186 research outputs found

    The Boar War: Five Hot Factors Unleashing Boar Expansion and Related Emergency

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    The recent and ever-growing problem of boar (Sus scrofa forms including wild boar, hybrid and feral pig) expansion is a very complex issue in wildlife management. The damages caused to biodiversity and the economies are addressed in different ways by the various countries, but research is needed to shed light on the causal factors of this emergency before defining a useful collabora- tive management policy. In this review, we screened more than 280 references published between 1975–2022, identifying and dealing with five hot factors (climate change, human induced habitat mod- ifications, predator regulation on the prey, hybridization with domestic forms, and transfaunation) that could account for the boar expansion and its niche invasion. We also discuss some issues arising from this boar emergency, such as epizootic and zoonotic diseases or the depression of biodiversity. Finally, we provide new insights for the research and the development of management policies

    Studio sulla nicchia ecologica di lepre italica (Lepus corsicanus)

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    Il seguente progetto di ricerca è finalizzato ad approfondire ed incrementare le conoscenze relative alle caratteristiche ecologiche (spaziali e trofiche) della lepre italica, nonché descrivere la sua capacità adattativa in presenza di diverse pressioni ambientali, che definiremo “plasticità ecologica

    Eating in extreme environment: diet of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) on Vesuvius

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    The European hare (Lepus europaeus) is cosmopolitan species, living in a variety of habitats and showing a diversified diet, that has been described mainly from agricultural meadows and crops, with little information available for extreme environments. Here, we describe, for the first time, the diet of the European hare from Mount Vesuvius, using DNA metabarcoding and high- throughput sequencing on DNA extracted from faecal pellets, a proxy for a population living in a volcanic environment. The DNA from pellets was first genetically assigned to European hare using high-resolution melting analysis. The diet of the hare on Vesuvius is mainly composed of herbaceous species belonging to Fabaceae (86.26% of total diet). The most frequent plant items ingested by the species are Galega officinalis and Lupinus angustifolius (67.10% of total diet), although these are detected only sporadically in the study area. Indeed, the spectrum of available plants also includes other easily accessible wild (i.e. Lolium sp., Bromus sp., Rumex sp.) and cultivated (i.e. Solanum lycopersicum, Cucumis melo, Pisum sativum) plant items, found only in traces in the diet of the hares. Our contribution adds information on the trophic ecology of the European hare, exploring its ability to live in an extreme environment. This could be useful to set a management strategy for conservation of the species, which is ecologically relevant on Vesuvius as prey for birds and mammals, as well as a vegetation modulator via selective grazing by endozoochory. Furthermore, our study represents the latest information on the diet of the hare living in an environment that no longer exists: an extensive fire destroyed about 80% of the woody area after our sampling. The post-fire regrowth is transforming the original environment and consequently the trophic availability for the European hare

    Population development and landscape preference of reintroduced wild ungulates: successful rewilding in Southern Italy

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    Background: In the past decades, the abandonment of traditional land use practices has determined landscape changes inducing reforestation dynamics. This phenomenon can be contrasted with rewilding practices, i.e., the reintroduction of animals that may promote the recovery of landscape diversity. In this study, we explore the dynamics of expansion of two reintroduced populations of wild ungulates, Italian roe deer (Capreolus capreolus italicus) and red deer (Cervus elaphus), assessing their contribution in the recovery of landscape diversity. Methods: By using direct and indirect information on the two species, collected by nocturnal and diurnal surveys and camera trapping, we modelled a habitat suitability map, and estimated the density and distribution of the populations. We also performed a land use changes analysis, combining the presence of wild ungulates and livestock. Results and discussion: We demonstrated that deer dispersed gradually from their release location, increasing in population size, and this occurred in the entire study area. Moreover, we show that areas with lower grazing density are significantly affected by forest encroachment. A possible interpretation of this result could be that wild grazers (roe deer and red deer) prefer semi-open areas surrounded by the forest. This, in association with other factors, such as domestic grazing, could be one of the main responsible in maintaining landscape mosaic typical of the Apennine mountain, confirming the value of grazers as a landscape management tool. Moreover, we show the possibility to conserve through reintroduction the vulnerable C.c. italicus

    Practical prognostic score for predicting the extent of resection and neurological outcome of gliomas in the sensorimotor area

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    OBJECTIVE: In this prospective study, we assessed the utility of a novel prognostic score (PS) in guiding the surgical strategy of patients with sensorimotor area gliomas. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Form December 2012 to April 2016, we collected data from patients diagnosed with brain gliomas in the sensorimotor area. All the patients had intraoperatively confirmed contiguity or continuity with sensorimotor cortical and subcortical structures. Several clinical and radiological factors were analyzed to generate a PS for each patient (range 1-8). The end-points included the extent of resection (EOR) and neurological outcome (modified Rankin Score; mRS). We assessed the predictive power of the PS using different analyses. Crosstabs analyses and Fisher's exact test (Fet) were used to evaluate the possible predictive parameters, and for the classification of positive or negative outcomes for the chosen proxies; the significance threshold was set at p<0.05. RESULTS: Using independent t-tests, we compared the mRS at different time points (pre, post, and at 6 months) for 2 subgroups from the total sample using a cut-off PS value of 4. For the EOR, a PS value of ≥5 was predictive of successful outcome, a value of 4 indicated an uncertain outcome, and a value of ≤3 predicted a worse outcome. CONCLUSIONS: This PS value can be easily used in clinical settings to help predict the functional outcome and EOR in sensorimotor area tumors. Integration with information from fMRI, DTI, and TMS, along with MRI spectroscopy could further enhance the value of this P

    Stereotactic radiotherapy with simultaneous integrated protection planning technique for synovial sarcoma with stomach abutment: A case report of a complete response

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    Here, we report the clinical case of a 44-year-old lady, affected by synovial sarcoma (SS) of the mediastinum which was treated in 2014, and relapsed in the upper abdomen in 2020. SS is a relatively radioresistant disease, radiotherapy (RT) is routinely reserved for the neoadjuvant/adjuvant or palliative context. In our scenario, stereotactic RT consisting in 45Gy in 6 fractions was proposed to manage the upper abdominal relapse. Exploiting simultaneous integrated protection, a deliberated reduction in the dose prescription in area of planning target volume overlapped with stomach was achieved, obtaining reasonable dosimetric goals. Acute toxicity in the patient was acceptable, and she did not experience late toxicity and was still free from disease, as noted in last follow-up, 15 months after treatment

    Spatial genetic structure in the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) meta-population from its core range in Italy

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    We characterized the genetic structure of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) meta-population living in the core of its Italian distribution range providing results from 191 fresh spraints, collected from 24 watercourses included in Southern Italy. Furthermore, according to ecological corridors and barriers, we discuss the likely ways of movement and possible evolutionary fate of these populations. We genotyped 136 samples using 11 Lut microsatellite nuclear markers amplified from faecal dna. Microsatellites were moderately variable (Ho = 0.45; He = 0.46), with a total number of alleles and average number of alleles per locus in the meta-population of 50 and 4.54, respectively. No significant heterozygosity excess was observed in meta-population suggesting no recent population bottlenecks. Bayesian clustering discriminated a sub-structuring of the meta-population in five putative clusters, indicating that local populations are genetically differentiated: three of these seem to be identifiable with geographically defined sub-populations (from the Cilento, Agri and Basento river basins). The fourth is represented by multiple sub-populations with admixed genotype, that include genotypes from the Lao, Sinni and Abatemaco river basins, living in a landscape with the higher environmental permeability. Landscape genetic analysis could provide evidence of an unexpected ecological corridor: the seacoast, highlighted, for the first time as a new way for the dispersion of the South-Italian otters. Deepening the knowledge of these perspectives is crucial to identify solid strategies aimed at the future health of the populations of the Italian otters, by restoring dispersal corridors and managing the watercourses

    Short fractionation radiotherapy for early prostate cancer in the time of COVID-19: long-term excellent outcomes from a multicenter Italian trial suggest a larger adoption in clinical practice

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    Abstract Introduction: To evaluate stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) in low-risk Prostate Cancer patients as preferred treatment option in emergency health conditions. Materials and methods: From April 2013 to September 2015, 28 patients with low-risk prostate cancer were prospectively enrolled. The SBRT prescribed dose was 36.25 Gy in 5 fractions, twice a week. Primary endpoints were acute and late toxicity. Secondary endpoints were biochemical recurrence free survival (bRFS) and overall survival. Results: Median follow-up was 65.5 months (range 52-81). No acute G3 or G4 toxicity was recorded. Acute G1 or G2 genitourinary (GU) toxicity occurred in 43% and acute G1-G2 gastrointestinal (GI) toxicity in 14%. Late G1 and G3 GU toxicity in 18% and 3.5%, respectively. The G3 toxicity was not directly attributable to radiotherapy. Late G1 GI toxicity occurred in 18%. 5yy bRFS was 96.5% (95% CI 82.3-99.4%). Conclusions: Stereotactic body radiotherapy for early prostate cancer reported safe toxicity profile and a good clinical outcome at the median follow-up of 5 years. It may be an useful option if radiotherapy is required in emergency medical conditions

    Abordaje interdisciplinar en la carrera medicina veterinaria de la universidad nacional de Río Negro

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    La educación superior desempeña un papel fundamental en el desarrollo de competencias profesionales de los estudiantes. El abordaje interdisciplinario, permite el tratamiento de problemas reales y favorece una mayor claridad y profundidad en sus investigaciones y actividades profesionales futuras. Además evita la fragmentación de saberes y favorece los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de los ingresantes a la carrera de Medicina Veterinaria de la UNRN. Frente a este desafío, los docentes deciden utilizar la modalidad de un abordaje cooperativo e interdisciplinario. Son conscientes de que se requiere, no sólo de información y conocimiento, sino del esfuerzo de participación, apertura y diálogo entre ellos. En el presente trabajo se muestra el resultado del análisis de clases teórico-prácticas sobre macromoléculas, entre Biología y Química Orgánica, en una planificación conjunta, iniciada en el curso de ingreso, que permiten construir campos de interdisciplinariedad. El análisis muestra datos reveladores en la comprensión del contenido que se evidencia en los resultados de encuestas y en el estudio exploratorio reflexivo de los docentes. Como conclusión, el trabajo interdisciplinario mejora los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje y permite pensar a futuro en un diseño curricular más integral en relación a los contenidos de las disciplinas intervinientes.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Early results of PRO-EPI: PROspective multicenter observational study on elective pelvic nodes irradiation in patients with intermediate/high/very high-risk non-metastatic prostate cancer submitted to radical, adjuvant, or salvage radiotherapy with or without concomitant androgen deprivation therapy

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    Simple Summary: Although radiotherapy plays a fundamental role in the management of intermediate/high/very high-risk non-metastatic prostatic cancer (IHR-nmPca), there is still no consensus on the optimal treatment strategy in this setting. Remarkably, the role of elective nodal irradiation (ENI) is still highly controversial. The PROspective multicenter observational study on Elective Pelvic nodes Irradiation (PRO-EPI) was designed to provide "real life" data regarding the patterns of care for IHR-nmPca.Forty-three Italian Radiation Oncology centers participated in the PROspective multicenter observational study on Elective Pelvic nodes Irradiation (PRO-EPI) project, with 1029 patients enrolled. In this preliminary analysis, we longitudinally evaluated the impact of Elective Nodal Irradiation (ENI) and radiotherapy features on toxicity and quality of life (QoL). Six months follow-up data were available for 913 patients and 12 months data for 762 patients. Elective Nodal Irradiation was given to 506 patients (48.9%). Volumetric Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) was adopted in more than 77% of patients and Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) in 84.4%. Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) was administered to the majority of patients (68.3%), and it was associated to ENI in 408 cases (81.1%). Toxicity was mostly mild and reversible and IGRT resulted in a significant reduction of rectal toxicity, although a non-significant trend toward increased urinary toxicity was observed. No statistically significant differences in QoL and toxicity were seen in patients treated with or without ENI. The adoption of IGRT is widespread and increasing and could reduce treatment toxicity. ENI is not yet the standard treatment, but it is performed in a growing fraction of cases and not resulting into an increase in toxicity or in a deterioration of QoL. Further analyses are needed to clarify the long-term toxicity profile and the impact of ENI on survival
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