29 research outputs found

    Treatment with FRAX486 rescues neurobehavioral and metabolic alterations in a female mouse model of CDKL5 deficiency disorder

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    Introduction: CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD) is a rare neurodevelopmental condition, primarily affecting girls for which no cure currently exists. Neuronal morphogenesis and plasticity impairments as well as metabolic dysfunctions occur in CDD patients. The present study explored the potential therapeutic value for CDD of FRAX486, a brain-penetrant molecule that was reported to selectively inhibit group I p21-activated kinases (PAKs), serine/threonine kinases critically involved in the regulation of neuronal morphology and glucose homeostasis.Methods: The effects of treatment with FRAX486 on CDD-related alterations were assessed in vitro (100 nM for 48h) on primary hippocampal cultures from Cdkl5-knockout male mice (Cdkl5-KO) and in vivo (20 mg/Kg, s.c. for 5 days) on Cdkl5-KO heterozygous females (Cdkl5-Het).Results: The in vitro treatment with FRAX486 completely rescued the abnormal neuronal maturation and the number of PSD95-positive puncta in Cdkl5-KO mouse neurons. In vivo, FRAX486 normalized the general health status, the hyperactive profile and the fear learning defects of fully symptomatic Cdkl5-Het mice. Systemically, FRAX486 treatment normalized the levels of reactive oxidizing species in the whole blood and the fasting-induced hypoglycemia displayed by CdklS-Het mice. In the hippocampus of Cdkl5-Het mice, treatment with FRAX486 rescued spine maturation and PSD95 expression and restored the abnormal PAKs phosphorylation at sites which are critical for their activation (P-PAK-Ser144/141/139) or for the control cytoskeleton remodeling (P-PAK1-Thr212).Conclusions: Present results provide evidence that PAKs may represent innovative therapeutic targets for CDD

    Underground radiobiology: a perspective at Gran Sasso National Laboratory

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    Scientific community and institutions (e. g., ICRP) consider that the Linear No-Threshold (LNT) model, which extrapolates stochastic risk at low dose/low dose rate from the risk at moderate/high doses, provides a prudent basis for practical purposes of radiological protection. However, biological low dose/dose rate responses that challenge the LNT model have been highlighted and important dowels came from radiobiology studies conducted in Deep Underground Laboratories (DULs). These extreme ultra-low radiation environments are ideal locations to conduct below-background radiobiology experiments, interesting from basic and applied science. The INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) (Italy) is the site where most of the underground radiobiological data has been collected so far and where the first in vivo underground experiment was carried out using Drosophila melanogaster as model organism. Presently, many DULs around the world have implemented dedicated programs, meetings and proposals. The general message coming from studies conducted in DULs using protozoan, bacteria, mammalian cells and organisms (flies, worms, fishes) is that environmental radiation may trigger biological mechanisms that can increase the capability to cope against stress. However, several issues are still open, among them: the role of the quality of the radiation spectrum in modulating the biological response, the dependence on the biological endpoint and on the model system considered, the overall effect at organism level (detrimental or beneficial). At LNGS, we recently launched the RENOIR experiment aimed at improving knowledge on the environmental radiation spectrum and to investigate the specific role of the gamma component on the biological response of Drosophila melanogaster

    RENEB accident simulation exercise

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    Purpose: The RENEB accident exercise was carried out in order to train the RENEB participants in coordinating and managing potentially large data sets that would be generated in case of a major radiological event. Materials and methods: Each participant was offered the possibility to activate the network by sending an alerting email about a simulated radiation emergency. The same participant had to collect, compile and report capacity, triage categorization and exposure scenario results obtained from all other participants. The exercise was performed over 27 weeks and involved the network consisting of 28 institutes: 21 RENEB members, four candidates and three non-RENEB partners. Results: The duration of a single exercise never exceeded 10 days, while the response from the assisting laboratories never came later than within half a day. During each week of the exercise, around 4500 samples were reported by all service laboratories (SL) to be examined and 54 scenarios were coherently estimated by all laboratories (the standard deviation from the mean of all SL answers for a given scenario category and a set of data was not larger than 3 patient codes). Conclusions: Each participant received training in both the role of a reference laboratory (activating the network) and of a service laboratory (responding to an activation request). The procedures in the case of radiological event were successfully established and tested

    Integration of new biological and physical retrospective dosimetry methods into EU emergency response plans : joint RENEB and EURADOS inter-laboratory comparisons

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    Purpose: RENEB, 'Realising the European Network of Biodosimetry and Physical Retrospective Dosimetry,' is a network for research and emergency response mutual assistance in biodosimetry within the EU. Within this extremely active network, a number of new dosimetry methods have recently been proposed or developed. There is a requirement to test and/or validate these candidate techniques and inter-comparison exercises are a well-established method for such validation. Materials and methods: The authors present details of inter-comparisons of four such new methods: dicentric chromosome analysis including telomere and centromere staining; the gene expression assay carried out in whole blood; Raman spectroscopy on blood lymphocytes, and detection of radiation induced thermoluminescent signals in glass screens taken from mobile phones. Results: In general the results show good agreement between the laboratories and methods within the expected levels of uncertainty, and thus demonstrate that there is a lot of potential for each of the candidate techniques. Conclusions: Further work is required before the new methods can be included within the suite of reliable dosimetry methods for use by RENEB partners and others in routine and emergency response scenarios

    Association of Variants in the SPTLC1 Gene With Juvenile Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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    Importance: Juvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rare form of ALS characterized by age of symptom onset less than 25 years and a variable presentation.Objective: To identify the genetic variants associated with juvenile ALS.Design, Setting, and Participants: In this multicenter family-based genetic study, trio whole-exome sequencing was performed to identify the disease-associated gene in a case series of unrelated patients diagnosed with juvenile ALS and severe growth retardation. The patients and their family members were enrolled at academic hospitals and a government research facility between March 1, 2016, and March 13, 2020, and were observed until October 1, 2020. Whole-exome sequencing was also performed in a series of patients with juvenile ALS. A total of 66 patients with juvenile ALS and 6258 adult patients with ALS participated in the study. Patients were selected for the study based on their diagnosis, and all eligible participants were enrolled in the study. None of the participants had a family history of neurological disorders, suggesting de novo variants as the underlying genetic mechanism.Main Outcomes and Measures: De novo variants present only in the index case and not in unaffected family members.Results: Trio whole-exome sequencing was performed in 3 patients diagnosed with juvenile ALS and their parents. An additional 63 patients with juvenile ALS and 6258 adult patients with ALS were subsequently screened for variants in the SPTLC1 gene. De novo variants in SPTLC1 (p.Ala20Ser in 2 patients and p.Ser331Tyr in 1 patient) were identified in 3 unrelated patients diagnosed with juvenile ALS and failure to thrive. A fourth variant (p.Leu39del) was identified in a patient with juvenile ALS where parental DNA was unavailable. Variants in this gene have been previously shown to be associated with autosomal-dominant hereditary sensory autonomic neuropathy, type 1A, by disrupting an essential enzyme complex in the sphingolipid synthesis pathway.Conclusions and Relevance: These data broaden the phenotype associated with SPTLC1 and suggest that patients presenting with juvenile ALS should be screened for variants in this gene.</p

    Cyclodextrin-based nanosponges for the targeted delivery of the anti-restenotic agent DB103: A novel opportunity for the local therapy of vessels wall subjected to percutaneous intervention

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    Nano-sized colloidal carriers represent innovative drug delivery systems, as they allow a targeted and prolonged release of poorly water-soluble drugs, improving their bioavailability and modifying their pharmacokinetic parameters. In this work we describe cyclodextrin-based nanosponges, obtained through polimerization of β-cyclodextrin with diphenyl carbonate as the cross-linking agent, loaded with a novel multi-effective heterocyclic compound, DB103, able to regulate key cellular events involved in the remodelling of vessels wall. Fabrication and drug-loading procedures, as well as physical-chemical characterization and drug-release profile of the novel colloidal system are reported. Results achieved demonstrate the ability of nanosponges to enclose efficiently the target drug and release it slowly and continuously, thus suggesting the exploitability of the novel system for the local therapy of vessels wall subjected to percutaneous intervention

    Evaluation of microbial consortia and chemical changes in spontaneous maize bran fermentation

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    Abstract Sustainable exploitation of agro-industrial by-products has attracted great interest in cereal bran valorization. In this research, a polyphasic approach has been carried out to characterize maize bran at microbiological and chemical level during a sourdough like fermentation process, in order to enhance its technological and nutritional properties. Autochthonous microbiota was isolated at different refreshment steps and subjected to identification and molecular characterization. Fermentation was characterized by a rapid increase in lactic acid bacteria and yeasts, with a co-dominance, at the initial stage, of Weissella spp., Pediococcus spp. and Wickerhamomyces anomalus. At the end of the fermentation, a natural selection was produced, with the prevalence of Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus brevis and Kazachstania unispora. This is the first time that a specific association between LAB and yeasts is reported, during the maize bran fermentation process. Enzymatic activities related to this microbial consortium promoted a “destructuration” of the fiber fraction, an increase in soluble dietary fiber and a reduction of phytic acid content. Our data also evidenced a noticeable increment in ferulic acid. The results obtained indicate that fermentation processes represent an efficient biotechnological approach to increase nutritional and functional potential of maize bran. Moreover, the characterization of microbiota involved in natural fermentation process will allow the selection of specific biotypes, with appropriate metabolic and enzymatic activities, to conduct “tailored” fermentation processes and improve brans or whole-meal flours from both nutritional and technological points of view

    Photo-Stimulated Luminescence Approach for Effective Identification of Irradiated Fruit

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    This work reports the results of a study carried out to verify the applicability of the CEN EN 13751 method, based on the photo-stimulated luminescence (PSL) technique, for the identification of irradiated fruit. A total of 15 types of fresh and dried fruit not irradiated and irradiated (0.5 and 1 kGy) were tested. Preliminary tests were performed on samples of fresh kiwis, lemons, mangoes, oranges, papayas, pineapples and tangerines, dried dates, dried prunes and raisins. Successively, an inter-comparative test was organized, whereby four Italian official control laboratories analyzed eight matrices, namely, kiwi, orange, dried fig, raisin, hazelnut, peanut, pistachio and walnut. The results indicated considerable differences in the radiation PSL sensitivities of the different types of fruit as well as among the PSL responses obtained from different batches of the same fruit. The best results were obtained with some types of dried fruit, namely, pistachios, peanuts, dried figs and raisins. Irradiated fresh fruit generally gave non-positive results, mainly intermediate and even very close to the negative threshold. Tests performed on kiwi, mango and orange samples indicated that the parts of the fruit peel close to the stem, which are more wrinkled, provide better results