330 research outputs found

    The case of organizational behavior in Portuguese junior enterprises: Embeddedness, work-life balance, motivation and satisfaction

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    In nowadays’ context, it is becoming increasingly important for the new entrants in the labor market to differentiate themselves from the others and to be perceived as relevant and valuable human resources. In order to achieve this, students are starting to engage in several different initiatives that improve their résumé, such as Junior Enterprises. This type of enterprises, which were created in 1967, has been developed in several countries, with special incidence in European ones and also in Brazil. In short, they appear as an opportunity for the university’s students to apply their knowledge into real companies, which are their clients. Therefore, in order to deliver a good service, Junior Enterprises must assure a good performance from their members, which, according to several different authors, can be acknowledged through Job Embeddedness, Work-Life Balance, Motivation and Satisfaction. Thus, this research, which was conducted with a sample of Portuguese Junior Entrepreneurs, concluded that Satisfaction impacts positively on Performance, as well as Work-Family Conflict. Other important conclusions of the present research were that Satisfaction acts as a mediator between Job Embeddedness and Performance, and also that Family-Work Conflict does not have a relationship with Performance. Regarding Motivation, it was not possible to study the relationship of this variable with any other, due to the lack of confirmation of required dimensions.No contexto económico e empresarial atual, torna-se importante para os recém-chegados ao mercado de trabalho que sejam capazes de se diferenciar dos demais e, também, que sejam percecionados como recursos humanos relevantes e valiosos. Para que este objetivo seja alcançado, os estudantes começam a envolver-se em diferentes atividades extra-curriculares, como forma de melhorar o seu curriculum vitae, tal como é o caso de Júnior Empresas. Este tipo de Empresas, que foi criado em 1967, tem vindo a surgir em diferentes países, com especial destaque em países Europeus e no Brasil. Desta forma, estas empresas destacam-se como uma oportunidade para os estudantes universitários aplicarem o seu conhecimento em empresas reais, que se assumem como seus clientes. Assim, de forma a oferecerem um bom serviço aos seus clientes, as Júnior Empresas devem assegurar um bom desempenho da parte dos seus membros, o que, de acordo com diversos autores, pode ser alcançado através da sua integração, motivação e satisfação, bem como através de um adequado equilíbrio entre a vida pessoal e profissional dos membros. Este estudo, conduzido numa amostra de Júnior Empresários Portugueses, demonstrou, então, que a Satisfação impacta positivamente no Desempenho, tal como o Conflito Trabalho-Família. Para além disto, outras conclusões importantes foram a de que a Satisfação funciona como um mediador entre a Integração e o Desempenho e, também, a de que o Conflito Família-Trabalho não se relaciona com o Desempenho dos membros. Finalmente, e relativamente à Motivação, não foram possível tirar qualquer conclusão relativamente à relação entre esta variável e qualquer outra, devido à falta de confirmação das dimensões necessárias a esse estudo

    O contributo das diferentes causas de morte para a diferença na esperança de vida entre Portugal e Espanha

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    Em sentido oposto a algumas expectativas que teorizavam um limite para a esperança de vida, resultados recentes demonstram que estamos a quebrar barreiras no que corresponde a esta temática. Situação que apenas se torna possível devido às grandes reduções registadas nos níveis de mortalidade e que, consequentemente, contribuem para o acentuado envelhecimento populacional. Mas será que estas reduções seguem o mesmo padrão quando analisadas por causas de morte, idade e diferentes anos em observação? É isso que nos propomos a analisar para os casos de Portugal e Espanha entre os anos de 1994 e 2009, através da construção de tábuas de mortalidade e da aplicação de metodologias de decomposição distintas

    Innovation in family businesses: a case study of GLSA

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    Nowadays, in a world where competion for market presence is fearless, innovating becomes essential for companies to survive and thrive. Given that the majority of companies worldwide a family business, it is relevant to understand how do these businesses act with regards to innovation. For many family business worldwide innovation is a distinction factor, that allows them to continue to exist throught different generations. In this context, the main purpose of the present dissertation is to understand to what extent are in fact family businesses more innovative than the other kind of enterprises and their capacity to innovate. For that purpose the literature review will, on a first stage address the family business’ relation with innovation, analysing different positions in literature on both the willingness and the abilty of these type of companies to innovate. On a second stage, a study on a family business – the GL company – is presented, in order to provide a practical example of an innovative family business. For the purpose of presenting an internal perspective on the company’s posture towards innovation, interviews were conducted to two senior family members - the CEO and a manager. The qualitative analysis of the interviews has provided practical insights on how GL behaves towards innovation, by applying the key concepts exposed on the literature review to the company’s reality. The theorectical aspects of the present thesis combined with GL’s case study intended to provide a comprehensive approach to the issues relating to the innovation processes within family businesses.Atualmente, num mundo onde a competição pela presença no mercado é destemida, a inovação torna-se essencial para as empresas sobreviverem e prosperarem. Dado que a maioria das empresas em todo o mundo são familiares, é importante entender como as mesmas agem no que diz respeito à inovação Para muitas empresas familiares em todo o mundo, a inovação é um fator de distinção, que lhes permite perlongar por várias gerações. Neste contexto, o principal objetivo da presente dissertação é entender até que ponto as empresas familiares são de fato mais inovadoras do que o outro tipo de empresa e a sua capacidade de inovar. Para esse fim, a revisão de literatura, num primeiro estágio, abordará a relação da empresa familiar com a inovação, analisando diferentes posições na literatura sobre a vontade e a capacidade deste tipo de empresa inovar. Num segundo estágio, é apresentado o estudo sobre uma empresa familiar - a empresa GL - para fornecer um exemplo prático de uma empresa familiar inovadora. Com o objetivo de apresentar uma perspetiva interna da postura da empresa em relação à inovação, foram realizadas entrevistas a dois membros da família de gerações diferentes. A análise qualitativa das entrevistas forneceu informações práticas sobre como a GL se comporta relativamente à inovação, aplicando os conceitos-chave expostos na revisão de literatura à realidade da empresa. Os aspetos teóricos da presente tese combinados com o estudo de caso da GL pretendem fornecer uma abordagem abrangente para as questões relacionadas aos processos de inovação nas empresas familiares

    Ageing alone? The future of the Portuguese Population in discussion?

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    Demographic paradigms are constantly in change with time. Together with the increasing lifespan that is breaking limits thought never attainable, fertility rates are declining across entire Europe. These two factors are contributing jointly to a generalized aging in populations for the most industrialized countries. Portugal is not an exception, and if in some cases fertility recuperation is starting to be observed, it seems that this recuperation is not close to happen to the Portuguese population. However, even that this fertility recuperation starts shortly, the “benefits” will not be identifiable in a short term. Additionally, the fact that Southern Europe is in economic crisis, and that Portugal was the second country from the south, after Greece, in economic collapse, resulted in a strong impact at the family context. With such low fertility and deep economic crisis, the thematic of migration adds a major concern about the population future in the country. Migration in Portugal is predicted to increase rapidly in the next years, possibly returning the country to the same patterns registered in the 1960’s when Portugal was a country of massive out-migration. This reality results in very deep problems to entire populations and let politicians and demographers interested in answering questions like: Will be the country economically sustainable in the future? Is Portugal going to decline total population?, or, How these changes will influence the households structures in the future? Population projections significance is recognized all around the world, being used by different governments with the intention to suppress the necessity of having more information about the diverse demographic issues, and Portugal is not an exception. Trying to answer to the advanced questions, we intend to elaborate a cohort component projection, for a medium term period (next 20 years), that will allow us to identify the Portuguese population structure in the future and, at the same time, evaluate the possible changes that the country will have to face. Here, we assume that: mortality improvement will 1 not be interrupted, estimating future patterns applying the Lee-Carter methodology to forecast future mortality and life expectancy; fertility decline and postponement will increase; and finally migration will be characterized by a massive out-migration. Another purpose of this study, is also to break down these projections, using the headship rate method proposed by the United Nations in 1973 and the model improvements proposed by Ediev in 2007, to estimate the future composition of households in Portugal, by age, sex and civil status. In this way, it is also our aim to provide with our results a possible and important basis of decision for policy makers in what concerns not only to the population structure itself, that is growing older, but also in order to identify (and how to provide) health care demands. The authors made use of to the Human Mortality Database (www.mortality.org), Human Fertility Database (www.humanfertility.org) and the Statistics Portugal (www.ine.pt) as data sources

    Determinants of European tourism demand in a demographic ageing society

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    This study identifies the senior European tourists determinants that explained their decisions to go on holidays. The empirical study was conducted among European tourists by applying a logit model. The model intends to explain the determinants related to the decision to go on holidays since the probability of a senior European tourist taking holidays in a country depends on a mix of motives as previous travel experience and demographic characteristics. Policy and theoretical implications are derived for contributing to the discussion between demographic variables and tourism demand choice patterns.The authors are pleased to acknowledge financial support from FCT – The Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research and Technology - COMPETE, FEDER, Portugal 2020 under the Project UID/HIS/00057/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007702) - CIDEHU

    A reliable M-mode ultrasound protocol for the assessment of diaphragm motion

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    Diaphragm is the principal inspiratory muscle. Different techniques have been used to assess diaphragm motion. Among them, M-mode ultrasound has gain particular interest since it is non-invasive and accessible. However it is operator-dependent and no objective acquisition protocol has been established. Purpose: to establish a reliable method for the assessment of the diaphragmatic motion via the M-mode ultrasound

    A perspectiva dos consumidores portugueses sobre os medicamentos de marca vs medicamentos genéricos

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    Os medicamentos são considerados a principal “ferramenta” terapêutica para a prevenção, recuperação ou manutenção das condições de saúde pública1. Existem inúmeros medicamentos destinados para o mesmo fim, por este motivo, compete à Indústria Farmacêutica desenvolver alternativas de mercado, suficientemente capazes de competir com os outros medicamentos pré-existentes. Um medicamento genérico é um medicamento com a mesma substância activa, forma farmacêutica, dosagem e a mesma indicação terapêutica que o medicamento original, de marca, que serviu de referência, sendo identificados pela sigla (MG). Os medicamentos genéricos para além da mesma qualidade, têm igual, eficácia, segurança, biodisponibilidade e bioequivalência, mas a um preço inferior ao do medicamento original

    Mental Health Policy in Brazil and Paraguay: symmetries and asymmetries

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    O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar e caracterizar o processo de implementação das Políticas de Saúde Mental no Brasil e no Paraguai a partir da lógica proposta pelo Policy Cycle: identificação do problema; conformação da agenda; formulação; implementação e avaliação da política.De maneira a atingir os objetivos propostos, realizou-se uma ampla revisão bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e análise de conteúdo no tratamento dos dados. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que o processo de implementação no Brasil e no Paraguai vem se consolidando de maneira gradativa através de redes de atenção, a Rede de Atenção Psicossocial (RAPS), no caso do Brasil, e das Redes Integradas de Sistemas de Saúde/Linha de Cuidados em Saúde Mental (RISS) no Paraguai, apresentando simetrias e assimetrias nos seus processos de institucionalização.This article presents and characterises the implementation of Mental Health Policy in Brazil and Paraguay based on Policy Cycle logic; Problem identification; forming the agenda; formulation; implementation and evaluation. To achieve this objective a wide bibliographical review, documentary research and data content analysis were carried out. The results of the research indicate that the implementation process in Brazil and Paraguay has gradually been consolidated across treatment networks and the Network of Psychosocial Care (RAPS), in the case of Brazil, and the Integrated Networks of Health Systems/Care Line in Mental Health (RISS) in Paraguay, presenting both symmetries and asymmetries apparent in the process of institutionalisatio

    O impacto da emigração recente no número de nados-vivos em Portugal

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    A recente crise económica observada em Portugal não foi exclusiva do país e registou repercussões massivas a nível internacional. Desde 2008, em Portugal, registaram-se os mais variados cortes no investimento e despesa pública, resultando num grande aumento da taxa de desemprego. Realizaram-se algumas tentativas de minoração dos efeitos da crise económica com a institucionalização de medidas de austeridade como o Programa de Estabilidade e Crescimento (PEC), mas estas não evitaram a intervenção do Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI), trazendo a Troika a Portugal (Alves, 2015; Ribeiro et al., 2015). Durante o seu período em Portugal (2011 – 2014), o país não conseguiu manter a capacidade para atrair novos residentes ou até de fazer regressar aqueles que tinham há muito saído em busca de melhores condições de vida, voltando a ser um país com forte emigração à semelhança do já observado no passado. Apesar desta emigração se dividir entre temporária e permanente, a verdade é que, muito provavelmente, alguns daqueles que pensaram sair do país apenas temporariamente, poderão passar a emigrantes permanentes

    Health and life expectancy differences: Portugal, Spain, Italy and France

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    In the 50’s the difference between the life expectancy in Portugal and the mean value in Europe was about 9 years; this discrepancy had gradually narrowed to 2 years in the mid 80’s. Since then, this difference had remained almost the same. We will focus our analysis in this period, after 1980, to get a closer look concerning the differences between Portugal and the other European countries as Spain, Italy and France. The observed differences in life expectancy will be decomposed: in the infant and child mortality, adult mortality and elderly mortality contributions. These specific contributions are associated both with the healthcare systems and also with the people attitudes and life styles. The Portuguese female life expectancy is the smaller one comparing to the other countries in study. In nowadays, the most important source of the differences in life expectancy is the elderly mortality. The mortality above 60 years old is the source of approximately 75% of the observed differences in life expectancy between Portugal and Italy and Spain and, 95% of the difference between Portugal and France. As for the male life expectancy, the Portuguese values are also the worse, but unlike for women, adult mortality is the major source of the observed discrepancies in the male case: almost 70% of the difference with Italy, almost 55% of the total difference with Spain and only 30% regarding France. We propose to discuss the adult and elderly contributions to the observed differences in life expectancies within the context of individual health related behaviours and national health systems