1,058 research outputs found

    Mapping hotspots of risk in the COMESA region

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    Integração das atividades de vacinação pelo BCG intradérmico nos programas gerais de imunização das unidades sanitárias

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    A imunização pelo BCG constitui um recurso operacional de grande alcance nos países em desenvolvimento, onde é elevada a incidência da tuberculose. Os conhecimentos adquiridos nos últimos cinco anos, em nosso meio, permitem elaborar programas para a aplicação do BCG, por via intradérmica, em extensão útil epidemiologicamente, sem o teste tuberculínico prévio. É analisada a experiência da integração da vacinação pelo BCG intradérmico no programa geral de imunização do Centro de Saúde "Geraldo de Paula Souza", da Faculdade de Saúde Pública da USP. As suas conclusões são favoráveis à viabilidade do método, permitindo ampla cobertura de imunização anti-tuberculose da população, desde os primeiros meses de vida.Immunization by BCG is of great effect in developing countries where the incidence of tuberculosis is high. The knowledge that has been acquired in our environment in the last five years has made possible the organization of programmes for BCG intradermic immunization, to a useful epidemiological extent, without a prior tuberculin test. The practice of the integration of intradermic BCG vaccination in the general immunization programmes of the "Geraldo de Paula Souza" Health Unit of S. Paulo University School of Public Health was analysed and the conclusion was favourable as to the viability of the method, which allows a large-scale anti-tuberculosis immunization of the population right from the very first months of life

    Conditional disCriminations by Preverbal Children in an identity matChing-to-samPle task

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    This study sought to develop methodology for assessing whether children aged [16][17][18][19][20][21

    Comparison of Acute and Late Toxicity of Two Regimens of 3- and 5-Week Concomitant Boost Prone IMRT to Standard 6-Week Breast Radiotherapy

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    Purpose: Limited information is available comparing toxicity of accelerated radiotherapy (RT) to that of standard fractionation RT for early stage breast cancer. We report early and late toxicities of two prone regimens of accelerated intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) with a concomitant boost (CB) to the tumor bed delivered over 3 or 5 weeks as compared to standard 6 week RT with a sequential electron boost. Methods: From 2/2003 to 12/2007, 169 consecutive patients with Stage I–II breast cancer were offered the choice to undergo prone RT with either: a 6-week standard RT regimen of 46 Gy/23 fractions (fx) to the whole breast (WB), followed by a14 Gy sequential boost (SB) to the tumor bed (6wSB), a 5-week regimen of 50 Gy to WB with an IMRT CB of 6.25 Gy in 25 fx (5wCB); or a 3-week protocol of 40.5 Gy to WB with an IMRT CB of 7.5 Gy in 15 fx (3wCB). These regimens were estimated as biologically equivalent, based on alpha/beta = 4 for tumor control. Toxicities were reported using RTOG and LENT/SOMA scoring. Results: 51/169 patients chose standard 6wSB, 28 selected 5wCB, and 90 enrolled in 3wCB protocol. Maximum acute toxicity was Grade 3 dermatitis in 4% of the patients in the 6wSB compared 1% in 3wCB. In general, acute complications (breast pain, fatigue, and dermatitis) were significantly less in the 3wCB than in the other schedules (P < 0.05). With a median follow-up of 61 months, the only Grade 3 late toxicity was telangiectasia in two patients: one in 3wCB and one in 5wCB group. Notably, fibrosis was comparable among the three groups (P = NS). Conclusion: These preliminary data suggest that accelerated regimens of breast RT over 3 or 5 weeks in the prone position, with an IMRT tumor bed CB, result in comparable late toxicity to standard fractionation with a sequential tumor boost delivered over 6 weeks. As predicted by radiobiological modeling the shorter regimen was associated with less acute effects

    Interactional dynamics in a group of children: essaying its categorization

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    O presente estudo teve por objetivo descrever o fluxo de interações de crianças de uma mesma idade em uma situação de brinquedo. Foi registrada, durante 30 minutos, através de videotape, uma situação lúdica, semi-estruturada, onde quatro crianças de três anos brincavam livremente com objetos variados. Foram escolhidos arbitrariamente cinco minutos para análise, e elaboradas quatro categorias de interação a partir dos atributos de regulação e orientação da atenção das crianças. Estas categorias foram representadas graficamente e permitiram a elaboração de diagramas seqüenciais, possibilitando a captação do fluxo interacional. As características metodológicas desta proposta de categorização foram analisadas em comparação com as de outros trabalhos que descrevem a interação social e foram apontadas sua utilidade e limitações potenciais.The present study aimed at the description of the interactional flow among same-aged children during play. A loosely structured free play situation with four 3-year-old children was videorecorded during 30 minutes. A period of 5 minutes was arbitrarily chosen for analysis. Four categories were defined, based on criteria of regulation and orientation of attention by the children. The categories were represented in graphs in order to elaborate sequence diagrams which allowed the description of the interactional flow. The methodological characteristics of this system of categories were analyzed in relation to other studies on social interaction and its potential usefulness and limitations were pointed out

    In vivo electrophysiological characterization of TASK-1 deficient mice

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    Background/Aims: TASK-1 is a potassium channel predominantly expressed in heart and brain. We have previously shown that anesthetized TASK-1(-/-) mice have prolonged QT intervals in surface electrocardiograms (ECGs). In addition, heart rate variability quantified by time and frequency domain parameters was significantly altered in TASK-1(-/-) mice with a sympathetic preponderance. Aims of the present study were the analysis of QT intervals by telemetric ECGs, to determine potential influences of anesthesia and beta-adrenergic stimulation on repolarization in surface ECGs, to investigate in vivo electrophysiological parameters by intracardiac electrical stimulation and to quantify heart rate turbulence after ischemia/reperfusion or ventricular pacing in TASK-1(+/+) and TASK-1(-/-) mice. Methods: Rate corrected QT intervals (QTc) were recorded in conscious mice by telemetry and in surface ECGs following administration of various anesthetics (tribromoethanol (Avertin (R)), pentobarbital and isoflurane). TASK-1(+/+) and TASK-1(-/-) mice were characterized by programmed electrical stimulation using an intracardiac octapolar catheter. The baroreceptor reflex was analyzed by heart rate turbulence (turbulence onset and slope) after ischemia/reperfusion and by stimulated premature ventricular contractions