47 research outputs found

    Relationship between circadian strain, light exposure, and body mass index in rural and urban quilombola communities

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    Industrialization has greatly changed human lifestyle; work and leisure activities have been moved indoors, and artificial light has been used to illuminate the night. As cyclic environmental cues such as light and feeding become weak and/or irregular, endogenous circadian systems are increasingly being disrupted. These disruptions are associated with metabolic dysfunction, possibly contributing to increased rates of overweight and obesity worldwide. Here, we aimed to investigate how activity-rest rhythms, patterns of light exposure, and levels of urbanization may be associated with body mass index (BMI) in a sample of rural and urban Quilombola communities in southern Brazil. These are characterized as remaining social groups who resisted the slavery regime that prevailed in Brazil. Quilombola communities were classified into five groups according to their stage of urbanization: from rural areas with no access to electricity to highly urbanized communities. We collected anthropometric data to calculate BMI, which was categorized as follows: from ≥ 18.5 kg/m2 to < 25 kg/m2 = normal weight; from ≥ 25 kg/m2 to < 30 kg/m2 = overweight; and ≥ 30 kg/m2 = obese. Subjects were asked about their sleep routines and light exposure on workdays and work-free days using the Munich Chronotype Questionnaire (N = 244 included). In addition, we analyzed actimetry data from 121 participants with seven consecutive days of recordings. Living in more urbanized areas and higher intradaily variability (IV) of activity-rest rhythms were associated with an increased risk of belonging to the overweight or obese group, when controlling for age and sex. These findings are consistent with preclinical data and point to potential strategies in obesity prevention and promotion of healthy metabolic profiles

    The impact of the alterations in caring for COVID-19 patients on Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue in Italian nurses: a multi method study

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    During COVID-19 first wave, healthcare professionals were exposed to a major psychological pressure related to uncertainty, a lack of therapies or a vaccine and shortages of healthcare resources. They developed higher levels of Burnout and Compassion Fatigue, and similar levels of Compassion Satisfaction. Aim is evaluating in Italian nurses Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue and impacting individual and relational variables. A multi-methods approach was used. Qualitative data were collected through 2 focus group. Quantitative data were collected through a web survey composed by an ad hoc questionnaire developed from the focus group results, the Professional Quality of Life Scale-5 and the Resilience Scale (RS-14). In the qualitative phase 6 categories emerged. From the quantitative analysis the sample reported a moderate level of Compassion Satisfaction, a low level of Burnout and a moderate level of Secondary Traumatic Stress. Compassion Satisfaction had as predictors resilience (β = .501), followed by feeling part of the team (β = .406) and collaboration with colleagues (β = .386). Secondary Traumatic Stress had as predictors the impact of PPE (β = .269), and feeling Covid-related individual sufferance (β = .212). The only predictor of Burnout was resilience (β = -2195). Conclusions: During COVID-19 first wave Italian nurses were exposed to a higher risk of Secondary Traumatic Stress, mainly impacted by frustration, loss of control, loss of possibility to properly care for patients, and personal threat. Relational and team support had a crucial role in sustaining Compassion Satisfaction

    Bioavailability of two oral formulas of secnidazole in healthy volunteers

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    Secnidazole is an antimicrobial agent used primarily in the treatment of amoebiasis. For this bioequivalence study of secnidazole, twenty-eight healthy female volunteers were enrolled in a randomized crossover study. Each volunteer was given a single oral dose of secnidazole test preparation and then the reference preparation, or vice versa, with a wash out interval of two weeks. The plasma concentrations of secnidazole were determined by HPLC, and the samples were extracted with tert-butyl-methyl-ether: dicloromethane (60:40, v/v). Secnidazole and its parent compound metronidazole were separated on a C18 column with water:acetonitrile (85:15, v/v) as the mobile phase, and monitored at 310 nm. The ratio of mean Cmax, AUC0-t and AUC0-&#8734; values for the test and reference products were within the predetermined range established by ANVISA, demonstrating that the two formulations are bioequivalent in rate and extent of absorption.Secnidazol é um agente antimicrobiano utilizado principalmente no tratamento da amebíase. Para este estudo de bioequivalência de secnidazol em voluntários saudáveis, foram incluídos vinte e oito voluntárias mulheres no estudo randomizado cruzado. Cada voluntária recebeu uma única dose oral de secnidazol do produto teste e referência para comparação, com um intervalo de wash-out de duas semanas. As concentrações plasmáticas de secnidazol foram determinados por CLAE, as amostras foram extraídas com terc-butil-metil-éter: dicloromethano (60:40, v/v). O secnidazol e seu padrão interno metronidazol foram separados em uma coluna (C18 ) com fase móvel água ultra-pura:acetonitrila (85:15, v/v) e monitorado em 310 nm. As razões entre as médias geométricas de Cmáx, ASC0-t e ASC0-&#8734;, encontraram-se dentro do estabelecido pela ANVISA, demonstrando que as formulações são bioequivalentes quanto à taxa e extensão de absorçã

    Circadian strain, light exposure, and depressive symptoms in rural communities of Southern Brazil

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    Irregular light–dark cycles and circadian/sleep disturbances have been suggested as risk or co-occurring factors in depression. Among a set of metrics developed to quantify strain on the circadian system, social jetlag (SJL) has been put forward as a measure of the discrepancy between biological and social clocks. Here, we approached the question on whether light exposure and SJL would also be associated with depressive symptoms in Quilombola communities in Southern Brazil. These rural communities are void of potential confounders of modern lifestyles and show low levels of SJL. 210 Quilombolas (age range 16–92; 56% women) were asked about their sleep times and light exposure using the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ). The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was used to assess depressive symptoms. Additionally, we analyzed 7-day actimetry recordings in 124 subjects. BDI scores higher than 10 (having clinically significant depressive symptoms; controlled for age and sex in the multivariate analysis) were positively associated with SJL >1 h and negatively associated with median light exposure during the day, especially in the morning from 8:00 to 10:00. Our results suggest that low light exposure during the day, and higher levels of SJL are associated with depressive symptoms; longitudinal and experimental studies are needed to understand the underlying mechanisms. Nevertheless, we highlight the potential of treatment strategies aimed at decreasing circadian strain and insufficient light exposure, which are suggested as areas of further research in Psychiatry

    6-Sulfatoxymelatonin predicts treatment response to fluoxetine in major depressive disorder

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    Background: To date, no biomarker has been able to predict antidepressant response at an early blockade of norepinephrine or serotonin uptake. The transient nocturnal increase in plasma melatonin levels is upregulated by blocking these uptakes. The aim of this study was to test whether fluoxetine increase in urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s) is an indicator of serotonin uptake blockade. Methods: A total of 20 women (35–45 years of age) recruited from the community had a diagnosis of major depressive disorder confirmed by the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV. Depressive symptoms were evaluated by the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Participants were instructed to take 20 mg of fluoxetine every morning. Every 4 weeks, the dose could be increased by 20 mg until symptom remission. The concentration of aMT6s was evaluated in overnight urine samples collected 1 day before and 1 day after the first fluoxetine dose. Results: An increase in aMT6s correlated to a decrease in BDI score evaluated on day 45 (ρ=−0.67, p = 0.024) was observed. Conclusions: Nocturnal increase in urinary aMT6s after the first day of medication use links the early mechanism of action of fluoxetine to its clinical output 45 days later. Thus, the relationship between urinary aMT6s excretion 1 day before/1 day after is a biomarker for predicting clinical output earlier, reducing illness burden and health care costs