11 research outputs found

    Diffusionsgewichtete Magnetresonanztomographie bei 3.0T in der Diagnostik des akuten und subakuten ischÀmischen Insultes : zwei intraindividuelle Vergleichsstudien

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    Die beiden Studien zur Hochfeld-MR-Diffusionsbildgebung haben gezeigt, dass die 3.0T-echoplanare Einzelpuls-Diffusionsbildgebung sowohl ohne, als auch in Kombination mit Sensitivity Encoding in der Diagnostik des subakuten ischĂ€mischen Insultes technisch gut durchfĂŒhrbar ist. Die in der 3.0T-Diffusionsbildgebung deutlich stĂ€rker ausgeprĂ€gten Bildverzerrungen können im Vergleich zur 1.5T-Diffusionsbildgebung die Diagnostik behindern, vor allem wenn es um ischĂ€mische LĂ€sionen in der hinteren SchĂ€delgrube und im Bereich des Hirnstamms geht. Deshalb sollte die 3.0T-Diffusionsbildgebung immer in mindestens zwei Ebenen durchgefĂŒhrt werden, um falsch negative Befunde zu vermeiden, sofern keine Techniken zur Verminderung der SuszeptibilitĂ€tsartefakte verfĂŒgbar sind (wie beispielsweise parallele Bildgebung). Beste Resultate in der 3.0T-Diffusionsbildgebung hinsichtlich BildqualitĂ€t und der Anzahl an differenzierten ischĂ€mischen LĂ€sionen wurden in dem Bereich zwischen b=1000 s/mmÂČ und b=1570 s/mmÂČ erreicht. Durch die Steigerung der MagnetfeldstĂ€rke konnten in der 3.0T-Diffusionsbildgebung die SNR (signal-noise-ratio) und besonders die CNR (contrast-noise-ratio) der ischĂ€mischen LĂ€sionen signifikant verbessert werden. Die erhöhten CNR machten es möglich, auch kleine mikroembolische LĂ€sionen zu diagnostizieren, die in der 1.5T-Diffusionsbildgebung nicht darstellbar waren. Dadurch stieg die SensitivitĂ€t fĂŒr ischĂ€mische LĂ€sionen von 73% in der 1.5T-Diffusionsbildgebung auf 98% in der 3.0T-Diffusionsbildgebung. Es wurden aber durch das Vorliegen weiterer LĂ€sionen alle Patienten mit ischĂ€mischen LĂ€sionen auch in der 1.5T-Diffusionsbildgebung richtig diagnostiziert. Vermutlich wird der SensitivitĂ€tsanstieg, der durch die Steigerung der MagnetfeldstĂ€rke von 1.5T auf 3.0T bewiesen werden konnte, doch in der Zukunft bei einigen Patienten von klinischer Relevanz sein. GrĂ¶ĂŸere Studien mit vorwiegend Patienten in der akuten und hyperakuten Phase eines ischĂ€mischen Insults oder Patienten mit typischem Risikoprofil fĂŒr einen ischĂ€mischen Insult könnten weitere Ergebnisse zu dieser Frage liefern. Danach könnte auch eine Aussage darĂŒber gemacht werden, ob die höhere SensitivitĂ€t in der 3.0T-Diffusionsbildgebung VerĂ€nderungen im therapeutischen Bereich nach sich zieht. Mit dem Einsatz von Sensitivity Encoding in der 3.0T-Diffusionsbildgebung konnte eine signifikante Verbesserung der BildqualitĂ€t verglichen mit der konventionellen Dffusionsbildgebung bei 3.0T erzielt werden. Vor allem durch SuszeptibilitĂ€tseffekte hervorgerufene Bildverzerrungen traten deutlich seltener auf. Die bei SENSE etwas niedrigeren SNR wirkten sich nicht negativ auf die diagnostische Sicherheit aus, mit der LĂ€sionen mit ADC-VerĂ€nderungen differenziert oder ausgeschlossen werden konnten. Im Gegenteil wurde die diagnostische Sicherheit in der SENSE-Diffusionsbildgebung durchschnittlich sogar als etwas besser beurteilt. LĂ€sionen konnten sicherer diagnostiziert oder ausgeschlossen werden. Dadurch erklĂ€rt sich auch die Tatsache, dass in der konventionellen 3.0T-Diffsusionsbildgebung bei insgesamt 5 von 85 Patienten (6%) falsche Diagnosen gestellt wurden (3 falsch negative, 2 falsch positive), in der SENSE-Diffusionsbildgebung jedoch bei allen 85 Patienten nur richtige Diagnosen gestellt wurden

    Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda for Organics and agroecology

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    TP Organics is one of the 40 European Technology Platforms recognized by the European Commission. Since 2007, TP Organics has been shaping research and innovation agendas to advocate for more sustainable food and farming systems in Europe based on organic and agroecological principles. The research priorities outlined in this publication are the result of intensive discussions, workshops and consultations that TP Organics held in 2018–2019. The priorities are the reflection of the knowledge and innovation needs of farmers, processors, companies, and civil society groups. They are eager to work with researchers and transform the food and farming systems of Europe. Our food and farming systems need to be climate-neutral, circular, diverse and fair. They need to be prepared for the rapid digitalisation of our economies, which brings new opportunities but also comes with risks. To achieve this, all actors need to change the way we produce and consume our food. Policy makers have a crucial role to play in this transformation. Their role is to ensure a common, integrated and holistic approach to food policy. An approach that has a long-term vision for the future, harmonizes goals, strategies and actions across sectors1, prioritizes investment for public goods and engages diverse actors in making this happen. TP Organics is convinced that research and innovation on organics and agroecology can enable the transition of our food systems towards a more sustainable future for all. The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda shows concrete research areas and priorities that need to receive proper support at EU level, in particular through Horizon Europe, the European Partnerships and Missions as well as EIP-AGRI, in order to leverage the potential of organics and agroecology

    Progression of renal function in patients with Fabry disease: A prospective cohort study

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    Die Fabry-Nephropathie zĂ€hlt zu den hĂ€ufigsten Manifestationen des Morbus Fabry und ist als Indikator fĂŒr die Schwere der Erkrankung prognosebestimmend. Daher ist die Erforschung des Verlaufs der Nierenfunktion bei den betroffenen Patientinnen und Patienten von großer Bedeutung, um sie bestmöglich und vor allem rechtzeitig therapieren zu können. Aufgrund der X-chromosomalen Vererbung der seltenen lysosomalen Speicherkrankheit variieren die KrankheitsverlĂ€ufe sowohl zwischen MĂ€nnern und Frauen als auch innerhalb eines Geschlechts, sodass die Unterteilung des Patientenkollektivs in klassische und nicht klassische AusprĂ€gungsformen eine gĂ€ngige Methode zur Beantwortung von Fragestellungen zu Morbus Fabry darstellt. Dies erfolgte in der vorgelegten Arbeit fĂŒr das Studienkollektiv des FAZiT WĂŒrzburg nach Arends et al. auf Grundlage der phĂ€notypischen Merkmale der Angiokeratome und der Cornea verticillata. Gegenstand dieser Dissertation war die Untersuchung der Nierenfunktion bei Patientinnen und Patienten mit Morbus Fabry in AbhĂ€ngigkeit ihres Geschlechts und ihrer Klassifikation. Hierzu wurden im Studienkollektiv des FAZiT WĂŒrzburg die VerĂ€nderungen der geschĂ€tzten glomerulĂ€ren Filtrationsrate (eGFR) im Zeitverlauf analysiert. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass sich der Verlauf der Fabry-Nephropathie zwischen MĂ€nnern und Frauen in der Kohorte statistisch signifikant unterschied und zudem die Klassifikation in AbhĂ€ngigkeit des Geschlechts prognostisch relevante Informationen fĂŒr den Verlauf der Nierenerkrankung enthielt. Demnach ist bei MĂ€nnern im Vergleich zu Frauen im Allgemeinen sowie bei klassischen MĂ€nnern im Vergleich zu nicht klassischen MĂ€nnern im Speziellen von einer grĂ¶ĂŸeren Abnahme der glomerulĂ€ren Filtrationsrare im Verlauf auszugehen. Diese Erkenntnis kann zu einer individuelleren Vorsorge und Therapie der Erkrankung bei MĂ€nnern beitragen. Unter Voraussetzung einer prĂ€zisen und zuverlĂ€ssigen Diagnose der Angiokeratome und der Cornea verticillata wĂ€re es im mĂ€nnlichen Kollektiv auf diese Weise möglich, durch nichtinvasive klinische Untersuchungen Risikopatienten zu identifizieren. FĂŒr die Differenzierung der unterschiedlichen KrankheitsverlĂ€ufe zwischen klassischen und nicht klassischen Frauen haben sich im Studienkollektiv des FAZiT die phĂ€notypischen Merkmale nicht bewĂ€hrt. Die KrankheitsausprĂ€gung im weiblichen Kollektiv ist durch die X-chromosomale Vererbung und das PhĂ€nomen der Lyoniserung komplexer und bisher nicht vollends verstanden. Weitere ForschungsbemĂŒhungen zu bisher unbekannten Risikofaktoren oder epigenetischen EinflĂŒssen auf den Verlauf der Fabry-Nephropathie bei Frauen sind daher notwendig und könnten zu einem besseren VerstĂ€ndnis beitragen.Fabry nephropathy is one of the most common manifestations of Fabry disease and is a prognostic indicator of disease severity. Therefore, understanding the progression of kidney failure in affected patients is of great importance in timely and effective treatment. Due to the X-linked inheritance of the rare lysosomal storage disease, the course of the disease varies amongst the male and female patients, as well as within the same sex group. Hence, the subdivision of the patient population into classical and non-classical forms of expression is a common method of assessing this complex disease. This was done in the presented work for the study collective of the FAZiT WĂŒrzburg following the classification by Arends et al. with the focus on phenotypic features, angiokeratomas and cornea verticillata. The subject of this dissertation was the investigation of renal function in patients with Fabry disease depending on their sex and classification. Therefore, the changes of the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) over time were analyzed in the patient collective of the FAZiT WĂŒrzburg. It was shown that the course of Fabry nephropathy differed significantly between men and women in the cohort. Moreover, it was demonstrated that a classification effect in the study collective was sex-specific, leading to a statistically significant greater decrease in eGFR over time in classical compared with non-classical men. This finding may contribute to a more individualized prevention of progression and therapy of the disease in men. Provided a precise and reliable diagnosis of angiokeratomas and cornea verticillate is made, it would be possible to identify male patients at risk by non-invasive clinical examinations. The phenotypic characteristics did not prove beneficial in regard to the differentiation between the various courses of disease progression in classical and non-classical female patient collective in the FAZiT study. Further research on unknown risk factors and epigenetic alterations are necessary in order to better understand the complex pathophysiology and disease progression of Fabry nephropathy in women

    Grassroots Initiatives as Sustainability Transition Pioneers: Implications and Lessons for Urban Food Systems

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    This review explores the current evidence on the role and success factors of grassroots initiatives in sustainability transitions, with special attention given to social innovations and the transformation of urban food systems, a field that is still rather scantly dealt with in literature compared to technological innovations in other sectors such as energy. In addition to their contributions to get the necessary transformation towards sustainable futures off the ground, the preconditions for grassroots initiatives to thrive are presented—as well as limitations regarding their possibilities and the challenges they face. Increasingly, the importance of civil society and social movements in facilitating societal transformation is recognized by both researchers and policy makers. Within their radical niches, grassroots initiatives do not have to adhere to the logics of the wider systems in which they are embedded. This allows them to experiment with diverse solutions to sustainability challenges such as local food security and sovereignty. By means of democratic, inclusive and participatory processes, they create new pathways and pilot a change of course. Nevertheless, upscaling often comes at the loss of the transformative potential of grassroots initiatives

    Parmotrema hydrium, a new species of Parmeliaceae in southeastern Brazil

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    Parmotrema hydrium is a new lichen species discovered during a survey of Parmeliaceae in the Cantareira mountain range of southeastern Brazil. In its medullary chemistry, the species contains several fatty acids and other substances, including small amounts of atranorin, typically restricted to the soralia and young lobes

    Towards Sustainable Urban Food Systems: Potentials, Impacts and Challenges of Grassroots Initiatives in the Foodshed of Muenster, Germany

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    Solving fundamental sustainability challenges in our food systems requires political, institutional and socio-technical transformations. Indeed, sustainability transitions are needed. In this paper, we explore the role of civil society in the form of bottom–up grassroots initiatives in the transition towards a sustainable urban food system and examine their potentials, impacts and challenges in the foodshed of MĂŒnster in Germany. To this end, relevant initiatives in MĂŒnster have been researched and mapped according to explicit criteria, and case studies have been compiled for two of them using questionnaires, interviews and desk research: a community-supported agriculture (CSA) farm Entrup 119 and an urban gardening initiative GrĂŒneBeete e.V. The results indicate that many initiatives in MĂŒnster focus on education and information, i.e., raising awareness, rather than offering material alternatives. Six initiatives were studied in more depth using desk research and a questionnaire. Key leverage points identified by the initiatives are in policy, education, networks and communication. Two of these were studied as cases. We see these transition pioneers as paradigmatic role models, providing room for experimentation, social learning and empowerment

    Towards Sustainable Urban Food Systems: Potentials, Impacts and Challenges of Grassroots Initiatives in the Foodshed of Muenster, Germany

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    Solving fundamental sustainability challenges in our food systems requires political, institutional and socio-technical transformations. Indeed, sustainability transitions are needed. In this paper, we explore the role of civil society in the form of bottom–up grassroots initiatives in the transition towards a sustainable urban food system and examine their potentials, impacts and challenges in the foodshed of Münster in Germany. To this end, relevant initiatives in Münster have been researched and mapped according to explicit criteria, and case studies have been compiled for two of them using questionnaires, interviews and desk research: a community-supported agriculture (CSA) farm Entrup 119 and an urban gardening initiative GrüneBeete e.V. The results indicate that many initiatives in Münster focus on education and information, i.e., raising awareness, rather than offering material alternatives. Six initiatives were studied in more depth using desk research and a questionnaire. Key leverage points identified by the initiatives are in policy, education, networks and communication. Two of these were studied as cases. We see these transition pioneers as paradigmatic role models, providing room for experimentation, social learning and empowerment

    Organic in Europe - Recent Developments

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    The year 2020 with the COVID-19 crisis was a special year for the organic sector. While the consolidated data for 2019 show a continued growth trend for both organic production and market, in 2020 the market grew considerably faster than in the previous years as consumers turned to health and wellness products and paid more attention to disease prevention. For the UK, for instance, where annual growth rates had been at around 5 percent in recent years, growth was far higher in 2020. Should this trend continue through the post-pandemic times, it is bound to impact organic farmland growth, making it more likely that the European Commission's aim of achieving an organic area share of 25 percent by 2030 will be reached. Apart from strong consumer interest, political support measures including a good regulatory framework, adequate support under the CAP, action plans and support for research and knowledge building will be crucial to achieving this goal. The latest data for Europe show that organic farmland has reached about 16.5 million hectares (EU: 14.6 million hectares) or a share of around 3.3 percent (EU: 8.1 percent). The European Union's organic farmland share is far higher than in most countries and regions of the world; globally, about 1.5 percent of the farmland is organic (72.3 million hectares in 2019). The European Commission aims to reach 25 percent organic area share by 2030. Austria already reached this benchmark in 2019 (more than 26.1 percent of the farmland was organic) and two other Member States are very close to it: Estonia (22.3 percent) and Sweden (20.4 percent). In 2019, the organic market again grew faster than the organic area. Data shows that the EU organic food market increased to more than 41 billion euros or by 8 percent, whereas the farmland grew by 6 percent. While it is good to see strong market growth, the organic farmland area needs to continue to grow strongly as well to reach the 25 percent organic area share goal as set out by the European Commission (2020) in its Farm to Fork strategy

    Catalysis by Metal Nanoparticles in a Plug-In Optofluidic Platform: Redox Reactions of <i>p-</i>Nitrobenzenethiol and <i>p-</i>Aminothiophenol

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    The spectroscopic characterization by surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) has shown great potential in studies of heterogeneous catalysis. We describe a plug-in multifunctional optofluidic platform that can be tailored to serve both as a variable catalyst material and for sensitive optical characterization of the respective reactions using SERS in microfluidic systems. The platform enables the characterization of reactions under a controlled gas atmosphere and does not present with limitations due to nanoparticle adsorption or memory effects. Spectra of the gold-catalyzed reduction of <i>p</i>-nitrothiophenol by sodium borohydride using the plug-in probe provide evidence that the borohydride is the direct source of hydrogen on the gold surface, and that a radical anion is formed as an intermediate. The in situ monitoring of the photoinduced dimerization of <i>p</i>-aminothiophenol indicates that the activation of oxygen is essential for the plasmon-catalyzed oxidation on gold nanoparticles and strongly supports the central role of metal oxide species