13 research outputs found

    Schistosomus reflexus in a Dog and a Cat

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    Background: Schistosomus reflexus (SR) is a congenital anomaly, that the animal presents exposed abdominal and thoracic organs. The alterations includes limbs malformation, abnormal spinal column, liver and diaphragm hypoplasia, genitourinary and gastrointestinal changes, on this way, the fetus can not survive. The aim of this study was to report the first SR case in dog and cat in Brazil, and describe anatomical, pathological and radiographic changes.Case: The puppy had ventral midline defect in the abdominal and thoracic wall extending from the sternum to the pubis with viscera exposition, including the heart, lung, liver, stomach, intestine, spleen, kidneys, moreover right army was abnormal, however no spinal column was present. It was performed radiography to evaluate bone abnormalities, and was diagnosed agenesis of carpal, metacarpal and phalange bones. The kitten had ventral midline defect measuring 4 x 2 cm, in the abdominal wall and exposition of liver, stomach, intestine and spleen, as well as tibiotarsal joint arthrogryposis on both lags. It was performed fetus radiography and no spinal column change was diagnosed.Discussion: Schistosomus reflexus is a congenital abnormality common in ruminants. Although it was few reported in dogs and cats. The two cases in this study are the firsts reposts in Brazil in these especies. In our case, the dog had exposition of abdominal and thoracic organs and died one hour after born, similar to this, another author reported a case where the thoracic and abdominal evisceration and the puppy died ten minutes after born. However, in another case with abdominal evisceration only, the puppy survived for eight days. Probably it happened because respiratore function was not compromised. The kitten had abdominal opening only, in turn, other authors reported a case whose abdominal viscera exposition was by pelvic fissure, and another case, what presented thoracic and abdominal evisceration, like our dog case. Some authors affirm that this defect causes fetal dystocia on ruminants, because of the vertebral column abnormality, what promote passage difficult at born moment. On the other hand, dogs did not present these kind of changes and dystocia was not related to this pathology on cases in dogs and cats, however most of these authors performed cesarean because the female did not get normal born. As well as, on two cases in kitten were reported vertebral column abnormalities, what can be related to dystocia. Even no animal of our study present any vertebral column abnormality, other bone changes were found, like carpal, metacarpal and phalange agenesis on army of the dog and tibiotarsal joint arthrogryposis on both lags of the cat fetus. The others report in dogs did not found vertebral column or bone changes, but in cats it was observed vertebral column abnormalities and other changes, like arthrogryposis on four limbs, skull flattening, mandibular brachignathism, reduced ossification of the cranial vault bones, palatoschisis and unfused eyelids. SR etiology is not clearly known, it may be related with genetic, mechanic, endocrine, metabolic, nutrition and infectious factors. The moment of embryonic development, where these factors influence the changes is related with abnormality grade. Although, Chromosomic abnormalities, like chromatid and chromosome breaks, non-homologous pairing of chromosomes was shown. In this study the bitch did not present any metabolic, endocrine or nutritional change, on other hand the queen was submitted to exogenous hormonal treatment to avoid pregnancy, what may be related to SR development. SR is a rare abnormality in dog and cat, fetus radiographic, anatomical and pathological findings confirmed to being this congenital defect, and this are the first reports in Brazil in these species

    Description and Executability of a Novel Pre-tied Mini Ligature (Miniloop) in Laparocopic Ovariectomy in Cats

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    Background: Ovariectomy(OVE) and ovariohysterectomy (OVH) are the most performed surgical procedures in Veterinary Medicine. In videosurgery, both in stray animals at sterilization campaigns and in the increasing demand of tutors to perform the technique. Laparoscopy results in reduced tissue damage, due to minimal organ manipulation and surgical access hemostasis can be performed by several methods, such as electro-coagulation, clips, and intra and extracorporeal ligatures. A pre-tied ligature system, or endoloop, is a haemostatic technique comprised of a slipknot and knot pusher, which is inserted into the abdominal cavity through one of the laparoscopic ports. The aim of this study was to describe a novel OVE technique in cats, in which haemostasis was performed using miniloop, aimed at reducing the number of ports needed for knot tying.Material, Methods & Results: Ten healthy not spayed female cats, aged 6 months to 5 years, were selected for this study. They were submitted to an OVE using miniloop as haemostasis method. Access to the peritoneal cavity was through two 5 mm ports on the midline of the ventral abdomen, 5 cm apart, with one immediately caudal to the umbilical scar and the other in between the last pair of teats. The first trocar was inserted at the caudal incision using the Hasson technique and a 5 mm zero-degree optics attached to a camera was introduced through it. The placement of the second access port was video assisted. For ovary exposure, the patients were positioned in lateral recumbency on the contralateral side to the ovary being removed. The miniloop was composed of a 2 mm diameter minitrocar, a 1.8 mm knot pusher, and a pre-tied slipknot. It was introduced percutaneously at the lateral abdominal wall. It was inserted attached to a pre-tied loop ligature. A Babcock forceps was used to guide the slipknot until it enveloped the ovarian vessels and the proximal part of the uterine horn. Subsequently, the knot was tightened with the aid of the knot pusher. A second miniligature was applied. The forceps was removed and a Metzenbaum scissors inserted to cut between the ligatures, releasing the ovary with the nylon ligature but keeping the PDS knot. It was performed at both ovary. Mean (±SD) surgical time was 44.8 min (± 13.4) and varied significantly (P = 0.0006) between animals, with the shortest time being 29 min and the longest 66 min. Positioning of the patients in lateral decubitus allowed for good ovarian exposure, without the need for excessive manipulation of the intestinal loops or other abdominal organs. Rupture of the suture thread was the only trans-operative complication observed and occurred in two animals. A second ligature (miniloop) was needed to ensure haemostasis. One cat showed eventration at the site of the caudal port on the second day post-operative.Discussion: The mean surgical time in the present study was lower than reported by some authors, but longer than anothers. Furthermore, the surgical time from this study is similar to that of other studies in cats in which haemostasis of the OAVC was achieved using bipolar electrocoagulation. Surgical team expertise is of outmost importance in minimizing complications and overcoming problems during videosurgical procedures in order to reduce surgical time, such as gas leakage, extensive incision, and difficulty in manipulating surgical instruments

    Multilobular Tumor of Bone in a Dog

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    Background: Multilobular tumor of bone (MTB) is a primary bone neoplasm, uncommon in dogs. This tumor was called of many names for a long time, as: chondroma rodens, multilobular osteochondrosarcoma, multilobular osteoma, multilobular chondroma, calcificating aponeurotic fibroma, although MTB was preferred chosen, because these other name could be correlated with humans’ tumors. This tumor is observed specially in skull bone, although it was reported in zygomatic arc, hard palate, axilla, spine and penis. Mostly happen in big breeds dogs, and middle to old age patients. Clinical signs depending of region and how aggressive the tumor is, usually are related to compression of any structure. The growth of MTB is frequently slow and progressive, locally invasive, occurring relapse after surgical revomal, although the tumor has low to moderate metastatic potential. The aim of this study is to report a case of MTB in a female dog and describe anatomopathological changes.Case: A female dog, mixed breed, 13 year-old, of middleweight was admitted in Pathology Department of College of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (FCAV-Unesp), Campus of Jaboticabal - SP, to be undergone to necropsy. The patient have never shown any epileptic crisis or neurologic signs. In macroscopic examination was found a mass in skull, which invaded the orbit and frontal sinus, but it was not invading brain cavity. The neoplasm had and irregular surface, firm consistent, color was white mixed to red areas, after cut it was granular and rough, and had some point mineralized areas. The lobs of lung had much firm masses, colored gray to white. In cytology it was observed fusiform to polyhedric isolated mesenchymal cells, moderated pleomorphic, basophilic cytoplasm, thin granulated nuclear chromatin, and visible nucleoli that was involved by eosinophilic extracellular matrix. The proposed diagnostic was bone sarcoma. Histopathological assessment showed mesenchymal neoplastic proliferation, and multilobular characteristic, the lobules had different sizes and was well organized, and they were separated by thin conjunctive septs. In the center of lobules, there was an “island” with mineralized or chondroitin bone matrix, in some of these islands there were osteoclast. The cells had moderated pleomorphism and low mitotic activity (three mitotic cells in ten high-power field). At least, it showed big necrosis areas and invasion of near tissue. In lung was observed metastatic areas, which had same histopathologic way of primary neoplasm in skull. That way, the histopathologic exam was similar to Multilobular tumor of bone grade II.Discussion: The MTB is an uncommon neoplasm, which assaults mostly skull bone in large breeds dogs and middle age of eight years old. This case accord to literature about breed size, age and local of tumor.  The clinical signs in this dog was related to region what it was growing and near structure compression. Besides that, the patient had lung metastasis, that is the principal metastatic sites according to literature. The Histopathologic exam showed the same characters of MTB, which was considered grade II according to literature. Despite MTB is an uncommon neoplasm in clinic of dogs and cats, the epidemiological knowns as age, breed and localization, anatomopathological changes, and histopathological exam allows to have a diagnosis, showing the importance of including this neoplasm in differential diagnosis of bone tumor in dogs.

    Biomechanical evaluation of four surgical techniques for ventral stabilization of the atlantoaxial joint in dogs

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    ABSTRACT Purpose: This study compared, through biomechanical evaluation under ventral flexion load, four surgical techniques for ventral stabilization of the atlantoaxial joint in dogs. Methods: In total, 28 identical atlantoaxial joint models were created by digital printing from computed tomography images of a dog, and the specimens were divided into four groups of seven. In each group, a different technique for ventral stabilization of the atlantoaxial joint was performed: transarticular lag screws, polyaxial screws, multiple screws and bone cement (polymethylmethacrylate–PMMA), and atlantoaxial plate. After the stabilization technique, biomechanical evaluation was performed under ventral flexion load, both with a predefined constant load and with a gradually increasing load until stabilization failure. Results: All specimens, regardless of stabilization technique, were able to support the predefined load without failing. However, the PMMA method provided significant more rigidity (p ≤ 0.05) and also best resisted the gradual increase in load, supporting a significantly higher maximum force (p ≤ 0.05). There was no statistical difference in flexural strength between the transarticular lag screws and plate groups. The polyaxial screws method was significantly less resistant to loading (p ≤ 0.05) than the other groups. Conclusions: The PMMA technique had biomechanical advantages in ventral atlantoaxial stabilization over the other evaluated methods

    Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Third Eyelid of Cat

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    Background: The third eyelid neoplasms are uncommon in cats. The squamous cell carcinoma are easily found in head and neck of same specie, although is unusual in eye region. The more commun localization is eyelid and eyeball, being 60 and 15%, respectively. It could bee diagnosed by citology, histopathology, imunohistochemistry and molecular biology. The surgery is more effective treatment, because the tumor can be totally removed and it must available surgical margin. The aim of this study was to report a case of squamous cell carcinoma in third eyelid of a cat and show how it was treated with radical surgery. Case: A 11-year-old spayed female domestic short-haired white and black colored cat was presented for evaluation at Maria Dias Teixeira Hospital of Amazonia Federal Rural University (UFRA), of an red ocular mass fast growth in the left eye for 2 months. Physical exam was within normal limits. The animal presented discomfort on the region, when it was manipulated. The mass was ulcerated and blood-tinged ocular discharge, had 3.3 x 2 cm, beginning on third eyelid and overlay all the eyeball. Blood was collated to make exams. Complete blood count and serum chemistry profiles were within normal ranges, but leukocytes were increased and it was treated with Amoxicillin (22 mg/kg). It was performed biopsy to histopathology and immunohistochemistry diagnose, and radiography and ultrasonography to found metastasis. Ocular tissues were fixed in 10% formalin and processed routinely for histological examination. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and diagnosed poorly differentiated Squamous cell carcinoma. Immunohistochemistry was performed using anti-cytokeratin 1:200, anti-vimentin 1:150 and anti-actin alpha smooth muscle 1:700 antibodies. The tumor cells were positive for cytokeratin and negative for vimentin. In tumor stroma was immunostaining of myofibroblasts by actina alpha smooth muscle. Because of malignment and infiltrative neoplasm, it was chosen to perform eye and eyelid enucleation. At post-operative evaluation no complication was found and in tem days, surgical wound was held. Seven months post-operative no neoplastic tissue had growth on local. Discussion: A retrospective study at Belem and some close cities, which took all neoplasms and classified, found only 1.5% of ocular neoplasms, and no one was in cats. Similarly occurred with another study, that 1.21% out of ocular masses, just 12.5% was diagnosed in cats, showing how uncommon is ocular neoplasm in cats. Including theses lesions, less of then are only in third eyelid. Ultraviolet radiation is the most related probably causes of squamous cell carcinoma. At Belem City ultravioleta radiation is very high, can bee 11 in some stations, in a scale of 0 to 14, the medial temperature is 27ºC. Another factor that could influence squamous cell carcionoma progress is skin color, animals’ wich skin is light have more probably to develop this neoplasm. On our case, close to eye, skin was dark, although the carcinoma was growth at third eyelid mucosa, a local that have no protection to ultraviolet radiation. Myofibroblasts observed in the tumor stroma are important in the invasion process of this tumor in humans. The treatment used in this case was radical surgery, with no other adjuvant, what is indicate for some authors. Another authors prefer exscind only third eyelid, but sometimes it is not possible, because this kind of neoplasm is very infiltrate. The localization and the nodular form of squamous cell carcinoma found in this study is uncommon, mainly in cats. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis were important for definitive diagnostic. The treatment by enucleation of eyeball and removing the eyelids was effective, without relapse in 7 months after surgery. Keywords: oncology, ophthalmology, ocular neoplasm, feline

    Eficácia de Diferentes Métodos de Proteção à Artéria Tibial Cranial, Fíbula, e Nervos Tibial e Fibular durante a TPLO: Estudo Comparativo Ex-vivo em cães

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    Background: Cranial cruciate ligament failure is one of the leading causes of pelvic limb lameness in dogs and one of the most recommended treatments is tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) surgery. However, this procedure may lead to some complications as fractures of the fibula, laceration in varying degrees of the popliteal vasculature and its branches, neuropraxia, neurotmeses, among others. The goals of this study were to compare the effectiveness of 8 methods used during TPLO, to prevent damage to the cranial tibial artery, fibula, tibial and fibular nerve (surgical compresses, specific surgical retractors I and II and an osteotomy technique variation). Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 40 canine cadavers weighing 25.9 ± 3.7 kg were submitted to TPLO. Animals were previously prepared with 1: 4 barium red latex solution, to provide radiopacity of arteries surrounding the knee (n = 80). TPLO was performed using 8 methods to protect the cranial tibial artery, fibula, and tibial and fibular nerves. Each method was used in one of the knees of 5 animals. The contralateral knee was maintained as a control (without protection). The knees were radiographed in orthogonal projections before and after the osteotomies and then anatomically dissected. The evaluated structures were photographed, and the images sent to four blind evaluators (visual macroscopy) to classify the possible injuries. The highest incidence of injuries was identified when protection methods were used. However, this difference was not significant (P > 0.05). No significant differences regarding efficacy were found between all 8 protection methods. Discussion:  In this study, the total incidence of injuries following TPLO was 20% was much higher than that presented in the literature which indicates when considering only intraoperative injuries. The dogs cadavers tissue resistance and stiffened latex may have predisposed the osteotomy injury, as soft tissues with greater flexibility are less susceptible to trauma caused by the oscillatory saw. When compared to others cadaveric studies that also evaluated the efficacy of surgical dressings to protect the cranial tibial artery, during TPLO, we also find a higher incidence of damage. Maybe the limb’s position was responsible for this difference, once in the after mentioned researches the limb was positioned suspended to simulate a dorsal decubitus position and we choose the limb position with the lateral face resting on the surface of the operating table, and this may have provided extra pressure from the structures towards the osteotomy saw, increasing the occurrence of those damages. Although the present study did not reveal a significant difference for the use of protection methods, we believe that the dimensions of the compresses used herein may have contributed to a higher incidence of injuries. They probably increased the tissue trauma needed for their allocation and led to a lower positioning accuracy for the isolation of these structures.Maybe for the same reason, the specific type II surgical retractor was the only shield that, observationally, did not increase the occurrence of injuries, once less dissection was required to allocate it. The difference in geometric dimensions between the retractors may justify the superiority of the retractor II, since it allows a more careful and apparently less traumatic allocation. Performing TPLO without adopting these protection methods did not lead to a higher risk of injury to the cranial tibial artery, fibula, and tibial and fibular nerves. Keywords: osteotomy, vascular anatomy, canine stifle, TPLO.Revisão: A insuficiência do ligamento cruzado cranial é uma das principais causas de claudicação do membro pélvico em cães e a osteotomia do nivelamento do platô tibial (TPLO) um dos tratamentos mais recomendados. No entanto, este procedimento pode apresentar algumas complicações como fratura da fibula, lacerações em graus variados da vascularizaçaõ poplitea e suas ramificações, neuropraxias, neurotmeses, entre outras. Os onjetivos deste estudo foram comparar a eficácia de oito métodos de proteção utilizados durante a TPLO para prevenir danos à artéria tibial cranial, fíbula e nervos tibial e fibular (compressas cir[urgicas, afastadores cirúrgicos específicos e variação da técnica de osteotomia). Materiais, Métodos e Resultados: Quarenta cadáveres de cães pesando 25.9 ± 3.7 Kg foram submetidos à TPLO. OS animais foram previamnete preparados com solução 1:4 de látex baritado vermelho, de modo a garantir radiopacidade das artétias próximas do joelho (n=80). A TPLO foi executada utilizando oito métodos para proteção da artéria tibial cranial, fibula e nervos tibial e fibular. Cada método foi usado em apenas um dos joelhos de cinco animais. O joelho contralateral foi utilizado como controle (sem proteção). Os joelhos foram radiografados em projeções ortogonais antes e após a osteotomia e posteriormente dissecados anatomicamente. As estruturas avaliadas foram fotografadas e as imagens enviadas para quatro avaliadores cegos (macroscopia visual) para classificar possíveis injurias. A maior incidência de lesões foram observadas quando os métods de proteção foram utilizados. No entanto, esta diferença não se mostrou significativa (p>0,05). Quanto a eficácia de proteção entre os métodos, não houve diferença significativa. Discussão: Neste estudo, a incidência total de lesões após a TPLO foi de 20%, muito além da encontrada na literatura, quando consisera-se apenas as lesões transoperatorias. A resitência tecidual dos cadáveres e do latex endurecido pode ter predisposto ao dano na osteotomia, uma vez que tecidos moles possuem uma flexibilidade maior e são menos suceptiveis ao trauma causado pela serra oscilatória. Quando comparado a outros estudos cadavericos que também buscaram avaliar a eficácia de compressas cirúrgicas como método de proteção a artéria tibial cranial durante a TPLO, também encontramos uma incidência maior. Talvez, esta diferença, se deva pela posição do membro, uma vez que nos trabalhos mencionados, os pesquisadores mantiveram os membros numa posição suspensa, simulando o decubito dorsal e nós adotamos o membro com sua face lateral em contato com a mesa cirúrgica e, talvez isto, tenha gerado uma maior pressão nas estruturas contra a linha de osteotomia, aumentando a ocorrência dos danos. Apesar de o presente trabalho não mostrar diferença estatísitica significativa quanto ao uso dos métodos de proteção, acreditamos que a dimensão das compressas  utiizadas pode ter contribuidos para uma incidencia maior de lesão. Provavelmente elas aumentaram o trauma tecidual necessária para sua alocação e levaram a uma menor acurácia do posicionamento para proteção das estruturas. talvez pelo mesmo motivo, o afastador específico tipo II foi o único método que, de forma observacional, não aumentou o risco de lesão, uma vez que seu posicionamento exigia uma dissecação menor. A diferença da forma geometrica e dimensões dos afastadores pode justificar a superioridade do segundo, uma vez que permite um posicionamento mais preciso e menos traumático. Realizar a TPLO sem estes métodos de proteção não aumentaram o risco de lesão a artéria tibial cranial, fibula e nervos tibial e fibular

    Eficácia de Diferentes Métodos de Proteção à Artéria Tibial Cranial, Fíbula, e Nervos Tibial e Fibular durante a TPLO: Estudo Comparativo Ex-vivo em cães

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    Background: Cranial cruciate ligament failure is one of the leading causes of pelvic limb lameness in dogs and one of the most recommended treatments is tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) surgery. However, this procedure may lead to some complications as fractures of the fibula, laceration in varying degrees of the popliteal vasculature and its branches, neuropraxia, neurotmeses, among others. The goals of this study were to compare the effectiveness of 8 methods used during TPLO, to prevent damage to the cranial tibial artery, fibula, tibial and fibular nerve (surgical compresses, specific surgical retractors I and II and an osteotomy technique variation). Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 40 canine cadavers weighing 25.9 ± 3.7 kg were submitted to TPLO. Animals were previously prepared with 1: 4 barium red latex solution, to provide radiopacity of arteries surrounding the knee (n = 80). TPLO was performed using 8 methods to protect the cranial tibial artery, fibula, and tibial and fibular nerves. Each method was used in one of the knees of 5 animals. The contralateral knee was maintained as a control (without protection). The knees were radiographed in orthogonal projections before and after the osteotomies and then anatomically dissected. The evaluated structures were photographed, and the images sent to four blind evaluators (visual macroscopy) to classify the possible injuries. The highest incidence of injuries was identified when protection methods were used. However, this difference was not significant (P > 0.05). No significant differences regarding efficacy were found between all 8 protection methods. Discussion:  In this study, the total incidence of injuries following TPLO was 20% was much higher than that presented in the literature which indicates when considering only intraoperative injuries. The dogs cadavers tissue resistance and stiffened latex may have predisposed the osteotomy injury, as soft tissues with greater flexibility are less susceptible to trauma caused by the oscillatory saw. When compared to others cadaveric studies that also evaluated the efficacy of surgical dressings to protect the cranial tibial artery, during TPLO, we also find a higher incidence of damage. Maybe the limb’s position was responsible for this difference, once in the after mentioned researches the limb was positioned suspended to simulate a dorsal decubitus position and we choose the limb position with the lateral face resting on the surface of the operating table, and this may have provided extra pressure from the structures towards the osteotomy saw, increasing the occurrence of those damages. Although the present study did not reveal a significant difference for the use of protection methods, we believe that the dimensions of the compresses used herein may have contributed to a higher incidence of injuries. They probably increased the tissue trauma needed for their allocation and led to a lower positioning accuracy for the isolation of these structures.Maybe for the same reason, the specific type II surgical retractor was the only shield that, observationally, did not increase the occurrence of injuries, once less dissection was required to allocate it. The difference in geometric dimensions between the retractors may justify the superiority of the retractor II, since it allows a more careful and apparently less traumatic allocation. Performing TPLO without adopting these protection methods did not lead to a higher risk of injury to the cranial tibial artery, fibula, and tibial and fibular nerves. Keywords: osteotomy, vascular anatomy, canine stifle, TPLO.Revisão: A insuficiência do ligamento cruzado cranial é uma das principais causas de claudicação do membro pélvico em cães e a osteotomia do nivelamento do platô tibial (TPLO) um dos tratamentos mais recomendados. No entanto, este procedimento pode apresentar algumas complicações como fratura da fibula, lacerações em graus variados da vascularizaçaõ poplitea e suas ramificações, neuropraxias, neurotmeses, entre outras. Os onjetivos deste estudo foram comparar a eficácia de oito métodos de proteção utilizados durante a TPLO para prevenir danos à artéria tibial cranial, fíbula e nervos tibial e fibular (compressas cir[urgicas, afastadores cirúrgicos específicos e variação da técnica de osteotomia). Materiais, Métodos e Resultados: Quarenta cadáveres de cães pesando 25.9 ± 3.7 Kg foram submetidos à TPLO. OS animais foram previamnete preparados com solução 1:4 de látex baritado vermelho, de modo a garantir radiopacidade das artétias próximas do joelho (n=80). A TPLO foi executada utilizando oito métodos para proteção da artéria tibial cranial, fibula e nervos tibial e fibular. Cada método foi usado em apenas um dos joelhos de cinco animais. O joelho contralateral foi utilizado como controle (sem proteção). Os joelhos foram radiografados em projeções ortogonais antes e após a osteotomia e posteriormente dissecados anatomicamente. As estruturas avaliadas foram fotografadas e as imagens enviadas para quatro avaliadores cegos (macroscopia visual) para classificar possíveis injurias. A maior incidência de lesões foram observadas quando os métods de proteção foram utilizados. No entanto, esta diferença não se mostrou significativa (p>0,05). Quanto a eficácia de proteção entre os métodos, não houve diferença significativa. Discussão: Neste estudo, a incidência total de lesões após a TPLO foi de 20%, muito além da encontrada na literatura, quando consisera-se apenas as lesões transoperatorias. A resitência tecidual dos cadáveres e do latex endurecido pode ter predisposto ao dano na osteotomia, uma vez que tecidos moles possuem uma flexibilidade maior e são menos suceptiveis ao trauma causado pela serra oscilatória. Quando comparado a outros estudos cadavericos que também buscaram avaliar a eficácia de compressas cirúrgicas como método de proteção a artéria tibial cranial durante a TPLO, também encontramos uma incidência maior. Talvez, esta diferença, se deva pela posição do membro, uma vez que nos trabalhos mencionados, os pesquisadores mantiveram os membros numa posição suspensa, simulando o decubito dorsal e nós adotamos o membro com sua face lateral em contato com a mesa cirúrgica e, talvez isto, tenha gerado uma maior pressão nas estruturas contra a linha de osteotomia, aumentando a ocorrência dos danos. Apesar de o presente trabalho não mostrar diferença estatísitica significativa quanto ao uso dos métodos de proteção, acreditamos que a dimensão das compressas  utiizadas pode ter contribuidos para uma incidencia maior de lesão. Provavelmente elas aumentaram o trauma tecidual necessária para sua alocação e levaram a uma menor acurácia do posicionamento para proteção das estruturas. talvez pelo mesmo motivo, o afastador específico tipo II foi o único método que, de forma observacional, não aumentou o risco de lesão, uma vez que seu posicionamento exigia uma dissecação menor. A diferença da forma geometrica e dimensões dos afastadores pode justificar a superioridade do segundo, uma vez que permite um posicionamento mais preciso e menos traumático. Realizar a TPLO sem estes métodos de proteção não aumentaram o risco de lesão a artéria tibial cranial, fibula e nervos tibial e fibular

    Interlocking Nail Combined with Locking Plate Fixation for a Distal Diaphysis Femur Comminuted Fracture in a Dog

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    Background: Interlocking Nail (ILN) is similar a solid intramedullary pins with screws or bolts passing through one and nail holes (locking effect). This implant mostly have been putted normograde, passing by trochanteric fossa of femur, although it is reported to be inserted through the knee, passing by fracture focus and ending close to proximal femur. It is carriedout especially when there is a comminuted fracture in distal third shaft of femur. Locking plate systems work as internal fixators with some advantages compared to conventional plates. It can be used combined with intramedullary pin, and is an effective technique for increase stifeness stabilization of comminuted long-bone fractures, especially for bending. Some studies reported the use of plate-nail to increase even more the stiffness of implants, because of locking screw in plate and nail. Based on the same propose, we aim to report a case of an ILNs normograde (from distal to proximal) connected to a locking plate in highly comminuted distal diaphyseal fracture since it is rarely report in veterinary medicine orthopaedics.Case: A 5-year-old male mixed breed dog was assessed and diagnosed a fracture of the femur in the right pelvic limb. On physical examination, the dog had nonweight bearing lameness in the affected limb and, mobility of the fragments was noted following digital pressure. A comminuted fracture of the distal diaphysis of the femur was identified. A lateral approach tothe shaft of the femur, the incision was extended to the stifle joint through a lateral incision because the fracture seemed to extend throughout the physis. Open but do not touch approach was performed and reduction was gotten without modified environment of fracture hematoma. A surgical drill was inserted through the access in distal extremity of the bone to openthe medullary cavity of the femur. After that, an interlocking nail was inserted into the opening into the distal fragment, the fracture was reduced and the nail was inserted towards the proximal end of the bone. At the next stage the nail was fitted into the medullary canal and it was locked relative to the main fragments of the femur using locking head screws that were anchored in the load carrier of the plate. Postoperative radiographic views documented appropriate implants location and satisfactory femur fracture alignment. At 3 weeks, the patient showed functional use of the limb with partial weight bearing.Discussion: A biomechanical study comparing plate-rod and plate-nail system in gap fractures, showed that maximum load was significant different between the groups, and in plate-nail it was always heavier, it occurs because of the nail bigger diameter and screws pass through nail holes. What prove that this system is stiffer than plate-rod, so because this patient has osteopenia and thin cortical bone like showed previously, we preferred to use nail than intramedullary pin. The ILN could be introduced from proximal to distal femur (antegrade or normograde) and passing through the knee (called in medicine by retrograde, although in veterinary medicine this way is called normograte too), it depends on bone conformation. Several studies used normograde via in femur from distal to proximal, especially in distal fracture. In this case, it was used this via, by the knee, because it would promote better bone stock to insert the screws, since the nail was putted as close as possible from articular surface. In conclusion, the case reported here documented that the combination of a normograde (from distal to proximal) interlock nail with a locking plate provides a rigid fixation method, promoting satisfactory functional recovery time. Further investigations should be performed using plate-nail in vivo to give to us more precise data.Keywords: biological osteosynthesis, canine, orthopaedics, retrograde nail

    Multilobular Tumor of Bone in a Dog

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    Background: Multilobular tumor of bone (MTB) is a primary bone neoplasm, uncommon in dogs. This tumor was called of many names for a long time, as: chondroma rodens, multilobular osteochondrosarcoma, multilobular osteoma, multilobular chondroma, calcificating aponeurotic fibroma, although MTB was preferred chosen, because these other name could be correlated with humans’ tumors. This tumor is observed specially in skull bone, although it was reported in zygomatic arc, hard palate, axilla, spine and penis. Mostly happen in big breeds dogs, and middle to old age patients. Clinical signs depending of region and how aggressive the tumor is, usually are related to compression of any structure. The growth of MTB is frequently slow and progressive, locally invasive, occurring relapse after surgical revomal, although the tumor has low to moderate metastatic potential. The aim of this study is to report a case of MTB in a female dog and describe anatomopathological changes.Case: A female dog, mixed breed, 13 year-old, of middleweight was admitted in Pathology Department of College of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (FCAV-Unesp), Campus of Jaboticabal - SP, to be undergone to necropsy. The patient have never shown any epileptic crisis or neurologic signs. In macroscopic examination was found a mass in skull, which invaded the orbit and frontal sinus, but it was not invading brain cavity. The neoplasm had and irregular surface, firm consistent, color was white mixed to red areas, after cut it was granular and rough, and had some point mineralized areas. The lobs of lung had much firm masses, colored gray to white. In cytology it was observed fusiform to polyhedric isolated mesenchymal cells, moderated pleomorphic, basophilic cytoplasm, thin granulated nuclear chromatin, and visible nucleoli that was involved by eosinophilic extracellular matrix. The proposed diagnostic was bone sarcoma. Histopathological assessment showed mesenchymal neoplastic proliferation, and multilobular characteristic, the lobules had different sizes and was well organized, and they were separated by thin conjunctive septs. In the center of lobules, there was an “island” with mineralized or chondroitin bone matrix, in some of these islands there were osteoclast. The cells had moderated pleomorphism and low mitotic activity (three mitotic cells in ten high-power field). At least, it showed big necrosis areas and invasion of near tissue. In lung was observed metastatic areas, which had same histopathologic way of primary neoplasm in skull. That way, the histopathologic exam was similar to Multilobular tumor of bone grade II.Discussion: The MTB is an uncommon neoplasm, which assaults mostly skull bone in large breeds dogs and middle age of eight years old. This case accord to literature about breed size, age and local of tumor.  The clinical signs in this dog was related to region what it was growing and near structure compression. Besides that, the patient had lung metastasis, that is the principal metastatic sites according to literature. The Histopathologic exam showed the same characters of MTB, which was considered grade II according to literature. Despite MTB is an uncommon neoplasm in clinic of dogs and cats, the epidemiological knowns as age, breed and localization, anatomopathological changes, and histopathological exam allows to have a diagnosis, showing the importance of including this neoplasm in differential diagnosis of bone tumor in dogs.

    Avaliação em longo prazo da técnica de avanço da tuberosidade tibial modificada em cães

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    The purpose of study was to assess long-term clinical and radiographic aspects of dogs’ stifle joints which had undergone a modified tibial tuberosity advancement technique (mTTA). A total of 15 stifles that had undergone mTTA for CCL disease of 11 patients were included in this study. Assessments involved patient’s gait analysis, cranial drawer and tibial compression tests, stifle goniometry range of articular motion, thigh and leg girth and radiographic evidence of progression of osteoarthrosis. Variables were compared between operated and healthy limbs and among moments (M0) on the early postop; (M1) 120 days postop; and (M2) approximately 5 years following surgery. A questionnaire regarding owner’s perceptions after approximately 5 years of surgery was assessed. Most dogs presented positive response to cranial drawer and tibial compression tests on operated knees. There was also decrease on goniometry and thigh girth and increase in leg girth. Radiographic evidence of progression of osteoarthritis was seen especially on the long-term follow-up (M2). On gait analysis, most animals presented some degree of lameness in different conditions, in contrast to owners’ perceptions. Osteoarthritis still develops in dogs following mTTA surgery for CCL disease. However, owners were overall satisfied with their recovery and would be willing to accept indication of mTTA for dogs with ruptured CCL.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, em longo prazo, aspectos clínicos e radiográficos do joelho de cães submetidos à técnica modificada de avanço da tuberosidade da tíbia (mTTA). Um total de 15 joelhos de 11 pacientes foram submetidos à mTTA para correção de doença do ligamento cruzado cranial. A avaliação envolvia análise de marcha do paciente, teste de compressão tibial e de gaveta, goniometria do joelho para amplitude articular, circunferência das pernas e coxas e evidência radiográfica de progressão da osteoartrose. As variáveis foram comparadas entre membros operados e saudáveis e entre os momentos (M0) no pós-operatório imediato; (M1) 120 dias de pós-operatório; e (M2) aproximadamente cinco anos após a cirurgia. Foi avaliado um questionário sobre as percepções do proprietário após aproximadamente cinco anos de cirurgia. A maioria dos cães apresentou resposta positiva aos testes de gavetas e de compressão tibial em joelhos operados. Houve também diminuição na goniometria e na circunferência da coxa e aumento do perímetro das pernas. Evidências radiográficas de progressão da osteoartrite foram observadas especialmente no seguimento de longo prazo (M2). Na análise de marcha, a maioria dos animais apresentou algum grau de claudicação em diferentes condições, em contraste com as percepções dos proprietários. A osteoartrite ainda se desenvolve em cães após a cirurgia de mTTA para doença CCL. No entanto, os proprietários estavam, em geral, satisfeitos com a recuperação dos animais e estavam dispostos a aceitar a indicação de mTTA para cães com doença do ligamento cruzado cranial.TEIXEIRA, P. P. M. Universidade Federal Par