ integration
process. In the fourth section, the role of intercultural mediation for the integration of
immigrants will be considered.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Role of Networking in Innovation Promotion and Cluster Modernization: “House of the Future” Case
This paper stresses the potential of innovative business cooperation networks in promoting regional competitiveness. It is based on the case study of a cooperation network, named “House of the Future”, carried out in the framework of a project where the University of Aveiro has an important role. It suggests success factors in the development of co-operation networks between firms from various sectors and a university. The aim of the “House of the Future” initiative is to promote an innovative approach to inter-organizational cooperation joining together firms from a number of different industrial activities related with the habitat meta-sector. This collaborative effort can function as an experiment for the design of regional innovation policies.
Prevention of airborne disposal from staff in the O.R. reducing the risk of infection: what are the benefits of using clean air suits or scrub suits?
Experts in infection control are often asked about issues related to the use of scrubs and clean air suits in the operating room (OR). So, what are clean air suits and scrub suits?
This article seeks to highlight the most relevant information of this products and try to define the benefits of using them for preventing airborne disposal from the surgical staff, reducing the risk of infection.
No scientific data support the practice of using scrub suits as a means for preventing transmission of infection, but on the other side we have a vast amount of studies regarding the effectiveness of clean air suits. However this won´t invalidate the use of scrub suits, just validating that this type of studies has to be done for scrubs suits
Trends in employment and HRM practices: the influence of new technologies
Trabalho apresentado no 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, 10-14 de julho de 2016, Vienna, AustriaN/
Innovations and Social Media Analytics in a Digital Society
Recent advances in digitization are transforming healthcare, education, tourism, information technology, and some other sectors. Social media analytics are tools that can be used to measure innovation and the relation of the companies with the citizens. This book comprises state-ofthe-art social media analytics, and advanced innovation policies in the digitization of society. The number of applications that can be used to create and analyze social media analytics generates large amounts of data called big data, including measures of the use of the technologies to develop or to use new services to improve the quality of life of the citizens. Digitization has applications in fields from remote monitoring to smart sensors and other devices. Integration generates data that need to be analyzed and visualized in an easy and clear way, that will be some of the proposals of the researchers present in this book. This volume offers valuable insights to researchers on how to design innovative digital analytics systems and how to improve information delivery remotely.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Initial and in-service teacher education in sciences: what portuguese kindergarten teachers say about their teaching practices
Education in sciences should contribute to everyone’s scientific literacy and encourage their
democratic participation in informed decisions making.
In a time when we claim the educational relevance of science, promoting its early start among three to
six-year-old children is necessary to create appropriate strategies to guide educators towards practices which are
consistent with the current national science curriculum guidelines.
The objectives of this study are twofold. Firstly it aims to depict the type of training kindergarten teachers of
the district of Bragança receive in the field of sciences. Secondly it intends to clarify didactical and pedagogical
aspects set out by educators in the context of experimental sciences in their everyday workplace.
The data was gathered through questionnaires, in the universe of the kindergarten teachers in this district. It is based on a
case study of descriptive and interpretative nature.
The overall results show that they are satisfied with the experimental sciences training they received in their
initial degrees, although a more practical training is needed to implement sciences in their everyday practice, as
well as more scientific and pedagogical resources in order to make them feel more confident regarding education
in sciences
Desenvolvimento profissional dos educadores de infância: formação continuada em ciências
Num tempo em que se reclama a relevância educativa da iniciação às ciências, nas faixas etárias mais baixas, é necessário apontar estratégias que conduzam os agentes educativos a práticas consentâneas com as atuais orientações internacionais da investigação. Neste contexto, o estudo que se apresenta tem como propósito apresentar dados sobre a formação continuada oferecida aos educadores de infância, do distrito de Bragança, e sobre a caracterização que estes fazem das suas práticas na Área de Conhecimento do Mundo (ME, 1987).
No que respeita ao design da investigação trata-se de um estudo de natureza qualitativa, descritiva e interpretativa. Para a recolha de dados optamos pelo questionário, desenvolvido por Rodrigues (2011), e cujas respostas foram analisadas e interpretadas à luz dos objetivos definidos. Do total de educadores do distrito de Bragança, 213, obtivemos 194 respostas.
Os resultados obtidos evidenciam que os educadores reconhecem as potencialidades da educação em ciências e o interesse das crianças pelos assuntos deste campo do saber. No entanto, as suas limitações científicas e didáticas impedem-nos de abordar esta área de forma mais fundamentada e com a frequência desejável, o que vem confirmar a importância que a formação continuada tem no seu desenvolvimento profissional.
Em suma, podemos concluir que é fundamental conhecermos a formação dos educadores bem como os seus contextos e percursos profissionais para melhor compreendermos as suas necessidades e as suas expectativas, para, posteriormente, podermos dar resposta às necessidades encontradas e oferecer uma formação de qualidade com relevância para o seu desenvolvimento profissional, pessoal e social
Formação inicial e continuada dos Educadores de Infância do distrito de Bragança: percepção sobre as suas práticas didáctico-pedagógicas em ciências
Este documento tem o intuito de apresentar o resultado de trabalhos de investigação levados a cabo no âmbito de um estudo mais amplo de Doutoramento em Didáctica, para desenvolver um programa de formação para educadores de infância com vista à implementação do trabalho experimental na sua prática didáctico-pedagógica, de acordo com as actuais orientações curriculares para crianças, as quais salientam uma abordagem CTS.
Os dados apresentados reportam-se à primeira parte do estudo, são fruto da informação recolhida através do inquérito por questionário, realizado como diagnóstico aos educadores de infância da rede pública e privada, do distrito de Bragança
Percepção dos educadores de infância portugueses, sobre as suas práticas didáctico-pedagógicas em ciências: sua importância para o desenvolvimento de um programa de formação
O presente trabalho tem como propósito revelar alguns dados obtidos no âmbito da realização dos estudos de Doutoramento em Didáctica das Ciências, cuja principal finalidade é desenvolver um programa de formação para educadores de infância com vista à implementação do trabalho experimental em ciências na sua prática didáctico-pedagógica, de acordo com as actuais orientações curriculares, as quais salientam uma abordagem CTS.
Os dados apresentados reportam-se à primeira parte do referido estudo, e relacionam-se com a formação inicial e continuada oferecida aos educadores de infância, da rede pública e privada, do distrito e Bragança (norte de Portugal). Consideramos este aspecto fundamental para melhor compreendermos as suas necessidades e as suas expectativas, para, posteriormente, com o programa de formação podemos dar resposta às necessidades encontradas
Education for sciences in the pre-School: contributions from a training programme
It is consensual nowadays that it is urgent to
train people with a high level of scientific
literacy. Therefore, and according to our
personal and professional interest
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