13,455 research outputs found

    The Effects of Climate on Suicide Rates in 36 Oregon Counties

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    This study looked at average temperature, amount of rainfall and amount of sunshine in all 36 Oregon counties and how they affect suicide rates. Climate information was gathered over the past 30 years and suicide rates were measured between the years 2013 and 2016. It was hypothesized that there would be a negative relationship between low temperature and suicide rates. It was also predicted that there would be a negative relationship between high temperatures and suicide rates. This study found that there was a negative relationship between average high temperature and sucide rates. It also found there is to be a negative relationship between median household income and suicide rates

    The role of the eucharist in the making of an ecclesiology according to haimo of auxerre’s commentary on I cor

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    Carolingian biblical exegesis presents itself as a synthesis of exegetical and theological patristic tradition in order to make it affordable to the Christians of that time. The result of that process are interpretations of biblical texts that can be considered new, though based on the texts of the Fathers. Among them it is possible to find images of the Church containing ideas about power or how to govern and to order society. This paper studies Haimo of Auxerre’s commentary on I Cor 12, 12 et seq in order to establish the author’s concept of ’body of Christ’, in the context of the Eucharistic controversy of the ninth century. It also studies the ideological consequences of his exegesis.Fil: Hernandez Rodriguez, Alfonso Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias Humanas; Argentina. Universidad de la Defensa Nacional; Argentin

    Contributions to the sociology of law : a critical reading of Marx and Weber : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Sociology, Massey University

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    The purpose of this thesis is to aid the process of uderstanding the sociology of law - what it has been and what it can be. It is most important to consider to what extent can law and sociology contribute in the real human struggle for economic, social and political freedom. There are points of convergence and important differences between the legal and the sociological approaches to the study of law and society. Today, interdisciplinary research is increasing at different levels of law and sociology, and a new analytical perspective, a contemporary sociology of law, has emerged. In order to point out new directions within this field of enquiry, we try to grasp the differences and interstices between the approaches made by law and sociology. Both perspectives are important in the analysis of the dual nature of law, that is, as a product of society and as a system making itself felt in society. Our concern in this thesis is with law as a social phenomenon from a sociological perspective, and in particular, with the contribution of Marx and Weber to an understanding of the relationship between law and society. The most important aspects of Marx's and Weber's contributions to the sociology of law have to do with philosophical and epistemological considerations. What Weber and Marx thought about human nature and how they conceived science is still fundamental to contemporary developments in the sociology of law. The critical discussion of Marx' and Weber's work attempts to show how partially conflicting and yet complementary sociological perspectives can contribute to a theoretical and conceptual convergence of sociological and legal approaches to the analysis of law and society. Traditionally Weber and Marx have been seen as belonging to two totally opposed philosophical positions. However, we explore here premises which they share, in the hope of opening a new dialogue between their legacies. The approach made here is tentative and certainly incomplete. There are no conclusive remarks which force a particular synthesis upon otherwise 'incommensurate' positions

    Addressing the Racial Disparity in Birth Outcomes: Implications for Maternal Racial Identity on Birthweight

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    Background: As a widely used marker of health, birthweight has been a persistent racialized disparity with the low birthweight rate of Blacks in Alabama nearly doubling the national average. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of racial identity and acculturation on birthweight in a sample of Black women living in Alabama. Methods: Black women (n=72) in West Alabama were surveyed about the birthweight of their first born child. Correlation and multiple linear regression analyses were conducted. Results: Racial identity was the only significant predictor of birthweight. Mothers with a strong racial identity reported having low birthweight babies less often than those who scored lower on racial identity. Further exploration of racial identity revealed self-image as the essential element that predicted birthweight. Birthweight increased 4.2 ounces for each additional degree of self-image. Results also indicated that birthweight decreased as mothers’ age increased, within the widely accepted optimal maternal age range 21 to 35. Conclusions: Results add to the existing body of literature in support of the positive effects racial identity has on health. Findings on age are congruent with the weathering hypothesis which states that the health of Black women may begin to deteriorate in early adulthood possibly due to the strain of racism

    La Trasnacionalización de Capitales en la Globalización y las Alternativas Sociales

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    La llamada globalización, en los hechos re ales y a pesar del discurso ideológico dominante, hasta ahora ha representado una grave concentración de la riqueza que gen era marginalización en un alto grado para las cuatro quintas par tes de la humanidad. Las empresas transnacionales aparecen como la punta de lanza de este proceso, cuyo prin ci pal objetivo es incrementar el nivel de ganancia del capitalismo, a costa de lo que sea. Estas empresas transnacionales también generan un importante proceso que pareciera buscar la homogeneización cul tural; frente a este proceso comienzan a surgir movimientos sociales de auténtica defensa frente a los proyectos modernizadores ahistóricos, cuyas consecuencias se concretan en las tensiones producidas en tre lo nacional y lo global. Los nuevos proyectos sociales se plantean la tarea pri mor dial de construir un modelo económico y so cial humanista

    Aportaciones teóricas para los estudios urbanos y regionales

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    La necesidad de recuperar el ejercicio de la reflexión y discusión teórica como sustento de la construcción del proceso de investigación en el campo de los estudios urbanos y regionales nos permite presentar en este trabajo una reconstrucción analítica de anteriores y nuevas aportaciones teóricas, las cuales proporcionan elementos territoriales para entender la complejidad de las recientes transformaciones urbanas y regionales.La necesidad de recuperar el ejercicio de la reflexión y discusión teórica como sustento de la construcción del proceso de investigación en el campo de los estudios urbanos y regionales nos permite presentar en este trabajo una reconstrucción analítica de anteriores y nuevas aportaciones teóricas, las cuales proporcionan elementos territoriales para entender la complejidad de las recientes transformaciones urbanas y regionales

    Implicaciones sociales y económicas del entorno global:notas para la discusión

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    The Revista or Memorias de la Sociedad Científica Antonio Alzate was a monthly publication, edited by the society of the same name founded on October 4th, 1884, in memory of the great Mexican intellectual Antonio Alzate. This publication became one of the most important scientific Mexican journals of its time, due to the high academic quality of its Mexican and foreign contributors. In this work we analyze and elaborate a database of the articles published in Memorias through which we can observe the transition from classical to modern physics in MexicoEl entorno global se define como las condiciones políticas que sostienen un proceso economico de concentración y transformacion que impacta en los proyectos de desarrollo de los países centrales y pefiréricos del mundo, las interacciones y las decisiones de los actores sociales y económicos hacia el tercer milenio

    Entre la competitividad local y la competitividad global: floricultura comercial en el Estado de México

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    Este estudio tiene la intención de mostrar que el impulso renovado a la producción de la flor de corte en el Estado de México, México, ha modelado un nuevo tipo de economía externa, que caracteriza el fortalecimiento de las relaciones con el mercado internacional, la mejora artificial de la economía del tiempo en los lugares de la producción, así como la sistematización de la oferta de flor y el proceso de comercialización. Los factores del nuevo modelo económico han cambiado hacia el exterior, pero hacia el interior de las áreas de producción el aprovechamiento de los recursos básicos favorece el cambio tecnológico y los intereses de algunas empresas que han aumentado su productividad individual y corporativa en el mercado nacional e internacional.Este estudio tiene la intención de mostrar que el impulso renovado a la producción de la flor de corte en el Estado de México, México, ha modelado un nuevo tipo de economía externa, que caracteriza el fortalecimiento de las relaciones con el mercado internacional, la mejora artificial de la economía del tiempo en los lugares de la producción, así como la sistematización de la oferta de flor y el proceso de comercialización. Los factores del nuevo modelo económico han cambiado hacia el exterior, pero hacia el interior de las áreas de producción el aprovechamiento de los recursos básicos favorece el cambio tecnológico y los intereses de algunas empresas que han aumentado su productividad individual y corporativa en el mercado nacional e internacional
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