16 research outputs found

    Readmission to hospital within 30 days of discharge - in older adults

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    Ordfront The Development of a Publishing House

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    The aim of this thesis has been to study the development of Ordfront förlag from their foundation in 1969 until today, concerning their publishing profile and their size. Ordfront started out as a small publishing house and is today one of the few middle sized publishing houses in Sweden. Their books focus on questions concerning society, debate and politics. The question posed in this thesis was: What has influenced Ordfront förlag concerning size and publishing profile? In order to answer our question we have used a system analytic method, in which we examined some external and internal elements. The elements we have examined are 1 föreningen Ordfront, Ordfront magasin and Bokfront, 2 The Swedish Book Market, 3 Politics and Society. These elements have been compared and analyzed in relation to Ordfront. The theory applied to this thesis is the field theory developed by Pierre Bourdieu. We have found that all the elements affect each other and it is hard to say that one is more important than another. However we have confirmed that the first element has been the most important for the size of Ordfront, while the third element has influenced the publishing profile the most.UppsatsnivÄ:

    Teaching in compulsory schools for students with learning disabilities from a health perspective. : aspects affecting daily physical activity.

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    Författarna till denna studie Ă€r tvĂ„ blivande speciallĂ€rare, inriktning mot utvecklingsstörning. Under studietiden har de bĂ„da författarna till studien arbetat som lĂ€rare pĂ„ grundsĂ€rskolan senare del, dĂ€r de har haft som mĂ„l att införa mer fysisk aktivitet i form av rörelsepauser och en mer aktiv undervisning under hela skoldagen för eleverna med intellektuell funktionsnedsĂ€ttning. IdĂ©n till studien föddes efter att författarna följt samhĂ€llsdebatten kring elevers minskning av fysisk aktivitet. En nyfikenhet och intresse fanns att undersöka hur eller om andra speciallĂ€rare arbetar för att öka elevernas fysiska aktivitet och hĂ€lsa pĂ„ grundsĂ€rskolan. UtifrĂ„n detta intresse formade vi studien som fick titeln: Undervisning i grundsĂ€rskolan ur ett hĂ€lsoperspektiv, aspekter som pĂ„verkar daglig fysisk aktivitet. Syftet studien Ă€r att analysera och belysa hur sex speciallĂ€rare/blivande speciallĂ€rare i grundsĂ€rskolans senare del beskriver sin undervisning utifrĂ„n ett hĂ€lsoperspektiv dĂ€r det fysiska perspektivet Ă€r centraltSyftet med studien Ă€r att ge ett kunskapsbidrag genom att öka medvetenheten kring hur speciallĂ€rarna ser pĂ„ möjligheterna till daglig fysisk aktivitet inom ramen för hela skoldagen. Vidare grundar sig studien pĂ„ litteratur, nationell och internationell forskning samt teoretiska begrepp om KASAM. Den teoretiska utgĂ„ngspunkten i studien Ă€r KASAM, kĂ€nsla av sammanhang, Antonovsky (2005). Som teoretisk utgĂ„ngspunkt i analysen av resultatet har författarna till studien valt att anvĂ€nda ett salugent hĂ€lsoperspektiv. Studien byggdes upp utifrĂ„n litteraturstudier samt halvstrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer som metod dĂ„ detta tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt ansĂ„gs vara mest2lĂ€mpat för att besvara studiens frĂ„gestĂ€llningar (Bryman, 2018). En av de mest grundlĂ€ggande dragen i kvalitativ forskning Ă€r att uttrycka olika individers handlingar, erfarenheter, vanor och synsĂ€tt (Nilholm, 2016) detta var författarnas tanke med studien. Studien Ă€r empirisk och den bygger pĂ„ sex individuella intervjuer med speciallĂ€rare/blivande speciallĂ€rare som arbetar och undervisar elever pĂ„ grundsĂ€rskolans senare del.Studien visar att det Ă€r organisatoriska förutsĂ€ttningar samt personalens instĂ€llning som styr elevernas möjligheter till fysisk aktivitet. Möjligheten till att pĂ„verka utifrĂ„n elevperspektiv Ă€r enligt pedagogerna styrt av lokal- och personaltillgĂ„ng. Ingen av respondenterna lyfter elevernas önskemĂ„l som styrande i frĂ„gan om hinder och möjligheter till fysisk aktivitet. NĂ€r elevperspektivet lyfts av respondenterna Ă€r det i beskrivningar kring vad eleverna gör pĂ„ sina raster.Alla respondenterna upplever fysisk aktivitet som positivt.The authors of this study are two prospective special teachers, in compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities.During the study period, the two authors of the study worked as a teacher in the later part of the compulsory school. pupils with learning disabilities. The authors have had a goal to introduce more physical activity in the form of break activities and a more active teaching throughout the whole school day for students with intellectual disabilities. The idea for the study arose after the authors followed the social debate about pupils' reduction of physical activity. There was a curiosity and interest in investigating how or if other special education teachers work to increase the students' physical activity and health in compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities. Based on this interest, we wrote this study entitled: Teaching in compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities from a health perspective.The purpose of this study is to elucidate how six specialist teachers / prospective special teachers in the latter part of the compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities describe their teaching from a health perspective where the physical perspective is central. The study highlights the physical activities within the framework of the entire school day.Furthermore, the study also has the purpose to provide a knowledge contribution by raising awareness of how special teachers view the opportunities for daily physical activity within the framework of the entire school day. Furthermore, the study is based on literature, national and international research and theoretical concepts of KASAM. The theoretical starting point of the study is KASAM, sense of Coherence, Antonovsky (2005). As a theoretical starting point in the analysis of the results, the authors of the study have chosen to use a salutogenesis health  perspective. The study was based on literature studies and semi-structured qualitative interviews as a method as this approach was considered most suitable for answering the study's questions (Bryman, 2018). One of the most basic features of qualitative research is to express the actions, experiences, habits and attitudes of different individuals (Nilholm, 2016) this was the authors' idea with the study. The study is empirical, and it is based on six individual interviews with specialist teachers / prospective special teachers who work and teach students in the latter part of the compulsory school for pupils with severe learning disabilities.The study shows that it is organizational conditions and the attitude of the staff that controls the student’s opportunities for physical activity. According to the educators, the opportunity to influence from a student perspective is governed by local and staff access. None of the respondents highlighted the students' wishes as a guide on the issue of obstacles and opportunities for physical activity. When the student perspective is raised by the respondents, it is in descriptions of what the students do on their breaks.All respondents perceive physical activity as positive

    Medication-related hospital readmissions within 30 days of discharge : A retrospective study of risk factors in older adults

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown that approximately 20% of hospital readmissions can be medication-related and 70% of these readmissions are possibly preventable. This retrospective medical records study aimed to find risk factors associated with medication-related readmissions to hospital within 30 days of discharge in older adults (≄65 years).METHODS: 30-day readmissions (n = 360) were assessed as being either possibly or unlikely medication-related after which selected variables were used to individually compare the two groups to a comparison group (n = 360). The aim was to find individual risk factors of possibly medication-related readmissions focusing on living arrangements, polypharmacy, potentially inappropriate medication therapy, and changes made to medication regimens at initial discharge.RESULTS: A total of 143 of the 360 readmissions (40%) were assessed as being possibly medication-related. Charlson Comorbidity Index (OR 1.15, 95%CI 1.5-1.25), excessive polypharmacy (OR 1.74, 95%CI 1.07-2.81), having adjustments made to medication dosages at initial discharge (OR 1.63, 95%CI 1.03-2.58) and living in your own home, alone, were variables identified as risk factors of such readmissions. Living in your own home, alone, increased the odds of a possibly medication-related readmission 1.69 times compared to living in your own home with someone (p-value 0.025) and 2.22 times compared to living in a nursing home (p-value 0.037).CONCLUSION: Possibly medication-related readmissions within 30 days of discharge, in patients 65 years and older, are common. The odds of such readmissions increase in comorbid, highly medicated patients living in their own home, alone, and if having medication dosages adjusted at initial discharge. These results indicate that care planning before discharge and the provision of help with, for example, managing medications after discharge, are factors especially important if aiming to reduce the amount of medication-related readmissions among this population. Further research is needed to confirm this hypothesis

    Risk factors for hospital readmission in older adults within 30 days of discharge - a comparative retrospective study

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    BACKGROUND: The area of hospital readmission in older adults within 30 days of discharge is extensively researched but few studies look at the whole process. In this study we investigated risk factors related, not only to patient characteristics prior to and events during initial hospitalisation, but also to the processes of discharge, transition of care and follow-up. We aimed to identify patients at most risk of being readmitted as well as processes in greatest need of improvement, the goal being to find tools to help reduce early readmissions in this population.METHODS: This comparative retrospective study included 720 patients in total. Medical records were reviewed and variables concerning patient characteristics prior to and events during initial hospital stay, as well as those related to the processes of discharge, transition of care and follow-up, were collected in a standardised manner. Either a Student's t-test, χ2-test or Fishers' exact test was used for comparisons between groups. A multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify variables associated with readmission.RESULTS: The final model showed increased odds of readmission in patients with a higher Charlson Co-morbidity Index (OR 1.12, p-value 0.002), excessive polypharmacy (OR 1.66, p-value 0.007) and living in the community with home care (OR 1.61, p-value 0.025). The odds of being readmitted within 30 days increased if the length of stay was 5 days or longer (OR 1.72, p-value 0.005) as well as if being discharged on a Friday (OR 1.88, p-value 0.003) or from a surgical unit (OR 2.09, p-value 0.001).CONCLUSION: Patients of poor health, using 10 medications or more regularly and living in the community with home care, are at greater risk of being readmitted to hospital within 30 days of discharge. Readmissions occur more often after being discharged on a Friday or from a surgical unit. Our findings indicate patients at most risk of being readmitted as well as discharging routines in most need of improvement thus laying the ground for further studies as well as targeted actions to take in order to reduce hospital readmissions within 30 days in this population

    Medication-related hospital readmissions within 30 days of discharge : a retrospective study of risk factors in older adults

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown that approximately 20% of hospital readmissions can be medication-related and 70% of these readmissions are possibly preventable. This retrospective medical records study aimed to find risk factors associated with medication-related readmissions to hospital within 30 days of discharge in older adults (≄65 years). METHODS: 30-day readmissions (n = 360) were assessed as being either possibly or unlikely medication-related after which selected variables were used to individually compare the two groups to a comparison group (n = 360). The aim was to find individual risk factors of possibly medication-related readmissions focusing on living arrangements, polypharmacy, potentially inappropriate medication therapy, and changes made to medication regimens at initial discharge. RESULTS: A total of 143 of the 360 readmissions (40%) were assessed as being possibly medication-related. Charlson Comorbidity Index (OR 1.15, 95%CI 1.5–1.25), excessive polypharmacy (OR 1.74, 95%CI 1.07–2.81), having adjustments made to medication dosages at initial discharge (OR 1.63, 95%CI 1.03–2.58) and living in your own home, alone, were variables identified as risk factors of such readmissions. Living in your own home, alone, increased the odds of a possibly medication-related readmission 1.69 times compared to living in your own home with someone (p-value 0.025) and 2.22 times compared to living in a nursing home (p-value 0.037). CONCLUSION: Possibly medication-related readmissions within 30 days of discharge, in patients 65 years and older, are common. The odds of such readmissions increase in comorbid, highly medicated patients living in their own home, alone, and if having medication dosages adjusted at initial discharge. These results indicate that care planning before discharge and the provision of help with, for example, managing medications after discharge, are factors especially important if aiming to reduce the amount of medication-related readmissions among this population. Further research is needed to confirm this hypothesis

    Obstacles and Opportunities in Information Transfer Regarding Medications at Discharge - A Focus Group Study with Hospital Physicians

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    Purpose: This qualitative study aimed to investigate experiences and perceptions of hospital physicians regarding the discharging process, focusing on information transfer regarding medications.Methods: By purposive sampling three focus groups were formed. To facilitate discussions and maintain consistency, a semi-structured interview guide was used. Discussions were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the anonymized data. A confirmatory analysis concluded that the main findings were supported by data.Results: Identified obstacles were divided into three categories with two sub-categories each: Infrastructure; IT-systems currently used are suboptimal and complex. Hospital and primary care use different electronic medical records, complicating matters. The work organization is not helping with time scarcity and lack of continuity. Distinct routines could help create continuity but are not always in place, known, and/or followed. Physician: knowledge and education in the systems is not always provided nor prioritized. Understanding the consequences of not following routines and taking responsibility regarding the medications list is important. Not everyone has the self-reliance or willingness to do so. Patient/next of kin: For patients to provide information on medications used is not always easy when hospitalized. Understanding information provided can be hard, especially when medical jargon is used and there is no one available to provide support. A central theme, " We're only human", encompasses how physicians do their best despite difficult conditions. Conclusion: There are several obstacles in transferring information regarding medications at discharge. Issues regarding infrastructure are seldom possible for the individual physician to influence. However, several issues raised by the participating physicians are possible to act upon. In doing so medication errors in care transitions might decrease and information transfer at discharge might improve

    Cutaneous, mucocutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis in Sweden from 1996-2016 : A retrospective study of clinical characteristics, treatments and outcomes 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences

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    Background: Leishmaniasis is a neglected and poorly reported parasitic infection transmitted by sand flies in tropical and subtropical regions. Knowledge about leishmaniasis has become important in non-endemic countries due to increased migration and travel. Few studies of the clinical management of cutaneous, mucocutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis in non-endemic regions have been published to date. In this study, we aimed to evaluate patient characteristics, clinical manifestations and treatments of leishmaniasis in Sweden, over a 20-year period. Methods: A retrospective observational nationwide study was performed using medical records of patients diagnosed with leishmaniasis in Sweden from 1996 to 2016. Cases with culture and polymerase chain reaction verified leishmaniasis were identified at the Public Health Agency of Sweden. Results: In total, 165 cases of leishmaniasis were diagnosed from 1996 to 2016. Medical records from 156 patients (95%) were available for review and included in the study. Cutaneous leishmaniasis was the dominant manifestation (n = 149, 96%), and in 66 patients (44%) cutaneous leishmaniasis was due to Leishmania tropica. Other manifestations were mucocutaneous (n = 4, 3%), visceral (n = 2, 1%) and post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (n = 1, 1%). During this time period, the number of cases increased, especially after 2013. Most patients (n = 81, 52%) were migrants who were infected in their countries of origin (from 2013 to 2016, mainly Syria or Afghanistan). Other groups were Swedish tourists (25%) and returning workers (13%). The time from collection of the diagnostic sample to the start of treatment was less than one month in 81 (66%) patients and under three months in 124 patients (96%). Among the 149 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis, 125 patients received antileishmanial treatment, and in 88 of these patients (70%) cure was achieved, regardless of treatment. Conclusions: The number of leishmaniasis cases diagnosed in Sweden increased between 1996 and 2016, mainly in migrants from endemic countries. Although leishmaniasis is a rare disease in Sweden, patients appear to be diagnosed early and treated according to current European guidelines, resulting in an overall high cure rate

    Identifying older adults at increased risk of medication-related readmission to hospital within 30 days of discharge : development and validation of a risk assessment tool

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    Objective: Developing and validating a risk assessment tool aiming to identify older adults (& GE;65 years) at increased risk of possibly medication-related readmission to hospital within 30 days of discharge. Design: Retrospective cohort study. SettingThe risk score was developed using data from a hospital in southern Sweden and validated using data from four hospitals in the mid-eastern part of Sweden. Participants: The development cohort (n=720) was admitted to hospital during 2017, whereas the validation cohort (n=892) was admitted during 2017-2018. Measures: The risk assessment tool aims to predict possibly medication-related readmission to hospital within 30 days of discharge. Variables known at first admission and individually associated with possibly medication-related readmission were used in development. The included variables were assigned points, and Youden's index was used to decide a threshold score. The risk score was calculated for all individuals in both cohorts. Area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (c-index) was used to measure the discrimination of the developed risk score. Sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values were calculated using cross-tabulation. Results: The developed risk assessment tool, the Hospitalisations, Own home, Medications, and Emergency admission (HOME) Score, had a c-index of 0.69 in the development cohort and 0.65 in the validation cohort. It showed sensitivity 76%, specificity 54%, positive predictive value 29% and negative predictive value 90% at the threshold score in the development cohort. Conclusion: The HOME Score can be used to identify older adults at increased risk of possibly medication-related readmission within 30 days of discharge. The tool is easy to use and includes variables available in electronic health records at admission, thus making it possible to implement risk-reducing activities during the hospital stay as well as at discharge and in transitions of care. Further studies are needed to investigate the clinical usefulness of the HOME Score as well as the benefits of implemented activities